maandag, december 31, 2012

brekingsindex marmer

het klimaat van vandaag
de bomen van gisteren
de vruchten van morgen



zondag, december 30, 2012

geraniums; here god hoe dom kunnen mensen zijn sprak de dief en zette wieltjes onder de brandkast

en dat dat stukkie past, zou me dus geen ene  meter verbazen
Domme, domme, domme nonnen!
Mijn god, wat een minachting...

En maar glimmen omdat de professor het heeft gezegd


Egel, egel, spits en klein
'k zal je lieve zoontje zijn
Egelmamma, Egelmamma
zul je zijn

Op basis waarvan geconcludeerd mag worden dat
een kind te leren dat oude mensen geen mieren zijn zo z'n voordelen heeft

Benedictijner RET en Vrouw Holle

En dan zit je daar met een geschudde buik

Priests told to report child sex abuse; maar dan moet er wél geluisterd worden, natuurlijk

 December 30, 2012

Priests should be required by law to report cases of suspected child sex abuse - without breaking the seal of the confessional - according to the new chief of the Catholic Church's Truth, Justice and Healing Council.

Francis Sullivan, a committed Catholic, also believes offering a weekly prayer for victims and a moment's silence during mass could help the church atone for atrocities.

He has also warned he wants to be an independent voice for victims and their families, not an apologist for the church.

The Truth, Justice and Healing Council was established by the Catholic Church to co-ordinate its response to next year's royal commission, prompting sceptics to question the new organisation.

But Mr Sullivan said he believed the church should consider backing mandatory reporting guidelines for priests when they believe a child is at risk, as teachers and nurses do.

"I think mandatory reporting will need to come on the table very seriously," Mr Sullivan said.

"There's no running away from the law and what the law requires. But to ultimately find reconciliation you need to do more than just abide by the law."

However, like Catholic priest Father Frank Brennan, Mr Sullivan is concerned the debate about forcing priests to break the seal of the confessional and report priests who confess abuse may be a "furphy".

"Individuals who are child sexual predators and paedophiles, it is my understanding that part of their psychiatric condition is that the individual doesn't believe they have done anything wrong," he said.

"So they are not going to front up to the confessional. This is more an issue that the government wants to know that institutions have in place watertight processes that will have the safety of children paramount."

Fr Brennan has suggested priests may still be able to report a child is at risk if they hear it at confessional without identifying perpetrators.

Mr Sullivan also wants to focus on making amends to victims. He said: "As a church community it would be a good idea, say at the end of mass, that the community does a simple prayer and maybe a moment of silence to recognise not only what's going on for people who have been damaged but also the fact we believe in a God of compassion and a God who heals."

Mr Sullivan said he would not comment on criticism that Archbishop George Pell had struck the wrong note on the royal commission.

"What I will say is this: we have called the council 'truth, justice and healing', because truth needs to be revealed," he said.

"First and foremost this is about putting the welfare of the victims and people who have been damaged by these atrocities as the number one priority. And I am particularly concerned that the compassionate pastoral voice of the church is heard in this debate. Not a legal voice that at times can be evasive."

zaterdag, december 29, 2012

Excuus troostmeisjes op losse schroeven


Wouter van Cleef −29/12/12

De net aangetreden Japanse regering van premier Shinzo Abe wil een excuus uit 1993 over gedwongen seksslavernij uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog mogelijk herzien. Dat blijkt uit uitlatingen van de kabinetssecretaris van de deze week aangetreden conservatieve regering, Yoshihide Suga.

Tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog verkrachtten Japanse militairen grote aantallen vrouwen in Japans bezet gebied in Azië. Vooral in Zuid-Korea en China, dat bezet is geweest door Japan, lopen de emoties nog steeds hoog op over de 'troostmeisjes', zoals de seksslavinnen die te werk werden gesteld in bordelen van het leger eufemistisch worden genoemd. De regeringen in Peking en Seoul bekritiseren Japan omdat zij vinden dat het land nooit ruimhartig compensatie voor het leed heeft geboden.

Na uitgebreid historisch onderzoek maakte de Japanse regering in 1993, 48 jaar na het einde van de oorlog, zijn excuses aan slachtoffers van seksueel geweld tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Toenmalig kabinetssecretaris Kono erkende namens de regering dat vrouwen inderdaad gedwongen waren tot seks door het Japanse leger en maakte 'oprechte excuses' aan de slachtoffers.

