woensdag, september 30, 2015

volgende veroordeling ex Oblaat Eric Dejaeger

Readers are cautionened  that this article  contains  very offensive  and disturbing  activity 

Recent information told it makes God weep so accept to be human in case of nausea and urge to puke 

Nunatsiaq Online

Nunavut September 30,

Defrocked and disgraced, ex-priest and convicted pedophile Eric Dejaeger pleaded guilty to four more charges involving sex crimes against children Sept. 29 during an appearance before Justice Sue Cooper at the Nunavut Court of Justice in Iqaluit.

The four charges relate to incidents involving three children in the Edmonton area, between 1974 and 1978, when Dejaeger attended the Newman Theological College at the University of Alberta.

Earlier this year, Justice Robert Kilpatrick convicted Dejaeger on 32 charges, most of which were sex crimes against Inuit children, committed while Dejaeger served as the Catholic parish priest in Igloolik from 1976 to 1982.

For those charges, Kilpatrick sentenced the ex-priest, who has been in custody since January 2011, to eleven years in prison.

And in 1990, Dejaeger received a five-year federal prison sentence after being convicted of nine counts of sex crimes committed in Baker Lake in the 1980s.

Crown prosecutor Barry McLaren pointed out in court Sept. 29 that the courts have dealt with Dejaeger’s known sex crimes in reverse chronological order.

The Belgian-born man was first convicted on the most recent known crimes in Baker Lake first, then on his crimes in Igloolik, which happened earlier, and finally, now, on his earliest known sex crimes against children, in Alberta.

“Had people known 30 plus years ago… about his activities, perhaps the following events in Baker Lake and in Igloolik might never have happened,” McLaren told Cooper.

Standing and facing the judge in a baggy navy blue sweatshirt, Dejaeger quietly answered “guilty,” each time Cooper asked him how he pleaded to the four charges stemming from Alberta in the 1970s.

In a joint sentencing recommendation made to the judge, McLaren and defence lawyer Malcolm Kempt recommended Dejaeger receive a sentence of four to five years in a federal penitentiary for each of the three Alberta complaints.

The joint submission recommended a federal prison sentence, to be served concurrently to each other and to the 11-year sentence Dejaeger is already serving, to show the gravity of the offences, McLaren said.

“Mr. Dejaeger has damaged his victims, he has incredibly damaged the two Nunavut communities, and he has left lasting effects on the complainants in this case.”

The complainants came forward upon hearing media reports of Dejaeger’s return to Canada in 2011 after hiding 18 years in Belgium, the prosecutor said.

Reading an agreed statement of facts to Cooper, McLaren revealed the sexual misconduct Dejaeger committed in Alberta in the 1970s, including:
• about 10 incidents of sexually fondling a young Aboriginal altar boy, and one attempt at anal penetration;
• repeated incidents of fondling a six-year old girl, including digital penetration on numerous occasions; and,
• incidents of oral sex with that girl’s older brother, and another incident of attempted anal penetration.

Dejaeger told each of the three complainants not to tell anyone of their “secret,” McLaren said, going so far as to tell the little girl she would go to hell if she did because “this is a secret between him, her and God.”

“The abuse only ended when the accused left the country in 1978,” McLaren said.
In each of the three cases, Dejaeger built a trusting relationship with the complainants’ families over time, the prosecutor said, gaining enough trust from the parents to be the children’s babysitter at times.

Some of the crimes were committed on a religious retreat outside of Edmonton that Dejaeger took the kids to, with the parents’ consent.

Defence lawyer Kempt told Cooper his client will turn 69 in the spring, and currently suffers from a number of serious health issues, including cancer and heart problems.

A mitigating factor in sentencing the judge should consider, Kempt said, is that Dejaeger pleaded guilty to the charges as soon as was possible.

“He didn’t want these [complainants] to have to testify at trial… he doesn’t want to see anyone else suffer through that process,” Kempt said.

Cooper said she will deliver her sentencing decision on Oct. 22, at 1:30 p.m.

Kempt said once these charges have been resolved, Dejaeger will be sent to a facility outside of Nunavut, but Kempt didn’t know where.

Dejaeger requested that the charges filed by these three complainants be tried in the Nunavut Court of Justice, and the public prosecution office in Alberta agreed to transfer the charges to Nunavut.

After his 45-minute appearance, Dejaeger, fidgeting with the cuffs of his oversized sweatshirt, left the courtroom.

