donderdag, september 29, 2016

Royal Commission releases research on perpetrators of child sexual abuse

29 September 2016

A new research report conducted for the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has examined available evidence regarding the characteristics, motivations and offending behaviour of child sexual abuse perpetrators in both institutional and non-institutional contexts.

Royal Commission acting CEO, Marianne Christmann, said the report, Evidence and frameworks for understanding perpetrators of institutional child sexual abuse, explores the principal themes found in the literature and examines research specific to perpetrators of child sexual abuse in institutional settings.

This report demonstrates that it is possible to identify commonalities in the characteristics of studied adult perpetrators of child sexual abuse and children or young people with harmful sexual behaviours. Despite these identified commonalities, the characteristics of perpetrators are still considerably diverse.

“The report is an important contribution to the work of the Royal Commission through providing a detailed understanding of what is known from the literature about the motivations and behaviours of perpetrators of child sexual abuse. This will be valuable for informing strategies to prevent the perpetration of child sexual abuse in institutional settings in the future” Ms Christmann said.

The key findings of the study included:
  • The literature suggests that the majority of identified adult perpetrators of child sexual abuse are male, with between 6 and 11 per cent of child sexual abuse perpetrated by females.
  • There appears to be clusters of perpetrators who first commit contact sexual abuse between the ages of 11 and 15, and in their late 20s to early 30s
  • Compared to other groups, adult men who sexually abuse children tend to have experienced higher rates of physical and sexual abuse and emotional abuse or neglect as children. Male adolescents with harmful sexual behaviour also report experiencing greater rates of childhood abuse than comparison groups. However, there is a lack of evidence to support a unique association between childhood sexual abuse and subsequent sexual offending.
  • Exposure to violent pornography is a concern in relation to harmful sexual behaviour among adolescents.
  • Research on perpetrators of child sexual abuse in institutional settings is fairly limited and is most commonly concerned with patterns of child sexual abuse by clergy, with some research on perpetrators in educational, sporting and out of home care settings.
  • Descriptions of strategies used by perpetrators to gain access to children and the identification of situational factors that deter them from offending can be used to inform the prevention of child sexual abuse in institutional settings.
In seeking to understand what is known about the characteristics of perpetrators, this review does not diminish or find justification for perpetrator behaviour; there is no justification for child sexual abuse.

The Royal Commission appointed Dr Michael Proeve, Professor Paul Delfabbro, and Ms Catia Malvaso from the University of Adelaide to undertake the research.

Read the full report.

woensdag, september 28, 2016

start hoek van de Ronde Tafel Let no child walk this path again

De boom, de boom wordt hoe langer hoe dikker   


when you're ready

Die Unabhängige Kommission zur Aufarbeitung sexuellen Kindesmissbrauchs untersucht sämtliche Formen von sexuellem Kindesmissbrauch in Deutschland. Darunter fällt zum Beispiel Missbrauch in Institutionen, in Familien, im sozialen Umfeld, durch Fremdtäter oder im Rahmen von organisierter sexueller Ausbeutung. Die Kommission soll Strukturen aufdecken, die sexuelle Gewalt in der Kindheit und Jugend ermöglicht haben und herausfinden, warum Aufarbeitung in der Vergangenheit verhindert wurde. Dabei wird die Kommission vor allem Menschen anhören, die in ihrer Kindheit von sexuellem Missbrauch betroffen waren und somit die Möglichkeit schaffen, auch verjährtes Unrecht mitzuteilen.


met dank aan de vertelketel: 
"Ken je de bomen niet, ben je misschien verdwaald in het bos.
Ken je de verhalen niet ben je verdwaald in het leven".

zondag, september 25, 2016


Kopvellen en kommaneuken

24 - 9 - 2016

Het hooggerechtshof in de Amerikaanse staat Arizona heeft een omstreden uitspraak gedaan waarin het verschonen van een luier strafbaar is als seksueel misbruik. 


"It is incredibly insulting to believe any prosecutor reviewing a case for charging would not be able to tell the difference between an adult taking proper care of a child and the molestation of a child victim," Montgomery said.

" ''Schat, dan trek je je hempie toch uit op dat sportveld? ''
'' Moeder,  dat is seksuele intimidatie '' "

uit: "... probeer die stoel eens op te tillen"

Dank je. 

