Bisschop benoemd in VS

Geplaatst door Theo Borgermans
op maandag 19 januari 2009 om 15:30u
VATICAANSTAD ( - Edward J. Bruns, rector van het Grootseminarie van het bisdom Juneau (VS), is door paus Benedictus XVI benoemd tot bisschop van Juneau. Dat heeft Vatican Information Service vandaag gemeld.
Het bisdom Juneau telt 1.975.000 inwoners, waarvan 789.000 katholieken. In het bisdom zijn 513 priesters werkzaam.De nieuwe bisschop werd in 1957 in Pittsburgh geboren. In 1983 werd hij priester gewijd. (tb)
Citaat: 70,000. Of those, 6,000 are Catholic, making the

Er heeft blijkbaar een groot wonder plaats gevonden in dit een van de kleinste bisdommen van de US.
Die bisschop schijnt in ieder geval , als een Sarah Pallin, de tijd van zijn sportieve buitenleven te hebben gehad vóór dat wonder.
Of zou het Vaticaan niet zo betrouwbaar zijn in haar informatie??

Fairbanks Catholic Diocese Receives Complaints
Associated Press, carried in Juneau EmpireDecember 25,
FAIRBANKS - The Diocese of Fairbanks, which is under bankruptcy protection, received 288 claims from people who said they had been molested by Roman Catholic clergy.
A Dec. 2 deadline for claims was imposed when the diocese filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy earlier this year. The number of claims was reported by Catholic News Service.
The diocese said it sought bankruptcy protection this past February because it could not reach a financial settlement over the 150 or so abuse claims it had received at the time. The claims related to cases largely dating between the 1950s and 1980s.
In 2007, the Oregon Province of the Society of Jesus, or Jesuits, agreed to pay $50 million to more than 100 Alaska Natives who said they had been molested as children by Jesuit priests.
However, the cases did not include claims of negligence against the Fairbanks diocese, which owned and managed the parishes in the rural Alaska villages where the Jesuit priests worked.
Fairbanks was the sixth U.S. diocese to seek bankruptcy protection in the face of sex abuse claims. The Fairbanks diocese oversees 47 parishes and 14,500 parishioners in what is - geographically - the largest diocese in the U.S. It spans more than 400,000 square miles.
Sexual Abuse of Natives
Brian Malone
Story Created: Jan 16, 2009 at 7:43 PM AKST Watch the video
Dozens of Alaska Natives have joined forces and filed a lawsuit accusing the president of Seattle University of trying to cover up sexual abuse crimes.
tekst van de aanklacht (PDF file)
In all 43 alledged victims have filed suit saying Stephen Sundborg knowingly sent sex offenders, or what they call predator priests to remote Alaska villages because it was believed that they had little access to law enforcement and would not report the crimes.
The suit alleges the victims lived in Nulato, Hooper Bay, Stebbins, Chevak, Mountain Village, Nunam Iqua, and Saint Michael.
The suits are against the Jesuit Order Sundborg served as head of the order in the Northwest from about 1990 to 1996. He has denied any involvement.
The lawsuit was filed in Alaska Superior Court Bethel Judicial District.The abuses allegedly took place from around the 1950's into the early 1990's.
A lawsuit filed Tuesday accuses Seattle University President the Rev. Stephen Sundborg of knowing about an abusive Jesuit priest yet allowing that priest to remain in ministry when Sundborg served as provincial — or head — of the Jesuit order in the Northwest from about 1990 to 1996.
Sundborg is one of several defendants named in the lawsuit, filed by more than 40 men and women who say they were sexually abused as children or teens in Alaska years ago by Jesuits or those supervised by Jesuits.
The suit claims that as provincial, Sundborg had access to something called "hell files" — files containing information about Jesuit priests that was "not public," and "not good."
As such, Sundborg should have known that the Rev. Henry Hargreaves, one of the accused priests, had abused children, the suit says. Hargreaves could not be reached Tuesday evening. According to the lawsuit, he resides with the Jesuit community in Spokane.
"Father Sundborg remains steadfast in the belief that all victims of clerical abuse be treated with compassion and justice," Seattle University spokesman Casey Corr said Tuesday evening. "He has not been served with the lawsuit.
"The lawsuit says Native villages in Alaska were essentially a "dumping ground" for Jesuit priests unsuited to serve anywhere else.
That characterization has repeatedly been denied by the Jesuits. However they also have paid out millions of dollars in recent years to settle sexual-abuse claims in Alaska.
