Eindelijk dan een veroordeling in Engeland van een priester die door zijn (lagere school) leerlingen e op een top- élite school, Ampleforth, destijds al 'pervy Piers' genoemd werd.
Iedereen was van het misbruik (gepleegd tussen '65-'75) op de hoogte, (klik) van de abt -de latere Kardinaal Basil Hume - tot aan de leerlingen aan toe. Desalniettemin kon de man 9 jaar lang zijn gang gaan. Tot hij uiteindelijk na klachten in '75 gestopt werd op deze school om -1978 - overgeplaatst, vervolgens op de nieuwe school, waar hij tot '89 werkzaam is, opnieuw zijn gang te kunnen gaan.
Zelf zegt de man dat hij dacht "oude tradities" voort te zetten; zich nooit gerealiseerd te hebben dat hij zijn slachtoffers kwaad berokkende......
En dat zou, hoe krankzinnig het ook moge lijken inderdaad wel eens de waarheid kunnen zijn geweest. Hij is er, behalve in de openheid van zijn uitspraken,
in die visie ieder geval zeker geen uitzonder in. Het privilege van de geperveteerde macht: criminaliteit die als "normaal", het hoort erbij, gezien wordt.
De politie heeft nogal wat moeite gehad met het onderzoek: de man was kennelijk niet de enige die problemen had bij het door krijgen dat dergelijke 'oude tradities" er niet waren om voortgezet te worden, maar crimineel gedrag is. Ook de leerlingen waren nauwelijks bereid hun mond open te doen.
3,5 duizend verklaringen had zijn advocaat, van oud leerlingen van "pervy Piers":
geweldige vent....
Het voort laten bestaan van Het Geheim betekent immers het niet stellen van grenzen.
Van de zelfde school , Workington, waarheen deze priester werd overgeplaatst zijn eerder mensen veroordeeld. Een van hen , Gregory Carrol, kreeg 1 jaar strafvermindering. Zelfde laken een soutane: ook hij kwam van Ampleforth en werd overgeplaatst en kon vervolgens in Workington zijn gang weer gaan. Inmiddels lopen er nieuwe zaken tegen hem. Van slachtoffers welke eindelijk ook hebben besloten de grens te moeten trekken.
Het zou wel eens het verhaal van de komende jaren kunnen worden.
hier de berichtgeving van The Times
Pervert monk jailed after a decade of abusing young boys
Mark Branagan (bron: klik)
27 January 2006A MONK who abused 15 boys as young as eight over a
decade while a master at a leading Roman Catholic boarding school has been
jailed for two years.
Piers Grant-Ferris, 72, son of Tory Peer Lord Harvington, was placed on the sex offenders' register for 10 years and banned from working with children indefinitely.
His conviction yesterday at Leeds Crown Court ends a two-year investigation into abuse at Ampleforth College, in North Yorkshire, following a decision by former Abbot Basil Hume not to involve police in a complaint against Grant-Ferris in 1975.Grant-Ferris worked at Ampleforth's former prep school, Gilling Castle.
The court heard that a number of the boys who had been the subject of
the 20 indecency offences he admitted between 1965 and 1975 were affected in
later life.One victim, who also suffered more serious abuse by a member of the
community now dead, complained that his treatment had "wrecked his life".Judge
Ian Dobkin said: "So we do know what you did was dire in many respects. What you did remains as serious now as then."Earlier James Goss QC, prosecuting, said Grant-Ferris would beat the children on their bottoms with his bare hands and take their temperatures rectally.
Describing one ordeal, he said: "Terrified, the boy pleaded and begged him to stop but was ignored." He said the abuse continued into the boy's second year and he suffered a breakdown aged 19.Another boy said: "The pain was excruciating and seemed to go on for a long
Patrick Cossgrove QC, defending, linked the offences to the "emotional
abandonment" that Grant-Ferris suffered as a child when he was only allowed to
see his parents socially once a week after Sunday lunch. He denied his client
was a predatory offender.
Abbot of Ampleforth Father Cuthbert Madden
said:"The offences were a serious betrayal of his responsibilities as a monk,
teacher and adult member of society."Published on 27/01/2006
A FORMER Workington priest jailed for sexually abusing young boys will be re-interviewed by town detectives following a new complaint.The news comes less than two weeks after Father Gregory Carroll, 66, had his four-year sentence shortened by a year by the Criminal Appeal Court.He was sentenced in September for abusing 10 boys under the age of 15 while he was teaching at the junior house of Ampleforth College in North Yorkshire from 1973 to 1983.