donderdag, september 22, 2016

unholy silence

GEOFF THOMPSON: As you've seen tonight, the cost of accused priests not facing the music is far too great. The link between child sex abuse and premature death is only just beginning to be understood.
PETER JURD: It not only affected Damian, now it's affecting his children. Damian was a great dad, loved them to death but I suppose he... he never quite got over, that feeling of, of not being good enough. He had a photo of Roman and Claire-Anne next to him.
GEOFF THOMPSON: Damian Jurd's children Roman and Claire-Anne live with their grandparents. Claire-Anne, is now 19 and struggles with depression. Speaking with her, it's difficult not to conclude that the effects of abuse on Damian's life are generational.
CLAIRE-ANNE JURD, DAMIAN'S DAUGHTER: I just feel like there's just so many questions I have for him if he was here.
GEOFF THOMPSON: What would you say to him?
CLAIRE-ANNE JURD: I'd ask him if he was proud of me.
GEOFF THOMPSON: It was only last year that Claire-Anne learnt what Father F did to her dad.
CLAIRE-ANNE JURD: I've got this thing in the back of my hand saying "Just give up", 'cause he did.
I go to sleep at night and I think about what he would be like if it didn't happen to him; what I would be like if it didn't happen to him. I've... he was sad and he was hurting all the time and that... when I describe myself, I'm sad and I hurt all the time, but if that didn't happen to him, what kind of personality I would have... whether I would, you know, be here at all.
KERRY O'BRIEN: How do you begin to count the cost - not just of the abuse, but an institutional cover-up and of justice denied. There have been many government enquiries at both state and federal level over the years, but a Parliamentary Inquiry in Victoria right now is looking specifically at how religious institutions - and NGOs, for that matter - respond to cases of sexual abuse. Perhaps the inquiry should be national. Next week on Four Corners, an investigation into the work practises of Australia's pearling industry, with lives being put at risk. Until then, good night.

End of transcript  
Unholy Silence 

# 44 John Joseph Farrell dag 8

transcript 21-8


Today we commence a further hearing in relation to issues in the Catholic Church in NSW. This will be our last hearing dealing with Catholic institutions apart from the final review hearing which will occur next year. 


naar bed naar bed en grootvaders kastjes, Gebedsdag voor Gerrit Komrij's ; Sex, Priests, and Secret Codes II

ok, nu kan dus inmiddels iedereen weten dat elk bisdom geheime kastjes had met al dan niet in verschillende kleuren verpakte poepgeheime papieren  maar zou je nu ook mogen bidden voor een onderzoekscommissie die op zoek gaat of daarin niet ook boekjes liggen met uitspraken die deel uit dienen te gaan maken van het collectief rkk-geheugen

opdracht Doyle: er moet meer gelachen worden! 

and Bp Geoff Robinson, auxiliary bishop at the 
11 time, was given the task of revamping this thing so that it 
12  looked to be not so in-house. 

MR WHITLAM: And "special issues" was a euphemism not just 
24 for child sexual abuse, but for -- 

MONS PETERS: It was mainly child sex abuse. 

28 MR WHITLAM: Mainly, but, for instance, if there had been 
29 an inappropriate relationship with a woman, that could be 
30 there too? 

MONS PETERS: Oh, yes, absolutely. Or a man. "

woensdag, september 21, 2016

maandag, september 19, 2016

Meer dan honderd katholieke prominenten roepen de katholieke Kerk op tot een herziening van haar standpunt over kunstmatige contraceptie.

ipv bessentaart. Of was het nou een advocaatje met slagroom?

Doofpot schade


Ongeveer veertig slacht offers van seksueel misbruik in de Kerk begonnen een burgerlijke rechtszaak tegen de Kerk. Begin dit jaar kregen ze in beroep ongelijk. Walter Van Steenbrugge, de advocaat van de slachtoffers, stapt nu naar het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens.
De slachtoffers wilden dat de kerkelijke oversten aansprakelijk zouden worden gesteld voor wat ze de ‘doofpotschade’ noemen, maar de rechter wees hun zaak af omdat de Heilige Stoel immuniteit heeft. Bovendien wilden niet alle slachtoffers zich kenbaar maken en geen specifieke fouten tegen specifieke bisschoppen aanbrengen.

‘Wij vinden dat artikel 6 en artikel 13 van het mensenrechtenverdrag geschonden zijn. Die gaan over het recht op een eerlijk proces en toegang tot een rechter’, zegt Walter Van Steenbrugge. Hij stapt naar het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens.
‘Onze argumenten zijn nooit inhoudelijk beoordeeld. We hebben niet eens de kans gekregen. Wij vinden dat de Heilige Stoel geen immuniteit geniet, omdat hij niet alleen een staat is, maar ook het hoofd van de katholieke Kerk. En van slachtoffers mag je niet zomaar verwachten dat ze hun intiemste ervaringen naar buiten brengen. Als we gelijk krijgen, hebben de slachtoffers recht op een nieuw proces.’
Hoe is het mogelijk dat de Kerk zo lang de andere kant heeft opgekeken? De Mensenrechtenraad van de Verenigde Naties heeft het al gezegd: je hebt schade door het misbruik en schade door het misbruik niet aan te pakken. Die schade is het gevolg van een fout door de kerkelijke oversten waarvoor zij aansprakelijk moeten kunnen worden gesteld.’

