woensdag, augustus 31, 2016

Vergangenheitsbewältigung "Taal moet schoon zijn

om elkaars kopvellen te kunnen ruiken ...

(Antjie Krog)

en ergens in mijn buurt moet een 4 jarig meideke zitten en die moeten we hebben !

Bijschrift toevoegen
16 - 8 - 2016 
Femke Jacobs 

Signalement:  in bezit van een broer die mijn vraag naar zijn eigen leeftijd  met 11 en de correctie bijna  beantwoordde en het mij kennelijk vergaf dat ik mee had geluisterd naar zijn gesprek met de baliemedewerkster toen hij een boek voor haar wilde uitzoeken en op haar vraag antwoordde dat zij "al heel goed woorden kan vormen"
Wordt aangetroffen in de buurt van een moeder wiens stijselkissie  zeer waarschijnlijk niet in mijn buurt stond die door haar wordt voorgelezen
Welke zin mijn kinderen nooit zullen kunnen zeggen.

# 43 RCAU

The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing to inquire into the response of Catholic Church authorities in the Maitland-Newcastle region to allegations of child sexual abuse by clergy and religious.

The public hearing will commence on 31 August 2016 in Newcastle.

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New Castle Herald
En dan na zo'n 30 minuutjes internationale scholing: 

en de groeten van
 rkk Meldpunt Maliebaan 
licorice is heerlijk
                                                           als je nadenkt en herkauwt nog veeeeeeel mooier !  En dát is verdomd lekker

wil jij niet meezingen jij zingt vals

21 I recall that at that time I decided that I would speak to Sr Evelyn Woodward, another member of my congregation. about how to go about reporting what I had been told. Sister Woodward was a trained counsellor, and I thought that with her training and experience, she would have greater knowledge and experience  to deal with the matter than I fell I had.  
22 I recall telling Sr Jackson that I planned lo speak with Sr WoodWard, and she also thought that was a good Idea. 
23 That afternoon, I tned to reach Sr Woodward by telephone, but was unable to reach her. At that time Sr Woodward and I lived in the same convent in Merewether, and I spolte to her that evening about the matter. 
24 I told SrWoodward what I had heard at school that day. I recall that she said that she thought It best to notify Mons. Cotler, and she said that she would take the responsibility for doing this. 
25 My recollection is that Mons. Cotter was away from the Merewether Parish that evening, and that Sr Woodward went to see him the following day. 

Free - Woodward : “Was that just because you saw your role as being to report the matter up the chain and once that had occurred, you were leaving it to others to deal with?”

dinsdag, augustus 30, 2016

# 42 day 11


Public hearing into Anglican Diocese of Newcastle has resumed. Archbishop Roger Herft, former Bishop of Newcastle, is giving evidence.


Church can't be trusted to run Catholic schools: Catholic principal

The Age

29 - 8 -2016
Henrietta Cook 

A Catholic principal has blasted the Catholic Church, saying school leaders are being pressured into "inappropriate" situations and silenced.
Paul Tobias, the outspoken principal of St Joseph's College Geelong, has called for an urgent review of the governance of Catholic primary and secondary schools.
"The Catholic Church persists with antiquated governance models which are no longer appropriate, rather than distribute power appropriately," he said.
In a strongly worded submission to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, Mr Tobias said people who expressed different views to the church could "expect to be penalised, isolated or have their careers impacted".
Catholic bishops could also compromise the pastoral care of students, he said.
Mr Tobias, who is the only mainstream Catholic principal signed up to the Safe Schools Coalition, has been writing to the Catholic Education Office since 2004 to raise concerns about its lack of anti-homophobia programs.
"Principals like myself, who express a view in relation to the pastoral needs of young people in their care, risk suffering the cultural consequences implicit in the statement, "You are either one of us or you are not,' " he said.
Mr Tobias also spoke of the "muted response" he received from Cardinal George Pell – who was then Archbishop of Melbourne – when he apologised in 2000 to former students who had been sexually abused.
"The response from the then Archbishop of Melbourne, Cardinal Pell, could best be described as muted. I think at the time an apology was not considered as an appropriate response," he said.
It is rare for Catholic school leaders to openly criticise the Catholic church, but Mr Tobias, who has worked in the sector for 40 years, said he wanted to speak out. He is retiring at the end of the year.
He said Catholic principals had been largely silent throughout the royal commission – despite their schools being "prolific providers" of sex abuse victims.
"This silence does not indicate a lack of conviction but to me indicates a culture whereby those who are outspoken can expect the consequences," he said.
He also raised concerns about bishops appointing directors of the Catholic Education Office, sometimes without advertising the position. He suspects they appoint people who "tell them what they want to hear, rather than challenge them, especially around matters such as sexual abuse".
This led to issues being "glossed over", he claimed.
Unlike other states, parish priests in Victoria have a significant management role in Catholic primary schools.
Mr Tobias said this was an unsuitable role because priests had other work commitments and lacked expertise in education and the modern workplace.
"It can also mean that principals are pressured into positions and situations which they know to be inappropriate," he added.
Principals became "hopelessly compromised" because they relied on the parish priest for employment, he said.
Catholic Education Melbourne executive director Stephen Elder said the royal commission provided an opportunity for serious reflection on past practices.
"Learning from the mistakes of the past helps shape the future and our schools are united and absolutely committed to ensuring the terrible abuses of trust being examined by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse never happened again," he said.
Mr Elder said he did not want to pre-empt the details of the royal commission's recommendations and there would be much to learn from its final report.
He said that Catholic Education Melbourne had created wellbeing, child protection and professional conduct units, and schools were working to promote "safe, inclusive and respectful school communities".
Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne spokesman Shane Healy said he rejected the concerns raised by Mr Tobias.
"The governance structures in place have served Catholic education and the many hundreds of thousands of students who have been and continue to be educated in Catholic schools very well."
He said the rollout of the building the education revolution and new child safe standards highlighted this "very successful" arrangement.

