vrijdag, maart 31, 2017

NT royal commission into youth detention: A look at what's happened so far


Com fios feitos de lágrimas passadas
Os meninos de Huambo fazem alegria
Constroem sonhos com os mais velhos de mãos dadas
E no céu descobrem estrelas de magia

Com os lábios de dizer nova poesia
Soletram as estrelas como letras
E vão juntando no céu como pedrinhas
Estrelas letras para fazer novas palavras

Os meninos à volta da fogueira
Vão aprender coisas de sonho e de verdade
Vão aprender como se ganha uma bandeira
Vão saber o que custou a liberdade

Com os sorrisos mais lindos do planalto
Fazem continhas engraçadas de somar 
Somam beijos com flores e com suor
E subtraem manhã cedo por luar

Dividem a chuva miudinha pelo milho
Multiplicam o vento pelo mar
Soltam ao céu as estrelas já escritas
Constelações que brilham sempre sem parar

Assim contentes à voltinha da fogueira
Juntam palavras deste tempo sempre novo
Porque os meninos inventaram coisas novas
E até já dizem que as estrelas são do povo

RCAU # 57



donderdag, maart 30, 2017

hik brik brouw

"History never really says goodbye, history says see you later."

Personal Bill of Rights 

I have the right to be heard
I have the right to be respected
I have the right to accept and own my own power
I have the right to not disclose unless I am comfortable
I have the right to feel my emotions
I have the right to say no
I have the right to challenge the status quo
I have the right to ask questions
I have the right to be me
I have the right to own my own ideas
I have the right to my values and beliefs
I have the right to laugh

Dr. Alicia A. Dunlop, Toronto






Een paar dagen voor haar dood werd mamma woedend.
Waarover precies, dat konden we niet volgen. Ze sprak geen taal
meer. Ze gromden klanken zonder klinkers die als bwggtsss of als wwwrkkl
klonken. We zaten naast haar bed. We streelden haar huid. Soms
liet ze dat toe, soms niet. Dan probeerde ze zich om te draaien en begon ze weer
te grommen. Ze had zich teruggetrokken. Maar waarin?

vijftigjarig jubileum van de Bezige Bij.
(1994, ISBN 90 234 3362 9 CIP)

maandag, maart 27, 2017

Bank in de uitverkoop

en de zon schijnt

Da's nou nog 's bezuinigen op Gezondheidszorg !

The boy from Glin industrial school; Christian Brothers drop threat of legal action against Limerick abuse survivor

het zijn, welbeschouwd,

een soort witteboordcriminelen.


23 - 3 - 2017
Limerick Leader

Threat arose over the legal ownership of documents from the industrial school in Glin

The Christian Brothers have dropped the threat of legal action against abuse survivor Tom Wall of Glin, Fianna Fail TD Niall Collins confirmed this Thursday.
The threat arose over the legal ownership of documents saved from a fire by Tom Wall at the Industrial School in Glin in 1973 and lodged with UL two years ago.
Now, Deputy Collins said, the Christian Brothers had confirmed to him that they would be “satisfied with copies of the documents” and had “no interest in engaging in legal action”.
Deputy Collins raised the issue of the documents in the Dail on Wednesday where he claimed the documents “effectively sold into slavery” some of the boys sent to Glin.
Holding up a document, he said it was “effectively a contract for sale under which boys were sold out of the industrial school into the labour market”.
The documents, he explained, included health reports, referral  letters from the Courts Service, education referral letters from the Department of Education and letters written by the boys but not posted. And he asked Education Minister Richard Bruton to take possession of the documents and to meet Mr Wall.
Mr Wall revealed in the Limerick Leader last week that no agreement could be reached with the Christian Brothers over the documents. He had no problem with giving copies of the original documents to the Christian Brothers for their archive, he explained, but he made clear he did not want the originals to be lodged with them as he feared they would be destroyed.
In his statement released last night, Deputy Collins said that after he had raised the matter in the Dail he had received an email from the Christian Brothers “outlining and clarifying their latest position”. He subsequently spoke to the head of the European Province of the Congregation of Christian Brothers, Br Edmund Garvey who “ confirmed to me that he will be satisfied with copies of the documents and further stated that he has no interest in engaging in legal action.”
“This being the case its is a welcome change in their position and hopefully the matter will soon he settled to the satisfaction of all,” Deputy Collins said.
He now understood that these points would be conveyed to Mr Wall.
In his email to Deputy Collins, which was seen by the Limerick Leader, Br Garvey claimed that their position on the matter of the documents was “substantially different from what you have have read in media coverage.”
"The European Province of Christian Brothers neither had nor has any vested interest in seeking the return of the Glin documentation for any reason save to ensure that our archives are as complete as possible as the documentation contains important family history which we believe would be helpful in assisting any inquiries from former residents.”
The Limerick Leader contacted Br Garvey about Mr Wall’s statements  last week but was told they did not wish to comment.