dinsdag, mei 28, 2019

er stond een Amsterdammertje voor de deur; Amsterdam mei 2019 Zitting Rechtbank Nunna daul Isunyi

16-4-2019 was de grote brand in de Notre Dame van Parijs. Daarbij verbrandde hout van bomen uit de achste eeuw. 
Wat me terugzette in de bestaande horror van geïnvadeerde heilige gronden in minder dan honderd jaar tweemaal door mensen vernietigd 
En nog voor dat dat werkelijk goed tot me doorgedrongen was waren er al de waanzinnige berichten over mannetjes, bedrijven en vrouwtjes die miljoenen over hadden voor de herbouw. 

Vandaag, 28 mei 2019, was er een zitting bij de Rechtbank Amsterdam. Daar werd het beroep behandeld dat enkele omwonenden hadden aangetekend tegen de omgevingsvergunning die is afgegeven voor de bouw van het Holocaust Namenmonument, ook al zijn de bezwaren eerder door de commissie Juridische Zaken afgewezen. Een trieste zaak - geldverslindend en nodeloos vertragend.
Namens het Nederlands Auschwitz Comité waren aanwezig Zoni Weisz, al jarenlang lid van het bestuur en voorzitter Jacques Grishaver. Jacques Grishaver las een korte, persoonlijke verklaring voor die u hieronder kunt lezen of kunt beluisteren via de video.

Edelachtbaar college,
Ik ben Jacques Grishaver, voorzitter van het Nederlands Auschwitz Comité.
Als klein kind zat ik ondergedoken in de Linnaeusdwarsstraat, een klein zijstraatje van de Middenweg hier in Amsterdam. Het grootste deel van mijn familie is weggevoerd en vermoord, in Sobibor. Ik kom daar ieder jaar tijdens de reizen die ik begeleid langs de voormalige Duitse nazikampen in Polen.
Auschwitz. Birkenau. Majdanek. Sobibor.
Elk jaar weer, al 30 jaar, sta ik op het perronnetje van Sobibor. En elk jaar sta ik daar te huilen.
Naast me zit Zoni Weisz.
Wie kent Zoni's verhaal niet? Zoni is Sinto. Zoni's vader werd vermoord in Mittelbau-Dora. Zijn moeder, zijn zusjes en broertje in Auschwitz-Birkenau. Zoni zelf bleef op miraculeuze wijze de gang naar de gaskamers bespaard. Zoni is al lang lid van het Auschwitz Comité.
In 2006, alweer dertien jaar geleden, heeft het Auschwitz Comité het plan opgevat een namenmonument op te richten. Een monument ter nagedachtenis aan de meer dan 102.000 Joden en de ruim 200 Roma en Sinti. Een monument waarop al hun namen worden aangebracht. Leesbaar en aanraakbaar, één voor één, individu per individu, mens per mens.
Gaandeweg hebben zich steeds meer medestanders aan ons plan verbonden,
dat jaar op jaar vastere vorm aannam.
In 2011 kwam Daniel Libeskind naar Nederland om de Nooit Meer Auschwitz Lezing te houden. In de gesprekken daaromheen bood Libeskind spontaan zijn diensten aan.
Wij waren daar ontzettend blij mee. Een fantastisch kunstenaar, zelf kind van overlevenden van Auschwitz: een betere combinatie was niet denkbaar.
Als initiatiefnemer heeft het Auschwitz Comité dan ook met groot plezier en vertrouwen de ontwerpopdracht aan studio Libeskind verleend. Het resultaat is een heel bijzonder ontwerp dat nu al nationaal én internationaal veel waardering krijgt.
En natuurlijk zijn er bij dit soort grote projecten ook mensen die de plek niet goed vinden of die het ontwerp niet mooi vinden, die liever een ander soort monument hadden gehad,
of geen monument of een heel ander proces. Natuurlijk zijn er verschillende opvattingen, ook in Joodse kring en binnen de Roma en Sinti gemeenschap. Iedereen mag ook zijn mening geven, daar is niks mis mee, maar we moeten het wel in proportie blijven zien: honderdduizenden mensen steunen dit namenmonument en vinden dat het na 13 jaar wel eens gebouwd mag worden.
Zélfs nadat de Amsterdamse gemeenteraad twee keer unaniem vóór heeft gestemd,
zélfs nadat een commissie een half jaar lang alle bezwaren heeft gewogen en heeft afgewezen, staan we hier vandaag in deze zaal.
Dat vervult ons met verdriet en een diep gevoel van schaamte.
Schaamte over het feit dat elke, maar dan ook werkelijk élke mogelijkheid wordt aangegrepen om de komst van het monument te ontregelen en te vertragen.
Wetende dat de groep directe nabestaanden voor wie dit monument van zo’n groot belang is, steeds ouder wordt en de komst ervan misschien niet meer mag meemaken.
Kijk naar ons, naar Zoni en naar mij. Ouwe mannen, die voor een rechtbank moeten komen pleiten voor iets dat er allang had moeten staan.
Ons prachtige plan wordt beschimpt, bedoezeld en beduimeld. Waar het vandaan komt weet ik niet, maar recent nog werd ik benaderd voor een interview door een journalist uit Berlijn. Later bleek het een neonazi te zijn, die zijn zogenaamde interview misbruikte om via Youtube het Namenmonument te bevuilen en om het herdenken van de Holocaust belachelijk te maken. 
Het veelkoppige monster dat antisemitisme heet steekt in Europa steeds onbeschaamder de kop op, Holocaust-ontkenners krijgen meer en meer de gelegenheid om hun leugens te verspreiden. Daarom is het van zo'n groot belang dat er nu eindelijk, in Amsterdam, 75 jaar na de oorlog, een niet te vermijden, groots gebaar komt waarmee we de geschiedenis levend houden, en als land laten zien: 'dit nooit weer'.
Het is hoog tijd, edelachtbaar college, hoog tijd.

