Prayer group outrage over church music video
God Has A Plan For Us All
Let his holy choirs
sing in sodomy, praise be!
Surrender your body & soul unto him, demoralize me!
So he crept into my room
Whispered my name, Took my innocents away
I´m only five, a perverts concubine
God has a plan for us all
I´ve been touched by the hand of god
My sordid tale, his lie's are blasphemy
You do not believe in him but he believes, in you
He wants you to repent, all your sins, let him in, inside you!
God has a plan for us all
You are one of gods children
Get on your knee's, Serve him well my child
I´ve fallen prey to the devil disguise
God has a plan for us all
Don´t say a word or you'll go to hell
God has a plan for you all
Open up for him! Let jesus in!
His sordid tale, his lies are blasphemy!
The Local, SwedenSarah Jezebel Deva Vocals/Lyrics
Meaning of the lyrics:"God has a plan for us all" is the a common line religious people give us for when things go wrong in our life.Its the only explanation they can give as to why people contract fatal illnesses or die in car accidents or suffer through poverty and so on! This is displayed in
the front cover artwork and is also covered in many of the subjects ive choosen to write about. The artwork displays a young womans self destruction through
years of sexual, mental abuse ,neglect, depression and eventually leads to her suicide.Its all very complex and not very positive i admit but it covers a lot of subjects we can all relate too. There are some positive subjects also like lust, sex and fantasy. The rest are based around what I discribed a few lines up also self harming, mental illness, love, hate, anger, dissapointment! Haha!Its not as bad as I make it all sound! It´s about life! Read the lyrics and it will make more sense! I didn´t want to sing about graveyards and vampires and rainbows, I picked subjects that effect us in everyday life.The song covers two subjects but they are both linked. Written about a man who preaches gods word yet finds it acceptable to sexually abuse children. Also this song describes the pitiful chilché used by many religous people who can´t offer any other explanation as to why people suffer in their life. Rape, murder, poverty, whatever it may be, the only excuse that can be offered is: "God Has A Plan For Us All"!
toegevoegde link dd 21-10-08
Published: 16 Oct 08
A vicar from northern Sweden has been blasted by a prayer group for allowing a rock band to film a video in an area church.
“Both suicide and sexual assault are in the video that was recorded in Njurunda Church. That is totally unacceptable,” said Karin Olofsson of the Betel prayer group to the Sundsvalls Tidning newspaper.
Two years ago, the group Angtoria asked Njurunda Church vicar Olof Lönneborg for permission to record a video in the church.
The video is for a song entitled ‘God has a plan for us all’, and deals with a 5-year-old girl who is sexually molested by a priest and later commits suicide.
Olofsson blames church officials for not taking a close enough look at the rock band and its lyrics.
The vicar doesn’t see the song’s subject matter as reason for not allowing the recording to take place.“This is a real problem and where else would we talk about such questions if not in a church?” he told the newspaper Dagen.
However, Lönneborg feels that members of Angtoria took advantage of his offer by not abiding by the terms of the agreement he made with them.
In the video, members of the band can be seen playing their instruments while standing on the altar, interspersed with images of a girl and a priest.“We were in total agreement that they were not to desecrate the church,” he said.“I said that they couldn’t be on the altar; I’d never imagined that they could do this. They also weren’t allowed to wear any liturgical clothing. It was a violation of our agreement.
”While Lönneborg is sympathetic with those who are upset by the decision, he doesn’t see the point of dwelling on the issue.“I agree that it was highly inappropriate. I called them up and told them, but they’d already gotten their pictures,” he told Dagen.
Måns Berthas, who directed the Angtoria video, is surprised by the reaction. He claims the band was straightforward with Lönneborg and that both he and other church officials came by to see the recording session.
According to Berthas, the prayer group’s reaction demonstrates the importance of making similar videos in the future.“It shows there is a need to have a debate about these questions when these types of discussions come up,” he told Sundsvalls Tidning.
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