Background  Research suggests cardiovascular and metabolic diseases are influenced by psychological distress in adulthood; however, this research is often limited to adult populations and/or a snapshot measure of distress. Given emerging recognition that cardiometabolic diseases have childhood origins, an important question is whether psychological distress earlier in life influences disease development.
Objectives  This study sought to assess whether life course patterns of psychological distress assessed from childhood through adulthood predict biomarkers of cardiometabolic risk in adulthood and whether effects of sustained distress differ from more limited exposure.

We might not be able to remember every stressful episode of our childhood.
But the emotional upheaval we experience as kids — whether it's the loss of a loved one, the chronic stress of economic insecurity, or social interactions that leave us tearful or anxious — may have a lifelong impact on our health.
In fact, a study published this week in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology indicates that emotional distress during childhood — even in the absence of high stress during adult years — can increase the risk of developing heart disease and metabolic disorders such as diabetes in adulthood.
To assess the connection between childhood stress and the risk of disease, Winning and her colleagues analyzed data from the 1958 British Birth Cohort Study, a long-running study that documented the diets, habits and emotional health of thousands of British children born during the same week that year."We know that the childhood period is really important for setting up trajectories of health and well being," explains Ashley Winning, an author of the study, and a postdoctoral research fellow in social and behavioral sciences at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
As the children entered school, the classroom became the laboratory for observation.
"Teachers collected a lot of information — assessing signs and symptoms of distress," Winning explains. "The teachers were checking off [answers to questions such as]: 'Was this child tearful or sad?' " Teachers completed a 146-item assessment.
Teachers evaluated each child at ages 7, 11 and again at 16. After that, as the participants grew older they completed their own assessments of the stress in their lives at ages 23, 33, and 42-years-old.
When the participants turned 45, they underwent a biomedical assessment to measure markers of metabolic and cardiovascular health — as well as immune function.
Using this data from 6,714 participants, Winning and her colleagues analyzed the relationship between stress and the risk of various chronic diseases.
"Not surprisingly, those with persistent distress — so, both in childhood and adulthood — had the highest risk," Winning says.
But here's the surprise: Even the adults who had lower distress levels, were at higher risk of chronic illness if they had experienced higher levels of distress during childhood.

"It's very interesting that early life experiences seemed to be such an important predictor [of disease risk]," says Aric Prather, a research psychologist in the department of psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco. Though the study can only measure correlation, not causation, the large number of people it tracked for many decades make its findings worth paying attention to, scientists say — and worth following up on with other kinds of research.
Prather, who also studies the links between psychology and immunity, says the mechanisms by which early life experiences influence health are complicated and not yet completely understood.
"There's certainly growing evidence that there may be some biological embedding that takes place," Prather says.
In other words, it's possible, he says, that when people experience early life stress "it actually changes something about them biologically." Stress may influence how genes get switched on or off, for instance, or may initiate some other physiological effects.
There's still a lot to learn, but this much is clear, Prather says: "The mind and the body are much more tightly related than we used to believe."

maandag, september 28, 2015

If 'God Weeps' About Church Sex Abuse, What Does a Pope Do?

"I've long since come to believe
 that people never mean half of what they say and that its best
to disregard their talk and judge their action"

Jason Berry
The World Post 


Jason Berry is a religion correspondent for GroundTruth. 

His books include Lead Us Not Into Temptation, Vows of Silence, and Render unto Rome.

WASHINGTON -- Before Congress on Thursday, Pope Francis praised Dorothy Day, founder of the Catholic Worker Movement "for her social activism, her passion for justice and for the cause of the oppressed," likening her faith to "the example of the saints."

Inspired by Day, Barbara Blaine in the mid 1980s moved into a Catholic Worker House on the South Side of Chicago where women fleeing domestic abuse found safe harbor with their kids. The cavernous floors, long emptied of nuns, housed other young radicals who lived out Day's witness, working with broken lives, people on the ragged edge, the victims of what Pope Francis calls "the throwaway culture."

After the man she loved died in an automobile accident, Blaine began dealing with the traumatic aftershocks of being sexually abused at her Toledo high school by Father Chet Warren. Years later she went after him, won a legal settlement and finally got him defrocked.

The road toward those encounters began when Blaine founded Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) while living in the Catholic Worker House in 1988. SNAP has waged a long battle in helping victims seek legal redress against bishops who concealed sexual predators -- and pushing for structural changes to remove negligent bishops.

