donderdag, januari 31, 2013

art. 9 EVRM

Sterft gij, oude vormen en gedachten: er bestaan geen slaafgeboornen , H. G. Wells 1897

woensdag, januari 30, 2013



De rechtbank houdt het moederbedrijf van Shell (RDS) niet aansprakelijk voor de in Nigeria aangerichte schade.
Milieudefensie kan met de beschikbare informatie niet aantonen RDS de dagelijkse gang van zaken bij de Nigeriaanse dochter van Shell (SPDC) bepaalt.
RDS bezit honderd procent van de aandelen van SPDC.
De winst van SPDC (naar schatting 1,8 miljard euro per jaar) wordt naar Nederland overgemaakt.

o Fungagá da Bicharada a cantar janeiras



Pro Juventute kalender SNAP

dinsdag, januari 29, 2013

maandag, januari 28, 2013

Requiem voor Auschwitz

Jongenspensionaat Bleijerheide was een katholieke school met internaat in Kerkrade in de Nederlandse provincie Limburg.

In 1877 stichtten de Broeders Franciscanen - een Duitse afsplitsing van de franciscaner Orde onder de naam Arme Brüder vom Heiligen Franziskus (arme broeders van de heilige Franciscus) - een internaat dat het welzijn moest waarborgen van de Duitse zwerfjongeren (de propagandaminister van Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, was er in 1917 scholier). Het was een primitief begin met een stukje weidegrond dat ze moesten omvormen tot een leef-, werk-, studeer- en bidruimte voor de broeders en de jongens. De fondsenwerving verliep echter voorspoedig, aangezien de Duitse katholieken tijdens de Kulturkampf zeer offerbereid waren. Vanaf 1914 werden op het internaat ook Nederlandse jongens toegelaten en twintig jaar later waren er alleen nog Nederlandse jongens. In de jaren vanaf 1914 hebben deze Duitse broeders zich ingezet om volwassen jongens van Bleijerheide, waarvan de nationaliteit niet duidelijk was in verband met het Traktaat van Aken (1815), aan te zetten zich als Duitsers te identificeren, zodat zij dienst zouden nemen in het Duitse leger.

De kerk van de Nederlandse tak der paters Franciscanen - zij stichtten een rectoraat - is gelegen naast de kerk van de Duitse franciscaner broeders die hun diensten uitsluitend in de Duitse taal hielden (de preken en vertaalde schriftlezingen althans, de Mis was grotendeels in het Latijn). De kerk van de Duitse Franciscanen is in tegenstelling tot die der Nederlandse Franciscanen, afgebroken. Deze kerk is bekend om haar gebrandschilderde ramen van de bekende glazenier Henri Jonas.

 In 1976 stelden de broeders vast dat het onderwijs tot het verleden behoorde. Twee jaar later begon het Centrum "Bleijerheide" met de eerste niet-schoolse activiteiten. Het centrum beschikte over 300 bedden verdeeld over 100 kamers en werd intussen overgenomen door particulieren. In 2004 is Centrum Bleijerheide gestopt met zijn activiteiten. Een deel van het gebouw zal gebruikt worden voor woningbouw. In 2006 werden de eerste huizen opgeleverd.
In de huidige opzet blijven de kapel en een deel van het klooster behouden.
De kapel is in 2008 aangekocht door de Priesterbroederschap Sint Pius X, afdeling Duitsland, om er voor hun Akense gelovigen de Heilige Mis op te dragen.

Wiki Deze pagina is het laatst bewerkt op 30 jul 2012 om 16:33.

RCAU commissioners and experts

Descendant of the Palyku people of the Pilbara region of Western Australia, Professor Helen Milroy has been appointed as one of the Commissioners to the Federal Government's Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

Six commissioners will examine past and current sexual abuse in organisations, including archdioceses and their churches...


