
vrijdag, juli 31, 2009
donderdag, juli 30, 2009
De geheimen van de rozenkrans; The Children at the bottom of the garden


Toen U in het huis van Nazaret gehoorzaamde en “ja” zei, gaf U Gods eeuwige Zoon toestemming om in Uw maagdelijke schoot het vlees aan te nemen en zo met het werk van Zijn verlossing in onze geschiedenis te beginnen. U werkte daaraan gewillig en genereus mee en stond toe dat het zwaard van de pijn uw ziel doorboorde, tot aan het bijzondere uur van het kruis. Toen hield u op de berg van Calvarie de wacht bij Uw zoon, die stierf opdat wij kunnen leven
woensdag, juli 29, 2009
State will be judged on delivery of 99
Children and Youth Affairs Minister, Barry Andrews, launched the blueprint for how children should be protected and cared for by the State, with survivors and children’s rights groups demanding the swift implementation of the measures.
It is a huge undertaking, but then it needs to be.
As Barry Andrews said yesterday, the horrific abuse catalogued in the Ryan report made headlines around the world, and the reaction of campaigners and survivors both here and abroad makes implementing the key recommendations a priority.
Mr Andrews said he believed it would cost some €25m to implement the recommendations over the next three to four years, and that Finance Minister Brian Lenihan is committed to the process. The money will have to be found from other places, in addition to achieving more with existing resources.
Spread under 20 separate headings, the 99 headline-grabbing measures will be music to the ears of many working in the sector.
Those social work positions are to be filled within the next 18 months, Mr Andrews said, although many in the Irish Association of Social Workers (IASW) will contend that serious damage was done to those in the system heretofore because of the shortage of staff on the ground.
The system of inspections will now be extended, with HIQA (the Health Information Quality Authority) to be given powers to carry out checks of foster care placements, facilities caring for those with disabilities and young people seeking asylum, among others.
A senior manager with sole responsibility for children and families will be appointed within the HSE for the first time, and an out-of-hours scheme will be piloted in two areas ahead of a possible national roll-out.Section 45 of the 1991 Children Act will also be altered to bolster the provision of aftercare to those who grew up in the care system and are turning 18.
The Children First guidelines will be placed on a statutory footing, and while there is no call for mandatory reporting, state agencies and voluntary bodies that do not report suspected cases of child support could, under new contract terms, be in breach of contract and face sanctions including possible withdrawal of funding or losing their jobs.
Finally, the minister said that a referendum on children’s rights was still on the agenda, although no timeframe was provided
What about those abuse survivors living in Britain, one campaigner asked.
Another questioned the continuing legal barrier to discussing the Redress Board, yet another asked about the high number of scheduled inspections and the possibility of survivors being included on visiting committees to institutions.
In other words, child protection is being addressed after years of being overlooked or neglected, but it is likely it will lead to cuts elsewhere.
Abuse Redress scheme limited to children under 18
The High Court finding in favour of arguments by a female abuse victim would have meant persons who were abused in residential institutions up to the age of 21 could seek redress.
However, the age limit of 18 now stands after the five judge Supreme Court yesterday unanimously granted an appeal by the Residential Institutions Redress Review Committee and the State against that finding.
The Supreme Court dismissed the woman’s cross appeal against the High Court’s rejection of her additional argument that the definition of child in the 2002 Residential Institutions Redress Act as a person under 18 breached the State’s obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights Act 2003.
The woman had just turned 18 days before she was admitted to St Patrick’s Mother and Baby Home on the Navan Road, Dublin, in 1968 after becoming pregnant allegedly by an older brother. She suffered abuse at the home, where she remained until 1969, but was not entitled to redress as she was over 18 at the time of the abuse.
Her baby son was taken from her and placed for adoption.
Her younger sister, also pregnant allegedly by an older brother, was admitted to the same home on the same day and ultimately secured redress for abuse suffered there because she was under 18. Both girls alleged they had been abused in the family home for 10 or 11 years by their two older brothers.
Section 1.1 of the 2002 Act defines a “child” as a person under 18 and Section 7 of the Act provides redress may only be paid to a child.