Niet gedwongen
Deze zogenaamde Kono-verklaring is nationalistische politici in Japan een doorn in het oog. Rechtse critici stellen onder meer dat vrouwen niet gedwongen werden tot seks met Japanse soldaten en dat er geen bewijs is voor stelselmatig misbruik.

Tijdens de lijsttrekkerscampagne van de conservatieve LDP speelde Abe in op dit nationalistische sentiment. Abe riep toen ook al op tot herziening van de Kono-verklaring. Daarop uitten buurlanden direct hun bezorgdheid over het gevaar van een meer nationalistische koers van Japan.

Tijdens een persconferentie donderdag wilde huidig kabinetssecretaris Suga een herziening van het bijna twintig jaar oude excuus niet uitsluiten. Suga stelde dat het 'wenselijk is dat wetenschappers en experts verder onderzoek doen'.

Eierhandel en de Plantagementaliteit No matter what we will deliver your baby

27-12 - 2012

Humanize Birth supports those who find Sunnybrook’s video offensive and who demand public apology

On December 14, 2012, Sunnybrook Hospital uploaded a Gangnam Style “hospital parody” video by University of Toronto obstetrics residents on the hospital’s official Youtube Channel.

Some people found this video highly offensive and considered its endorsement by Sunnybrook Hospital and its indirect endorsement by the University of Toronto’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology disrespectful towards birthing women, babies, and the birth process in general.

Thee eieren

1 million and growing strong

Enkele historische data: 

 27 - 12 - 2012 

Tea estate owner, wife burnt to death in Tinsukia

Times of India 

 DIBRUGARH: The owner-cum-manager of a tea garden and his wife were charred to death by labourers at Bordumsa on the Assam-Arunachal Pradesh border in Assam's Tinsukia district on Wednesday.

According to police, Bhattacharya, the owner of MKB tea estate located in the Kulapatha area, and his wife Rita Bhattacharya, were inside their bungalow when an angry mob of around 200 labourers torched it. The incident was a fallout of a clash between labourers and the management.

The labourers claimed they weren't given their dues before Chirstmas. The labourers also set ablaze a few other houses attached to the owner's bungalow.

On Tuesday, two workers were detained on the basis of an FIR by Bhattacharya at Bordumsa police station. The workers were demanding the release of the two workers.



She was just an ordinary nameless woman who boarded a bus to go home after watching a film. “woh rape case kaun hain?”

“We are very sad to report that the patient passed away peacefully on Dec 29, 2012. Her family and officials from the High Commission of India were by her side,” the Chief Executive Officer of the Singapore hospital where she was flown to on Wednesday by the Indian government for specialist treatment said in a statement.

How the Indian system, society works against rape survivors


Dec 24, 2012


the Sexual Harassment Bill is a boost for the lakhs of domestic workers to protect them from abuse at the work place.

Health minister, B.C. chief urge Theresa Spence to end hunger strike as Idle No More protests continue

Dec 28, 2012

KAMLOOPS, B.C. — The federal health minister and a First Nations leader from British Columbia are both urging Attawapiskat chief Theresa Spence to end her 17-day hunger strike.

Spence’s fast is aimed at winning a meeting with the prime minister and drawing attention to aboriginal issues.
Shane Gottfriedson, Tk’emlups Indian Band Chief, said Friday that Spence’s strike is both honourable and noble, but he believes her point has been made.

He says Spence is fasting for many issues that are important to aboriginals, but most of those issues will not be resolved soon, and he believes the chief’s health is more important.

vrijdag, december 28, 2012

Soete Lieve Gerritje

RELIGIOUS orders that owe the State millions in reparations for child sex abuse continue to receive hundreds of thousands of euro in charitable donations.
A survey conducted by the Irish Independent has revealed how organisations shamed by sexual abuse in the Catholic Church have continued to receive support.

All are eligible to claim tax relief because their religious status guarantees official charitable recognition.
Under the 2002 indemnity agreement, the orders were asked to pay €128m to the State.

However, following the publication of the Ryan Report, they were asked to make further substantial contributions in reparation for abuse.
They offered €110m in cash but to date just €39m has been received by the State.

