Omissie in commissie?
"...the Murphy report covers far more than what individual Bishops did or did not do. Fundamentally it is about how the leadership of the Archdiocese failed
"...the Murphy report covers far more than what individual Bishops did or did not do. Fundamentally it is about how the leadership of the Archdiocese failed
over many decades to respond properly to criminal acts against children....I should have challenged the prevailing culture....I hope it honours the truth that the survivors have so
bravely uncovered and opens the way to a better future for all concerned. "

Top Jezuiten wist van sexueel misbruik
De leiding van de Jezuïeten geeft toe dat ze al jarenlang wist dat één van de paters van het prestigieuze Canisius College leerlingen seksueel misbruikte.Zij hebben na een melding hierover in 1988 ouders afgeraden aangifte bij de politie te doen.
Ook is er intern geen onderzoek geweest naar de desbetreffende pater.
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