vrijdag, april 30, 2010
Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone and the five bishops who investigated the Legion of Christ for the Vatican had been scheduled to meet privately, and the Pope's attendance came as a surprise. He will be deciding what reforms to mandate for the order -- whether to close the order or install new leadership from outside, as has been rumored. Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said the meeting will continue on Saturday.
rest artikel
Self-examination: Catholic communicators look to address scandal
By John Thavis - Catholic News Service
Friday, 30 April 2010
With workshops such as "Benedict XVI, sexual abuse and The New York Times" on the program, it wasn't surprising that a conference of Catholic communicators in Rome provoked more interest than usual this year.
Sponsored by the Opus Dei-run Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, the conference over the years has become a regular networking event for hundreds of church communications personnel, including diocesan spokespersons.
The new round of disclosures on priestly sex abuse, which has taken the Vatican by storm, has also impacted these local Catholic media professionals, most of whom are lay people.
One might have expected the workshop on The New York Times to have served up a welcome scapegoat. The newspaper's recent reporting on the sex abuse cases has been criticized as unfair by several high church officials.
Instead, Diego Contreras, the dean of the Holy Cross university's communications faculty, began the session by saying that overall, the press has had a positive role in bringing sex abuse to light and helping make it a priority issue for the church.
He then offered a "just the facts" presentation. Over the past seven weeks, he said, The New York Times has run 65 news reports on the church and sex abuse in its print edition -- including 10 on page one -- as well as 12 op-ed pieces, one editorial, one interview and 29 letters.
rest artikel
de O''Grady s; the Church now has a few thousand convicted sexual offenders on our hands and I don’t think anybody knows what to do with them.
I do not excuse any part of any of the cases that have come to light. But the Church now has a few thousand convicted sexual offenders on our hands and I don’t think anybody knows what to do with them.
The answer “put them in prison and trust their cellmates to see to it that they do not come out alive” is not consonant with the faith we profess.
Defrocking them and dumping them back out into the world is an abrogation of responsibility.
Handing them over to their clerical brethren, who have already proved themselves excessively credulous if not outright complicit is not an attractive solution either.
So what is to be done?
Bruges Bishop Resigns
April 23, 2010, 1:06 pm
Posted by Lisa Fullam
The BBC reports today that Roger Vangheluwe, bishop of Bruges, Belgium, has resigned because of his own sexual abuse of a boy, abuse which continued into his episcopacy. The report also mentions another bishop who resigned last year, admitting abuse, and lists those bishops who have resigned for reasons other than direct sexual abuse themselves.
It strikes me that there are really three different phenomena going on: sexual abuse of minors (itself divisible into subgroups according to the age of the victims,) physical abuse of minors, and the cover-up of sexual and physical abuse of minors by Church leaders.
I fear that without careful parsing:
1. there will continue to be much sound and fury about direct abuse of minors, but little will be done to address the institutional structures of power that encouraged, enabled and enforced the cover-up.
2. we will fail to recognize the differing factors that lead to different kinds of abuse.
For example, invoking the inclusion of women in authorized leadership in the Church as “the solution” fails to recognize that women as well as men participate in abuse of personal power, while women are much less likely to be sexual abusers than men. Also, questions around celibacy and clerical culture are related to the three kinds of abuse in different ways. More subtlety is needed.
Also, I wonder if any of the US bishops who were promoted to their own dioceses as a reward for their faithful participation in the cover-up will be shamed into resigning by the example of others who have done so.
The core of the institutional problem, I believe, is the cover-up and the institutional structures that fostered it. Even canning bishops who abuse won’t address that fundamental issue. It’s like removing the damaged wood from a house without doing anything about the termites that did the damage–the effect is fixed, the cause is ignored.
Justitie en O' Grady; misbruikers in Europa's vrij personen verkeer:Walter Eith man müsse sich oft von liebgewonnen Gemeindemitgliedern verabschieden
Eén daarvan is het head hunting door particulieren!
Onder internationale verdragen staat immers niet mijn handtekening, en pedo-jagen door particulieren vind ik dan ook wel heel dicht richting summum van cynisme gaan.
Zouden de Ha Ha wereldlijke en kerkelijke overheden dit probleem van de internationale samenleving en Fort Europa dus even op willen lossen?
Wellicht een idee voor het Vaticaan om dit soort clericale misbruikers -onder toezicht! - naar de Zuid Europeese stranden te sturen. Het begraven van de dankzij dat zelfde Fort Europa daar aangespoelende lijken is tenslotte voor wie dan ook een diep trieste opdracht over dezelfde realiteit.
Sulzer Pfarrer unter Verdacht
Missbrauchsvorwürfe gegen Walter Eith aufgetaucht
Sulz/Dorhan/ Vöhringen.
Die katholische Kirche hat Walter Eith, Pfarrer der Seelsorgeeinheit Sankt Jakobus (Sulz, Dornhan, Leinstetten, Bettenhausen und Vöhringen) angewiesen, seine Amtsgeschäfte ruhen zu lassen. Der 56-jährige Eith soll Kinder missbraucht haben.
Dies erklärte gestern Abend der Pressesprecher der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Dr. Thomas Broch, auf Anfrage der SÜDWEST PRESSE.
Die Vorwürfe beziehen sich auf mehrere Fälle auch aus der Zeit, als Eith noch gar kein Priester war (er wurde 1984 in Bad Mergentheim geweiht). Laut Broch hat sich im Februar ein 40-jähriger Mann bei der Diözese gemeldet und von einem Missbrauch im Jahr 1981 berichtet. Und erst vor wenigen Tagen habe ein weiteres Opfer Kontakt aufgenommen, das 1977 missbraucht worden sein soll. Darüberhinaus gibt es offenbar weitere Fälle aus den Jahren 1987 bis 1990, von denen einer der Kirchenleitung im Jahr 2004 bekannt geworden ist. Broch: „Diesen Fall hat er auch 2005 zugegeben und bekam von der Diözese eine ultimative Ermahnung“.
Anfang der 90er-Jahre soll sich Eith in psychotherapeutische Behandlung begeben haben. Broch: „Die uns bekannten Vorwürfe beziehen sich alle auf die Zeit davor, danach ist uns nichts mehr bekannt“.
Broch war gestern Abend in Sulz, wo die Diözesanoberen und Dekan Albrecht Zepf aus Oberndorf die Kirchengemeinderäte der Seelsorgeeinheit Sankt Jakobus in einer eilig einberufenen Sondersitzung über die Entwicklung informierten, „bevor sie es heute aus der Zeitung erfahren“ (Broch).
Hintergrund der Eile war offenbar ein gestern Abend von der „Stuttgarter Zeitung“ für die heutige Ausgabe angekündigter Bericht über die Vorwürfe gegen Eith. Eines der Opfer, so Broch, habe sich an die Zeitung gewandt. Die Zeitungsvorabmeldung lief gestern Abend dann über die Radiostationen im Land.
Es ist der zweite Fall in der katholischen Kirche in Württemberg, bei dem einem aktiven Priester alle Dienstgeschäfte untersagt wurden. Vor knapp zwei Wochen war ein Priester aus Munderkingen (Alb-Donau-Kreis) abgelöst worden. Für Irritationen sorgt in beiden Fällen, dass Bischof Gebhard Fürst den beiden betroffenen Priestern noch im Herbst 2009 jeweils eine neue Pfarrei anvertraut hat, obwohl er damals schon von dem Missbrauchsverdacht gegen beide wusste. Laut Diözese habe es jedoch aus damaliger Einschätzung keine Gründe gegeben, die es gerechtfertigt hätten, weitere Sanktionen zu verhängen. Erst jetzt sei der Verdacht durch neue Zeugenaussagen konkret geworden. Gegen beide Priester ermittelt auch die Staatsanwaltschaft.
Pfarrer Eiths Investitur war Ende November in Sulz, nachdem die Stelle 14 Monate nach dem Ausscheiden von Pfarrer Raimund Heizmann vakant war. Für das katholische Auslandssekretariat Bonn war Eith seit 2007 für die deutschen Katholiken auf Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza und Formentera zuständig. In Belgien war Eith von 2004 bis 2007 fürs Auslandssekretariat. Geboren wurde er 1952 in Schwenningen, von 1966 bis 1969 war er im Rottenburger Internat „Martinihaus“, von 1969 bis zum Abi 1973 im Konvikt in Rottweil. Anschließend studierte er Theologie in Tübingen und Kirchenmusik in Rottenburg bis 1977. Danach ging es wieder nach Rottweil, als Chorleiter und Organist in der Auferstehung-Christi-Kirche und als Referendar an den Berufsschulen. Nach der Priesterweihe 1984 war Eith zwei Jahre Vikar in Biberach. Seine erste Pfarrstelle trat Eith in Mochenwangen-Wolpertswende bei Ravensburg an, wo er sich auch als Studentenseelsorger an der PH Weingarten engagierte und Diözesanseelsorger des Kinderchor-Verbandes Pueri Cantores wurde.
