maandag, december 31, 2018

There is a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza, then fix it dear Henry


So, sharpen it, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry
So sharpen it dear Henry, dear Henry, sharpen it!

With what should I sharpen it, dear Liza, dear Liza

Use the stone, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry

But the stone is too dry, dear Liza, dear Liza

So wet it, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry

With what should I wet it, dear Liza, dear Liza?

With water, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry

With what should I carry it, dear Liza, dear Liza
With what should I carry it dear Liza, with what?


That’s all I can say
Lewis Blayse (né Lewin Blazevich)

zondag, december 30, 2018


Tuam excavation: Government unsure what it is ‘getting into’

Varadkar says work on mother-and-baby home site to begin in second half of year

The home was a big presence in her own childhood, and her own uncomfortable memories about the home's children are what sparked her research. She remembers seeing the 8ft-high wall on her way to school. "They surrounded it completely – stone walls. There was broken glass cemented into the top of the walls. It used to glisten in the sun. The kids couldn't get out. I would have been six or seven. I remember the kids going to school – the noise of them marching in their big clogs." Corless wore proper shoes, but the home children wore wooden shoes. "They were long-wearing. Everybody remembers the noise of the clogs."

Royal de Luxe opstand van de paspoppen 
There were children from the home at her convent primary school. She remembers the nuns' coldness towards the children, a coldness that bred disrespect among the other schoolchildren, including in her own mind. "People remember being told by the nuns that they would be put beside a home baby if they didn't behave themselves. They openly displayed that these children were different. It was an open form of humiliation. They were born illegitimate, therefore they were bad," she said.

She feels uneasy about her behaviour towards the children. "I thought it would be funny to copy a trick played by an older girl – she had wrapped up an empty sweet paper and handed it to a home girl. The little girl grabbed it, of course. There was nothing in it. At the time, being seven, being the butt of teasing myself, I thought this was great fun. I did the same and handed it to another girl – a stone wrapped in a sweet paper. She opened it and dropped it.

"When I found out later about the home children, that God help them, they'd never got a sweet in their life, they wouldn't have got any treats in the home … It's only now I realise the impact that must have had on that little girl – to think that she was getting a treat, and that someone was just playing a mean trick on her.

"I feel that the nuns should have told us that these were special children, to take care of them, to mind them. That would have been the proper thing to have done. Instead of that, they treated them differently. They ignored them, more than anything. I don't remember them being hostile. They were ignored. They were left to one side of the classroom."
"People say that families were wrong to throw out their daughters [when they got pregnant outside marriage]. I agree with that. But it must not be forgotten that the church put those laws in place, saying that sex outside marriage was sinful. They blamed the women – they didn't blame the men who did it, just the women for leading them on. They got that into the mindset of the people. They would preach it every Sunday at mass, so that families would feel ashamed to show a pregnant daughter. I blame them for that – for putting women through so much misery, and ostracising them if they became pregnant outside marriage. Then for their children to be ostracised as well – that, to me, was a crime."

Caldas e a renda de bilros "... we had a job to do and we knew that others less fortunate than us were depending on us making our point,''


Bishop `took £20,000 from orphans' fund'

 a fund for orphans to finance sending priests abroad on the missions


zaterdag, december 29, 2018

Transeamus et videamus quod factum est. Thirty doctors signed up do not want HSE to give their details out to avoid being targeted

It’s about rearing our children without unwarranted government interference. It’s about the right to use contraception. It’s about choosing whom we want to marry. It’s about deciding with whom we want to create a home. 