donderdag, mei 23, 2019

Pure white stock: Merry-go-rounds and bad habits

Australia's Roman Catholic Church publicly apologised on Thursday to British and Maltese child migrants who suffered abuse including rape, whippings and slave labour in religious institutions.
The apology was delivered at a parliamentary inquiry into child migration.

Two church bodies said the programme, in which more than 1,000 British and 310 Maltese children were sent to Australian Catholic schools between the late 1930s and 1960s, resulted in "suffering and dislocation".

Many children were raped, whipped, stripped of their names and forced to scramble for food thrown on the floor. Some children were also made to do hard labour, including construction work, at some schools.

The Church said it has allocated about $1m to help former child immigrants go back to their countries of origin, especially to meet relatives, as well as for counselling.
The child migration scheme, partly organised by the Church, was aimed at bringing "pure white stock" from Britain to former colonies. It ran from about 1850 right up to 1967.

Spokesman Tony Shanahan said the Church was "painfully aware" that some children suffered physical, sexual and emotional abuse.

"We are sorry that some of those vulnerable children who should have found care and protection in our Catholic institutions suffered abuse." Mr Shanahan added that the UK and Australian government should also take responsibility for the issue. The International Association of Former Child Migrants Vice- President, Don Coleshill, who was shipped to Australia from Britain as a five-year-old in 1937, accepted the apology with "a very large grain of salt".

"They are only hollow words unless you say you want to do something to substantiate or support the apology," he said.

Joint policy
Although numbers are unclear, it is believed that a total of 130,000 were "exported" from Britain over a period of 100 years.

Children left in homes, due to broken marriages or family pressures, were sent from Britain, which in turn was relieved of caring from them.

Although classified as orphans, most children did in fact have parents, who were often unaware their children were sent away.
The full details of the scheme emerged as late as 1998 during a parliamentary inquiry in Britain.

The inquiry found that migrant children were subjected to systematic abuse in religious schools in Australia, New Zealand and other countries.


Sam Wood 



dinsdag, mei 21, 2019

Tantetje(s) Haringsalade en de grote smoel van het bisdom Haarlem: The Shoah's Other Lost Children

The Vatican archives and hidden Jewish children

Toni Kamins

What will the opening of sealed Vatican archives reveal about the fate of Jewish children hidden by Catholic communities during the war?

"Even aan mijn moeder vragen......"  

medewerkster SlachtofferHulp Nederland


donderdag, mei 16, 2019

Delpher 28-10-1848

TELL NO ONE - TYLKO NIE MÓW NIKOMU | dokument Tomasza Sekielskiego/ New documentary exposes sex abuse in Polish Church


