Focus shifts to likelihood of abuse by religious in missions
Joe Humphreys is an Irish Times assistant news editor and author of God’s Entrepreneurs: How Irish Missionaries Tried to Change the World (New Island)
The past is slowly catching up on Irish missionaries. As the one group within the Catholic Church that had escaped direct condemnation over the child sexual abuse scandals, they now sit uncomfortably in the spotlight.
The first three religious congregations to be investigated by the Irish church’s child protection watchdog all have significant missionary operations. The Spiritans (formerly Holy Ghost Fathers), the Dominican Friars and the Sacred Heart Missionaries were criticised to varying degrees by the National Board for Safeguarding Children (NBSC), the latter especially so.
While the board’s terms of reference are limited to investigating congregations’ compliance with child safeguarding standards in Ireland, its work is also helping to shed light on practices overseas.
Taken together with previous inquiries, it points to a serious catalogue of abuse and cover-up in mission countries – but one that has yet to be fully investigated.
One of the worst cases cited in the 2009 Murphy report, which examined abuse by priests in the Dublin diocese, was that of convicted paedophile Fr Patrick Maguire. The Columban Father worked in Japan between 1961 and 1974, where his abusing was first reported to the congregation by a nun. In 1997, Fr Maguire admitted to having abused about 70 boys in a number of countries, 13 of whom were in Japan.
Other convicted abusers with a missionary background include: Fr Gus Griffin, a Spiritan formerly based in Sierra Leone, who was jailed in 1998 for 7½ years; and Fr Thomas Naughton, who was also convicted of abusing boys in Dublin, and had previously served under the Kiltegan Fathers in Nigeria.
A disturbing policy identified in both the Murphy and Ryan reports was that of moving known offenders overseas. The pseudonymous Brother Adrien, for example, was removed from an industrial school in the late 1960s after being labelled by peers as “positively dangerous”, according to the Ryan report.
“He later spent 10 years on missionary work. There is no reference in his personal card to his ever receiving any sanction or warning in relation to his abuse.”
In its report on the Spiritans this week, the NBSC similarly notes: “In some instances, priests/brothers were moved either out of the country or to other ministries, where they continued to abuse children.”
Neither religious congregations nor the Catholic hierarchy has shown any desire to examine the extent of wrongdoing in missionary settings. The fact that abuse victims have not as yet come forward in large numbers appears to have much to do with the taboo attached to the subject in developing countries, allied to the relative difficulty in pursuing complaints.
Ironically, the first time anyone put serious resources into examining the issue was when RTÉ’s Prime Time Investigates commissioned its ill-fated Mission to Prey programme.
Its libelling of Fr Kevin Reynolds removed the issue from the public limelight as quickly as it had placed it there. Yet broader questions for the missionary movement remain.
The Spiritans told The Irish Times this week it has been alerted to a total of six complaints from two mission countries and these “are being followed up”.
The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart said nine of the 61 allegations it had identified relate to its work outside of Ireland.
For the Dominicans, Fr Bernard Treacy said he was unaware of specific allegations overseas but he admitted that some of those people against whom allegations had been made in Ireland had also served in the missions.
But are congregations doing enough to identify survivors in mission countries as they are obliged to do in Ireland under church guidelines here?
Fr Treacy said two years ago its leadership began training personnel at its main missionary operation in Trinidad and Tobago on “developing and following safeguarding protocols”.
Part of this would be “putting out an invitation to possible victims”.
However, “whether it is actually happening I cannot say,” he added.
The other two congregations were similarly vague when questioned about the issue. The Sacred Heart Missionaries would only say it was seeking to “respond effectively and appropriately to any information or allegations of abuse” overseas, while the Spiritans said “we are seeking to find new ways to seek out and engage with anybody who has been abused”.
The Irish Missionary Union, the umbrella group for such orders, said it would consider this week’s reports at a board meeting next Tuesday.
It “will decide what to do after that”, its outgoing executive secretary Eamon Aylward said.
Asked whether child safeguarding procedures were being applied universally by its members overseas, he replied: “I could not say all congregations are trying to do it. There are some who are definitely making concrete efforts to do it.” As for the prospect of a comprehensive inquiry into the handling of abuse allegations in the missions, he replied: “It might be a realistic proposal” but it would have to be done by a body such as the NBSC.
“I would still stick by my own personal impression that the incidence of abuse would be less than at home,” Fr Aylward added.
Asked what this view was based on, he replied: “Just having an idea of some cases, the numbers of missionaries overseas and the number of cases we are aware of.”
In the absence of a full inquiry, combined with a genuine attempt to trace survivors of abuse in Africa, Asia and South America, we are left with such speculation.
One question lingers, moreover: why should Irish religious who worked overseas be held to different standards from those at home?
