Kerkelijk seksueel misbruik. Wat komt er als een verhaal is afgelopen?
De start van het volgende verhaal.
Ondanks alle verwoede pogingen van en op zowel en om mij mijn vrijheid van informatie, hardop denken en expressie te ontnemen.
Over dit misbruik wordt niet meer gezwegen!
Niet door een groeiend aantal mensen, wereldwijd.
Ook niet door mij.
Over misbruik maak je slechts één keuze: 't is wel welletjes; het is méér dan genoeg geweest!
maandag, april 15, 2013
Abuse victims deserve all the help they need
The Age
Nicky Davis
The inquiry on child abuse must be survivor-driven as the victims relive their pain.
When the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child
Sexual Abuse sat for the first time recently, there were smiles among
those who had long campaigned for justice for Australia's forgotten
But for the survivors it was not a day for smiling. We did
smile, briefly, when the royal commission was announced. Pure joy as
truth won an unwinnable battle against evil and corruption. But we
haven't won the war yet. Not by a long way.
We have dark days ahead, unlike those who struggled with us
to get us here. Their job is done and they can leave the task of
exposing the truth in the hands of the professionals. And on the
shoulders of the survivors.
We must peel away our protective coping strategies and speak the words
we have been ordered never to say. Try to find voices that have
shrivelled to a croak after a lifetime of being silenced. Risk being
overwhelmed by emotions we have buried all our lives. And pick ourselves
up again after we open this Pandora's box of undeserved guilt, shame,
worthlessness and betrayal.
Already, as we feared, the process, the legal issues, and the lawyers
- so important to achieve the sweeping law reform Australia so
desperately needs - are sucking up all the funding, and all the focus.
This process must be survivor-centred, not lawyer-centred.
The commission exists because of the horrendous crimes committed
against Australia's children, and because these crimes are allowed to go
unpunished, and so flourish. And because our so-called justice system
imposes life, or even death, sentences on little children, but allows
the real criminals to keep their precious reputations, to keep the
respect of their communities, and to keep offending unhindered for
decades, even lifetimes.
Statistics from Victoria, analysed by Judy Courtin, a lawyer and
researcher, show only 0.06 per cent of child sexual abuse results in a
conviction - even less once appeals are taken into account. This means
that more than 90 per cent of these crimes leave a child rapist free to
reoffend, and a survivor denied justice. Closer to 100 per cent leave
the survivor feeling betrayed, neglected or re-abused by the system
supposed to protect us.
The only reason most survivors even engage with our
predator-friendly and horribly abusive criminal justice system is to
ensure that at least this rapist can be kept from targeting more
children. The strength and courage this demands from fragile survivors
is enormous, superhuman even - and is one reason why so few are able to
do it.
Now, we are being asked to draw on all our strength and all
our courage, and then some, to confront the terrifying experiences
forced on us as children; to relate facts that many adults find too hard
to face.
And we are expected to do it without proper support, while
tens of millions are being spent on premises, on staff and on computer
systems. And, of course, on lawyers.
Don't get me wrong, we asked for this commission. Or rather, where so
many turn their backs on the suffering of abused children, this is the
best way available for us to tell the truth, find some justice and
finally be able to heal. But we do not want the price to be more
suffering by the most innocent, most neglected, and most deserving. Nor
do we want any more tragic, unnecessary deaths.
The government needs to immediately announce a comprehensive
system of counselling and other support services to help us through this
challenging time. We should never have been abandoned to suffer alone
and unassisted all these years. We should not be asked to tell our hard,
sad truth alone and unassisted.
We should not have conditions and limits to our access to life-saving
services. We should not be exposed to untrained suppliers, who don't
know about dealing with complex trauma, or to those with a connection to
the institutions that abused us.
By all means charge the cost of our support back to the
wealthy institutions that cunningly evade their responsibilities. We
should not be expected to suffer for years more, waiting while lawyers
and others get rich off our suffering.
Our suffering is silent, but not because we don't want to
speak. We desperately tried to be heard but nobody listened, and nobody
cared. And those most silenced are the ones most in need of help; those
in remote communities, in jail, battling addictions, or on the streets.
We all deserve the feeling of weight being lifted as we are
listened to, heard and believed for the first time in our lives. We all
deserve to hope, to no longer be one of the walking dead, and to learn
how to live. We all deserve a chance to become the economically
contributing, functional members of society we were never allowed to be.