In the High Court, Mr Justice Iarfhlaith O’Neill ruled the Act’s definition of child as a person under 18 meant the woman was discriminated against contrary to Article 40.1 of the Constitution, the right to be held equal before the law, as she was not being considered to be a child at the time she lived in the mother and baby home.
The discrimination failed to reflect legal and social conditions of the 1960s when persons under 21 were minors in law, he held.
Giving the Supreme Court judgment on the constitutional arguments, Chief Justice Mr Justice John Murray stressed the court was not addressing the substance or merits of the woman’s claim for redress but the fact she was excluded from having her claim considered because of her age at the relevant times.
The fact she had applied for redress did not involve her waiving any other claim, he added.
Section 7 of the 2002 Act must be presumed constitutional and the woman faced a high hurdle in displacing that presumption, the Chief Justice said. Her challenge to Section 7 related to the age of 18, rather than 21, being chosen by the legislature.
Almost all legislation addressed to the regulation of society resorted to some form of classification and there was nothing in such classification, taken on its own, to suggest it was invidious, unfair, or, in the legal sense, discriminatory, he found.
The woman had failed to establish that, in 1968, the word “child” was understood to include any person under 21, he added. Not everybody under 21 would naturally have been described as a “child” and the age of majority was not the converse of childhood.
In deciding to establish a redress scheme, the Oireachtas necessarily had to define its scope and the choice of an age limit of 18 was a legitimate legislative designation of persons who naturally and normally have been described as “children”, he added. The definition of child as under 18 was an “objective classification” containing no element of discrimination and was neither arbitrary nor irrational.
In a separate judgment on the issues raised under the ECHR Act 2003, Mr Justice Nial Fennelly rejected arguments the definition of child in the 2002 Act breached the State’s obligations under the 2003 Act to protect the woman’s rights under Article 8 (to respect for private and family life) and Article 14 (preventing discrimination).
There was a clear distinction between the State’s obligation by its laws to protect Convention rights and the voluntary enactment by the State of a scheme of redress for abuse suffered in the past, he also held.
The woman had not established the defining of a child as under 18 in the 2002 Act constituted discrimination contrary to Article 14 of the ECHR.
What Turns Our Catholic Priests Into Monsters?
"Worse than the ordinary miserable childhood is the miserable Irish childhood, and worse yet is the miserable Irish Catholic childhood."
At the end of the week when Frank McCourt finally succumbed to illness, the above quote, taken from his best known work, Angela's Ashes, has rarely been more relevant.
Dr Niall Muldoon, national clinical director with the Children at Risk in Ireland (Cari) foundation, which counsels victims of abuse, notes that there was a clear emphasis by the Catholic hierarchy on "getting a child early on".
As a result, you had 12- or 13-year-olds who were brought up to distrust close relationships – for example, always being told to walk in groups of three rather than two.
If you were a recruit for the priesthood, and you were found to be too close to someone, you were often punished.
The effect of this on young personalities still in formation cannot be underestimated.
"Straight away you're teaching someone to be isolated, closed off, not sharing feelings," Muldoon believes.
"The concept of celibacy has to be considered in the context of someone who understands their sexuality in the first place," he says.
"But a kid at 12 or 13… It's like asking someone to give up chocolate having never tasted it. Celibacy has to be a mature, informed choice."
So the trainee Irish priest was frequently faced with a type of 'double whammy' – the forced repression of their emotions, both in society and within the church structures to which they devoted their lives.
They were then expected to be outgoing and sociable as part of their work – something which served only to heighten their sense of isolation when they returned to an empty house.
Many priests found a way around the problems which celibacy can throw up – for example, through maintaining strong relationships with family members.
For Rigert, the rigid sexual repression in both Irish society and the priesthood clearly had the opposite of its intended effect, helping to foster bizarre and criminal sexual behaviour such as the sexual abuse of children.
But according to victims of abuse by 'exported' Irish priests, there are other possible explanations for priests' transfer abroad, and their getting away with it for so long.
"It's pretty clear that minority Catholics – and for decades, Irish Catholics here were a minority – tend to trust priests more, believe abuse reports less, and contact church officials, not criminal officials, when they are able to take action," says David Clohessy, national director of the US-based Survivors' Network of those Abused by Priests (Snap). "So priests from minority Catholic communities – years ago, the Irish, now Hispanics and others – tend to get by with abuse longer."