29/04/10 Duitse priester die in België werkte beschuldigd van pedofilie
Een Duitse priester die ook drie jaar in België gewerkt heeft, wordt er in zijn thuisland van beschuldigd zich aan jongens vergrepen te hebben, melden Duitse media.
Tegen de 56-jarige man, die ook een tijdlang priester was voor de Duitstalige katholieke gemeenschap in Mallorca, is een onderzoek ingesteld door het Duitse gerecht.Het zou gaan om verschillende gevallen van seksueel misbruik van minderjarigen, voor en tijdens zijn priesterschap.
De priester werkte van 2004 tot 2007 in België voor het zogenoemde katholieke buitenlandsecretariaat van de Duitstalige kerkgemeenschap. (belga/vsv)
Deutschsprachiges Mitteleuropa in Belgien
Österreicher, Deutsche, Liechtensteiner und Schweizer Katholiken kommen in das Gemeindehaus. Hier gibt es neben zwei Sonntagsgottesdiensten auch eigene Kinder- und Firmgruppen, einen Mutter-Kind-Kreis und eine Seniorenrunde. Rund 3.000 Katholiken werden in der Kartei geführt, 350 kommen wöchentlich zu den Sonntagsgottesdiensten. Pfarrer der Gemeinde ist der aus dem Schwäbischen stammende Walter Eith.
Er unterstreicht die Bedeutung der katholischen Gemeinde, aber auch deren Schwierigkeiten, denn "durch den steten Wechsel der Gemeindemitglieder, durch berufliche Veränderung oder nur kurzfristige berufliche Aufenthalte bei europäischen Institutionen", müsse man sich oft von lieb gewonnen Gemeindemitgliedern verabschieden. "Andererseits", so Eith, "belebe das die Situation".
Walter Eith wird in Deutschland des sexuellen Missbrauchs beschuldigt
Walter Eith wurde am Dienstag durch seinen Vorgesetzten, den Rottenburger Bischof Gebhard Fürst, angewiesen, seine Amtsgeschäfte mit sofortiger Wirkung bis zur abschließenden Klärung der gegen ihn erhobenen Vorwürfe ruhen zu lassen.
Der neueste Verdachtsfall gegen einen Pfarrer in Deutschland war am Dienstagabend durch einen Vorabbericht der „Stuttgarter Zeitung” bekannt geworden. Die katholische Kirche weiß demnach seit mehr als fünf Jahren von Missbrauchs-Vorwürfen gegen den Priester.
Laut Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart hat der Geistliche Anfang 2005 sexuelle Übergriffe in einem Fall eingeräumt. Die Verfehlungen, die sich auf den Zeitraum zwischen Ende der 70er und Ende der 80er Jahre beziehen, seien damals allerdings straf- und kirchenrechtlich schon verjährt gewesen.
Der Priester habe zu jener Zeit eine „ultimative Ermahnung” erhalten. Erneuten Handlungsbedarf sieht die Diözese jetzt nach jüngsten Gesprächen mit zwei Opfern. Medienberichten zufolge ermittelt auch die Staatsanwaltschaft. Eith war zuletzt Seelsorger im baden-württembergischenSulz.
Auf Mallorca stand Eith der deutschsprachigen katholischen Kirchengemeinde von 2007 bis 2009 vor. Im Oktober wurde er wegen interner Querelen in der Gemeinde vorzeitig abgelöst und war seit November 2009 wieder in seiner alten Heimatgemeinde Sulz-Dornhan tätig.
Eiths Nachfolger in der katholischen Seelsorge auf Mallorca, Dr. Peter Wehr, erfuhr nach eigenen Angaben am Mittwoch das erste Mal von den Vorwürfen gegen seinen Amtskollegen. „Ich habe keinerlei Kenntnisse von den Vorwürfen gegen Pfarrer Eith gehabt”, sagt Peter Wehr.
Auch das katholische Auslandssekretariat der deutschen Bischofskonferenz in Bonn, welches die Auslandspfarrer entsendet, war nach offiziellen Angaben ahnunglos. „Es war von den Vorwürfen nichts bekannt, als Pfarrer Eith nach Mallorca ging”, sagte die Pressesprecherin der deutschen Bischofskonferenz gegenüber MM.
Andere Personen im engeren Umfeld der katholischen Seelsorge zeigten sich nicht überrascht über die jüngsten Meldungen. Ob dort die früheren Verfehlungen aus Deutschland schon bekannt waren und ob der Streit innerhalb der katholischen Seelsorge im vergangenen Jahr mit den jetzt publik gewordenen Vorwürfen zusammenhing, darüber wollte sich niemand äußern.
Sichtlich erstaunt über die Missbrauchsvorwürfe gegen Walter Eith zeigte sich sein evangelischer Amtskollege auf Mallorca, Pfarrer Klaus-Peter Weinhold. „Ich höre heute zum ersten Mal von diesen Geschichten, und es betrübt mich, dass diese Fälle scheinbar kein Ende nehmen.”
donderdag, april 29, 2010
woensdag, april 28, 2010
NL luilekkerland Schengen Politie Rotterdam zweeg over pedofiele priester
Noel McCullagh, originally from Ballinasloe, Co Galway, has been told by the Irish authorities that he will be arrested if he attempts to bring his legally prescribed medication, Bediol and Bedrocan, prescribed in Holland, into Ireland.
The social inclusion unit of the HSE have told the 33-year-old that he will be arrested if he attempts to come home to his family for a visit with the medication.
En priester worden met MS dat kan ook niet.
Gepubliceerd: 28 april 2010 12:06 Gewijzigd: 28 april 2010 12:08
Door een onzer redacteuren
Rotterdam, 28 april. De politie heeft de burgemeester van Rotterdam niet tijdig geïnformeerd over het verblijf in die stad van de Ierse ex-priester Oliver O’Grady, die in de Verenigde Staten werd veroordeeld wegens het verkrachten van kinderen.
Pas in januari dit jaar, toen O’Grady al anderhalf in Rotterdam woonde, werd burgemeester Aboutaleb op de hoogte gebracht. Dat heeft zijn woordvoerder vanochtend gezegd. De gemeenteraad heeft gevraagd om opheldering.
Openbare orde
De burgemeester is verantwoordelijk voor de openbare orde en veiligheid in zijn gemeente. Als mensen die een risico voor de samenleving vormen zich in de gemeente vestigen, dan moet hij hiervan op de hoogte zijn.
De politie wist medio 2008 al dat O’Grady in Rotterdam was, na een melding van Interpol. Net als de burgemeester werden organisaties en bedrijven in Schiedam en Rotterdam, waar O’Grady actief was, niet ingelicht door de politie. De ex-priester, die zich ‘Brother Francis’ noemde, was als vrijwilliger actief bij een Engelstalige kerkgemeenschap in Schiedam.
Hij vulde zijn priesterpensioen aan als medewerker van McDonalds in Rotterdam. De politie zegt geen aanwijzingen te hebben dat O’Grady zich in Nederland vergrepen heeft aan kinderen.
Ongewenste vreemdeling
Nadat burgemeester Aboutaleb wist van de veroordeelde pedoseksueel, nam hij contact op met het ministerie van Justitie om hem tot ongewenste vreemdeling te laten verklaren, aldus zijn woordvoerder.
Het ministerie weigerde, waarop de gemeenteambtenaren „indringende gesprekken” met O’Grady zouden hebben gevoerd. De ex-priester besloot een paar dagen later Nederland te verlaten.
Zeven mogelijke nieuwe pedofiliegevallen in Noorwegen
Zweden Meisje (4) misbruikt door priester
Geplaatst door onze redactie op woensdag 28 april 2010 om 15:00u
STOCKHOLM (RKnieuws.net) - In Zweden is een 40- jarige vrouw naar de pers gestapt met de melding dat ze als kind van 4 jaar herhaaldelijk seksueel misbruikt werd door een priester. Zij verbleef op het ogenblik van de feiten in een katholiek weeshuis.De vrouw is de vierde persoon in Zweden die stelt dat ze slachtoffer werd van seksueel misbruik door een geestelijke sinds onlangs de golf van pedofilieschandelen in de Kerk losbarstte.