The Federal Government today released the terms of reference for the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses Child Sexual Abuse in Australia.
The Royal Commission, announced in November last year, will feature a special unit to investigate allegations of abuse and will be overseen by six commissioners, led by Justice Peter McClellan.
The six commissioners are: Justice Peter McClellan, Robert Atkinson, Justice Jennifer Coate, Robert Fitzgerald, Professor Helen Milroy and Andrew Murray.
The royal commission will focus on cases of institutional sexual abuse and not on cases of sexual abuse within the family. Child abuse that was not sexual, such as neglect or physical mistreatment, will not be examined as part of this royal commission, the Prime Minister Julia Gillard said today.
The Royal Commission will deliver its interim report by June 30 next year and is expected to hand over its final report by December 31, 2015 but Ms Gillard said that date can be extended if needed.
The commission will not have powers to prosecute.
The CEO of the Catholic Church’s newly-formed Truth, Justice and Healing Council, Francis Sullivan, welcomed the release of the terms of reference.
Here are some expert responses to today’s announcement:



Helen Milroy 

Poetry - Dislike

Poetry - Dislike

© copyright All Rights Reserved Wilson, Richard S.

He looks at me like one who looks
through a crystal
or the air
or nothing.

And then I knew: I was not there
nor in any other part
nor had I ever been nor
would be.

And I became as one who dies
in an epidemic
without identification and is
thrown into
a potter's field.

R. Wilson (trans.)


 About the Author


In 1950, the first Franciscan Tertiary Interobediential Congress took place in Rome. The purpose of this meeting was to consider the possibility of forming a confederation of the male Congregations professing the Rule of the TOR. This meeting also served as an opportunity for the Superiors General of the Tertiary Congregations present to become acquainted with each other and to know and appreciate the work being done by the various Congregations.

A friar, very dedicated to this vision, was Bro. Joseph Schieffer CFP of the Franciscan Brothers of the Poor (Aachen, Germany) who served as the Secretary of the Inter Obediential Congress/Office for several years.

At least two attorneys, representing victims, are planning legal action against the Youngstown and Altoona-Johnstown Catholic Diocese, Bishop McCort High School and others who were in charge of supervising Brother Stephen Baker while he was working with students.

On Sunday afternoon, Boston attorney Mitchell Garabedian, offered this statement:

"Well, unfortunately Brother Baker passed away but I will be pursuing cases on behalf of my clients against the supervisors of Brother Baker while he was sexually molesting children. Brother Baker's death does sadden many of my clients. It's a very emotional complicated situation that has now become more emotionally complicated."

Garabedian negotiated the settlement for 11 former Valley students who originally accused Baker of sexual abuse. Emerging details about the settlement brought this story to the spotlight.

Garabedian now represents more than 30 victims.

I have a dream

© copyright All Rights Reserved Wilson, Richard S.


 Br. Augustine's hands looked
like they'd hung faithfully for years
next to a blacksmith's bellows
like two old asbestos mitts dark and
scorched with the stains of age.
While those fingers dipped daily
in the holy waters of remembrance.

And the moons of his years rising
in the rippled amber of his nails.

Bro. Didacus Wilsom, T.O.R.


zaterdag, januari 26, 2013

Crisis, vrouw, Kaap Verdiana, arm en muslima

Os responsáveis da Segurança Social negam que tenham obrigado uma mãe a laquear as trompas, sendo-lhes retirados sete dos dez filhos. Em causa a situação de Liliana Melo, 34 anos, que diz que as crianças lhe foram tirados por ser pobre, o que levou ontem o PS a pedir explicações ao Ministro da Solidariedade e da Segurança Social.

A recusa sistemática em laquear as trompas - Liliana Melo teve mais três gravidezes e quatro filhos desde o início do processo - está indicada no acórdão do tribunal como um dos pontos que não foi cumprido nas medidas de proteção dos menores , a par da não apresentação de um comprovativo de emprego, da falta da assiduidade das crianças à escola, e da garantia terem condições de higiene e as vacinas em dia.

"Não teria sido certamente a recusa da mãe em aceitar as recomendações do serviço de planeamento familiar, matéria que é responsabilidade dos serviços de saúde e não dos serviços da Segurança Social, que esteve na base de uma decisão judicial de retirada das crianças", referem os técnicos da Unidade de Comunicação do Instituto da Segurança Social. E acrescentam que foi "um conjunto de circunstâncias reveladoras da incapacidade da mãe para exercer as responsabilidades parentais e a constatada situação de risco para as crianças

Foi aquela decisão que levou o caso aos tribunais e o posterior encaminhamento de sete menores para a adoção. Recentemente, duas advogadas decidiram representar Liliana, que não tinha apoio jurídico, e ir para o Tribunal Constitucional . Criticam a obrigação da mulher em laquear as trompas e sublinham que as condições de vida da família melhoraram.