Unless independent evidence proves otherwise, the only rational conclusion is that a certain percentage of the men who enter the priesthood are, or become, sexually deviant and do so in nearly every diocese across the globe."
Writing in the Irish Catholic last year, UCD academic and therapist Dr Marie Keenan claimed the idea that psychological screening will reduce offending by clergy is built on an "assumption that clergy who sexually abuse children are psychologically disturbed".
She argued that, while they are of course culpable for their actions, such an analysis risks ignoring the role of the institution that is the Catholic church itself.
Research conducted by her, involving interviews with priest abusers, indicates that the church is "pretty expert at ignoring problems... in its clergy, and has a fairly well-perfected culture of denial and silence", she said.
Snap's David Clohessy goes even further.
"Only the most naïve would believe that centuries-old patterns of selfishness and recklessness by an ancient, rigid, secretive, all-male monarchy could or would be suddenly reversed, especially because the root cause of the crisis – unchecked power by bishops – remain unaddressed," he says.
Paus draagt internationale theologencommissie onderzoek op naar de ondanks Vat II en de nodige encyclieken voortbestaande rk kleurenblindheid.
Geplaatst door onze redactie op woensdag 29 juli 2009 om 15:00u
DUBLIN (RKnieuws.net) – De Ierse minister voor Jeugdzaken, Barry Andrews, heeft aangekondigd dat er een monument opgericht zal worden om de Ierse slachtoffers van seksueel en fysiek misbruik te gedenken.
Op het gedenkteken komt een tekst te staan. “Namens de Ierse staat en al haar burgers maakt de regering haar oprechte excuses voor het geweld dat kinderen is aangedaan en waartegen collectief niet werd opgetreden. Dat hun pijn wordt gevoeld en dat zij mede hierdoor geholpen worden”.
Schokkend rapport
Twee maanden geleden publiceerde een Ierse regeringscommissie een onthullend rapport over seksueel en fysiek misbruik van kinderen door priesters en religieuzen op katholieke onderwijsinstellingen. Tientallen jaren lang werden duizenden jongens en meisjes systematisch seksueel en fysiek mishandeld.(jm)

Salaam, shalom
maandag, juli 27, 2009
Stop op Women on Waves? Soul s on ice Van wie is die baarmoeder?

De politiek omstreden abortusboot van Women on Waves (WoW) vaart voorlopig niet meer uit. De medewerkers van de boot, die vrouwen onder Nederlandse vlag helpen bij zwangerschapsafbreking in landen waar dat is verboden, vrezen vervolging in Nederland nu het kabinet de regels rond de abortuspil heeft aangescherpt. Ook de behandelde vrouwen lopen volgens WoW het risico vervolgd te worden.

WoW spant zich al jaren wereldwijd in om ongewenste zwangerschappen en onveilige abortussen te voorkomen onder vrouwen uit landen waar abortus niet is toegestaan. De organisatie biedt vrouwen voorbehoedsmiddelen en adviezen aan, maar ook de mogelijkheid een vroege zwangerschap af te breken. Daarbij wordt gebruik gemaakt van de abortuspil die een zwangerschap beëindigt bij vrouwen die maximaal zestien dagen overtijd zijn (44 dagen vanaf de laatste menstruatie). Doordat WoW vrouwen aan boord haalt en daarbij in de internationale wateren blijft, gelden op het schip de Nederlandse regels. De boot ontmoet in veel landen fel protest.
Het kabinet besloot afgelopen voorjaar dat bij elke abortus altijd eerst de duur van de zwangerschap moet worden vastgesteld in een kliniek of een ziekenhuis met een vergunning. Voor de abortuspil, de zogeheten overtijdbehandeling, was dat strikt genomen nog niet noodzakelijk, al gebeurt het volgens Kleiverda in de praktijk altijd wel. De overtijdbehandeling valt formeel buiten de abortuswet, omdat een foetus pas na 16 dagen over een eigen hartactie en bloedcirculatie beschikt.