Of the 18 orders that entered the 2002 scheme, 15 failed to provide details of the charitable donations they have received, while three replied with details.
The Oblates of Mary Immaculate reported the most in donations received. A spokesperson said the order raised around €150,000 a year.
Most of the money was raised through sales of work, with the amount of money collected at the church gate dropping.
A spokesman said the order was involved in overseas missionary work as well as working on poverty and drugs programmes in the Darndale and Inchicore areas of Dublin.
The Ryan Report found that there was "extreme" physical abuse of boys in the Daingean Reformatory, Co Offaly, which was managed by the order.

The De La Salle Brothers reported the smallest amount in donations of those orders that responded. A spokesman said there had been one donation of €12,000 earlier this year.
"This is the first and only donation we have received over many years," he said.
A number of brothers from the order have been investigated for child sex abuse.

The Rosminian Order reported that it received €100,000 for foreign missions in 2011 but that this will fall to about €66,000 this year.
It said that a total of €16,200 was raised for the domestic organisation in the past five years, with €8,000 being the largest single donation and €234 the smallest.

A number of Rosminian institutions were investigated in the Ryan Report. The report found that punishment was abusive and at times brutal at the Cork-based St Patrick's Industrial School run by the Rosminians.
Seven sex abusers worked at the school from 1936 to 1968. The report found that the order accepted abuse had happened in its institutions and sought to understand it.

A spokesperson for the Sisters of Charity said the order was not in a position to provide the information. Of all of the orders investigated by the commission, the Sisters of Charity was the largest provider in the State with 26 industrial schools.
The report found that girls in the schools endured frequent assaults and humiliation.
- Luke Byrne

Hark, now hear the angels sing

donderdag, december 27, 2012

schietgebedjes en porcelein gezwam !

Merkwaardige processies

bevoorrading vreemdelingenlegioen

Marc Garneau An open letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper: Let our words not be empty

werk van *

Mr. Prime Minister,

Since December 11, 2012, Chief Theresa Spence of the Attawapiskat First Nation has been on a hunger strike. On behalf of her people and all First Nations, Chief Spence has asked for a meeting with you to discuss Canada’s treatment of First Nations people.

Across the country, Canadians are calling for meaningful action to support this woman.

A growing grassroots First Nations movement called “Idle No More” is gaining momentum and urging Canadians to support Chief Spence’s request for a meeting with you and its quest for Ottawa’s recognition of First Nations treaty rights.

Prime Minister, you cannot continue to ignore this request. This is not a question of not wanting to set a precedent.

Four years ago on June 11th, 2008, you called for politicians across the country, from across partisan lines, to stand in unity behind your apology for the historic wrongs of the Residential Schools system.

The date of that apology was hailed as a new chapter of engagement between our federal government and all Aboriginal peoples. In your words, that day was to be “a new beginning…a positive step in forging a new relationship between Aboriginal peoples and other Canadians, a relationship based on the knowledge of our shared history, a respect for each other and a desire to move forward together with a renewed understanding that strong families, strong communities and vibrant cultures and traditions will contribute to a stronger Canada for all of us.”

I stood that day, as a citizen of Canada, in solidarity behind that message. Those words were not only a commitment by you, but a commitment by me, indeed by all Canadians, to forge that new beginning.

Let our words not be empty. This past January at the Crown – First Nations gathering, Canada committed to re-establishing its relationship with our First Nations through mutual recognition, sharing and trust. That trust has been lost. To regain it, it must be earned. Trust is not built on a single statement. It is built step-by-step, day-by-day, through action.

I ask you to take the next step to building the “renewed understanding” we promised and grant Chief Spence and First Nations leadership a meeting to plan a course of action respecting the treatment of Aboriginal peoples.

Sincerely, Marc Garneau

* Van wie het is, ik ben vergeten het te noteren toen ik het vond.
Er was teveel. ,
Ik vond wat (en veel te weinig! ) in een (van de ) gallerie (-s) met (Inuit ?)vrouwelijke kunstenaars.
Het is van een jonge vrouw,  die me een sleutel tot een rij  andere (jongere) vrouwen  gaf
Mocht iemand de naam van de kunstenares weten  deel die kennis dan  aub.   
In erkenning van haar werk, maar ik wil ook graag meer van haar zien.

Justin Trudeau meets with hunger striking chief Theresa Spence

Dec 26, 2012

 OTTAWA — Like many Canadians, Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence spent a quiet Christmas morning with her family, opening presents with two of her five daughters.
But far from her home on James Bay, Spence entered the third week of a hunger strike Tuesday, an action she says won’t end until Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Gov. Gen. David Johnston agree to sit down and talk about Canada’s treaty relationship with First Nations leadership.