Pope Francis has met with several victims in Rome and established a special Vatican commission, with two abuse survivors on it, to advise him. Commissions move slowly, and what we saw in Philadelphia was the Vatican keeping the pope on message and anonymous victims out of sight.

On midday Sunday, as the pope went about his schedule in Philadelphia, the final day of his American trip, the Vatican issued a statement in carefully-controlled script saying the pope had met with three women and two men who had been sexually abused as children.

As of late Sunday afternoon, Blaine didn't know who the victims were, nor did anyone in the media. Their names had not surfaced in Monday news reports.

The Vatican's script was meant to dampen media coverage on the obvious question: what happened to the worst crisis of the modern church? How has this most extraordinary pope confronted such a core issue?

"I'm disappointed that Pope Francis isn't using this opportunity to advance substantive change," Blaine said stoically from Chicago. She had been giving interviews since the news broke. "SNAP has people on the ground in New York and Philadelphia today" -- trying to get their message out to the media.

As she spoke, the Popemobile paused in Philadelphia en route to Pope Francis's final Mass in the U.S. The pope has stopped at many of his events to embrace a child brought forth from the crowds.

Brian Williams on MSNBC said jovially that if Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York were not a cardinal, he might be mayor.

However, Dolan as archbishop of Milwaukee secreted $56 million in a cemetery fund in what became the longest bankruptcy battle in church history, pitting 500 abuse victims against Dolan's previous archdiocese.

The unresolved crisis of predator priests was not a convenient strand for this week's media narrative. But when Francis fleetingly raised the issue in complimenting bishops in Washington earlier in the week, Blaine winced.

"Calling those bishops 'courageous' was like a slap in the face to victims," said Blaine. "We believe they are the cause of the problem."

If the American journey of this pope did nothing else, it dramatized the profound sensitivity that Francis has for the people in the barrios and prisons and housing projects. He used powerful words after meeting with the small group of survivors in Philadelphia, telling bishops, seminarians and priests:

"God weeps for the sexual abuse of children. These cannot be maintained in secret, and I commit to a careful oversight to ensure that youth are protected and all responsible will be held accountable. Those who have survived this abuse have become true heralds of mercy - humbly, we owe each of them our gratitude for their great value as they have had to suffer this terrible abuse sexual abuse of minors," Francis said.

Blaine was not having much of the "heralds of mercy" compliment.

"We want to see what he will do with complicit bishops, how he's going to change the structure," she told GroundTruth.

Bishops have historically operated with de facto immunity for transgressions like recycling abusers. The crisis that shook the foundations of Catholicism in Europe, North America and Australia has spread to Latin American countries.

Pathological behavior in a clerical culture does not stop at geographic boundaries.

The Vatican's stage managing of abuse victims showed another side in televised moment on CNN. As anchor Jake Tapper sat with commentator-priests Edward Becker and James Martin, the camera showed Francis moving down the line of prisoners at the correctional facility in Philadelphia.

Tapper marveled at how the pope who just gone to see abuse victims was now meeting with prisoners. Left unspoken was the struggle of many abuse survivors who feel imprisoned by their past, the inability of the child to protect the adult s/he has become.

Francis had no distinguished record on this wrenching issue as Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires. He did not meet with any victims in his time there nor display any leadership on the issue, a point that survivor groups in Argentina keep emphasizing to any reporter in earshot.

But Papa Bergoglio, as some Italians call him, has proven himself to be a pope with a powerful, reform-driven agenda. The story often lost on the American media is his struggle to change the internal dynamics of the Roman Curia.

Acting on the advice of his commission for child protection, Francis authorized a special tribunal within the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) to try bishops who are accused of complicity or gross negligence in dealing with sex offenders.

This is a new realm of church law. And SNAP has no one in a position to have dialogue or any form of negotiation with the Vatican. Instead the group has relentlessly criticized the pope's every move on the crisis as inconsequential.

Changing the largest institution in the world, one that is 2,000 years old, requires understanding its inner workings by talking to people on the inside.

Vatican officials and bishops who shrink from the very idea of a conversation with someone from SNAP might do well to look at Cuba's changing relationship with the US, made possible with help from Pope Francis. The diplomatic breakthrough took decades but it happened between the bitterest of geopolitical enemies with a strong nudge from the Supreme Pontiff, a man from Latin America who saw a growing church in the Marxist country and reasoned that anything he could do to strengthen dialogue and progress was worth doing.