Van de mogelijkheid om buiten een kliniek om te werken maakt WoW gebruik om vrouwen de abortuspil te geven. De organisatie heeft wel een vergunning als abortuskliniek, maar die geldt alleen binnen de mobiele kliniek die de organisatie soms in een container meeneemt op haar reizen. ‘Die hebben we lang niet altijd bij ons’, aldus Kleiverda. ‘Daar hebben we een enorm schip voor nodig. Dat is niet altijd mogelijk.’ De campagne in Zuid-Amerika zou plaatsvinden vanaf een jacht.
Met de aanscherping van de regels reageerde het kabinet in het voorjaar onder meer op de roep onder sommige huisartsen om ook in de huisartsenpraktijk de abortuspil voor te mogen schrijven. Het besluit maakt dat onmogelijk en rijdt nu dus ook Women on Waves in de wielen.
In 2007 gaf staatssecretaris Bussemaker van Volksgezondheid (PvdA) de abortusboot nog een vergunning voor medicamenteuze zwangerschapsafbreking tot 12 weken. Coalitiepartners CDA en ChristenUnie protesteerden. Kleiverda denkt dat Bussemaker nu alsnog is bezweken onder de druk. ‘Dit besluit is totale kolder. Een wassen neus, alleen bedoeld om ons en huisartsen dwars te zitten. Geen enkele arts zal een vrouw behandelen zonder onderzoek naar de duur van de zwangerschap.’
De organisatie overweegt juridische stappen tegen de Nederlandse staat omdat die de regels heeft veranderd zonder dat de wet is gewijzigd. ‘Je kunt de wet toch niet van de ene op de andere dag anders uitleggen?’
Bussemaker was zondag niet bereikbaar voor commentaar. Haar partijgenoot, het Tweede-Kamerlid Chantal Gill’ard, wil opheldering. ‘Er is onduidelijkheid ontstaan. Ik vermoed dat WoW zich geen zorgen hoeft te maken, want zij hebben hun vergunning. Die is niet veranderd. Maar ik snap dat zij zeker willen weten dat zij binnen de wet blijven. Hun goede werk mag hierdoor niet worden gedwarsboomd.’
zondag, juli 26, 2009
Release date of abuse report is delayed
Irish Independant
THE long-awaited report on how Cardinal Desmond Connell and other members of the Catholic hierarchy in Dublin handled child sex abuse allegations has shocked senior officials in the Department of Justice.
Officials who have seen it say it is "damning" and "doesn't pull punches" as it documents how suspect priests were moved from one parish to the next, shielded from the rigours of the law, according to sources.
The report on child abuse in the Dublin archdiocese was submitted to the Minister for Justice last week but a publication date is uncertain. The Government has asked the Attorney General for legal advice on publishing the report because it names at least two priests who face prosecution on child abuse offences.
There are fears their trials may be prejudiced.
"The report is pretty damning of the Catholic hierarchy," said the source.
Dermot Ahern, the Minister for Justice, is believed to be studying the report this weekend, now that his controversial Criminal Justice Amendment Act has been signed into law.
"The minister wants the report to be published as soon as possible. There is a legal process in place and the last thing the minister wants to see is a trial being prejudiced because of premature publication of the report," said a spokesman for Mr Ahern.
The Commission of Inquiry into the Dublin archdiocese examined the responses of 19 bishops to the alleged sexual abuse of 450 children by Catholic priests.
There were so many cases of alleged child abuse that the commission focussed on a representative sample of 46 priests, investigating in detail how they were handled by church superiors.
Dr Diarmuid Martin, the Archbishop of Dublin, has warned that the report will shock and horrify the public once the contents become known. He has said that since 1940 more than 400 children had been abused by at least 152 priests in the Dublin area.
"It is likely that thousands of young people across Ireland were abused by priests in the period under investigation and the horror of that abuse was not recognised for what it is," he said.
The commission of inquiry was established in 2006 and was chaired by Circuit Court Judge Yvonne Murphy. The overall cost of the Commission of Investigation to date is €3.6m, a figure which covers administration, staffing costs and legal fees.
July 26, 2009
By John Burke
The report into clerical sex abuse in the Dublin Archdiocese will not be published before the end of August at the earliest, The Sunday Business Post has learned.
The report is understood to detail the widespread cover-up of child abuse in the archdiocese, with a number of abusers moved from one ministry to another after church figures were informed of complaints by parents and victims.
However, it is understood that the Commission of Investigation was surprised by the relatively small number of people who presented themselves for interview to the inquiry team during its investigations.