Ontem, as deputadas socialistas Isabel Moreira, Elza Pais e Maria Antónia de Almeida enviaram um requerimento ao Governo a pedir explicações sobre a atuação da Segurança Social e da Comissão de Proteção de Crianças e Jovens. A ex-secretária de Estado da Igualdade, ElzaPais, justificou ao DN que a medida de adoção é uma solução limite e que a causa não pode ser a pobreza e muito menos a exigência da laqueação das trompas- 


vrijdag, januari 25, 2013

Schuldig Verzuim: "Verder heb ik er voor gezorgd dat ook het openbare deel van mijn site, niet opzoekbaar is via welke zoekmachine dan ook."

en voila
er komt helemaal geen kaas meer aan van pas
want van welke kant ook ons muisje komt aangeslopen van trip trip, trip
De muizenval, Dorus

Spaarnestad Photo

Ik wil mijn potje; paleisrevoluties


en alweer een probleem opgelost...
tot zeer recent had ik - iedere keer weer - een gigapesthekel aan het - veel te vaak - geconfronteerd worden met politici uit  bestuurdersfamilies. Volstrekt belachelijk in een democratie.
Een paar weken terug zat ik naar een schokkende dame bij de TRC  te kijken me realiserend daar heb je de toekomst, 2 weken terug kondigde Justice St. Clair aan dat z'n kleindochter Minister President wordt

Moge er 5 meiden ook heel gelukkig zijn met hun moeder, en wat ze nog zullen moeten ontdekken, ze is ook daar genoeg mee gechanteerd.  

donderdag, januari 24, 2013

Mani Utenam  Mary Wilson

Pannekoeken; Full text of declaration that will end Attawapiskat chief's six-week protest

 The final text of the declaration, which CBC News has confirmed has now been signed by representatives from the Assembly of First Nations, the New Democrat caucus and the Liberal caucus: 
In the true spirit of commitment to initiate dialogue to discuss both Treaty and non-Treaty Indigenous issues on behalf of our First Nations Peoples of Canada, Chief Theresa Spence of Attawapiskat First Nation and Mr. Raymond Robinson of Cross Lake, Manitoba will continue their Hunger Strike, pending outcome of this written Declaration. We also like to acknowledge Mr. Jean Sock of Elsipogtog, New Brunswick and all other Fasters who have shown their deep dedication and courage in support of protecting and honouring both Treaty and non-Treaty obligations as written, entered into or understood by all Peoples, with the Federal Government of Canada including each Provincial/Territorial signatory.

Further, we agree the self-sacrifice and the spiritual courage of Chief Theresa Spence, along with Elder Raymond Robinson and all other fasters have made clear the need for fundamental change in the relationship of First Nations and the Crown. We fully commit to carry forward the urgent and coordinated action required until concrete and tangible results are achieved in order to allow First Nations to forge their own destiny.

Therefore, we solemnly commit to undertake political, spiritual and all other advocacy efforts to implement a renewed First Nations - Crown relationship where inherent Treaty and non-Treaty Rights are recognized, honoured and fully implemented as they should be, within the next five years.

This Declaration includes ,but is not limited to, ensuring commitments made by the Prime Minister of Canada on January 11th, 2013 are followed through and implemented as quickly as possible as led by First Nation on a high-level priority with open transparency and trust. Furthermore, immediate steps are taken working together to achieve the below priorities:

1) An immediate meeting to be arranged between the Crown, Federal Governments, Provincial Governments and all First Nations to discuss outstanding issues regarding the Treaty Relationship, as well as for non-Treaty area relationships.

2) Clear work-plans that shall include deliverables and timelines that outline how commitments will be achieved, including immediate action for short, medium and long-term goals. Addressing the housing crisis within our First Nation communities shall be considered as a short-term immediate action.

3) Frameworks and mandates for the implementation and enforcement of Treaties between Treaty parties on a Nation-to-Nation basis.

4) Reforming and modifying the comprehensive claims policy based on inherent rights of First Nations.

5) A commitment towards resource revenue sharing, requiring the participation and involvement of provinces and territories currently benefiting from resource development from traditional lands.