‘Ik heb altijd aan de slachtoffers gezegd dat Vlaanderen hier niet klaar voor was en dat we waarschijnlijk naar het Europees Hof zouden moeten trekken. Dat is altijd ons einddoel geweest.’

Mea Culpa heeft al in 2010 de actie ‘Childgate’, opgestart en naar voren gebracht in het Europees parlement maar de kerk heeft haar tentakels omfloerst in al haar maatschappelijke geledingen. Ze zijn er nooit klaar voor. Dat zij het misbruik niet hebben aangepakt door broeders de kerk uit te gooien maar hebben overgeplaatst of gewoon hebben laten zitten tekent hun onwil. Bidden tegen de zonde geloofde men dat Jezus de daders kon laten genezen.

Bron Mea Culpa


# 44 John Joseph Farrell dag 5


eye witness

      eye witness news


vrijdag, september 16, 2016

Dutch Heritage Trix en fix de Nederlands Mirakelen; Frankly Speaking A picture is worth a thousand words – the importance of photos, birth certificates and other records to people who grew up in orphanages, missions, children’s homes and foster care

15 - 9 - 2016
A picture is worth a thousand words – the importance of photos, birth certificates and other records to people who grew up in orphanages, missions, children’s homes and foster care

Over the past almost four years, as the Royal Commission has explored the way the Catholic Church and other institutions have responded to child sexual abuse one of the key issues I hear from survivors is the difficulty they have trying to get hold of their personal records.

This is particularly true if they were in foster care, orphanages, children’s homes, missions and other child residential care facilities and unfortunately it seems to be particularly true if the institution was run by the Catholic Church.
Most of us have family photo books, if we put in just a little effort we can scrape together a ‘family tree’ of sorts. Indeed most of us can pick up a phone and call a relative, a parent, a sibling, a cousin. We have a family history that we can reference and, in part, can tell us why we are who we are.

This is not the case for many kids who were brought up in orphanages, children’s homes, missions and foster care last century or as they are known,

Care Leavers.
Many know nothing about their parents, if they have brothers and sisters, or even where they came from.
Imagine going through life having no understanding or appreciation of your roots


. Nothing to hold on to, to provide an anchor linking you back to a time and place. We are our history and when we have no understanding of it, I’m told it is like being rudderless, a compass with a needle that just spins round and round.

Recently I was told about a 57-year-old Care Leaver who has never met his parents, any of his five siblings or for that matter seen a photo of them.

He needs his records so he can find his family and find himself, to try to understand why he is different in many ways to his peers. He needs the records to try to make sense of his childhood and to give himself a sense of ‘family’ and an understanding of the ‘why?’ questions in his life.

Having these records is also an important part of abuse survivors being able to tell their stories to the Royal Commission – something all our Church leaders are on the record fully supporting.

But when they ask an institution for their records they hit many a brick wall, many are met with hostility and frustration, delays and excessive costs. And if they are provided with some records they are often so heavily redacted they are next to useless.

To these care leavers, it looks and feels like these same institutions are continuing to put their reputations ahead of the welfare of their former residents. For some it feels like the institution is all too willing to continue to abuse them.

For the life of me I can’t understand why some Catholic organisations in which young kids lived, were cared for or were educated wouldn’t do all they can to help them understand their family history.

If for no other reason – and there are many other reasons – it would put them on the right side of the issue.

Certainly in the past 15 years or so, many Catholic organisations have done a lot to make sure care leavers get better access to their records. But some still have a long way to go.

I’m often asked at the parish meetings I attend and in other places what it is we as Catholics can do to help abuse survivors?

Well here is one simple project – if you have any influence over your local school, parish or any other place were there might be some historical records then let them know these past records should be available, and easily available, to now grown adults.

Many do, but everyone in any institution needs to understand and respect the value of these precious documents, for many they provide the only glimpse into their history. And while these records will sometimes deliver pain and very mixed emotions they are vital in piecing together shattered lives.

Francis Sullivan
CEO Truth Justice and Healing Council
15 September 2016

donderdag, september 15, 2016

# 44 John Joseph Farrell dag 4

"Het verleden is een immens terrein vol stenen, waar velen het liefst 
overheen zouden razen alsof het een autosnelweg was, terwijl 
anderen geduldig van steen naar steen stappen en die alle
maal optillen, omdat ze willen weten wat eronder zit.



Soms stuiten ze op schorpioenen of duizendpoten, dikke 
witte larven of poppen die op barsten staan, 
maar het is niet uitgesloten dat er tenminste één keer 
een olifant opduikt [...]"

José Saramago

woensdag, september 14, 2016

# 44 John Joseph Farrell dag 3


Man doesn't just survive, Al, he's got to prevail

(naar Desmond Tutu)