10-06-2009 all children are born equal
Garda examining child protection reports
Mary Minihan
SEXUAL CRIME UNIT: The Garda sexual crime unit is examining the reports published this week containing new disclosures on child protection practices in four dioceses and three congregations, Minister for Justice Alan Shatter has revealed.
Mr Shatter
yesterday said he had discussed the reports produced by the Catholic
Church’s child protection watchdog, the National Board for Safeguarding
Children (NBSC), with the Garda Commissioner Martin Callinan.
Mr Shatter said the reports had revealed “indefensible child
protection failures” and very understandable concerns had subsequently
been expressed in relation to some of the findings. He said it was
important to reassure the public that relevant legislation was in place.
too regrettably, many of the findings of the reviews underline how
necessary the introduction of this legislation was,” he said.
Shatter said the Criminal Justice (Withholding Information) Act 2012,
introduced following the publication of the Cloyne report, contained a
measure designed to deal with the problem of people failing to report
He said the Act, which came into force last month, made it
an offence to fail to disclose information to the Garda Síochána
relating to a serious offence committed against a child or vulnerable
“While the Act applies only to information that a person
acquires, receives or becomes aware of after the passing of the Act, it
may relate to an offence committed prior to that date,” he said.
Minister for Children Frances Fitzgerald has said she is working closely
with Mr Shatter on progressing a series of initiatives, “which are seen
as a high priority for Government”.
Ms Fitzgerald said the
children’s rights referendum was among the measures. “These reviews
highlight yet again the ongoing need for vigilance and action to protect
Ireland’s children,” she said.
“This is what I am doing by
bringing in new child protection laws which include putting Children
First on a statutory footing, by reforming our child protection services
and by bringing forward a child protection referendum.”
Bishop paid child abuse settlements in 1990s
Patsy McGarry
BISHOP of Clonfert John Kirby made out-of-court settlements in the 1990s with two victims of an abuser priest in his diocese.He said yesterday he believed the settlements were made in 1994 and 1998, and, “from memory”, these, including legal fees, totalled “circa IR£130,000”.
Both settlements arose from child abuse by the priest identified as “priest A” in a National Board for Safeguarding Children (NBSC) review published on Wednesday.
The review said “five separate complaints were made against priest ‘A’ between 1990 and 1997”. Priest A was convicted in the courts and served a jail sentence. The review established that when he became aware of child abuse allegations against A and another priest, “Bishop Kirby moved the priests against whom allegations were made to different parishes”.
On Wednesday Bishop Kirby said of this, “I literally thought, and you can put it down as gross innocence and naivety, that if I separated the priest and the youngster, that it was a friendship that crossed the boundary line. I literally thought if I separated them I would have solved the problem.”
The review said that, where A was concerned, “Bishop Kirby did immediately confront the priest when he received the first allegation, [the priest acknowledged the allegation], and the bishop made a speedy report to the Western Health Board . . . It is not recorded whether Bishop Kirby reported the allegation to An Garda Síochána”.
Priest A has since been laicised. Where priest B was concerned, the review found that “the first complaint was not properly managed . . .” but that later complaints against him were dealt with “more effectively”.
NICOSIA ( - Aartsbisschop Diarmuid Martin
van Dublin herinnerde op het overleg van de Raad van Europese
Bisschoppenconferenties (CCEE) in Cyprus eraan dat de katholieke Kerk
niet alleen bestaat uit de bisschoppen en kerkelijke organisaties, maar
evenzeer uit leken die vanuit hun roeping bijdragen tot hun gezin, hun
beroepswereld en de wereld van de cultuur en de politiek. Dat meldt
Een 30-tal afgevaardigden van de Europese bisschoppenconferenties
overlegden de voorbije dagen in Cyprus over de bijdrage van de
katholieke Kerk tot de versterking van het sociale weefsel in Europa.
Aartsbisschop Martin wees de aanwezigen erop dat de sociale leer van de
katholieke Kerk daarbij als richtsnoer kan dienen. “Indien kerkelijke
organisaties louter lobbygroepen worden te midden van de vele andere
lobbygroepen of louter commentaar geven op de samenleving, dreigen zij
hun originaliteit te verliezen en daardoor ook niet langer bij te dragen
tot de samenleving.”
Nog volgens mgr. Martin is het belangrijk dat het geloof wordt
verdedigd, maar dat ook en misschien zelfs vooral de manier waarop dat
gebeurt, belangrijk is, in het bijzonder te midden van een cultuur die
door individualisme wordt gedomineerd. “Als wij ons telkens moeten
verdedigen, dreigen wij alleen nog maar een negatieve visie van ons
geloof uit te dragen. Het is dikwijls belangrijk om tegen de stroom in
te gaan. Maar het is nog belangrijker om de echte kern van ons geloof
duidelijk te maken. Wij moeten in onze samenleving de waarden durven
verduidelijken van onze maatschappijvisie die voortkomt uit ons geloof.
Maar wij moeten dat doen met rationele argumenten.”

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