One source who has viewed sections of the report in a preliminary form described it as ‘‘harrowing’’, but said it was unlikely to have the same impact on the public as the Ryan report into clerical abuse in industrial schools and detention centres.
The inquiry team, headed by Judge Yvonne Murphy, sent copies of the report to Minister for Justice Dermot Ahern, Attorney General Paul Gallagher and Minister for Children Barry Andrews last week.
Ahern will not decide what action he may take in relation to publishing the report until he receives advice from Gallagher.
Two advocacy groups, the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre and One In Four, have written to Ahern asking him to delay publication of the report due to the pressure on their help services following the release of the Ryan report.
The Dublin Archdiocese Commission of Investigation was set up in March 2006. It has investigated how child sex abuse allegations against a representative sample of 46 priests were handled by 19 bishops in Dublin between January 1, 1975, and April 30, 2004.
The report contains separate chapters on each of the 46 clerics. Three chapters of the report relate to three clerics against whom criminal charges have been brought recently.
The three criminal cases are not expected to be concluded before early next year.
Among the government’s options are to obscure the names of the clerics and their parishes; to give them pseudonyms; or to publish 43 chapters of the report and delay the final three for later publication after the men’s cases have been processed through the courts.
Ahern has said he is anxious that the matters dealt with in the report ‘‘are put into the public domain as quickly as possible’’.
't Moet toch werkelijk niet gekker worden.
Nog effe, krijgen we het bericht dat de regering de moed niet op kan brengen die Diarmuid Martin had...
Wat een politicus.
En Here God, wat stinkt het!
Fernando Lugo had er zijn stage moeten gaan lopen...
Als het niet zo diep en diep tragisch was zou je in een onbedaarlijke rolling gaan:
de Kerk trapt de Staat de Kerk uit. En grijpt de macht. Over het onderwijs.
Nog iemand peultjes?
zaterdag, juli 25, 2009
Protestant children ignored by inquiry into institutional abuse
By Valerie Robinson
Irish News
Derek Leinster is a victim of institutional neglect but he has not been able to tell his story to the Republic’s authorities and was not mentioned in the Ryan report – because he was raised a Protestant.
Now aged 68, Mr Leinster was born in the Bethany Home in Rathgar, Dublin, in 1941. His mother, a member of the Church of Ireland, had become pregnant after a relationship with his Catholic father.
Then aged 18, his mother, who was not married, spent four months in Bethany before giving birth. When the baby was four-and-a-half months old she left the institution, eventually settling down in England. The infant was left behind.
Bethany Home was set up in 1922 to cater for ‘fallen’ Protestant women and their children. It was managed by an interdenominational committee from various Protestant churches.
Like the Catholic-run Magdalen laundries and orphanages, those charged with the care of the women and children were allowed to act with little interference from the state.
At age seven-and-a-half months, Mr Leinster got a reprieve from the squalor and neglect in the home when he was placed with a family in temporary foster care.
"I’ve spoken to the son of the woman who took me who remembered that my head was covered in scabs," he said."He said I looked like I was out of a coffin. I stayed with that family until I was about two and a half before going back to Bethany House."
Just months later Mr Leinster says he was placed in an isolation unit in a fever hospital after picking up a number of infectious diseases through neglect. He stayed there for more than four months.
For some children who survived their early years in Bethany Home life would dramatically improve when they were fostered by "decent" families.
Unfortunately, young Derek Leinster did not fare well after he was farmed out to a Protestant couple in Co Wicklow at the age of four.
His foster father was an alcoholic who rarely found work – leaving his family in dire circumstances. The household had no gas or electricity and their new foster son often went without food or adequate clothing.
He was frequently told that his foster parents could return him to Bethany House whenever they wished – and when the husband was drunk he often battered the boy with a belt.
The couple, who had lost a son to pneumonia and were already struggling to raise a daughter and young baby, should not have been given a child to foster. However, there were far fewer Protestant than Catholic families available – and the Protestant authorities were determined to keep children within their own faith.
After the death of his foster mother from Tuberculosis Mr Leinster recalls surviving his childhood in Co Wicklow by drinking goats’ milk and stealing potatoes from a neighbouring farm.