Student Maastricht neemt wraak op bezuinigingen onderwijs
27-04-2010 14:10
Schandalen rond seksueel misbruik teisteren de rooms-katholieke kerk. Maar is het niet wat overdreven? Misbruik is vooral ook een mediaschandaal
Morele paniek
Hoe komt het dat het misbruikschandaal nu zo prominent naar voren is gekomen in de media? Het betreft immers veelal gevallen van vele tientallen jaren oud. Plots krijgt een ieder die zich slachtoffer waant direct een breed podium in de krantenkolommen. In de sociologie wordt de term ‘morele paniek’ gebruikt voor disproportionele reacties op sociale problemen. De theorie ontkent niet dat er een ernstig probleem is, maar beschrijft aan de hand van een aantal vaste stappen hoe de ‘sociale hyperconstructie’ tot stand komt.
Twee belangrijke stappen zijn convergentie (steeds meer verschijnselen worden onder dezelfde noemer gebracht) en overdrijving. Bij het misbruikschandaal is een voorbeeld van die eerste stap de uitbreiding van de beschrijving van een aantal misbruikgevallen met de brede afwijzing van het celibaat. De volgende stap is overdrijving. Is ook daar momenteel sprake van?
Aan de hand van cijfers kunnen we proberen vast te stellen of we van doen hebben met overdreven reacties door de pers. In de VS is in 2004 uitgebreid onderzoek gedaan naar misbruik in de katholieke kerk door het vermaarde John Jay College of Criminal Justice van de universiteit van New York.
De kerk moet met een helder actieplan komen
Het is het meest gezaghebbende instituut voor criminologie in de VS. Uit het onderzoek blijkt dat van 1950 tot 2002 4.392 Amerikaanse priesters op een totaal van 109.000 werd beschuldigd van pedofilie. Dat is 4 procent.Het gaat hier om beschuldigingen. Het onderzoek liet ook zien dat in zo’n 1.000 gevallen de beschuldigingen niet gegrond konden worden verklaard.
In Ierland werd in 2009 onderzoek gedaan naar seksueel misbruik in internaten en tehuizen. Volgens het Ryan Report waren 381 van de 25.000 pupillen hier slachtoffer van. Dat is 1,5 procent.
Natuurlijk zijn al die individuele gevallen verschrikkelijk en de kerk onwaardig. Maar deze cijfers tonen ook aan dat het misbruikschandaal vooral een schandaal is in de media. Feit is namelijk dat meer dan 90 procent van de priesters en religieuzen van de kerk van Rome zich een heel leven lang heeft ingezet voor leerlingen, hulpbehoevenden en stervenden.
studeerde cultuurwetenschappen aan de universiteit Maastricht
dinsdag, april 27, 2010
Pedophile priest flees back to Ireland, where he is a free man
Published Monday, April 26, 2010, 10:33 PM
Updated Tuesday, April 27, 2010, 10:39 AM
Notorious pedophile priest Father Oliver O'Grady is back in his old haunts in Ireland a free man after fleeing Rotterdam in Holland, where it was discovered that he was working with children and in a local Catholic church, calling himself "Brother Francis."
O'Grady abused hundreds of children during his thirty years in America as a priest. One victim was only nine months old. He served seven years out of a 14-year prison sentence before being deported to Ireland in 2003.
Local police in Ireland say they can do nothing, as O'Grady has not commited any crime since he was deported from America in 2003. He is due to recieve
a large retirement from church when he turns 65 in June, according to Berg
.. Oliver O'Grady served as a priest at St. Anne's Catholic Church in Lodi, California from 1971 to 1978. He later served at Church of the Presentation in Stockton, California, Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Turlock, California, St. Andrew's Parish in San Andreas, California, and St. Anthony's Catholic Church in Hughson, California
In 1993 he was convicted on four counts of "lewd and lascivious acts" on two minors, the brothers John and James Howard, and was sentenced to 14 years in prison.
Attorney Jeff Anderson said the Howards were repeatedly molested between 1978 and 1991, from age three to 13.
Anderson claimed church officials knew that O'Grady had abused children as early as 1976 and 1984 but had done nothing.
Police had been informed of earlier charges and had declined to prosecute
NL: Notorious Irish pedophile priest discovered working with kids in Holland
Niall O'Dowd
Posted on Sunday, April 25, 2010 at 02:42 PM
A notorious Irish pedophile priest who abused children for many years in America has been discovered helping out as a church deacon in Rotterdam under an assumed name and working a shelter for abused women and their children.
Father Oliver O'Grady served as a priest at St. Anne's Catholic Church in Lodi, California from 1971 to 1978. He later served at Church of the Presentation in Stockton, California, Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Turlock, California, St. Andrew's Parish in San Andreas, California, and St. Anthony's Catholic Church in Hughson, California.
In 1993 he was convicted on four counts of "lewd and lascivious acts" on two minors, the brothers John and James Howard, and was sentenced to 14 years in prison. Attorney Jeff Anderson said the Howards were repeatedly molested between 1978 and 1991, from age three to 13. Anderson claimed church officials knew that O'Grady had abused children as early as 1976 and 1984 but had done nothing. Police had been informed of earlier charges and had declined to prosecute.
In 1998 a civil jury ordered the Catholic Diocese of Stockton to pay US$30 million in damages to the brothers. A judge later reduced the amount to $7 million.
O'Grady was paroled from prison in 2000 after serving only seven years, and went to Ireland after being deported from the United States.
He claimed to have been himself molested by a priest at the age of 10, and that he was involved in sexual abuse in his own family, both as perpetrator and victim. One of his victims was just nine months old.
The defrocked priest referred to himself as 'Brother Francis' in Rotterdam. He was thought to be living in Ireland but had recently disappeared. He was found by the Sunday Tribune newspaper.
The parishioners attending the Church of the Holy Heart, Christ Our Redeemer, had no knowledge about the man once described as one of the most dangerous pedophiles ever. The newspaper reported he was also working at a fast food restaurant where he helped organize children's parties.
He gained notoriety when the film "Deliver Us From Evil' was released about his case. It was when the documentary was released in Holland two weeks ago that he was recognized.
Parishioners told the Sunday Tribune he was "acting as a church deacon, helping the priest with the sacraments and organising the choir singing. On one occasion, when the priest was late, the defrocked cleric celebrated the mass until he arrived."
Fr Avin Kunnekkadan, on said he was unaware of O'Grady's criminal past.
"I did not know about his background. I did not know about his past at all," he said this weekend. An announcement was made at the church last week informing the congregation about O'Grady's criminal past.
Last week, O'Grady was also served with a civil action at his Dublin hostel by Californian attorneys Manly, McGuire & Stewart.
The firm specialises in clerical sex abuse cases and represents several of O'Grady's victims who are taking civil actions against him
NL Jezuiten; wat een verschrikking
Welk slachtofferschap legitimeert die keus voor roofdierschap, Tutu?
(en dan zeggen we tegen Petrus dat het aan de liedjes van Oosterhuis lag).
NL Top Jezuïeten wist van seksueel misbruik
De leiding van de Jezuïeten geeft toe dat ze al jarenlang wist dat één van de paters van het prestigieuze Canisius College leerlingen seksueel misbruikte.
Zij hebben na een melding hierover in 1988 ouders afgeraden aangifte bij de politie te doen.
Ook is er intern geen onderzoek geweest naar de desbetreffende pater.
Vanavond in EenVandaag vertelt een vader van twee zonen dat hij in 1988 bij de paters melding heeft gedaan van de verkrachting van zijn twee zonen door pater Jan Sanders. Hij werd direct daarna door de paters met verzocht geen aangifte te doen om verder leed te voorkomen.
Op 12 april berichtte EenVandaag over zwijggeld dat betaald was aan twee oud leerlingen van het beroemde Canisius College in Nijmegen. Mark Klabbers was de eerste die openlijk in ons programma vertelde over het misbruik op zijn oude school. De orde van Jezuïeten die daar de dienst uitmaakte zou hem zwijggeld hebben betaald. De orde ontkende dit.
In de bijlage vindt u de brieven van twee paters.
U kunt reageren via misbruikcanisiuscollege@gmail.com
Mensen die zich willen reageren bij Pater van Deenen zelf kunnen
schrijven naar:
J. van Deenen
Van Hogendorplaan
737003 CM Doetinchem
Brief van Pater van Deenen S.J. Ex Rector van het Canisius Collega en ex
Provinciale Overste.