And we all deserve the support to make all this possible.
Starting now. Anything less is another betrayal, another win for the
privileged criminals.
Hieronder stond een handig lijstje met recente commentaren maar die schijnt voor alle Blogger gebruikers met dit template naar de bliksem te zijn gegaan.
Handig, maar ik kan mijn tijd wel beter kan gebruiken dan met uit zoeken waarom of mij door een lijst met meer dan 3500 nieuwe mogelijkheden worstelen op zoek naar een slimme oplossing.
Dus (voorlopig?) maar zo.
Om vooruit te komen is een Rolls Roys niet de enige mogelijkheid, je kunt ook rollator-wandelen of fietsen.
Indien U/Je commentaar ook zelf de moeite waard vind om door een ander gelezen te worden kun Je/U dat natuurlijk ook hier HIER zelf laten weten, een link naar waar Uw/Jouw commentaar dan staat is genoeg.
laatste commentaren staan:
Dit is een mededeling aan 5 meiden waarvan ik vind dat zij gehoord moeten worden door de Heer Stevens van de Commissie Stichting Beheer & Toezicht i.z. Seksueel Misbruik in de R.-K. Kerk in Nederland,én door de Commissie Samson, Justitie. Ik heb geen idee of 1 van hen een melding heeft gedaan, dat is mijn zaak ook niet. Wat mijn zaak wél is is het hebben van deze mening over wat er met deze 5 meiden in Driehuis is gebeurd en nooit, nooit, nooit had mogen gebeuren.
Het seksueel misbruik dat in het verleden is gepleegd is niet alleen gebeurd in de vorm van pedofilie. Y.v.d.M., Liesbeth K., Maria M., en Henny S. en Joke R. Op ieder van jullie is in Driehuis sexuele agressie en geweld toegepast die -ook voor Driehuis - disproportioneel was en niet verzwegen mag worden! Ongeacht wat welke club dan ook daarover aan definities bedenkt. Het was misdadig!
Ik hoop hartgrondig dat jullie nog in leven zijn, dit ooit zult lezen en hier over na zult willen denken en bedenkt of je hierom hierover kontakt met mij wilt. Zelf of dmv een (juridisch) hulpverlener. (wat natuurlijk ook voor mogelijke kinderen van deze vroegere meiden geldt. We vinden ondanks alle internetgedonder wel een oplossing over hoe we fatsoenlijk en met respekt kontakt kunnen hebben indien iemand van jullie dat wenst).
Ik zal zowel die Stichting als de Commissie Samson hiervan op de hoogte stellen.
(dus ook mogelijkheid wanneer je op het telefonisch gesprek aanvullende informatie wilt geven).
Atenção Brasil: cuidado golpistas na internet!! Chile: cuidade estafadores en internet
Atenção: messagem do sitio WOMEN ON WAVES: BRASIL: CUIDADO GOLPISTAS NA INTERNET QUE SE FAZEM PASSAR PELA WOMEN ON WAVES E/OU WOMEN ON WEB Não tente comprar RU 486, misoprostol e/ou mifepristone nestes endereços e/ou emails: link sitio women on waves Pois será enganada, eles não fazem parte da Women Waves e não a vão ajudar. Estão simplesmente aproveitando-se do nome da Women on Waves para atrair as pessoas. Várias mulheres nos escreveram a denunciar o golpe. O contacto é feito por email e ou msn, até mesmo por telefone, onde é pedido um depósito para o envio dos medicamentos. Os medicamentos nunca são enviados. É importante que saiba que o contacto com a Women on Waves ou Women on Web é unicamente feito via email e NUNCA por MSN. Se alguém pedir para o adicionar no seu msn essa pessoa não pertence à women on waves.Os endereços emails da women on waves terminam SEMPRE Para consultar os verdadeiros contactos da women on waves consulte
CHILE: CUIDADO ESTAFADORES EN INTERNET QUE SE INTITULAN DE WOMEN ON WEB Por favor NO INTENTE COMPRAR misoprostol y/o mifepristona en este sitio o través de estos contactos: Telf. +56 9 93612972 Email: Otras mujeres han sido engañadas por este sitio que se intitula Ellos utilizan las imágenes y informaciones de la verdadera página de women on waves y women on web pero de ninguna manera hacen parte de la comunidad women on web. Puede estar segura que no la van ayudar. Hacen un pequeño cambio que es invisible a la primera mirada, se denominan por womanonwebs e no womenonweb.Tenga mucha atención a los pequeños detalles como estos, apenas un cambio de letra.Por favor denuncie esta estafa!
