zondag, april 29, 2018

Ni Zurdos, Ni Tontos “Esta señal del Papa es demoledora para lo que va a venir después con los obispos”

Bachelet nombra a Benito Baranda como coordinador del Estado para la visita del Papa

La Mandataria señaló que hay "pocas personas tan idóneas para esa misión", luego de que la Conferencia Episcopal confirmara el lunes que el Sumo Pontífice
Según indicó la Mandataria, en conversación con Tele 13 Radio, el presidente de América Solidaria aceptó de inmediato la invitación a hacerse cargo y organizar la primera visita del Sumo Pontífice al país, [...]en el marco de una gira por Sudamérica.

Benito Baranda: “Esta señal del Papa es demoledora para lo que va a venir después con los obispos”

El laico analiza la importancia y alcances que tiene el encuentro, en el Vaticano, del Pontífice con Juan Carlos Cruz, James Hamilton y José Andrés Murillo, víctimas de los abusos de Karadima, a quienes el propio Francisco invitó.

La reacción inmediata del arzobispo de Boston, Sean O’Malley, que viajó a Perú, debe haber hecho que el Papa dudara y pensara que había algo más profundo. 

 “Me parece que hay más gente abusada, que lo conversa en lo más íntimo y que no busca los medios de prensa”, aseguró José Manuel Rozas, de la Comunidad de Fieles Cristianos, quien dice “manejar archivos”.

Vatican Admits It Altered Photo Of Letter 

 From Pope Francis’ Predecessor


vrijdag, april 27, 2018

Lumumba in blik und wenn dann der Kopf fällt, sage ich vuile moffenhoer

Engel des Heren
Het Engel des Heren is een devotioneel gebed waarin de gelovige stilstaat bij het mysterie van de menswording van God.

Bij het gezamenlijk bidden is er een voorganger die formules uitspreekt waarop de overige gelovigen antwoorden. Het Angelus bestaat uit vier delen: vier formules plus een slotgebed. Tussen de formules wordt het Ave Maria (Wees gegroet) gebeden. Vaak wordt het Angelus begeleid door klokken. Bij de eerste drie formules klinken drie klokslagen; bij het slotgebed klokgebeier.


ISG 15 -1-1961 Actie Congo klik
 wordt vervolgd.

Lachen, gieren, brullen

De stam krijgt er een -t bij omdat bij de verzwegen onderwerpen een persoonsvorm in de derde persoon enkelvoud hoort.

donderdag, april 26, 2018

Stichting Sint Jan voor Eerlijk Proces tegen de Klachtencommissie van de Stichting Beheer & Toezicht Seksueel Misbruik in de R.-K. Kerk in Nederland.

Collectieve actie van Stichting Sint Jan voor Eerlijk Proces tegen (de Klachtencommissie van) de Stichting Beheer & Toezicht i.z. Seksueel Misbruik in de R.-K. Kerk in Nederland.

ECLI:NL:RBGEL:2018:1743 - Rechtbank Gelderland, 18-04-2018 / C/05/325253 / HA ZA 17-432


Op 27 oktober 2017 is mw. M.H.T. Jetten – Reintjes als bestuurslid van de Stichting Sint Jan voor eerlijk proces geregistreerd bij de Kamer van Koophandel
en op 23 december 2017 pastoor L.F.M. Terranea.
De bestuurssamenstelling is nu als volgt: Mw. M.H.T. Jetten – Reintjes: voorzitter Pastoor L.F.M. Terranea: vice-voorzitter
Mw. M.J.W. Harmsen – van Hout: secretaris / penningmeester

Ik weet dat ook als is hij dan 1000 oud
Sint Nicolaas ook van kangroes houdt
zijn kangaroes lief en niet stout
dan geeft hij ze lekkers en kangaroesnoep
Maar als ze zegt Sint
liever lui zijn dan moe
dan komt zwarte piet
met de kangeroemoe

Ivo de Wijs, Saint Saens

woensdag, april 25, 2018

Uma papoila. crescia, crescia, grito vermelho, num campo qualquer

Ontem apenas 
fomos a voz sufocada 
Uma Papoila crescia, crescia, grito vermelho 
Num campo qualquer. 
Como ela somos Livres 
Somos Livres de crescer 
Somos um povo que cerra fileiras, 
Parte à conquista 
Do pão e da paz 
Somos livres, somos livres 
Não voltaremos atrás 


dinsdag, april 24, 2018

"I understand that the sale of churches causes pain and sadness for church members as well as the wider local community. They have been an important part of our Tasmanian heritage," he said.
"However, our commitment to justice, recognition and support of survivors through providing redress underlies the need for this sacrifice."