"Crimen solicitationis is indicative of a worldwide policy of absolute secrecy and control of all cases of sexual abuse by the clergy.
But what you really have here is an explicit written policy to cover up cases of child sexual abuse by the clergy to punish those who would call attention to these crimes by the churchmen.
You've got a written policy that says that the Vatican will control these situations and you also have I think clear written evidence of the fact that all they are concerned about is containing and controlling the problem.
Nowhere in any of these documents does it say anything about helping the victims.
The only thing it does is say that they can impose fear on the victims and punish the victims for discussing or disclosing what happened to them.
It's all controlled by the Vatican and at the top of the Vatican is the Pope so Joseph Ratzinger was in the middle of this for most of the years that Crimens was enforced he created the successor to Crimen and now he is the Pope this all says that the policy and systematic approach has not changed.
Cardinal Ratzinger, now as Pope, could tomorrow get up and say: 'Here's the policy: full disclosure to the civil authorities, absolute isolation and dismissal of any accused and proven and convicted clerics, complete openness and transparency, complete openness of all financial situations, stop all barriers to the legal process and completely co-operate with the civil authorities everywhere.'
He could do that. "
Thomas Doyle 
 29 September 2006

WARSAW, May 14 (Reuters) - Poland announced plans on Tuesday to tighten sentences for child sex abuse, just days after the country's politics were upended by a documentary on paedophilia in the Catholic Church, closely allied to the nationalist ruling Law and Justice party.
In just three days since it was posted on YouTube, more than 11 million people have viewed the documentary "Just Don't Tell Anyone". It shows Poles confronting priests they said abused them as children, and presents allegations that known paedophiles were shifted between parishes.
The documentary has led to a swift public outcry, with lawyers and journalists calling for the police to launch criminal investigations.
The issue has erupted in the run-up to a European parliamentary election in which issues of sexuality and religion have played a prominent role. Law and Justice (PiS) portrays the Catholic faith as a key element of national identity. Liberals argue that the Church has come to wield too much power.
The leftist progressive Wiosna (Spring) opposition party planned to project the documentary onto a building next door to a church headquarters on Monday. Police seized the projector and blocked the event.

New documentary exposes sex abuse in Polish Church

Hadrien Genieys 

Despite its spectacular staging, Tomasz Sekielski's documentary "Don't tell anyone" is no less attentive to factual accuracy. (Photo by STRIXCODE/STOCK.ADOBE.COM) 
"Don't tell anyone" is the title of independent Polish journalist Tomasz Sekielski's two hour shock documentary on the child sex abuse scandals that have traumatized the Catholic Church in Poland.
Following its release on YouTube on May 11, the program attracted 11 million viewers in only three days.
The documentary draws a pitiless portrait of the Church, cataloging the systemic cover up of abuse, the failures of dioceses to respond and the difficulties faced by victims. Nor does it hesitate to explicitly name offending priests as well as bishops suspected of having kept silence.

An overpowering program bordering on the sensational

The documentary opens spectacularly with a surprise visit by Anna, 39, to the priest who abused her during her childhood at the aged care home where he now resides.
Accompanied by the documentary producer, who poses as her husband while carrying a camera hidden beneath his coat, Anna enters the old priest's room.
"Do you remember me?" she asks. "I would like you to look me in the eye as I think that this will be the last time."
A terrible face to face confrontation follows. Completely disoriented by the situation, the aged priest admits the abuse, begging forgiveness from Anna, who leaves the room, overcome with emotion.
"I hope that God will judge you appropriately and justly," she tells him.
The documentary is dotted with similar hidden camera scenes and impromptu calls for explanation. This gives the film a rare power albeit without avoiding a certain disturbing sensationalism.
In his questioning, Sekielski does not hesitate to challenge his interlocutors, particularly when, court sentence and a video camera in hand, he asks a priest who is prohibited from activities with children why he is leading a spiritual retreat for children.

A strikingly rigorous documentary

Nevertheless, despite such spectacular staging, the documentary is scrupulously attentive to the facts. In fact, Sekielski includes overwhelming evidence in support of the serious accusations he makes.
The victims deliver icily precise testimonies when the director brings them back to the sites where they were first abused.
Revealing the identities of several persons involved in the "cover up" of these crimes, Sekielski also shows the compromising letters exchanged between dioceses. He highlights the promises that were never fulfilled as well as the removal of accused priests and their incessant transfer from diocese to diocese.
In an effort to promote reflection on the issue, Sekielski also taps a series of experts who offer the beginnings of a response to a number of issues raised by the documentary.
Why so little action on the part of ecclesial authorities? Why so many difficulties with legal procedures? Why do victims return to see the person who assaulted them? What consequences has abuse had on their lives?