The CDF tribunal could have a powerful impact on the behavior of bishops -- and the power of this and future popes to speedily remove them -- which would go a long way toward "protecting kids," a SNAP mantra.

The big test for Francis's reform agenda on the abuse crisis is whether the tribunal agrees to accept sworn testimony in civil and criminal cases as bona fide evidence in canon law procedures. If that precedent is established, abuse activists in any country who have forensic documents about a given bishop to back up their claims will have a process in play.

This pope is all about process. This week, the drama of his personality vastly overshadowed his approach to the internal changes in the Church of Rome. But the many statements and sermons and symbolic gestures he made across the byways of the three Eastern cities leave a large legacy indeed.

He is even more on record now, saying "God weeps" about predator priests.
What, then, does the pope do?

While the APC accepted that some of the comments expressed in the editorial may have been the result of poor expression, the effect was to trivialise the crime and crimes of that kind.
It was the APC’s conclusion that expressions used with reference  to child sexual assault, in particular terms such as “merely touching” and “misguided curiosity” reflect a significant misunderstanding of the nature and effects of this type of offending and of its seriousness.
APCThe Council noted the paper did publish a number of responses to the editorial piece, while a follow-up editorial expresses regret – but did not apologise. A subsequent piece published in May contained a general but qualified apology that began with a claim that the publication’s critics were like a “lynch mob”.
It was the APC’s view that the editorial would have caused substantial offence to a large number of victims, their families and to members of the wider community.
The council ruled the measures taken by the Hamilton Spectator did not remove the effects of the breach “nor does the rather grudging apology prevent the matter being treated as a significant breach”.

woensdag, september 23, 2015

Vai-te embora Ó Papão

Professionele jeugdhulpverleners en medewerkers van het Amsterdamse Meldpunt Kindermishandeling hebben het vorig jaar volledig laten afweten in minstens vier gevallen waar onmiddellijk ingrijpen nodig was. Ze maakten inschattingsfouten, deden onvoldoende onderzoek en kwamen niet of te laat in actie.

Dat blijkt uit een vernietigend rapport van het Samenwerkend Toezicht Jeugd (STJ), opgesteld in opdracht van burgemeester Eberhard van der Laan. Aanleiding was de dood van de tienjarige Ferdyan, maar ook is gekeken naar drie andere gevallen. Bij één ervan overleed ook een kind, in een ander geval was sprake van ernstige mishandeling.


maandag, september 21, 2015

Heere, Heere, in stervensnood,
     valle uw schaapkes in uwen schoot!

 O Bom Pastor Angola 1963

zondag, september 20, 2015

zaterdag, september 19, 2015

The proceedings continue that afternoon and also the morning hours of the next day. Then, half a week later, the verdict: imprisonment for 13 years, 9 months, preventive detention after that. Does the verdict give me satisfaction, I’m asked. No. It gave me satisfaction that he looked away. But I didn’t say that to the journalist. It’s over. Everyone leaves. Files are closed. Only he sits there, handcuffed and surrounded by police. I stay. I want to see him being led away. I want to see him shuffle away one last time. He looks at me and I suspect what’s coming. He tried twice to apologize. Each time I said I wouldn’t listen to that crap. He addresses me, stammering, as is his way: “Mrs. Bergmann, I …” I hold my husband’s hand. My son stands next to us. Big. His voice is deep, very clear, firm. No wavering, no trace of uncertainty. Directed at the police officers: “Sirs, may I ask you to make sure that this criminal doesn’t speak to my mother?” They take him away, the criminal. The criminal who lied for four years about how sorry he was for everything. And all at once my son is grown up. I am very proud of him.  

My decision to speak out in public had consequences of which I was completely unaware that day in the hallway of the courthouse, hidden behind a protective wall of love. If it had been different, would I have made a different decision? I hardly think so. Suddenly there was media attention. And it was intense. Criminal offenses are exciting, and that very special mixture of ‘sex and crime’ that I had to offer, even more so. Who should be reproached for it? Journalists are just doing their job. And I can tell you: they did it well. I met lively, interesting, intelligent women like Birgit Fürst from the Bayerischer Rundfunk and Petra Hollweg of Focus magazine. I met a very likeable newspaper photographer from Berlin who takes wonderful pictures and from whom I learned a lot about Asia and bowling groups. I also denied the requests of some journalists because I didn’t like the media they represented. And because at some point it was simply enough. Everything that could be said on the subject of safety in my former workplace from my perspective and out of my experience had been said. Or, as a former boss of mine probably would have stated it: the problem has been sufficiently described. May other people take care of solving the problems. Which they won’t, but that’s another story that might be told in a different form.