Arnhem, 23 april 2010
Geachte Mevrouw Durlacher,
EenVandaag heeft in een brief van 20 april enige vragen aan mij gesteld
die ik eerlijk hierbij beantwoord.
Ik was provinciale overste van april 1969 - januari 1976. In die tijd heb ik
nooit iets vernomen van het wangedrag van Jan Sanders.
De “zeeverkenners”” was een van de favoriete clubs voor externe
leerlingen van het Canisiuscollege in Nijmegen Het internaat had 300
leerlingen en het externaat 700 leerlingen in één school. Ik was daar
rector van 1966 tot 1969. Wij vertrouwden de docenten en de leiders van
de verschillende clubs vanwege hun deskundigheid en kregen
regelmatig goede berichten, ook van de ouders van de leerlingen. In die
tijd was regelmatige toetsing nog niet gebruikelijk. Wat dat betreft zijn de
tijden terecht veranderd
Xxxxxxxxx vertelt in het interview Eenvandaag , dat er in 1988 een
gesprek is geweest tussen hem, mij en pater W. Buys sJ, (inmiddels
overleden en indertijd overste van de communauteit, waar Jan Sanders
woonde). De feiten welke de heer xxxxxxxxxxxx openbaar maakte,
hoorde ik toen voor het eerst en schokten mij.
Er is daarover in 1988 een melding gedaan door pater Buijs naar de
provinciale overste in Den Haag. Daarnaast heb ik mijn invloed
aangewend, dat Jan Sanders in therapie ging. Ik was in de
veronderstelling, dat die twee maatregelen voldoende waren om verder
wangedrag te voorkomen. Maar dat het misbruik daarmee niet is gestopt
heeft mij geschokt.
Overigens heb ik vandaag contact gezocht met de heer xxxxxxx. Ik
begreep van u, dat hij dat op dit moment niet op prijs stelt.
Ik keek tot nu toe altijd met voldoening en plezier terug op de jaren, dat
ik werkte op het Canisiuscollege. Deze hele geschiedenis raakt mij
pijnlijk. Het vertrouwen, dat ik als cement zag van heel het college, is
onthutsend geschonden. Heel beschamend.
Ernstiger is, dat er zoveel leed en schade is berokkend aan weerloze jonge
mensen, ieder met een eigen verhaal. Dat brengt mij tot inkeer,
bescheidenheid en medeleven.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Jan van Deenen s.J.
Provincialaat Nederlandse Jezuïeten
Amal iastraat 13, NL 2514 JC ’s-Gravenhage
23 April 2010
Geachte Mevrouw Durlacher,
In antwoord op uw vragen wil ik u het volgende meedelen:
Tot voor kort was ik van mening dat de eerste melding over het
seksueel misbruik van Jan Sanders bij de leiding van de
Nederlandse Jezuïeten binnen was gekomen in het jaar 2000,
d.w.z. de melding van de Heer Klabbers over de periode 1972-
Het blijkt echter dat in het jaar 1988 al een melding van misbruik is
Deze melding betrof een gebeurtenis die kort tevoren had plaats
Dat ik niet op de hoogte was van deze melding wordt veroorzaakt
door het feit dat de melding niet schriftelijk was gedaan bij de
provinciale overste en dus niet in het archief terecht was gekomen;
na de dood van Jan Sanders was deze informatie mondeling ook
niet meer doorgegeven.
Contact met een van mijn voorgangers bevestigde echter dat deze
melding wel heeft plaats gevonden en dat de contacten hebben
gelopen via de plaatselijke overste in Nijmegen, namelijk Wim
Wim Buijs is overleden in 2000 en kan dus niet meer gevraagd
worden naar de inhoud van de gesprekken met de vader van de
misbruikte jongens.
Van Jan van Deenen heb ik vernomen dat hij zich niet kan
herinneren een gesprek met de ouders te hebben gehad.
Ik weet daarom ook niet wat de inhoud is geweest van het gesprek
of de gesprekken die Wim Buijs met de ouders heeft gevoerd en of
bij de ouders erop is aangedrongen om geen aangifte te doen.
Er zijn geen disciplinaire maatregelen tegen Jan Sanders
genomen. Hij heeft zijn werk ter plaatse voortgezet. Mij is onlangs
gebleken dat dit gebeurde onder toezicht van de plaatselijke
overste en dat hij onder behandeling van een therapeut werd
gesteld. Ook heeft hij zijn betrokkenheid bij de zeeverkenners
spoedig daarna beëindigd.
De oversten van Jan Sanders hebben in 1988 niet geweten wat nu
aan het licht wordt gebracht door de slachtoffers betreffende de
jaren dat Jan Sanders werkzaam was in het Canisiuscollege.
Buiten de plaatselijke overste en de provinciale overste – en
misschien een enkeling die door Jan Sanders zelf in vertrouwen
werd genomen – wist niemand van de overige jezuïeten van het
gebeuren. Dat was niet zo uitzonderlijk. Jezuïeten wisten vaak
weinig van elkaar, zelfs zij die jarenlang in hetzelfde huis
woonden. Discretie werd toen meer gewaardeerd dan
Het is mij bekend dat Jan Sanders actief is gebleven voor het
weeshuis in Chili. Zijn fundraising was een succes en ik heb geen
berichten gehoord over incidenten tijdens zijn bezoeken in Chili.
Ik kan me heel goed de pijn en de woede voorstellen van de
slachtoffers van Jan Sanders. En ook de woede van de ouders
van de slachtoffers, wier vertrouwen hij had gewonnen. Hij heeft
dat vertrouwen op een schandelijke manier misbruikt.
Het is goed dat de slachtoffers dit nu openbaar maken.
Ik schaam mij dat hij dit deed als priester en jezuïet.
Ik hoop dat ik uw vragen hiermee beantwoord heb.
Jan Bentvelzen SJ,
provinciaal overste van de Nederlandse Jezuïeten.
maandag, april 26, 2010
Ter vermijding van misverstanden
De dagen ervoor overigens ook niet.
Deliver Us From Evil: A Letter to the Catholic Church Dear Pope Benedict
26 april 2010
Amy Berg , Academy Award nominated director of Deliver Us From Evil
Dear Pope Benedict, Archbishop Mahony and all other members of the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church,
Last Wednesday, a Dutch television station broadcast Deliver Us From Evil, my 2006 documentary about the sex abuse scandal in the Catholic Church. A few days earlier, the subject of my film, notorious pedophile Oliver O'Grady, was contacted by Dutch police officers, tipped off by his neighbors who had seen an advertisement for the film. Over the course of his 30-year career as a Catholic priest in California, O'Grady abused hundreds of children and is now living on the lam in Europe. O'Grady quickly disguised himself and fled, taking a train from Rotterdam to Schtipol. He managed to catch the last plane out of Amsterdam on Aer Lingus at 20:45. Ironically, had the film aired a few days later, he likely would have been stuck in Holland due to the volcanic eruption the following day.
As you might imagine, after the film aired in Holland, residents of O'Grady's community in Rotterdam were outraged and contacted me and two of the advocates featured in the film, attorneys John Manly and Jeff Anderson. After I spoke to one Rotterdam family, I discovered to my dismay that O'Grady had been masquerading himself as "Brother Francis" and had been volunteering at their local parish. This is alarming on several levels, especially in light of the Church's recent commitment to screen all volunteers and laypeople working in the church in order to protect the children and the community. Needless to say, the community was terrified and is still in a state of panic and shock. Another family told me they had been very close friends with O'Grady and had even traveled with him along with their nine-month-old child.
John Manly and I then called the Irish Guarda, an investigatory unit in Ireland who confirmed that O'Grady was on a "watch list," which means he is a person they know about but is not monitored. They do not follow him or make him register on a regular basis, or take any measures to make sure he is not around children. They do nothing to protect the communities where he lives or visits. Whether or not they reported his history to the police in Rotterdam, or even knew he was living in Holland, is questionable at best. Whatever arrangements were made between the Church and the Guarda are similarly suspect. O'Grady was deported in 2003 from the US after serving several years in prison. Had he been kept here, at least he would have been on a sex offender registry so people would know to avoid him.
So since it seemed like nothing was going to be done, I called my two good friends in Dublin: Noel Donnellon and Daniel Holfeld. They are both respected artists and filmmakers in Ireland. Within two days (after a visiting his old haunts) they provided me with six photos of a bearded Oliver walking freely without a care in the world. He was perusing book stores, cafés, and living the life of Riley. For proof of his whereabouts, please see the photos below.
