


Ontem apenas
fomos a voz sufocada
Uma papoila crescia, crescia
Kerkelijk seksueel misbruik. Wat komt er als een verhaal is afgelopen? De start van het volgende verhaal. Ondanks alle verwoede pogingen van en op zowel rorate.com en punt.nl om mij mijn vrijheid van informatie, hardop denken en expressie te ontnemen. Over dit misbruik wordt niet meer gezwegen! Niet door een groeiend aantal mensen, wereldwijd. Ook niet door mij. Over misbruik maak je slechts één keuze: 't is wel welletjes; het is méér dan genoeg geweest!
foto: Oscar van Alphen
22-03-08: stuk tekst en illustraties verwijderd.
Bij zo'n wereldkerk speelt zich tenslotte niet alles af achter het toneel van een plaatselijke parochie.
En wanneer iemand tegen je zegt: break a leg, kun je maar beter heel goed uitkijken. Je weet, zeker in Rome, tenslotte maar nooit wie die soufleur is.
Terug aan het werk dus.
Thanks, Andrew. Again Ubuntu!
Dag kardinaal. Het ga u goed.Appearing in court on February 11, a lawyer representing Cardinal
Connell announced that he was withdrawing his appeal for the High Court to
stop release of the documents. On January 31 the cardinal had won a
temporary court order preventing the Dublin Archdiocese Commission of
Investigation, headed by Judge Yvonne Murphy, from examining the documents.
Cardinal Connell had earlier told friends that he was prepared
to go to jail if necessary in order to protect the confidentiality of some
documents, explaining that he was defending the rights of both archdiocesan
advisers and victims of sexual abuse.
The cardinal's insistence on that point had put him on a collision course with Archbishop Martin, who had already agreed to hand over the documents
to the commission, waiving confidentiality claims.
It's hard to look away from the spectacle of two bishops head-butting one another, metaphorically speaking, but we should.
In the Dublin High Court on Monday, Cardinal Desmond Connell sought an order preventing the Archdiocese Commission of Investigation from examining a dossier of more than 5,000 documents relating to alleged instances of child abuse by clergy between 1975 and 2004.
The case was adjourned for a week.
The documents are already in possession of the commission, handed over last December by Dr Connell's successor, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin. The question is whether the commission will be able to rely on the documents in drawing its conclusions.
The Irish Government set up the commission in 2006 after complaints came to light against more than 100 priests.
The commission is not investigating the complaints, but examining the way a sample of 46 complaints was handled when they came to the notice of the diocesan authorities.
Dr Connell was Archbishop of Dublin from 1988 to 2004.
The dossier includes letters between Dr Connell and legal advisers concerning insurance cover and legal liability in respect of a number of individual cases.
Dr Connell claims that these are covered by lawyer-client confidentiality.The commission will argue that the client was the archdiocese, not Dr Connell personally, and that Dr Martin was therefore within his rights, and acted properly, in handing the documents over.
Deirdre Fitzpatrick of One in Four, a support group for victims of sexual abuse, posed the question on many minds: "What exactly is the Cardinal determined to hide?"
The case has a number of sharp angles from the media's point of view.
The victims' search for truth and solace from the Church which betrayed them. The clash between Church - or one element of the Church - and State.
Most of all, the paradigm picture of the traditionalist prelate in pomp and purple at odds with the modern administrator in neat semi-civvies.
But the question looming over all others concerns, not the conflicting
mind-sets of the two prelates, but how it can be that, after
two decades of revelation about the treatment of children in the care of the
Catholic Church, there is still need for complex and expensive legal action to
drag evidence into the light?Speaking in Dublin on Monday night, the Archbishop of Armagh, Cardinal Sean Brady, said: "Truth is not served by polemics on any side."
He added that he "regretted all distractions in the pursuit of truth where clerical child sex abuse was concerned."
It might be wondered why, if that is his approach, he hasn't urged dioceses across Ireland to throw open their archives to State agencies and
victims' representatives, obviating altogether the need for distractions such as commissions and court action.
Since he is the Primate of All Ireland, such a call would apply to dioceses in the North as well as the South.
Why is it, too, that the question is never posed of a State-funded commission to investigate allegations of clerical child sex abuse on this side of the border?
There is no reason to suppose that the incidence here has been significantly different from down South.
Here's a few questions from the diocese of Derry which it might be appropriate for a commission to probe, in the absence of voluntary disclosure.
Which Church officials organised, with the assent of which State agencies, the export in the 1940s, '50s and '60s of scores of children placed in the care of the Church in the Derry diocese to the other side of the world?