Primate and episcopal conference president refuse to participate

Strongly criticized by the current Polish Church authorities, the documentary concludes by explicitly highlighting the refusal of the Primate of Poland, Archbishop Wojciech Polak, and the president of the episcopal conference, Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki, to participate in the program.
Nevertheless, the latter appears many times during the documentary, which features extracts from a March 14 press conference in Warsaw.
On that occasion, Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki commented that the term "pedophilia in the Church" was "a very ideological slogan" chosen with the objective of "weakening the Church's authority and thus destroying the confidence of congregations."

He responded to the film by expressing his "emotion and sadness."

"These norms apply without prejudice to the rights and obligations established in each place by state laws, particularly those concerning any reporting obligations to the competent civil authorities.
bron: Lovin Malta
I establish that the present Apostolic Letter in the form of Motu Proprio be promulgated by means of publication in the Osservatore Romano, entering into force on 1 June 2019, and then published in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis.
Given in Rome, at Saint Peter’s, on 7 May 2019, the seventh year of my Pontificate. "

 tales familiar to Irish ears: problematic priests moved from one parish to the next and traumatised victims and their families blocked by bishops who shifted, rather than solved, problems. In one case, a priest convicted for abusing girls and banned forever from contact with minors was allowed work in a retreat programme with children.
In another case, a defrocked priest continued to say Mass even after the suicide of a former altar boy.
In one village northwest of Warsaw, a local man whose nephew was abused by the priest told filmmakers: “He couldn’t stop himself that man. But what to do? The bishop kept him.”
When the man decided to complain to the bishop, promises of support from his neighbours evaporated: “I was left alone, like an idiot.”

dinsdag, mei 14, 2019

Jezus gebed Huib besloot nog een afzakkertje te nemen

De volgende avond werd zijn lichaam gevonden.

Huib Winkel overleed 15 maart 2019

Wilt U hem wel even laten uitspreken 

maandag, mei 13, 2019

Als in donk're nachten de zeester ergens lijt en je vader in de hemel zijt; bruine bonen met rijst en paprika

That one with the waggly tail
how much is that doggie in the window?
I don't want a bowl of little fishies
I don't want a parrot that talks

KRO Zoeken naar thuis;  elf weeskinderen

vrijdag, mei 10, 2019

3 mintuten leestijd


Karlijn Demasure wikt nieuwe kerkelijke wetten over misbruik

Ik ben gek op deskundigen: ben je in 3 minuten klaar. 

Moet je 's effe uitrekenen - nu die kindertjes in Afrika toch geen gebreide broekjes meer aan willen - hoeveel tijd je dan over houd om te snappen hoe je in vredesnaam een hak breit in een sok, en wat een warme voeten je dus zou kunnen hebben gehad! 

En da's dus precies waarom ik bijna mijn leven lang zo blij ben geweest met die draai om mijn oren van mijn moeder en háár demonstratie dat ze toch alles wel zag want anders had ze nooit de strepen op mijn voorhoofd kunnen lezen, die kon zij lezen. Ik niet, dus mocht ik een boek in bed [voorl]lezen   
Ze kon het zelfs ruiken: het stinkt, en liegen mag niet! 
En als er iemand in zijn of haar blote kont loopt gaat de rest de deur dus uit! 
Want mijn vader was de enige die iets met die moedervlek op mijn buik te maken had zodat hij mij altijd zou kunnen herkennen als ik kwijt raakte en daar had de rest dus niks mee te maken!  

En dat vond mijn oma dus ook. 
Daarom kon die sokken breien en iedereen zingen. 

En we hadden een [ronde!] puzzel van een stel aapies op een brug, maar geen boek over een karavaanserail.  

donderdag, mei 09, 2019

Motu Proprio: Kinderen, het mág niet!

I desire that this commitment be implemented in a fully ecclesial manner, so that it may express the communion that keeps us united, in mutual listening and open to the contributions of those who care deeply about this process of conversion.

Therefore, I decree:


Art. 19 – Compliance with state laws
These norms apply without prejudice to the rights and obligations established in each place by state laws, particularly those concerning any reporting obligations to the competent civil authorities.
 The present norms are approved ad experimentum for three years.
I establish that the present Apostolic Letter in the form of Motu Proprio be promulgated by means of publication in the Osservatore Romano, entering into force on 1 June 2019, and then published in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis.
Given in Rome, at Saint Peter’s, on 7 May 2019, the seventh year of my Pontificate. 