For the first time, allegations are under investigation that he molested a boy in Workington, where he was sent to from Ampleforth by church authorities, which had removed him from teaching.
The man, who lives in the Home Counties, claims he was between eight and 10 when the abuse took place at various locations, including our Lady and St Michael’s RC Church and Carroll’s bedroom.
He said: “It’s taken a long time for me to come forward and there were lots of reasons for that. I am pleased that I have. It’s a huge weight off my mind and everyone has ben so supportive from the police to my closest family and friends.
“When I found out his sentence had been cut by 12 months, it made me feel sick. He was put in a position of trust and he abused that position on a number of occasions and he should be punished for it.
“Three years is not enough for what he put them through.“
If he is a holy man like he has preached for years, then he should be a man and admit it all and do his time.
“It also angers me that a senior official at Ampleforth knew about what he was capable of and still sent him to Workington. This official does not deserve to be called a holy man and should have to answer to me, my family and the people of Workington.”
The man, who still has family in Workington, has spoken at length to detectives in his home area. They have now passed the investigation on to Workington.
The head of West Cumbria CID, Detective Inspector Andy Carter, said this week: “We are in receipt of a complaint and a full investigation is under way.
“At some stage, we need to speak to Gregory Carroll but to comment further on the direction of the investigation would be counter productive.”
The Ampleforth offences were effectively swept under the carpet, to allow Carroll to quietly move out of teaching and into the priesthood in Workington, where he worked among an unsuspecting community from 1987 until he retired in 2001.
His Ampleforth offences and those of another former Ampleforth teacher, Fr Piers Grant-Ferris, came to light when North Yorkshire Police began investigations in 2004.
Grant Ferris had also been moved to the priesthood in Workington after he was identified as one of a nest of paedophiles on the Ampleforth staff who preyed on boys for nine years.He was known to the pupils under his care as ‘pervy Piers’ - yet in Workington he was appointed chaplain to St Joseph’s RC High School, where he took confessions from children in private. He was priest here between 1975 and 1989.
Two years jail for pervert priest
Published on 27/01/2006Piers Grant-Ferris
A FORMER Workington priest has been jailed for two years after he admitted 20 counts of indecent assault on 15 young boys at a prep school.Father Piers Grant-Ferris, 72, assaulted boys under 12 when he was a teacher at Gilling Castle Preparatory School in Ampleforth, North Yorkshire, between 1966 and 1975. He was sent to serve in Workington three years later in 1978 despite admitting to Ampleforth College that he had abused young boys.
The college admitted it was aware of his behaviour 30 years ago but the matter was not reported to police and Grant-Ferris was sent to Workington to fill a post as an assistant priest. He remained there until 1989.
Leeds Crown Court heard yesterday that he was arrested and charged after a police probe into Ampleforth Abbey, which is attached to the country’s leading independent Roman Catholic School, Ampleforth College.Gilling Castle Prep School was used as a feeder school by the college.
The offences occurred while Grant-Ferris, who the children saw as “a bit of a crackpot”, was a second year form master at the school.Grant-Ferris punished the boys by smacking and fondling them and some of his young victims thought there were occasions when he gained sexual gratification from the punishments, the court heard.
The assaults took place in various places around the school, including the bathroom, the defendant’s bedroom and in woods nearby.
Mr Goss said one boy described Grant-Ferris’s assaults as terrifying and humiliating while another said the defendant had wrecked his life.Another victim said he was left with a feeling of terrible confusion and bewilderment and another boy said he had been left with repressed sexual urges and had experienced difficulties in his marriage.
Patrick Cosgrove QC, defending, said he had received 3,500 letters of support for Grant-Ferris, including one from a victim of the abuse which said the monk had helped him.Mr Cosgrove said there was no way of knowing whether Grant-Ferris had caused all the victims’ problems as at least one of them had suffered much more serious abuse by a member of lay staff at the school who has since died.
Mr Cosgrove said that in his client’s autobiography, Grant-Ferris wrote he suffered severe emotional deprivation in his early years and was indecently assaulted in the same way as he indecently assaulted the boys under his supervision.He thought he was carrying on a timeless set of traditions until the outside world intervened.
In Grant-Ferris’s autobiography, he wrote: “I never had the slightest intent to cause any harm to any of my pupils. I simply failed to understand that my behaviour was so serious and so upsetting to the victims.“I’m very sorry for the harm I have caused to a number of boys in my care and trust.”
Judge Ian Dobkin also ordered Grant-Ferris to be registered on the sex offenders register for 10 years and banned him from working with children until further notice.Seven further offences, which Grant-Ferris denied, will remain on file.