Tasmanian Anglican Bishop confirms asset sales won't all go to victims of sex abuse

The Anglican Church will keep three quarters of the proceeds from its property sales, in an effort to "keep the people of God doing their ministry" in Tasmanian communities.
All up, the 120 properties earmarked for sale make up half the church's assets in the state.
Anglican Bishop of Tasmania, the Right Reverend Richard Condie, said the move was to fund redress for survivors of child sexual abuse, which he estimates will cost $8 million.
But only one quarter of the proceeds of the sales will go to redress, with three quarters going back into parishes.
"We want to be able to fund redress, that's the number one thing we're trying to do here, [while] at the same time keep the people of God doing their ministry in local places," he said.

De wraak op Bonestaak en Goofy: de moraal van het verhaal betaalt uw belasting allemaal

laat ons de kinderen de wereld geven al is het maar voor een dag

na dag


na dag

Nâzim Hikmet.

maandag, april 23, 2018

Zo schreed de beschaving voort

I Vogelvrij

Het was in het allerholst van den nacht en twee groote volle manen stonden met verwijtende gezichten aan den hemel.
‘Hoe hard rijden wij nu?’ vroeg ik.
‘Zesennegentig,’ zei Adriaan en draaide achteloos het stuur drie keer rond.
‘Wáár rijden wij nu?’ vroeg ik.
‘Om de markt in Rittenburg,’ zei Adriaan.
‘Rittenburg is een prachtig oud stadje,’ zei ik. ‘Het bezit een fraai middeleeuwsch stadhuis, met een monumentale trap.’
‘Nee,’ zei ik, toen het lawaai had opgehouden, ‘het bezat een fraai middeleeuwsch stadhuis. Kijk nu toch eens wat je gedaan hebt! Je kunt toch niet met een auto deze monumentale trap op!’
‘Is die auto van u?’ vroeg de agent.
‘Geweest,’ zeiden wij, en schudden de overblijfselen van ons af.
‘Mag ik uw rijbewijs eens even zien?’ vroeg de agent.
‘Nee,’ zei ik, ‘het is geen kijkdag vannacht.’
Hij trok zijn potlood. ‘Uw naam!’ zei hij tegen mij.
‘Ik ben incognito, nieuwsgierig aagje.’
‘Hoe zegt u?’

‘Incognito. I-N-C-O-G-N-I-T-O.’
Hij schreef het op.
‘Ja, erg voornaam.’
‘Hoe is die?’
‘Olivier,’ zei ik, ‘maar zonder Twist.’
‘Dat zou ik u ook niet raje,’ zei de agent.
‘Waar ben u geboren?’
 ‘In het binnengasthuis, 's ochtends om kwart over twee uit een zekere hoeveelheid zonnegloren plus een zucht van de ziedende zee.’
‘In Rotterdam?’
‘Dat is beleediging door een ambtenaar in functie!’
 ‘In Rotterdam?’ vroeg hij weer.
‘Ja,’ zei ik, om hem een pleizier te doen, hoewel zooiets mij als geboren Hagenaar natuurlijk wel tegen de borst stuitte.
 ‘Op 1 September. Een goed Hagenaar laat Hare Majesteit voorgaan.’
‘En uw beroep?’
‘Op een kantoor?’
‘Neen individu, achter een schrijftafel bedekt met paperassen.’
‘Waar woont u?’
‘In Nieuwpoort.’
‘Welke straat?’
 ‘Mauritskade 1600.’
Hij schreef het op en begon toen met Adriaan, die het stuur en de versnelling nog in zijn handen had.
‘En u, hoe heet u?’


CLAN skolebrød: homeschooling



voor opmerking over deze foto: lees verder (en help wellicht?)

zaterdag, april 21, 2018

Voilà le sort des enfants obstinés. c'est pour Hélène et votre fils aîné

En als jij niet uitkijkt kom je nog 'ns in de goede herder terecht! Taoiseach Leo Varadkar: women wrongly excluded from the Magdalene Laundries redress scheme will be receive redress payments “without delay”.

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has said that women wrongly excluded from the Magdalene Laundries redress scheme will be receive redress payments “without delay”.

Last November, the Ombudsman, Peter Tyndall, published a scathing a report into the scheme, which found that the Department of Justice had wrongly refused some Magdalene laundry survivors access to redress payments.