In 2017 werden 15.000 baby’s geboren bij een alleenstaande moeder. Dit is 9 procent van alle levendgeboren kinderen. In 2010 was dat nog ruim 7,5 procent en in 2000 ging het om 6 procent. In 2010 kwam 58 procent van de pasgeboren baby’s ter wereld in een huishouden van een gehuwd stel en dat is in 2017 gedaald naar 55 procent. Dit meldt CBS, dat in het kader van kerst de gezinssituaties van baby’s in kaart brengt. 
In Rotterdam, Amsterdam en Almere ligt het percentage levendgeborenen met een alleenstaande moeder boven het landelijk gemiddelde. Hier wonen relatief veel mensen met een Antilliaanse, Arubaanse of Surinaamse migratieachtergrond. Eenoudergezinnen komen in deze bevolkingsgroepen vaker voor, aldus CBS.


Nog steeds komt het merendeel van de baby’s ter wereld in een gezin met twee ouders, maar die zijn wel minder vaak getrouwd. Tot het midden van de jaren zeventig werden bijna alle baby’s geboren bij een getrouwde moeder. Daarna is een dalende trend ingezet. Het percentage kinderen dat wordt geboren bij een getrouwde moeder ligt sinds 2008 onder de 60 en kwam uit op 57 in 2017. Vanaf 2010 zijn hierbij ook de moeders met een geregistreerd partnerschap meegeteld.


Het verschilt per gemeente hoe vaak moeders van pasgeboren kinderen getrouwd zijn. In Urk en Staphorst was dit bij meer dan 95 procent van de moeders het geval. In Heerlen, Boxmeer en Rijnwaarden ligt dit percentage rond 40. Hiermee behoren ze tot de gemeenten waar trouwen voor de geboorte van een kind het minst gebruikelijk is.


Colm Keena , Jennifer Bray , Patsy McGarry

Abortion: 162 GPs enough to end need to travel abroad – Harris

Thirty doctors signed up do not want HSE to give their details out to avoid being targeted

“On the eve of the introduction of abortion services into Ireland, let’s look one another in the eye, and regardless of how we voted, promise we’ll be promoters of a culture of life.”

The 162 doctors signed up to provide abortion services in the State will “be enough” to ensure that women do not have to go abroad to terminate a pregnancy after January 1st, Minister for Health Simon Harris has said.

An uneven geographic spread of services will be available from Tuesday, when GPs can begin prescribing the abortion pill to women up to nine weeks into a pregnancy and hospitals can provide terminations up to 12 weeks. However, there are two counties where no GP has signed up to the service.

Bishop warns against ‘inglorious watermark’ on abortion


‘Outrageous’ that doctors could be forced to contribute to an abortion against their will

Patsy McGarry

A Catholic bishop has said this year was a time that many in the church felt “almost overwhelmed by what has been the most striking moment to date for our country in sweeping in what is perceived to be a liberal agenda”.
Bishop of Limerick Brendan Leahy was referring to the passing of the referendum on repealing the eighth amendment in May.

vrijdag, december 28, 2018

Bolo Rei fora do lixo Geef mij een nieuwe hoed, mijn oude is versleten


San am fadó nuair a bhí Íosa ag bainfheis d’athruigh sé uisce go fíon. 



  •  en daar sloten noch vensters noch deuren  

Vraag: Rebbe, is er ook een zegen voor de tsaar?

Antwoord: Wees de vorst op je eigen vierkante meter 

woensdag, december 26, 2018

En wie het kindje krijgt mag het houden Lack of preparation for abortion services*