I ask you, Pope Benedict, how can a self-confessed, convicted pedophile continue to work with children in the church? I beg you to look at the full history of this man (it is detailed in my film) and take him away from places where he can harm even more children. I know you are already somewhat familiar with his story and his record, as you presided over the Congregation For the Doctrine of the Faith for 25 years. That organization, designed to oversee morality in the church, was the group that was supposed to review police reports, parental pleas, and other legal documents pertaining to all accusations of sexual abuse. Despite the fact that O'Grady first confessed to abusing a child in the 1970's, he wasn't convicted until 1986. You chose to look the other way. The Church didn't even laicize him until almost 30 years later! You probably wish now that you had done something back then. Maybe if you took action as these cases were coming in, you could have cleaned the entire church up and become a hero for uncovering (as opposed to covering up) these incidents.
Those bad choices from the past 30 years are really starting to backfire. Today, even your loyal followers are starting to believe what victims and their advocates have been screaming about for decades. The lies, deceit and cover-up have caused a systemic breakdown. And I was really surprised a couple weeks ago as I listened to Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican's Secretary of State, say that it was a homosexual issue. We all know that there are no known studies linking pedophilia to homosexuality.
The good news? There is something you can do. Oliver O'Grady is set to turn 65 on June 5 of this year. He is due to receive a hefty annuity in exchange for his settlement in court. Why don't you take that money and give it to his victims or to a social program unrelated to the Church to counsel victims that are desperately in need of help? And you can put him away in a place where won't be able to harm children anymore. That is the challenge I put forth to you today.
And then, I hate to say it, but Pope Benedict, you should step down and face the charges in front of you. You have had a really good run, power-wise, but institutional power corrupts. Look at what happened to Ken Lay and Bernie Madoff.
Archbishop Mahony, your fate is another story. You really should be locked up behind bars. The only reason you are not incarcerated is because the justice department and district attorneys here in Los Angeles have been protecting you for years. How can you walk free after breaking laws, harboring pedophiles, and paying victims off in excess of $700 million--the largest settlement in history? Not to mention bribing people behind closed doors. Not only were you breaking the law, but isn't that stealing from your own parishioners?
It seems that the Church has begun to speak publicly and acknowledge the problem. I hope you both do the right thing, take negligent and corrupt priests and Church officials--including yourselves--out of power, hold them accountable for both their actions and inactions, and face the charges in front of you.
Amy Berg
NL Pedopriester werkte met kinderen in Rotterdam
(en overige bladen, Parool, Elsevier, Limburger, Brabants Dagblad)
SCHIEDAM (ANP) - Een Ierse priester die meer dan twintig jongens en meisjes seksueel heeft misbruikt, is van 2008 tot februari dit jaar vrijwilliger geweest in de Heilig Hartkerk in Schiedam. Dat heeft de Ierse krant Sunday Tribune zondag bekendgemaakt.
De H. Hartkerk in Schiedam-Zuid heeft de berichtgeving over priester Oliver O'Grady bevestigd aan NRC Handelsblad en de Wereldomroep, die daarover maandag berichtten. O'Grady, die zich in Nederland omdoopte tot 'brother Francis', organiseerde volgens beide media ook kinderfeestjes voor een vestiging van een fastfoodketen in Rotterdam. De Heilig Hartkerk was maandagmiddag niet bereikbaar voor commentaar.
Parochianen van de communiteit Christus onze Verlosser, die Engelstalige diensten in de H. Hartkerk organiseren, herkenden in 'brother Francis' de veroordeelde pedofiel Oliver O'Grady na het zien van de documentaire Deliver us from evil. De met een Oscar genomineerde documentaire werd door de VARA op 14 april uitgezonden op de Nederlandse televisie.
Daarin blijkt dat de priester vanaf het begin van de jaren zeventig meer dan twintig kinderen heeft misbruikt in verschillende parochies in de Amerikaanse staat Californië. Een van de slachtoffers was in die tijd een negen maanden oude baby. In de documentaire komt O'Grady diverse malen aan het woord. De man werd veroordeeld tot zeven jaar cel en door de Verenigde Staten in 2000 teruggestuurd naar Ierland.
Volgens de Sunday Tribune verhuisde O'Grady in 2008 naar Rotterdam, waar hij onder meer als vrijwilliger voor de Missionaries of Charity werkte.
De parochianen zijn zich ,,kapotgeschrokken'' toen ze O'Grady herkenden in de documentaire, aldus NRC. De veroordeelde pedofiel O'Grady woont sinds februari weer in Ierland.
NL Oliver O’Grady, priest convicted of child sex abuse, volunteered in Dutch church; SNAP responds
For immediate release: Monday, April 26, 2010
Statement by Joelle Casteix of Newport Beach, CA, SNAP Western Regional Director (949) 322-7434 cell
After a conviction and prison sentence, a now-defrocked, notorious predator priest (who assaulted boys, girls and at least one infant), has re-surfaced helping at a Rotterdam Catholic church under another name.
Dutch Catholic officials should be severely disciplined for failing to do even the most simple background check on this dangerous predator.
It’s irresponsible for Catholic officials to recruit, educate, ordain, hire, train, transfer and shield predators, then ‘cut them loose’ when the heat gets too intense, letting them walk free and molest again.
Church hierarchy must, at an absolute bare minimum, promptly take three steps.
First, it must do everything possible to make sure that pedophile priests, nuns, brothers, bishops and seminarians get prosecuted effectively and imprisoned for as long as possible. (This means voluntarily turning over to law enforcement all files relating to accused predators and aggressively using church websites, pulpit announcements, diocesan newspapers, and parish bulletins to beg victims and witnesses to call law enforcement when accusations against a cleric surface.)
Second, the hierarchy must create and maintain an easy-to-use international, on-line directory of proven, admitted and credibly accused child molesting clerics so that this doesn’t keep happening again and again and again.
Third, church employees who recklessly let proven predators back around kids must be fired, so that other church employees get the message that endangering kids means you’ll lose your job.
(SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, is the world’s oldest and largest support group for clergy abuse victims. We’ve been around for 22 years and have more than 9,000 members across the globe. Despite the word “priest” in our title, we have members who were molested by religious figures of all denominations, including nuns, rabbis, bishops, and Protestant ministers. Our website is SNAPnetwork.org)
Contacts: David Clohessy (314 566 9790 cell, 314 645 5915 home), Barbara Blaine (312-399-4747), Mark Serrano (703-727-4940), Peter Isely (414-429-7259), Barbara Dorris (314 503 0003)
Pedopriester leidde kinderfeestjes
Een Ierse priester die meer dan 20 kinderen heeft misbruikt was tot begin dit jaar vrijwilliger in de Heilig Hartkerk in Schiedam. Dat melden NRC Handelsblad en de Wereldomroep.
De man, Oliver O'Grady, organiseerde volgens beide media ook kinderfeestjes voor een fastfoodketen in Rotterdam.
Parochianen in Schiedam herkenden de veroordeelde pedoseksuele priester van een documetaire die onlangs werd uitgezonden op televisie, Deliver us from evil. Daaruit blijkt dat hij in Amerika kinderen misbruikte. Een van zijn slachtoffers was een baby.
NL Pedofiele priester O'Grady actief in Schiedam
Gepubliceerd: 26 april 2010 13:12 Gewijzigd: 26 april 2010 15:51
Door een onzer redacteuren
Rotterdam, 26 april. De Ierse priester Oliver O’Grady, in de Verenigde Staten veroordeeld in een van de grootste pedofiliezaken in de Rooms-Katholieke Kerk, was van augustus 2008 tot februari dit jaar vrijwilliger in de Schiedamse H. Hartkerk. Om in zijn levensonderhoud te voorzien, organiseerde hij kinderfeestjes voor een vestiging van een fastfoodketen in Rotterdam. Dat meldde de Ierse Sunday Tribune gisteren.
Parochianen van de communiteit ‘Christus onze Verlosser’, die Engelstalige missen houdt in de kerk in Schiedam, herkenden in vrijwilliger Francis O’Grady de veroordeelde pedofiel Oliver O’Grady. Dat gebeurde nadat de VARA op 14 april de documentaire Deliver us from evil (Verlos ons van het kwade) uitzond.