Bijscholing domme advocaatjes
"wil jij niet meezingen, je zingt vals"

dinsdag, mei 07, 2019

Security Council Adopts Resolution Calling upon Belligerents Worldwide to Adopt Concrete Commitments on Ending Sexual Violence in Conflict

The Security Council called today upon warring parties around the globe to implement concrete commitments to fight what many speakers described as the heinous, barbaric and all-too-often silent phenomenon of sexual violence during conflict.
Adopting resolution 2467 (2019) by a vote of 13 in favour to none against, with 2 abstentions (China, Russian Federation), during a wide-ranging debate on the prevention and implications of sexual violence, the Council reiterated its demand for the complete cessation of all acts of sexual violence by all parties to armed conflict.
Calling upon the latter to implement specific, time-bound commitments to combat the crime, the Council welcomed efforts by the Secretary-General, his Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict and other relevant officials in seeking such commitments and implementation plans, aimed at preventing and addressing all acts and forms of sexual violence in conflict and post-conflict situations.


 in the decade since the establishment and mandating of the Office of Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, there has been a paradigm shift in the world’s understanding of the crime of sexual violence in conflict, its impact on peace and security, the responses required to prevent and end it, and the range of services that survivors need.  Commending the work of the many actors involved, [he said] their efforts have resulted in a robust normative framework, with an increasing number of Governments having demonstrated their willingness to pursue justice and provide services for survivors.

 “Advocacy groups have demonstrated beyond a doubt that sexual violence is deliberately used as a tactic of war, to terrorize people, dehumanize communities and destabilize societies, so that they struggle to recover for years or even decades,”


The United Nations system has also stepped up its own efforts to address those crimes, he continued, citing the consistent training now provided to peacekeepers on how to prevent and respond to sexual violence in conflict. 
 “Despite all these efforts, the reality on the ground has not changed,” he said.  Sexual violence continues to be a horrific feature of conflicts around the globe, largely impacting women and girls, he affirmed, adding that it is linked to broader issues, including gender inequality and discrimination.  As such, prevention must be based on promoting women’s rights and gender equality in all areas, before, during and after conflict, he emphasized.  
Spotlighting the links between those issues and violent extremism and terrorism, he said perpetrators of the latter often build their ideologies around the subjugation of women and girls while using sexual violence in ways ranging from forced marriage to virtual enslavement.

“Sexual violence continues to fuel conflict and severely impacts the prospects for lasting peace,” he said, noting that his most recent report on the issue presents recommendations on a comprehensive approach to the issue.  Encouraging the Council to include the prevention of such crimes in all its country-specific resolutions and in the mandates of its peace operations — while including conflict-related sexual violence in the work of its sanctions committees — he said that including women in peacekeeping missions boosts reporting and involving them in peace negotiations increases the likelihood of accountability. 
 He went on to point out that despite a handful of high-profile convictions, impunity for sexual violence in conflict remains widespread, with many crimes never reported, investigated or prosecuted.  He added that his recommendations therefore include increasing support to national authorities as they reform laws, improve prosecution capabilities and protect survivors.

PRAMILA PATTEN, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, said that in the 10 years since she received her mandate, “a crime that has often been called ‘history’s greatest silence’ has seized the consciousness of the international community and global action has escalated in an unprecedented way”.  
The Council has played a critical role by recognizing that the use of sexual violence as a tactic of war and terrorism constitutes a fundamental threat to international peace and security and that it requires a focused and strategic security and justice response — as well as comprehensive services for survivors.  
While stigma and other social barriers contribute to chronic underreporting of the crime, she said, there is now greater understanding of its many forms, drivers and impacts, and prevention has been incorporated into many peace agreements and ceasefire-verification frameworks around the globe.
However, the reality is that the pace of implementation remains slow and criminal accountability for sexual violence in conflict largely elusive, she continued.  “We have not yet improved the situation on the ground in a sustained, meaningful way,” she emphasized, pointing out:  “Wars are still being fought on and over the bodies of women and girls.”

zaterdag, mei 04, 2019

O Velho e a Flor


nee knikkers

"Je voert gewoon experimenten uit van anderen die jaren zijn voorbereid." Maar Kuipers droomt stiekem van kleine eigen experimenten. "Ik ben benieuwd naar bepaalde hoofdbewegingen in de ruimte."
bron: Het Parool 23 april 1991: André Kuipers droomt van ruimtereis

woensdag, mei 01, 2019

Dag van de Arbeid:''Greater public cooperation is required to expose the truth and confront old prejudices''

Es lebe die Hittepetit.


Het post-Sonja Barend effect

Bron NOS

"Wij zijn van de Duyvis en hoorden dat er hier een fuif is"