Upon arrival in Australia, many of the snatched children were given new names and told they had no families. Some were brutalised and sexually exploited in 'homes' and work-camps run by the mainly-Irish Christian Brothers.
A few were worked literally to death.
How were these children selected and processed?
What passports or papers did they travel on?
What was the Stormont Department of Education's understanding of the reason for the disappearance of those who had been attending school?
Who were the Australian immigration authorities given to believe these children were?Perhaps the unionist regime of the time had so little problem with small
Taigs disappearing that it just paid no attention to it.
In Australia today, there are people with children and grandchildren
spiritually desolate from not knowing from where and whom they came.
The information they crave for peace of mind and soul is, must be, held in diocesan archives. Will Dr Brady call for these archives to be opened up and light let in?
The court clash between Drs Connell and Martin will be fascinating.
But the profound conflict is not between the attitudes of past and present archbishops, but, still, between the need for truth and the determination
of powerful interests to keep the truth hidden.
Neher: Nach dem Kriegsende hat sich die Pädagogik gegenüber den zwanziger
und dreißiger Jahren in den Heimen zunächst kaum verändert. Erst Ende der
sechziger, Anfang der siebziger Jahre kam es wirklich zu einer Revolution in der
Erziehung in Deutschland. Einer der Punkte, die wir selbstkritisch sehen ist,
dass häufig die Schwestern und Brüder ohne fachspezifische Qualifikation in den
Heimen arbeiteten. Viele Erfahrungen, die von den Kindern und Jugendlichen
gemacht wurden, liegen auch an einer Überforderung der Heimleiter und
Erziehenden. Bei allen Bemühungen der überwiegend engagierten Mitarbeitenden in diesen Jahren hat es zu lange gedauert, bis eine qualifizierte Arbeit im
Interesse der Kinder Fuß gefasst hat.
In naoorlogs Nederland lagen dankzij de propaganda de meiden in de korenschoven. Lekker warm in die koude oorlog.
bron: Wezen en boefjes
waarschijnlijk tussen 1958-65, bron: particulier archief AAWL
De leugens van (progressief) RK Nederland, afgekocht met de kop van Finkensieper, afgewenteld op voormalige mishandelde en misbruikte kinderen en - inmiddels - stok oude wijfies! Als zusters , "nonnetjes", zorgeloos in hun kloosters.
Kinderen (van kinderen) en vrouwen, en een mannen kerk. mannenmacht en vrouwen!
Neher: Ich glaube nicht, dass es zur Systematik katholischer Einrichtungen
gehört hat. Es muss noch genauer geprüft werden, ob möglicherweise
konfessionelle Prägungen einen ohnehin praktizierten Erziehungsstil weiter verschärft haben. Wir werden deshalb der wissenschaftlichen Erforschung dieser Zeit mehr Raum geben und sind im Gespräch mit Hochschulen und Caritas-Experten, um wissenschaftliche Arbeiten über diese Zeit und die Folgen der Heimerziehung anzuregen. Wir schlagen auch vor, auf Konferenzen und anderen Veranstaltungen aktiv mit diesem Thema umzugehen.......In koor: "In onze orde kennen wij geen onderscheid. Gelijke monniken, gelijke kappen. Sterker nog, wij mochten niets weten van elkaars voorgeschiedenis, opdat iedereen gelijke kansen kreeg, dochter van een ongehuwde moeder of een meisje met een strafblad." .....
Wij richtten een school voor hen op, gaven onderwijs en opvoeding in kleine groepen, want kennis gaf hun macht om het leven opnieuw en succesvol aan te pakken."Petra had intussen haar studie theologie afgerond en Trudy werd geroepen om (28 jaar) bij de congregatie in Venlo de administratie te verzorgen.
"In de jaren zestig ontdekten wij in kleine eenheden nieuwe vormen van kloosterleven waardoor wij een deel van onze zelfstandigheid konden behouden. Na het Tweede Vaticaans Concilie werd ons werk echter geblokkeerd door de leiding van de mannenkerk en de overheid begon met het onzalige centraliseren en fuseren.
Is dat duidelijk?
Geen vragen!
Dan kunnen we nu over gaan tot de garrrrroetplicht:
(bron: Paul van Vliet, Majoor Kees)
Heilige Anthonius, beste vrind.....
7) f) Het gebruik van (verbasterde) vloekwoorden of schuttingtaal is vanzelfsprekend niet toegestaan.Vermijd zoveel mogelijk ruwe of platte woorden of dito uitdrukkingen. Ook verwijzingen, direct of indirect, naar sites waarin pornografische foto’s of afbeeldingen getoond worden zijn niet toegestaan.
Nederland een paar jaar verder ?