dinsdag, januari 14, 2020

Lief Dagboek, bij de konijnen af: over een varken dat ratten baarde

Alie Bahbbah en de Rover Glazen Kaak 


The purpose of this site is to promote research related to eighteenth-century visual and material culture. The emphasis will be on ephemera produced in Britain and her colonies during the long eighteenth century, and particularly on items relating to visual political culture.
Henna Karhapää completed her PhD at University of Glasgow’s Department of Art History in 2016. Her thesis is entitled Graphic Satire and the Rise and Fall of the First British Empire: Political Prints from the Seven Years’ War to the Treaty of Paris, c. 1756-1783. Her previous research has examined Paul Sandby’s satirical prints on William Hogarth (1753-1754) and Artemisia Gentileschi’s Florentine period (1614-1620) in the context of Counter-Reformation.

Zie  het enthousiasme en het werk van Henna Karhapää 

 2 DECEMBER 2019

Gelukkig hebben we Urk nog. 


dat kan je zo hebben, hu, met driekoningenkoek

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