She did have a visitor on Boxing Day, however, Liberal Leadership hopeful Justin Trudeau came by to meet with the First Nations leader.
“It was deeply moving to meet [Theresa Spence] today. She is willing to sacrifice everything for her people. She shouldn’t have to,” Trudeau wrote on twitter.

Spence said her strike, part of the Idle No More movement, is ultimately about respect: for treaties and for aboriginal peoples.
And to show that respect, she thinks she deserves a meeting with no one less than the prime minister and the Queen’s representative in Canada.

“A treaty is a document upon which we were supposed to build our future together and trust and honour each other,” Spence said on Christmas Day, as she sat on Victoria Island in the middle of the Ottawa River, within view of the Peace Tower.
According to First Nations elders, the treaty was expected to be in place “as long as the sun shines, the grass grows and the river flows.”

Spence, who says she feels strong despite her constant hunger, stopped eating solid food on Dec. 11. She continues to take lemon water, some fish broth “to ward off sickness,” and medicinal teas prepared each morning by a friend.

So far the Prime Minister’s Office has been silent, but Aboriginal Affairs Minister John Duncan says he is concerned about Spence’s health.
In a letter sent on Tuesday, Duncan urged Spence to end her protest and informed her that he is prepared to set up a working group between federal and First Nations representatives to discuss treaty and rights issues.

Spence has so far been unresponsive to Duncan’s repeated attempts to contact her by phone.
As the leader of a sovereign nation, Spence wants a “nation-to-nation” meeting with the leader of Canada.
“All treaties were signed by the Crown — the government — and our ancestors … the treaties are there for a reason and either the prime minister doesn’t understand them, or he doesn’t want to respect them,” she said.

Attawapiskat First Nation is part of Treaty 9, also known as the James Bay Treaty, signed by some communities in 1905, and by others in 1906.

In the summers of 1905 and 1906, treaty commissioners from Ottawa, who spoke on behalf of King Edward VII, travelled north to negotiate with aboriginal leaders in order to “open for settlement, immigration, trade, travel, mining, lumbering, and such other purposes as to His Majesty may seem meet, a tract of country.”

In return for $5 and a portion of land — called a reserve — the signatories were assured that they would receive “benefits that served to balance anything that they were giving.”
According to the text of Treaty 9, the “reserves were set apart for them in order that they might have a tract in which they could not be molested, and where no white man would have any claims without the consent of their tribe and of the government.”

For Spence and other First Nation leaders, the government has failed in its duty to consult First Nations, bringing into jeopardy the entire treaty relationship.

Bill C-45, the Conservative government’s omnibus budget bill which passed earlier this month, contains changes to the Navigable Waters Act, including waterways in First Nations territory. It also makes it easier to sell reserve land to non-natives.
There are a host of other bills coming down the pipe which leaders say take power away from First Nations leadership and put it in the hands of the federal government, thereby contravening the treaties and the nation-to-nation relationship.

Bill C-27 would require First Nations leadership to disclose their salaries, which is something many leaders already do by choice. Critics say the First Nations Education Act and Bill S-8, the Safe Drinking Water for First Nations Act, may seem good on the outside, but were not crafted in consultation with aboriginal leaders and therefore go against the treaty relationship.

“For First Nations, we entered into (the treaties) in good faith and we want to honour and protect the treaty,” said Spence.
Spence said she is encouraged by youth involvement as she watches Idle No More spread through malls and city halls across the country.

In order to keep in touch directly with a campaign that has been largely organized online,It’s time to get our leaders at the table with the Crown and the prime minister and really talk — not to play games no more with us.”

“As long as the land is here, the river flows and the green grass grows and the sun rises, we’re going to be here and that treaty is going to be here,” said Spence.

On Tuesday, she remained thankful for family, friends and helpers who she says are keeping her strong.
“It’s a Christmas I don’t think I’ll ever forget, but it’s good to see my children open their Christmas gifts on Christmas morning: to see them laugh and give you hugs and kisses and just being with them.”

woensdag, december 26, 2012

Armstrong Springs


Er zijn geen domme vragen, zelfs niet wat in vredesnaam een circuit-rider zou hebben kunnen zijn
Dan is er alleen maar Goddelijke humor  !
En geraniums. Mét chocolade-sterretjes.