Several of the plaintiffs and their attorneys plan to hold a news conference this morning near Seattle University.The lawsuit, filed in Alaska Superior Court's Bethel Judicial District, accuses six Jesuits or those supervised by Jesuits, of sexual abuses ranging from fondling to rape. The abuses allegedly took place from around the 1950s into the early 1990s in remote Alaskan villages.
All the plaintiffs are Alaska Natives.
Other defendants in the suit include the international Jesuit order, and the Society of Jesus, Oregon Province — the formal name of the Jesuits in the Northwest. The province covers Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Montana and Idaho.
In recent years, the Oregon Province has received numerous allegations of past sexual abuse, most of them involving Jesuits in Alaska. In November 2007, the province agreed to pay $50 million to 110 Alaska Natives — believed to be the largest settlement by a religious order in the Catholic Church abuse cases.
The Fairbanks Diocese, which owned and managed the churches in the villages where Jesuit priests, brothers and volunteers were assigned, filed for bankruptcy protection last March.
About 300 people — including those who filed earlier lawsuits — have filed abuse claims with the diocese.
In Washington state, the Oregon Province agreed in January 2008 to pay $4.8 million to 16 Native Americans who were abused years ago when they were students at a boarding school near Omak.
Settlements in the state have also involved the Rev. John Leary, former president of Gonzaga University, and the Revs. Michael Toulouse and Englebert Axer, both former Seattle U. professors.
Seattle Times October 13, 2006
The second-highest-ranking Jesuit at Seattle University resigned Thursday from his post as vice president for ministry and mission after allegations publicly surfaced that he sexually harassed a trainee priest in the 1990s.
The Rev. Tony Harris will relinquish his prominent role immediately but continue working on special projects at Seattle U. through the remainder of the academic year before leaving altogether, said the Rev. Stephen Sundborg, the university's president.In a letter to faculty and students, Harris said he retains a "deep and abiding love" for Seattle U. but doesn't want his role to become a distraction.
And earlier this week, Seattle U. revealed that another former Jesuit professor and ethics expert, the Rev. Englebert Axer, is believed to have molested a boy in northern California in 1956. Axer died in 1989.Seattle U. has been under a spotlight in recent weeks as new alleged victims and information have surfaced in a federal lawsuit involving a well-known, longtime Seattle U. professor, the Rev. Michael Toulouse, who died in 1976. Toulouse is accused of molesting a 12-year-old boy in the campus Jesuit residence in 1968.
Call from Emmonak for emergency economic aid gets nationwide attention with help from AK bloggers: A handful of Alaska bloggers this week jumped into action after reading Nicholas Tucker's account of economic woe in the Western Alaska village of Emmonak. They've fed the story to national blog sites and are hoping for CNN coverage. Tucker told radio station KUDO's host CC in an emotional interview on Wednesday that donations are starting to flow in. Today's Daily News story is here. And here's a wrap-up of online coverage so far: ...
Mocht er nog ergens met dankbaarheid aan de hongerwinter en de
voedseldroppingen gedacht wordt, de ideale gelegenheid om een wonder mee te maken?
Dringend verzoek: géén spagetti-droppings.
Artikelen in het hard groeiende Hidden from History, en het ook steeds waardevoller blijkende BishopAccountability archief.
De diepe minachting, de afhankelijkheid, de jarenlange viespeukerij in het verdedigen van het onverdedigbare en het weten van (een deel van de) gevolgen, ik ben er even te strontziek van! Ik kan nu alleen maar even bidden om een ontmoeting met een dolle ijsbeer die een aantal van die kerels heel langszaam maar zeer grondig en onvakkundig castreert. Die zondige gedachten zal me dan na deze eigentijdse internet-biecht ook zonder priester wel vergeven worden!!
FRI., JAN. 16, 11:55 A.M.--A former Seattle University ROTC professor has been convicted of five felony counts after he was snared in an online sex sting in May. Andrew Franz, 41, was convicted Wednesday of criminal attempt to commit sexual assault on a child, enticement of a child, Internet luring of a child, Internet exploitation of a child and solicitation to commit sexual assault on a child by a person in a position of trust. Franz taught military science at Seattle U and is a 19-year veteran of the Army. He faces between two years to life and 12 years to life in prison for four of the counts and one to three years in prison for one of the charges. Sentencing is scheduled for March 13, and Franz is being held on no bond until then. rest artikel
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