dinsdag, maart 21, 2017

en gelachen dat ze hebben....

20 -3- 2017

Mr Callaghan asked Mr Zamolo: "Did it occur to you that any of the boys might not have found it funny at all, but might have felt compelled to go along with it?"

Warning: this story contains language and information that may be distressing to some readers.

Mocht dat niet het geval zijn wordt U dringend verzocht  zich op het ochtendspreekuur van Uw basisarts te melden. 

"[...]The royal commission heard Mr Zamolo's employment as a youth justice officer at Don Dale was ultimately terminated, but for reasons not related to any of the incidents he filmed.
Mr Zamolo said he valued the job, and at various times he had raised concerns about conditions for children in the Behavioural Management Unit (BMU).
He described the BMU as a facility that "just stank of filth and rubbish", and said running water was sometimes turned off.

He said he feared children were being "psychologically scarred" by their experiences inside the BMU, such as not knowing how long they would be kept in isolation.
[...] "

Conclussie: Mr. Zamolo leest vast geen Nederlands.
Met de vraag van George Pell: zie ik eruit als een vrachtwagenchauffeur?
had ie niet weggekomen, maar die vraag van een voormalig Maastrichter pastoor die een voormalig broeder was kwam kennelijk niet bij hem op

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