Ze gaan mijn grenzen ver voorbij.
Er zijn zo vele grenzen ver overschreden.
Pedofilie, sexueel misbruik gaat over geweld en ziekte.
Over machts misbruik. Niet over sexualiteit.
Er waren mensen in Rotterdam die hun werk deden.
Zoals er over die hele wereld heen mensen zijn die keer op keer de moed vinden om de enig mogelijke keus te maken.
En zij, verantwoordelijk voor dat geweld op mij bedreven, weet je voor vannacht vervloekt door mij!
God heeft mensen nodig...

Inside the mind of a paedophile
Sunday Tribune
May 2 2010
Described as the "Hannibal Lecter of the clerical world", convicted Irish paedophile priest Oliver O'Grady has admitted to sexually abusing at least 25 boys and girls in the US.
He was jailed for 14 years in 1993 but was released in 2000 after serving just seven years.
He was immediately deported back to Ireland and has lived in different parts of the country since then but moved to the Netherlands in 2007.
In March 2005, O'Grady gave an affidavit to the lawyers representing his victims in a civil case against the Catholic Church. In the affidavit, obtained by Ali Bracken, he graphically describes why he abused and how the church made the abuse worse by moving him from parish to parish
Warning: Defrocked priest Oliver O'Grady's chilling account of his years of abusing children contains graphic material that may upset some readers
Oliver O'Grady on monthly $800 church pension
Ali Bracken, Crime Correspondent
Sunday Tribune
Notorious defrocked Irish paedophile priest Oliver O'Grady is to receive a pension worth $100,000 from next month despite admitting to abusing at least 25 young boys and girls.
The Sunday Tribune can reveal that O'Grady – described as the "Hannibal Lecter of the clerical world" – will be paid a pension of $800 a month starting on 5 June, when he turns 65.
The Catholic church in California agreed to pay him a pension for ten years despite O'Grady having admitted to a catalogue of abuse for which he received a 14-year jail sentence.
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