De film, die regisseur Amy Berg een Oscarnominatie opleverde, beschrijft hoe O’Grady zich van de jaren zeventig tot de jaren negentig in verschillende parochies in Californië vergreep aan 25 soms zeer jonge kinderen. O’Grady werd door de kerk uit het ambt gezet en, na een veroordeling tot zeven jaar cel, door de Amerikaanse autoriteiten teruggestuurd naar Ierland.
Hij blijkt in 2008 naar Nederland te zijn verhuisd. O’Grady woonde in Rotterdam en was vrijwilliger voor de congregatie Broeders van Liefde in die plaats, zo meldt de Sunday Tribune.
Ook assisteerde hij bij de voorbereiding van Engelstalige eucharistievieringen in de H. Hartkerk.
„We schrokken ons kapot toen parochianen hem herkend hadden”, zegt bestuurslid Ron Conijn van de communiteit. „We wisten uiteraard niet dat hij die veroordeelde pedofiele priester was. Het was een vriendelijke vent, bescheiden en rustig. Hij hielp af en toe als vrijwilliger uit tijdens de diensten. Met kinderen heb ik hem niet in de weer gezien.”
Toen de parochianen achter de ware identiteit van Francis O’Grady waren gekomen, was hij al vertrokken. In februari ging hij terug naar Ierland. Maar deze maand was hij weer terug, zegt Conijn. „Mogelijk moest hij nog een paar dingen regelen rond zijn woning.”
Bekijk hier de documentaire Deliver us from evil:
Priest convicted of child sex abuse volunteered in Dutch church
An Irish priest who was convicted for sex offences against children has been working as a volunteer at a church near the Dutch port city of Rotterdam. The priest, Oliver O'Grady, who was defrocked after his conviction, was helping as a deacon at Masses at the English-speaking Church of the Holy Heart, Christ our Redeemer. He also volunteered at a women's refuge centre.
Found guilty of sexually abusing two brothers, Mr O'Grady spent seven years in a prison in the US, after which he was deported to Ireland. He was also accused of having abused over 20 boys and girls, including a baby.
The church in Schiedam is serving the expatriate community in Rotterdam. A priest at the Roman Catholic church told the press that he did not know about O'Grady's background. Local parishioners told reporters that they were shocked when O'Grady's past history was revealed in a church announcement last week. The ex-priest was using the alias "Brother Francis", and his true identity was only discovered when Dutch TV aired a documentary entitled "Deliver us from evil" earlier this month.
'No contact with children'A spokesperson for the church in Schiedam told Radio Netherlands Worldwide that the man was there from 2008 until February 2010.
"The man came to our parish, came to the services and helped out with the music. He kept to himself. He was in no way in contact with children nor did he seek contact with them. He did work with nuns at a shelter for the homeless, but all he did was help feed people. He just wanted to go to church." Father Avin Kunnekkadan, one of the rotating priests who does services for the community, says "He was not a priest here and probably did not present himself as a priest when he came."
The ex-priest had already left the Schiedam church when the news broke. He is said to live in a hostel in Dublin. Several of his American victims are taking action against O'Grady. The discovery of the ex-priest's past follows a series of revelations over the past weeks by Radio Netherlands Worldwide and NRC Handelsblad about child sex abuse by Roman Catholic priests and nuns at boarding schools and care homes.
© Radio Netherlands Worldwide
Ierse pedofiele priester werkte in Nederland
26 april 2010 - 1:43 pm
Een uit het ambt gezette pedofiele priester uit Ierland heeft enkele jaren in Nederland gewoond en met kinderen gewerkt. Dat meldt de Ierse krant The Sunday Tribune.Oliver O'Grady werkte van 2008 tot februari dit jaar als diaken in de Heilig Hartkerk in Schiedam-Zuid, waar ook Engelstalige diensten zijn. Hij liet zich daar 'Brother Francis' noemen. Verder deed hij vrijwilligerswerk bij een opvangcentrum in Rotterdam voor dakloze vrouwen en hun kinderen. Ook werkte hij in een Rotterdams fastfoodrestaurant, waar hij hielp bij de organisatie van kinderfeestjes.
De inmiddels 64-jarige O'Grady heeft sinds 1973 meer dan twintig meisjes en jongens seksueel misbruikt, onder wie een negen maanden oude baby. Dat misbruik had plaats in de Verenigde Staten, waar O'Grady in 1971 na zijn priesterwijding heenging. Hij zat daar zeven jaar in de gevangenis tot hij in 2000 werd uitgezet naar Ierland. Daarna kwam hij naar Nederland. Inmiddels woont hij in Dublin.
In 2006 werkte Oliver O'Grady mee aan de documentaire Deliver Us From Evil. Daarin vertelt hij over hoe hij de kinderen misbruikte. Toen de documentaire twee weken geleden op de Nederlandse televisie te zien was, werd hij herkend door parochianen en medewerkers van de Heilig Hartkerk.
Een woordvoerster van de Ierse rooms-katholieke gemeenschap in Schiedam, die anoniem wil blijven, zegt dat O'Grady alleen assisteerde bij de diensten en nooit in contact kwam met kinderen. Avin Kunnekkadan, een van de priesters die voorgaan in de kerk, zegt dat niemand destijds op de hoogte was van het pedofiele verleden van de Ier en dat ook niet bekend was dat hij uit het ambt was gezet.
NL O'Grady's Luilekkerland O'Grady revelations are of major concern
The discovery that one of this country's most notorious serial paedophile priests has been living under an assumed name within a Catholic church community in Holland is a chilling reminder of how cunning and manipulative such abusers can be. It is also a reason to review how well-supervised potentially dangerous abusers are when they are released from prison.
.. Oliver O'Grady served seven years in the US for repeatedly raping two young brothers in their Californian parish. They were just two of as many as 40 children he sexually molested, one a nine-month-old baby. Every time he was discovered, his bishop moved him on to another parish. For that sin of omission, the diocese has had to pay record damages in America.
On release, he was deported to this country, but because he arrived here before the sex offenders' register was established, there are conflicting reports over whether he was put on it.
Even so, gardaí try to keep tabs on him. They are not always effective. In the past, he was filmed for the documentary Deliver Us From Evil in the playground in Merrion Square. He lived close to a national school.
His move to Rotterdam over a year-and-a-half ago saw him assume a name and identity as "Brother Francis".
He volunteered at a women's shelter – full of vulnerable women and their children. He inveigled his way into a Catholic parish that, as our pictures show, meant he could indulge his fascination for children – even standing close to them at the baptism of his friends' baby.
The implications are enormous. We do not know whether O'Grady abused any children, or attempted to, while in Holland. He is now back in Ireland, having fled the country following a visit from Dutch police in February. He since returned to Holland briefly and was spotted wearing a fake beard at a station in Rotterdam on 14 April.
But his supervision, or lack of it, is alarming. Were Dutch police warned of the danger O'Grady posed? Did any of the priests in the parish where he helped out with mass, coached the choir and generally acted as a church warden, know of his background? People on the sex offenders' register are not allowed take any work that involves access to children.
Psychiatric reports for court cases in the US labelled this former priest a serial abuser who needs lifelong monitoring. It is clear that for the past 18 months, that monitoring has been defective.
Whether O'Grady is on the sex offenders' register or not, his behaviour is a cause for major concern. Ways of ensuring that O'Grady, and men like him, have no contact with families and children need to be rigorously enforced.
April 25, 2010
Dutch Church Promises Full Abuse Investigation
Reports by Dutch media about sexual abuse from the 1950s through the 1970s have prompted a wave of new allegations against the Catholic Church in the Netherlands.
The church is promising an "independent, open and transparent" investigation into allegations of widespread abuse of children by priests at Catholic boarding schools across Holland.
Dutch musician Bert Smeets, lead singer for the band Bedroom Monkeys, says he was one of the sexually abused at a boarding school in the early 1960s. He sips black tea outside the 12th century Our Sweet Lady cathedral in Maastricht, one of the oldest Catholic churches in the Netherlands -- and a place Smeets hasn't stepped foot in for years. He recalls running to one of the head priests at his school and telling him what happened. Smeets says that priest promptly beat him severely and told him he was lying.
“They made me believe I was making it up," he says. "I was 10 years old. I was really shocked. Nobody was allowed to talk to me. I wasn't allowed to talk to anybody. It gets really isolating. That was very hard."
Diving Into Music, Writing
The abusive priest repeatedly violated him, Smeets says. In his teen years, he tried to channel his confusion and rage into music and writing songs -- like "Answer, No Answer," which he penned at 14.
“I felt very lost,” Smeets says. “There [were] questions, and I was asking for help in this song. But I didn't realize what really was the meaning of it, at that time. I just sang it."