Tenga atención a los detalles para que no sea víctima de una estafada.
William Blake Songs of innocence and experience
The Chimney Sweeper Part I
William Blake Songs of innocence and experience
The Chimney Sweeper Part II
When my mother died I was very young,
And my father sold me while yet my tongue
Could scarcely cry "weep! 'weep! 'weep! 'weep!"
So your chimneys I sweep and in soot I sleep.
There's little Tom Dacre, who cried when his head,
That curl'd like a lamb's back. was shav'd: so I said
"Hush. Tom! never mind it, for when your head's bare
You know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair."
And so he was quiet and that very night,
As Tom was a-sleeping, he had such a sight!
That thousands of sweepers, Dick, Joe, Ned or Jack.
Were all of them lock'd up in coffins of black.
And by came an Angel who had a bright key,
And he open'd the coffins and set them all free;
Then down a green plain leaping, laughing, they run,
And wash in a river, and shine in the Sun.
Then naked and white, all their bags left behind,
They rise upon clouds and sport in the wind;
And the Angel told Tom, if he'd be a good boy,
He'd have God for his father and never want joy.
And so Tom awoke; and we rose in the dark.
And got with our bags and our brushes to work.
Tho' the morning was cold, Tom was happy and warm;
So if all do their duty they need not fear harm.
The Chimney Sweeper,
William Blake
Songs of Innocence. (1789)
A little black thing among the snow:
Crying weep, weep, in notes of woe!
Where are thy father and mother,say!
They are both gone up to the church to pray.
Because I was happy upon the heath,
And smil'd among the winters snow:
They clothed me in the clothes of death,
And taught me to sing the notes of woe.
And because I am happy, dance and sing,
They think they have done me no injury:
And are gone to praise God, his Priest and King
Who make up a heaven of our misery.
The Chimney Sweeper
William Blake
Songs of Experience (1794)
Zoeken in deze blog
free through the world your spirit goes
"I will not yield, I will not fall, I will eat dynamity and one day I will explode like a volcano"
"The peaceful night that round me flows, breaks through your iron prison doors, free through the world your spirit goes, forbidden hands are clasping yours. The wind is our confederate the night has left the doors ajar; we meet beyond earth's barred gate, where all the world's wild rebels are."
"Crimen solicitationis is indicative of a worldwide policy of absolute secrecy and control of all cases of sexual abuse by the clergy.
But what you really have here is an explicit written policy to cover up cases of child sexual abuse by the clergy to punish those who would call attention to these crimes by the churchmen.
You've got a written policy that says that the Vatican will control these situations and you also have I think clear written evidence of the fact that all they are concerned about is containing and controlling the problem.
Nowhere in any of these documents does it say anything about helping the victims.
The only thing it does is say that they can impose fear on the victims and punish the victims for discussing or disclosing what happened to them.
It's all controlled by the Vatican and at the top of the Vatican is the Pope so Joseph Ratzinger was in the middle of this for most of the years that Crimens was enforced he created the successor to Crimen and now he is the Pope this all says that the policy and systematic approach has not changed.
Cardinal Ratzinger, now as Pope, could tomorrow get up and say: 'Here's the policy: full disclosure to the civil authorities, absolute isolation and dismissal of any accused and proven and convicted clerics, complete openness and transparency, complete openness of all financial situations, stop all barriers to the legal process and completely co-operate with the civil authorities everywhere.'
Een joodse wijsheid leert dat roddel en liegen een moord is op 3 personen: op de mens waarover gelogen of beroddelt wordt, op de persoon die dit aan hoort en op de mens die liegt en beroddelt.
Die tien geboden zijn niet zomaar uit de lucht komen vallen.
onder deze foto op werden 80 reacties geplaatst.
Behalve dat hier over in de komende weken nog een ander tekstje komen moet, lukt het niet deze reacties over te nemen en hier te plaatsen.
Aangezien deze meer dan de moeite waard zijn gebleken om zicht te krijgen op een aantal van de problemen welke kennelijk gepaard gaan met (kerkelijk)(seksueel) misbruik zowel als met te maken keuzes en gemaakte keuzes over lot-genoten organisatie-vragen heb ik deze toch overgenomen, maar onder een apart log geplaatst.
Waardoor zehier te vinden zijn.
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