and hence it is that I, a timid sailor, cry out,

"Keep watch, for the water has already made its entrance into the vessel, and the ship is in jeopardy..."
Clerical Whispers ...Commentary on Cloyne Child Sex Abuse
Sorry. Dag!

We have built false models of God and we have built false models of Church which become ideology or rule book or power structure rather than the place where in our vacillation we can turn to a God who is always faithful and who will bless us and protect us. We have to understand God as a God to whom we can turn and who will allow his face to shine on us in such a way that it changes us into becoming like the face of God, through allowing God’s healing love to break into our hearts and to turn us into people who love.
Love is strong word. Love is not a superficial emotion. When we are loved and when we love, that love shakes us up and changes us and changes the way we act and live in society. Love is the opposite not just of hatred, but of indifference. We reject love not just through hating or disliking someone, but through opting out of caring, opting out of responsibility, of protecting, of nurturing or of nourishing.
We need a Church which protects and we need a Church which becomes a

Homily Notes of
Homily Notes of
Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland
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