6) Commitment towards ensuring a greater collective oversight and action towards ensuring the sustainability of the land through a sustained environmental oversight.

7) A comprehensive review and meaningful consultation in regards to Bill C-38 and C-45 to ensure it is consistent with Section 35 of the Constitution Act (1982).

8) Ensure that all federal legislation has the free, prior and informed consent of First Nations where inherent and Treaty rights are affected or impacted.

9) A revised fiscal relationship between First Nations and Canada that is equitable, sustainable and includes indexing and the removal of arbitrary funding caps.

10) A National Public Commission of Inquiry on Violence Against Indigenous Women of all ages.

11) Equity in capital construction of First Nation schools, including funding parity with Provincial funding formulas with additional funding support for First Nation languages.

12) A change in how government operates that would include direct oversight, a dedicated Cabinet Committee and Secretariat within the Privy Council Office with specific responsibility for the First Nation-Crown relationship to ensure implementation.

13) The full implementation of the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples - UNDRIP.

As expressed from time to time by Chief Theresa Spence, "Our Treaty Rights continue to be violated and ignored". Elder Raymond Robinson says, "Treaties were entered into on a Nation to Nation basis and we need to do our best to re-bridge that balance to walk and work together as was the original intent of the treaties". Far too long, we have been denied an equitable stature within Canadian Society. The time is ours and no longer will we be silenced and idle. We will continue to call upon the insistence of truth, justice, fairness for all our First Nation Peoples.
 As endorsed and supported by:


woensdag, januari 23, 2013

"Don't you want to know? "

We are pleased to announce the launch of our Philadelphia archdiocesan archive. The first installment comprises 195 pages from the file of convicted former priest Edward Avery. Each month we will post additional documents, until by year-end the entire 5,780-page collection will be online.

These documents, which became public when they were entered into evidence at the 2012 trial of Msgr. William J. Lynn and Rev. James J. Brennan, offer a rich sample of the archdiocesan files that formed the basis of the work of three Philadelphia grand juries. Those men and women were impaneled under District Attorneys Lynne Abraham and Seth Williams, and the reports that they produced in 2003, 2005, and 2011 are the gold standard of investigative work on the Catholic abuse crisis in the United States.

The 2005 Philadelphia Grand Jury Report in particular is remarkably comprehensive, dealing in an integrated and forceful way with aspects of the crisis that are too often examined in isolation. The abuse itself is described in harrowing and meticulous detail. But the report also studies the mismanagement of the crisis and the cover-up of the abuse, and it clearly explains the holes in current secular law that sometimes make it difficult or impossible to punish abusers and enablers. In a remarkable essay for the National Catholic Reporter, Michael Newall shows the level of engagement that this work required, and the toll that it took. Lastly, the 2005 report demonstrates that the abuse crisis cannot be understood without drawing on many sources of information – long conversations with survivors, and work with priests who are willing to help, and hundreds of hours spent in the archives, poring over assignment histories, memos, letters, and intake reports.

It is that kind of reading and immersion that we invite you to do in this archive. Reading these documents will be difficult, but you will gain from the experience a deep understanding of the culture within which the abuse was done and kept secret. You will emerge with a haunting sense of the harm for which the abusers and enablers are responsible, and the courage of the survivors and their families and loved ones.
The Avery file was posted to the internet on January 22, 2013. Improvements to the presentation of the Avery file will continue for several days, and the most recent updates and changes to the Philadelphia Archive will be noted here. If you'd like to receive announcements when we add priest files to this archive, please subscribe to our Monitor newsletter, which will be sent twice a month.

We have redacted the name of the Avery survivor whose story is partly told in these documents, as well as the names of his family members and friends. We have also redacted the names of Avery's family members. If you notice a missed redaction or a name or detail that you believe should be redacted, please email us, putting Philadelphia Archive in the subject line, and we will correct and improve the archive accordingly. We welcome your general feedback too.

The Avery file is presented in the chronological order of the exhibits as they were introduced at the Lynn trial. Sometimes a single exhibit includes several documents. The table that you see was created by the prosecutors. We have converted it to web format, and linked it to the documents, exhibit by exhibit, using the C-1, C-2, etc. exhibit numbers.
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