dinsdag, augustus 20, 2019

boem boem rumboem roembar, boem, boem, roembar, boem, boem, dahrar, boem, *

 enzovoort, met een voortdurende wisseling van toon en ritme


20 August 2019

The Court of Appeal’s judgment
in George Pell v The Queen
will be live streamed from 9.30am on Wed 21 Aug.

Liever geschuwd om mijn waarheid, dan gezocht om mijn schijn.
Met dank aan de heren Teirlinck en de Wijs die mij het woord leerde en daarmee naliet mij de wijsheden van George Pell te overhandigen. maar dat overliet aan Richard Sipe, ongetwijfeld ook  een Hr.

"plain, vanilla sexual penetration" 
 George Pell's barrister  Robert Richter
describing the acts of Pell's sexual assault 

George Pell's victim responds to the cardinal's conviction for child sex abuse victim 

released this statement via his lawyer:

"Thank you for your interest in this case.
Like many survivors I have experienced shame, loneliness, depression and struggle. Like many survivors it has taken me years to understand the impact on my life.
At some point we realise that we trusted someone we should have feared and we fear those genuine relationships that we should trust.
I would like to thank my family near and far for their support of me, and of each other.
I am a witness in a case brought by the State of Victoria. I have put my trust in the police and the criminal justice system.The process has been stressful and it is not over yet.

I need space and time to cope with the ongoing criminal process.
I understand this is a big news story but please don't reveal my identity.

I ask that the media respect my privacy. I don't want to give any interviews.
 Please don't come to my home. I want to protect my young family and my parents.
I don't want them swept into the spotlight.I am not a spokesperson about child sexual abuse. There are many other survivors and advocates who bravely fill this role.

I am just a regular guy working to support and protect my family as best I can.
Thank you for your support and understanding"

“The complainant was a very compelling witness,” Boyce told chief justice Anne Ferguson, court president justice Chris Maxwell and justice Mark Weinberg. “He is clearly not a liar, he was not a fantasist.”

 Mush-a ring dumb-a do dumb-a da 

Wack fall the daddy-o, wack fall the daddy-o 

* Boombaard in Lord of the Rings, J.R.R Tolkien

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