zondag, april 20, 2014

De jezuiten zijn verleiders; Nederland Paastoespraak koning 2014

Zegt de ene tulpenbol tegen de andere hyacinth ....

 De Lachende Kerk

10-4-2014 de stal

paaskonijnen en andere augurken op slabedje

WYD 2008 klik klik klik klik

The Australian April 21, 2014
The prospect of finding a path forward, personal transformation and a “better church for all” were the central themes of yesterday’s Easter Sunday service given by the Bishop of Parramatta Anthony Fisher.
Speaking after leading a packed morning mass, Bishop Fisher, who is considered among the frontrunners to replace Cardinal George Pell as Archbishop of Sydney, said he had been praying for “a way forward” in the wake of the child sex abuse inquiry.

Holy Mary full of grace....

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