Now 58, Smeets launched a blog, Mea Culpa, to bring Dutch victims together. So far, he's received more than 1,000 e-mails and phone calls from people in the Netherlands who say they, too, were abused by priests. His efforts were helped by recent reports on Radio Netherlands and in a Dutch newspaper that detailed similar sexual abuse at Dutch boarding schools in the 1950s, '60s and '70s.
Another Case
Janne Geraets says he was molested at a Catholic boarding school in the early '60s. Geraets was an altar boy then, and he says he wanted to become a missionary. All that collapsed after a priest sexually attacked him in his room and then again in the school's chapel, he says.
"When I was abused, it was against the altar," he says. "The priest was riding up to me, and then you are standing with your back to the altar. And that is holy, you are praying there. As an altar boy you see the father, you see the cross and think about God. And afterwards, all that was holy and sacred, yeah, suddenly it fell down."
Geraets says he talked about the abuse years earlier, and that this is not the first time he is coming out about it.
"I always talked about it everywhere, all around," he says. "But you were never heard. This of course is the problem. You never get through."
Geraets and other victims are now getting through -- and the flood of new abuse allegations seems to have taken the Catholic Church here by surprise. Dutch Catholics, about a quarter of Holland's population, have arguably been the most proactive about priest abuse in all of Europe.
Taking Action
Peter Kohnen with the Catholic Bishops Conference there notes that 15 years ago the church set up a nationwide hotline where victims could report abuse and seek help.
"[It was] the first church province in the world that had a stable office for these cases," he says. "So, we thought we had the idea that we were coping with the problem already. We were very, very surprised that these reactions came to surface so suddenly and so massively."
Kohnen believes the Netherlands church deserves credit for again taking quick and firm action. Bishops quickly asked a Protestant former head of the Dutch parliament to lead a full investigation.
"The bishops came forward with so strongly a statement of sorrow, of pity, of apologies and direct reaction of an independent investigation that this black page in the Dutch church history has to be confronted and faced to get on. To get on with the life of the victims, but also the life of the church," Kohnen says.
But many victims, including Geraets and Smeets, question whether the investigation will be sufficient or independent. Smeets wants to see a truly independent investigation, one that could look at the archives of the Dutch Catholic Church.
"The problem is a sex crime in one institute. And particularly in this institute it was covered up. They know they had a problem. That's why they have the archives,” Smeets says. "They have the information. Put it on the Internet. Put it on the table!”
The last Dutch Catholic boarding school was closed in 1981. But victims such as Smeets and Geraets say it is never too late for justice. Both are part of a pending group lawsuit that seeks financial compensation -- and answers.
NL O'Grady in R'dam; US advocaten: How could he walk into that church in Rotterdam and start helping out? I don't believe they didn't know who he was
In Rotterdam, he called himself Brother Francis O'Grady. He volunteered at a local church for English and Irish expatriates.
He helped the priest prepare the sacraments and organised the choir.
Once, when the priest got stuck in traffic, the former cleric celebrated the mass at Rotterdam's Church of the Holy Heart, Christ our Redeemer, until the priest arrived.
O'Grady also volunteered at the Missionaries of Charity in Rotterdam.
Among other things, the religious order runs a refuge for vulnerable mothers and their children. To earn money, he worked at a fast-food restaurant in the city centre.
Often, the "grandad figure" was in charge of children's birthday parties at the fast food outlet.
None of O'Grady's new friends in Rotterdam knew he was considered one of the world's most dangerous clerical sex abusers until two weeks ago.
In 2006, the former priest achieved notoriety when he agreed to feature in a documentary discussing his sexual abuse of children.
Deliver Us From Evil was aired on national television in Holland on 14 April. Many of the parishioners from his church, where he was effectively acting as a church deacon, saw it.
O'Grady hadn't made friends since he left Ireland for Holland in August 2008.
He kept to himself mostly. One family he did form an attachment with was a couple with a nine-month old baby.
The couple were stunned to learn about their friend's past, and it chilled them to learn the convicted paedophile admitted to assaulting a nine-month old in the US.
O'Grady met the young woman, who has previously lived in Ireland, while they were both volunteering at the Missionaries of Charity.
They immediately had something in common, a bond. She too is religious and told him about the weekly English religious service at the Church of the Holy Heart.
He had been attending a different church in Rotterdam but soon switched.
O'Grady became friends with this woman and her husband, spending time with them at their home. He even attended their daughter's christening.
"My first reaction when I saw the documentary was, 'does he have a twin brother?'
I just couldn't believe it was him," says the woman's husband, whose identity the Sunday Tribune is protecting.
"Shock isn't even the word. He was in our house maybe two or three times, having a couple of drinks while I helped him with paperwork. He was trying to get social welfare. We felt sorry for him. He was alone, had no friends or family here. He really was a very nice man. He was sociable, well-spoken and very refined. There was never anything about him that would suggest anything was wrong. He was a grandad type. That's scary now to think of. You would never suspect a thing."
It is every parent's worst nightmare.
A convicted sex offender trying to ingratiate himself into your family.
The couple has taken some comfort from the fact that O'Grady was never alone with their daughter.
But still, that this man was able to easily become a part of their lives troubles them.
"We invited him to our home. He wasn't pushing himself on us. When I saw that he had assaulted a nine-month- old baby, I was speechless. How could someone do that? Was he trying to groom our family? I don't know. What could have happened, I just don't know," he adds.
O'Grady was always vague about his own past, saying he used to work in administration in Ireland and moved to Holland to be closer to his nephews, who he said were studying there.
But he told other friends at their church a different story.
He said he had worked for RTE but had been fired when he had a nervous breakdown.
"At church, he used to organise the singing. He would help the priest with the bread and wine too and make announcements, stuff like that.
One Sunday, when the priest was late, he took over the service. I remember saying to him afterwards, 'you were very good, you should study to be a priest'. Little did I know," his former friend says.
After Deliver Us From Evil was aired, an announcement was made in the church informing the congregation of O'Grady's criminal past.
The 64-year-old had already left the country.
About three weeks ago, his neighbour was walking past when she saw the police knocking on his front door. He was not home.
She asked if she could help in any way but they said no.
O'Grady had in fact returned to Ireland in February, telling people he had family business to attend to, but returned briefly to Rotterdam two weeks ago and was last seen wearing a fake beard at Central Station on 14 April.
It is not known why the Dutch police were looking for Oliver O'Grady.
"I didn't know him very well, he was always very polite," says his neighbour, who asked not to be named.
"I know he used to work at [a fast food] place and he had people from the church around at his apartment sometimes. The woman he got the apartment from is involved at the church. I plan to confront her and ask if she knew about his past. My children are grown up but there are others around here."
After he returned to Ireland, O'Grady emailed his friends – the couple with the nine-month old baby.
He wrote on 30 March: "Glad to hear that all goes well at the church. Great to hear that a choir actually is in operation. I had doubts about it and was at my wits' end trying to think of ways to get things going in that area. One of the big problems was trying to get people to either practise (like before mass) or to pick songs that people knew… Regarding myself, I do apologise that I had to leave very quickly and to come back to Ireland… I'm still trying to get the financial things straightened out here and hope that falls into place real soon. I am, however, getting a supplemental income [a form of social welfare] for the time being, so I'm not too badly off."
O'Grady also enquired about their baby daughter.
"She must be beginning to move about and chat a lot by now… Thanks, once again, for all your help while I was in the Rotterdam area. Hope to be in touch again real soon. All the best, Brother Francis."
The English service at the Church of the Holy Heart does not have one dedicated priest, but a group of rotating clerics who celebrate mass each Sunday.
When one of the priests, Fr Avin Kunnekkadan, was informed about O'Grady's convictions for sexual abuse of children by church members, he said he knew nothing about O'Grady's past.
He wrote in an email to a parishioner: "I too had helped Francis in a small way without knowing his background. He came across to me as a gentleman… It was a big mistake that he has hidden his identity. Maybe he is a changed man. But who knows the truth. Only God can understand his intentions…
"Now I feel sorry that I did not ask any personal background of Francis when I met him first in the church. I took him as a matured gentleman. I never entered into his personal life story… In all sincerity I do not judge the past life of Francis as judgement belongs to God. I assure you that I will speak to the parish council and see what can be done. However, this matter cannot be hidden away from the community."
O'Grady spent his career as a cleric in the US, having been sent abroad after he was ordained.
He has admitted to sexually abusing over 20 children but has only been convicted and jailed for sexually abusing two brothers.