maandag, augustus 29, 2016

RCAU # 42 Please be aware that the content of the public hearings can be distressing for viewers.

The Royal Commission's public hearing into the Anglican Diocese of Newcastle will continue from Monday, 29 August commencing at 10:00am AEST.

The public hearing will inquire into the experiences of survivors of child sexual abuse perpetrated by clergy and lay people involved in or associated with the Anglican Diocese of Newcastle.

Please be aware that the content of the public hearings can be distressing for viewers.

Visit support services to find services near you, or for immediate support call the Royal Commission on 1800 099 340 or Lifeline on 13 11 14.

McClellan: “Then perhaps it is also open to the suggestion that you actually didn’t take these matters as seriously as you should because you didn’t note them.”

Sharp: “Are you protecting Graeme Lawrence?”
Herft: “Certainly not.”
Sharp: “Are you intimidated by Graeme Lawrence?”
Herft: “I’m not intimidated by Graeme Lawrence.”

New Castle Herald

Day 10 

“We make it a rule here to never deny any attack made upon us.”


donderdag, augustus 25, 2016

dinsdag, augustus 23, 2016

Lindegroen en oudrose Nice; de nacht van de waanzin "je draagt maar wat je wilt" !



El Pais
Nationale erfenis

Met mjn vlaggetje,mijn hoedje en mijn toeter

Er zijn van die driehoeksverhoudingen waarmee  je toch wel heel erg blij kunt zijn!  

"Whatever may have been acceptable in earlier times I do not believe that a justice system crafted without the fundamental objective of identifying the truth should be accepted today."

Melbourne, Victoria

Friday 19 August, 2016

The Hon. Justice Peter McClellan AM
Chair of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse
Addressing the Judicial College of Victoria's Historical Sexual Offences program - meeting and managing community expectations.



Lord Judge has observed:
‘Our system is adversarial. It depends on the proposition that the results of the adversarial system will represent justice. But we have to face the reality that if the adversarial system does not produce justice, that is justice to everyone involved in the process, it will have to be re-examined and it should be re-examined.’46
Traditional aspects of the adversarial system have already been eroded in response to a recognition that they were ill-suited to securing justice for victims of sexual offences. For both complainants and the broader community this was, quite rightly, unacceptable. Although many offences involve harm, when harm is said to come from the breach of intimate boundaries that we are all entitled to have respected, it is important to recognize that, just as the accused has an interest in the truth emerging, so too does the victim. The emergence of the truth is important both to provide justice for the accused but also for the complainant. Whatever may have been acceptable in earlier times I do not believe that a justice system crafted without the fundamental objective of identifying the truth should be accepted today.

maandag, augustus 22, 2016


Thomas P. Doyle, J.C.D., C.A.D.C.

June 24 to 26, 2016

Revised August 16, 2016
[Note: This does not connect to a web site]



It’s only natural for victims to want revenge but that’s not only unrealistic but it’s also self-destructive. The non-stop anger only gets more toxic over the years and harms only the victim. The main goal has always been healing rather than obsessing about what the Church is or is not doing. Many have looked to Pope Francis for help and for hope. He is one man surrounded by a Vatican bureaucracy that is basically hostile to the victims of the Church’s mistreatment and abuse on any level. We can hope that the promise many see in him will become real, but we must live with the reality that future change and progress depends not on the ecclesiastical bureaucracy but on the survivors and their supporters.

The safety of today’s and tomorrow’s children and the compassionate response to victims by the Church’s leaders will be uniformly assured only when the system that allowed this nightmare to happen has been fundamentally changed, and replaced with a way of life that truly IS the People of God.

This is happening now and will continue to happen 
because those whom this institution has harmed so deeply 
are making it happen.