He made four recommendations, principle among these that the department fully reconsider, with a view to accepting, the applications of women who worked in one of the listed Magdalene Laundries but who were registered on the books of a training centre or industrial school in the same building attached to, or located on, the grounds of the laundry.

He made four recommendations, principle among these that the department fully reconsider, with a view to accepting, the applications of women who worked in one of the listed Magdalene Laundries but who were registered on the books of a training centre or industrial school in the same building attached to, or located on, the grounds of the laundry.

Speaking in the Dáil yesterday, Taoiseach Leo Varadkar confirmed that this review would take place but made a commitment that all of these women would be included in the scheme and receive redress.

This will happen within three months.

“We accept the Ombudsman’s recommendation in that regard. There is a difference of opinion between the Ombudsman and the Department of Justice and Equality as to whether this would involve altering or changing the scheme, but I do not think that really matters. What is important is that the women affected receive redress and they will,” he said.

Central to the Ombudsman’s investigation and findings was evidence uncovered by the Irish Examiner in June 2015 — namely that evidence that An Grianán training centre and High Park Magdalene laundry in Drumcondra in Dublin were “one and the same thing” was uncovered by the HSE in 2012.

Women in An Grianán and other institutions like it had been refused redress, even though they worked in the laundries, because they had been admitted to that institution directly rather than through the laundry.

The view of the department — and which was publicly stated on numerous occasions by previous justice minister Frances Fitzgerald — was that An Grianán was a separate entity to the High Park laundry which served a different purpose.

The Government also repeatedly defended the exclusion of the training centre from the scheme by stating it was included in the Residential Institutions Redress Board scheme (RIRB).

The Ombudsman also called for a review of cases where there was a dispute over the length of time the a woman spent in a laundry.

Mr Varadkar said this review, to be carried out by barrister Mary O’Toole, would start “immediately” and be done “without unnecessary delay”.

Ms O’Toole will also advise the Government on women who lack capacity due to dementia or other reasons, including being wards of court and unable to accept an award because of a lack of capacity.

The Ombudsman’s report, published last November, following a year-long investigation and found the Department of Justice had wrongly refused some women access to redress by using an “overly narrow” interpretation of the scheme.

The investigation found the Department was overly reliant on evidence and, often the word, of the religious congregations “to the exclusion of other evidence”.

The personal testimony of survivors had been only considered “as a last resort”.

The report said it was “inexcusable” a number of women lacking capacity who had been accepted to the scheme in 2013 had yet to receive redress payments. These women had been “effectively forgotten” due to a delay in fully enacting the Decision-Making (Capacity) Act. Seven have since died.

't Is stil aan de overkant: schreeuwende bejaarde jaagt overvallers weg


woensdag, april 18, 2018

Het oneindige verhaal

re dress; HMS Vindicative; oranges and sunshine orphanages of the living


The Courier

A Ballarat naval officer thrust into hand-to-hand combat in Belgium will be remembered this weekend.

Able seaman Leopold Thomas Newman was one of just twelve Australians involved in the Zeebrugge Raid on a German-held port during 1918.

His grandchildren Ray Newland and Rosemary Gay will travel to Europe for 100th anniversary commemorations of the Zeebrugge Raid on April 23.




dinsdag, april 17, 2018

in the middle of the floor | "May God bless the tzar and keep him far away from us" *

I have always found Pell to be a decent, honest, intelligent man who, while forthright in his own views, is happy to listen to those of others. When I was serving as Ambassador to Italy he perpetrated a great kindness that I will never forget.

I asked about the method for getting in the front row at a Papal audience, where one will meet the Pope. How do ministers, businesspeople and others seem to manage it, I wondered. Pell asked if that's what I wanted and I rightly pointed out, given my views, how inappropriate that would be. I told him the Filipino maid and butler at the Ambassador's residence who served his meal when he came to dinner were committed Catholics, true believers, and I wondered how they would get such a chance given they were more godly than many who get the privilege. He organised it and I have not seen two happier people than the day they met the Pope. It was marred in my mind only slightly by their comment that they felt people were staring at them and wondering how they got there. The answer of course is simple: by the good grace of George Pell.

Cardinal Pell must now wait a fortnight before learning whether he will front a jury in a higher court, as Ms Wallington takes time to consider written and oral submissions from the 76-year-old's defence team and prosecutors. Ms Wallington will announce her decision on May 1.

Pax Romana