Irish Times

Sir, – Special adviser, Dr Peter Boylan stated that the new abortion services will be “unrecognisable” in a year’s time from how they will appear on January 1st – the date for implementation set by Minister for Health Simon Harris. (Home News, December 16th). This comment is a cause of deep concern for clinicians who will be working in maternity units on day one and afterwards, when these services are rolled out. The Minister says, “We need clinical leadership to prevail”.
In October, members of the Institute of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists were requested to develop clinical guidelines for the introduction of the new abortion services. Those of us involved in the development of guidelines have done so on top of busy clinical and academic work-loads, after-hours, and with minimal administrative support.
The rushed methodology employed by the Department of Health and HSE for ratification and implementation has been worryingly different from the standards laid down in their own National Clinical Effectiveness Committee’s “Standards for Clinical Practice Guidance” (DoH, 2015) and “National Framework for Developing Policies, Procedures, Protocols and Guidelines” (HSE, 2016).
Eleventh hour production of guidelines and a national model of care are no more than tick-box exercises unless accompanied by meaningful education and training. Although abortions have taken place in our maternity units under current legislation to save the life of the mother – there is little or no expertise in surgical abortion (which is different in important respects to the surgical treatment of miscarriage) and no experience in feticide in the country.
Although most abortions will take place outside hospitals, it is essential that primary care and hospital services are fully integrated – and they are not universally so at present.
Finally, the HSE’s model of care document and new policy on conscientious objection has not been widely reviewed or shared.
It is correct to say there are “infrastructural deficits” in the Irish healthcare system (News, 16th December). Our maternity units are overcrowded and understaffed and many do not have the appropriate clinical spaces to provide the respectful care needed by women experiencing crisis or complicated pregnancies. There has also been a failure to involve midwives, nurses, anaesthetists, paediatricians and other healthcare professionals in meaningful discussions and planning. Many of our staff are unprepared and will not be sure what to say or do if new services are rolled out on New Year’s Day.
But our problems run a lot deeper than this. We do not have formal pathways in place to ensure all women have access to ultrasound services or fetal medicine expertise. In fact, many maternity units still do not offer routine dating or anomaly scans.
Our ratio of consultant obstetricians and gynaecologists to the female population remains one of the lowest in the OECD and many consultant colleagues have expressed conscientious objections to direct involvement. Legitimate concerns expressed are put down to fear of change rather than fear of clinical risk.
The introduction of piecemeal services on January 1st will result in geographic inequity, difficult clinical choices and missed deadlines for early abortions.
As clinicians dedicated to the care of women, we recognise the urgent need to end self-medication and travel abroad.
We are also pragmatists and accept it will take some time to address many of our longstanding infrastructural deficiencies. The response to these harsh realities, however, is not to introduce a disjointed and inadequately resourced service on January 1st. In the Irish healthcare system, promises of investments-to-follow seldom materialise – once services are started and other priorities emerge.
Those of us who have worked abroad have seen how well-organised, woman-centred, abortion services can provide high-quality compassionate care in early and late pregnancy. When it comes to abortion, Irish women deserve excellence of care – nothing less. Building on the current momentum and the commitment of all involved, this can be achieved by waiting a few months to complete essential preparations and to put the necessary resources into place. Passing legislation is not the same as setting up a clinical service.
We wish to reassure the women of Ireland that we will look after them and continue to advocate that they get the services that they deserve.
Furthermore, we will insist that the HSE and the Department of Health meet their responsibilities and commit to ongoing engagement with clinicians to resource our maternity units to the highest standards. The understandable passion to finally provide abortion care in Ireland should not blind us to the clinical reality of how unprepared we are. In expressing our concerns, we believe that we are demonstrating the clinical leadership that the Minister for Health has called for. – Yours, etc,
Coombe Women and Infants
University Hospital & RCSI;
Associate Prof MAIREAD
Associate Prof AISLING
MARTIN, Coombe
Women and Infants
University Hospital & UCD;
Master/CEO, Coombe
Women and Infants
University Hospital;
University Maternity
Hospital & UCC; Dr NOIRIN
RUSSELL, Cork University
Maternity Hospital;
Maternity Hospital & UCD;
National Maternity Hospital;
National Maternity Hospital,
Midland Regional Hospital
at Mullingar; Ass Prof
Wexford General Hospital &
GARDEIL, Wexford
General Hospital.

O Fungagá dos trabalhadores de Natal

[ artikel compleet KLIK ]

Met dank aan Branko Ćopić en  Eva Cvijanović 

zout en nog zo wat panne

dinsdag, december 25, 2018

Tales from the archives: ogentroost, fresia en juduspenning, Endevouw Morse gemist?




De blijde uitkomste