zaterdag, november 29, 2008

Happy Thanks giving

The real beauty of this survivor “movement” is its organic quality. So many of us were going through life thinking it was just us, just me - like I was this over sexed five year old who caused the good priest to break his vows, or other ideas pedophile priest rape crime victims live with.

If it hadn’t been for the internet, the pedophile epidemic in the Catholic Church would probably have continued a few hundred years more.

Something to ponder when you think Thanksgiving thoughts this weekend.

It was the internet and other early 21st century communications that made it possible to find out there are thousands of us, and that the pattern was the same in city after city. We are sex crime victims not born floozies or what not -

Happy Thanksgiving from City of Angels Network


That thousands of sweepers, Dick, Joe, Ned or

Were all of them lock'd up in coffins of black.
And by came an Angel who had a bright key,
And he open'd the coffins and set them all free;


W. Blake, songs of innocence

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