He was deported to Ireland in 2000.
"By calling himself Brother Francis, he's implying he's attached to a religious order. He was acting as a deacon in the church," says John Manly, a partner at law firm Manly, McGuire & Stewart in California.
The firm specialises in representing clerical child- abuse victims and has served civil action against O'Grady.
"I think he has help within the Catholic church. How could he walk into that church in Rotterdam and start helping out? I don't believe for a minute they didn't know who he was."
Long career of the Hannibal Lecter of cleric abuse; Was de Nederlandse justitie 2 jaar geleden op de hoogte?
Probably because most of the children O'Grady preyed upon were in the US, not here.
"He's the Hannibal Lecter of the clerical world," says attorney Patrick Wall of Manly, McGuire & Stewart in California.
Wall, a former Benedictine monk, has been tracking O'Grady across the globe for several years, serving him with civil actions from his alleged victims in the US.
"He's admitted to abusing post and prepubescent boys and girls. The youngest he molested was a nine-month-old baby and he's slept with mothers to get close to their children."
O'Grady was deported to Ireland in 2000 after spending seven years in prison in the US for sexually abusing two brothers.
The former priest came to public attention when he agreed to feature in a documentary discussing his sexual abuse of children.
Deliver Us From Evil was released in 2006 and featured many of O'Grady's victims discussing the impact his abuse had on their lives.
The film, which was nominated for an Oscar, also showed how high-ranking clergy in California moved O'Grady from one parish to another over several years when allegations of sexual abuse emerged.
In the film, O'Grady attempts to explain the mindset of a paedophile and rapist and it becomes apparent he has no grasp of the devastation his actions have caused. He is childlike and fantastical as he recounts grooming and abusing boys and girls.
Some of the film was shot in a playground in Dublin and outside a school, which caused some controversy.
Scenes where O'Grady's demeanour changes noticeably as children run around him have since been cut from the film. He becomes agitated, uncomfortable and is visibly at a loss as to how to behave.
O'Grady gained the trust of various congregations in northern California in the 1970s and '80s as he was continuously moved around when allegations surfaced. He confessed his problem to Los Angeles bishop Roger Mahoney, but was allowed to continue serving as a priest in various congregations.
In 1998, Mahoney, by then a cardinal, spent four hours on the witness stand in a civil action taken against the diocese over O'Grady's abuse and testified that he sent the Irish cleric to a psychiatrist after the 1984 police investigation into possible molestation.
O'Grady's psychiatrist's report stated: "Father O'Grady reveals a severe defect in maturation, not only in the matter of sex, but more importantly in the matter of social relationships," it stated. "Perhaps Oliver is not truly called to the priesthood."
Despite this, O'Grady was then appointed pastor of St Andrew's Parish in San Andreas and then associate pastor of Sacred Heart Church in Turlock, where his abuse of children continued unabated.
When O'Grady was in prison, having been sentenced for the sexual assault of the two brothers, he struck a deal with the Catholic Church.
He agreed not to testify at the civil action taken by brothers John and James Howard about how he told church authorities about his abuse in return for receiving his full church pension at 65. He turns 65 on 5 June.
In depositions, O'Grady admitted to sexually abusing over 20 children but has only been convicted of abuse against two brothers.
He is listed on the sex offenders' register here, and is required to tell gardaí if he is moving house or country, which he does. Gardaí also monitor O'Grady's movements.
Since his deportation to Ireland in 2000, he has lived in Thurles, Co Tipperary, his native Limerick and various parts of Dublin.
In April 2007, the Sunday Tribune tracked him down to Phibsborough in north Dublin, just 100 yards from a primary school.
He spoke to the Sunday Tribune through his letterbox, saying he would not discuss if he had informed gardaí of his whereabouts.
A neighbour reported O'Grady had been "ogling" her young children in the street.
As required by law, gardaí were informed when he moved from Limerick to Holland almost two years ago.
Gardaí then informed the authorities in Holland.
But detectives here had no idea he was active in a local parish in Rotterdam.
zondag, april 25, 2010
Dolkstoten en legendes Wir haben es nicht gewußt ? Me neus!
Maar zak eerst maar eens door jullie knieen.
En bidt!
Dat Oliver O'Grady van die kinderen is afgebleven.
Laat dat in vredesnaam zo zijn, maar als dat zo is, was dat niet dankzij de Rooms Katholieke Kerk, laat staan de Nederlandse bisschoppen (of de Konferentie Nederlandse Religieuzen! )
Zieke marsmannetjes met gemijterde hoofden en minachting voor Leven - van een ander - gelovend in Verwegistan.
Wir haben es nicht gewußt ?
Me neus!
Aantoonbaar: We wisten het wél ! !
Net als Manly, McGuire & Stewart, wist ik het ook. Omdat slachtoffers probeerden zijn gecontinueerd misbruik te voorkomen en hun mond niet dichthielden.
Broeder Francis Oliver O Grady in Rotterdam Notorious paedophile priest found 'helping' with children
Notorious paedophile priest found 'helping' with children
Ali Bracken Crime Correspondent
Defrocked Irish cleric Oliver O'Grady discovered running children's parties, volunteering at women's refuge and assisting at Dutch church
DEFROCKED Irish paedophile priest Oliver O'Grady has been living in the Netherlands where he acted as a church deacon assisting mass and helped out at a shelter for vulnerable women and their children, the Sunday Tribune has discovered. bron
The photograph published here today shows O'Grady, a serial abuser who has served seven years in a US prison for his crimes, watching over a christening at a Rotterdam church where he used his middle name, Francis.
The expatriate community attending the Church of the Holy Heart, Christ Our Redeemer, had no knowledge of the past of the man who called himself "Brother Francis". He also volunteered at a homeless shelter and worked at a fast-food restaurant in Rotterdam where he helped organise children's parties.
O'Grady, whose crimes include the sexual abuse of over 20 boys and girls, including a nine-month-old baby, recently returned to Ireland and is living in a hostel in Dublin city centre.
In an email to one of the Rotterdam parishioners on 30 March 2010, he referred to himself as "Brother Francis", implying that he is affiliated with a religious order.
He worked at the Rotterdam restaurant, part of a global chain, until the end of 2009 and was a regular host of birthday parties there. Prior to this he worked as a telemarketer.
O'Grady is regarded as one the world's most dangerous clerical sex abusers. He has admitted in depositions to the rape, molestation and abuse of over 20 children from 1973 onwards. He was sent to the US after his ordination in 1971 and never served as a priest in Ireland. The 64-year-old was deported to Ireland in 2000 after serving half his 14-year sentence in prison in California for sexually abusing two brothers.
He was defrocked after his conviction and gained notoriety when he agreed to feature in a critically acclaimed documentary discussing his sexual abuse of children.
In Deliver Us From Evil, released in 2006, O'Grady tells how he preyed on children and how he was moved from parish to parish by church authorities.
The documentary, which has been broadcast around the world, was aired on national television in Holland two weeks ago. Several parishioners at the Church of the Holy Heart, Christ our Redeemer, recognised him.
He had been volunteering at a weekly English language religious service at the church, to facilitate expatriates.
Parishioners told the Sunday Tribune he was acting as a church deacon, helping the priest with the sacraments and organising the choir singing. On one occasion, when the priest was late, the defrocked cleric celebrated the mass until he arrived.
Fr Avin Kunnekkadan, one of the rotating priests at the church, said he was unaware of O'Grady's criminal past.
"I did not know about his background. I did not know about his past at all," he said this weekend. An announcement was made at the church last week informing the congregation about O'Grady's criminal past.
O'Grady also volunteered at the Missionaries of Charity in Rotterdam.
The religious order runs a homeless shelter and there is a refuge for vulnerable mothers and their children at the premises. No one at the charity was available for comment this weekend.
Last week, O'Grady was served with a civil action at his Dublin hostel by Californian attorneys Manly, McGuire & Stewart.
The firm specialises in clerical sex abuse cases and represents several of O'Grady's victims who are taking civil actions against him.
Fr Tom Doyle, a Dominican priest from Virginia in the US who has met some of O'Grady's victims, said O'Grady should never have been permitted to volunteer at the church in Rotterdam and that background checks should have been carried out.
The priest said he believed O'Grady should be institutionalised.
"It's a concern that he was able to help out at the church. The problem with O'Grady is that he's a highly compulsive sex offender and no matter where he is, he's a danger to children. There is no effective way to monitor him other than to make sure he is not in the presence of children."