My decision to go public has met with criticism. Publicity seeking, urged by the husband, throwing stones, professional victim – these are all opinions that I’ve heard. There are certainly others as well, but I don’t know about them and don’t want or need to know them.

 It’s enough for me to know that these critiques come from people who in their own personal idylls might be shattered by much smaller problems; who would be thrown off course by a much lesser centrifugal force.

 Victims are ashamed, victims act as if everything were normal and like always, victims are the ultimate disturbing factor, victims unsettle their antagonists, victims make one helpless, victims are packed in padding. And victims should be ashamed, victims should lower their heads and victims should act as if everything were normal and just like always. Victims most definitely should behave like victims: quiet, inconspicuous and thankful for any kind of sympathy and support. And, let us not forget, victims should please at all costs refrain from disturbing the circle of not-victims. Why else are there psychiatrists, therapists, hairdressers or taxi drivers that a victim can unburden themselves to? A victim should go under at some point. And if they drown in the process, well … The beauty of precise language: one falls victim to a crime. One falls in order to become a victim. One falls into an abyss. That’s true. And it’s all the more important to get up again. And with one’s head held high. Transformed.
foto  Bernd Bohm Trouw 31-05-2015 

Susanne  Preusker

Seven Hours in April
My Story of Survival

bron De Limburger 

woensdag, september 16, 2015

Abuse survivor Marie Collins speaks out on pope’s child agency Criticism comes in wake of apparent move against Chilean survivor Juan Carlos Cruz

Irish Times

Abuse survivor Marie Collins has described as “sickening” apparent attempts to block an abuse survivor’s nomination to the Pope’s child protection commission.

Ms Collins, who is a member of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, last year nominated Chilean abuse survivor Juan Carlos Cruz, to become a member.
Last week leaked emails between two senior Chilean Church members – the Archbishop of Santiago, Cardinal Ricardo Ezzati and his predecessor Cardinal Francisco Javier Errázuriz – were published by Chilean newspaper El Mostrador.
The emails appear to show that the two men lobbied to block Mr Cruz’s nomination over fears it could damage the Chilean Church.
Cardinal Ezzati has since claimed that he was quoted out of context.
The current controversy has its roots in the ordination earlier this year of Bishop Juan Barros who has been accused of protecting Chilean priest and paedophile Fr Fernando Karadima. Bishop Barros has denied the allegations.
Karadima, who once considered one of the most respected priests in Chile, was found to have abused children by the Vatican (a court dismissed criminal charges against him having ruled that the prosecution had run out of time).
In an email to cardinal Errázuriz sent in June last year cardinal Ezzati said he hoped Mr Cruz would not be nominated to the commission:
“It would mean, among other things, giving credit to and validating a construction of the truth that Mr Cruz has astutely constructed . . . ,” an excerpt from one email read. Mr Cruz has strenuously defended himself against this claim.
In his response Cardinal Errázuriz said he would speak to the prefect of the congregation for the doctrine of the faith to prevent the “evil” referred to in the earlier email.


In later correspondence Cardinal Errázuriz appeared to inform Cardinal Ezzati that Mr Cruz’s nomination had been blocked.
The emails have been authenticated by the Archdiocese of Santiago.
El Mostrador reported on Sunday that Cardinal Ezzati said all correspondence was sent using his personal computer and he was concerned the “private conversations” were taken out of context.
The publication in the media was a “clear intention to create confusion” he said and that
there would be an internal investigation into exactly what had happened.
Reacting to the controversy Ms Collins said the content of the emails revealed the “real attitude” of many church leaders.
“This is the sort of attitude that’s there towards many survivors. They are looked on as enemies of the church out to damage the church . . . and efforts are made to silence them”.
Ms Collins said she could not pre-empt the work of the commission but said this was a “very serious mater” which would be examined by it.

dinsdag, september 15, 2015

Ole, ole, ole; bladbespiegeling; cadeautje aan een achterkleinkind

Zeist - 15 september 2015 - Bewolking wordt afgewisseld met een zonnig moment en soms komt een (stevige) bui voor. De temperaturen zijn ook niet om naar huis te schrijven met maxima rond 20 graden. In de loop van de week wordt het droger, zonniger en warmer.

moge je je bescheuren! 

maandag, september 14, 2015