I have the right to be respected
I have the right to accept and own my own power
Ze doen het dan wat ingewikkeld, die Belgen,
maar ze doen het in ieder geval
wat minder achterlijk dan Hollanders
BOSCO Uganda participates in the on-line discussions
and Connecting Classrooms) prior to the African Youth Forum and African Union
Every year, Heads of State and Government. from 56 African countries
meet to take stock of their commitments on various pertinent issues in a meeting
called the African Union Summit. This year, they are meeting in Kampala on 25
through 27 July, 2010 to discuss pressing health issues for women and children
under the theme: “Maternal and Child health and Development in Africa”. For the
first time ever, young people will hold an African Youth Forum from 17 to 19
July, 2010 on the margins of the Heads of State Summit to discuss challenges and
progress faced by health programmes targeting young women and children. This
forum will follow a nationwide consultation process on youths’ views and
concerns about the health situation of women, mothers and children in their
Currently, BOSCO Uganda is undertaking training for youths to
post their views online and share with other youths all over Africa.

I have the right to laugh
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