Almost illiterate and showing all the signs of extreme neglect, he was treated as an outsider by his foster family and by neighbouring children.
Like so many of his Catholic counterparts who spent their childhoods in industrial schools or working as cheap labour for farmers, Mr Leinster was desperate to get out of Ireland. Like them, he ‘took the boat’ to England at 18.
Despite his poor reading and writing skills, he found work in the construction industry, eventually setting up his own firm.
At age 26 he married Carol, the mother of his four daughters, who helped him in his life-long search to trace his roots.
The couple managed to track down Mr Leinster’s mother, who now lives near Dorchester. He has met her twice.
"When I was in Wicklow I found my [foster] papers. I put them in a biscuit tin and buried it. Without those I would never have been able to find my mother. But I don’t expect to meet her again.
"She told me that she was very young when she had me and had left Bethany Home trying hard to forget what had happened to her. Like me, she was a victim of the prejudices of society."
Mr Leinster’s birth-father had passed away before he found his Catholic relatives but he has been told by his half-brothers and sisters that their father had been unable to find out where his baby son had been sent.
Now a grandfather of nine, Mr Leinster has written two books about his life – Hannah’s Shame and Destiny Unknown – and is determined to fight for justice for those the Irish state seems determined to forget.
The Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse, chaired by Mr Justice Sean Ryan, focused its decade-long investigation into the physical, sexual and emotional abuse and neglect suffered by children placed by the state in the care of 18 Catholic religious orders.
And the government’s Residential Institutions Redress Board has no remit to compensate former Bethany residents. It can only consider the cases of those "abused while resident in industrial schools, reformatories and other institutions subject to state regulation or inspection" and under the legislation which governs it.
Now living in Rugby, Mr Leinster, whose health has been affected by childhood neglect, is battling to ensure that the government is not allowed to ignore the Bethany children.
His campaign has been supported by Labour Party TD Joe Costello, who has said the "state should not now prolong [former residents’] agony by quibbling over legalisms".
The Dublin deputy has rejected a government claim that no records exist to suggest Bethany Home was ever regulated or inspected by the state, saying it has already been proven that major gaps exist in the official records and files of the period in question.
Mr Leinster, who is in the process of setting up a support and campaign group for former Bethany residents, is calling on the government to include them in its compensation scheme.
He also wants a full public inquiry into Bethany Home, its high infant-fatality rate and former residents’ accusations of extreme neglect.
"I want the Irish state to include Bethany Home in the list of institutions under the Redress Bill," Mr Leinster said.
"I want the Irish state to apologise to non-Catholic and mix-faith children who were excluded from society when they were born and are being excluded from society today.
"I belong to a section of the Irish community that has been ignored that has to change."
- For further information see www.derekleinster.com
vrijdag, juli 24, 2009
NL uitzending Eén vandaag: Als slaven behandeld in een Duits kindertehuis

In augustus 2003 maakte Heilig Vuur (NCRV) nav de rel veroorzaakt door de Magdalene Sisters van Peter Mullan een reportage: Roos die met haar dochter terugging naar de Goede Herder, Larenstein. Ook zij had een "gesprek" met 2 van de zusters.
Ook Roos eiste genoegdoening en erkenning voor haar ervaringen en betaling voor haar afgedwongen arbeidskracht.
(Met erkenning van het feit dat ook ik vorige week of zo schreef dat het verhaal mbt de Magdalena's niet klopt) Vanuit het Vaticaan werd geprobeerd Mullans film, een compilatie van historische realiteiten verdacht te maken en te ontkennen. Moedige vrouwen en hun ervaringen, hun levens, verdacht te maken. Een poging vanuit het Vaticaan, maar de (latere) Ryan commissie was al bezig.
Maar dit gebeurde niet slechts door het Vaticaan!
In Nederland probeerde de RK Kerk door middel van het tv programma Soeterbeeck en de de Stichting Echo, op een onwaarschijnlijk smerige manier de historische realiteit die Roos (en de Mullan vrouwen) vertelde weer onder het kleed terug te krijgen.
Een werkwijze vanuit katholieke kringen en de (toenmalige?) Kerkelijke strategie rond de realiteit van misbruik die inmiddels wereldwijd bekend is geworden.
Een oud Pruisisch probleem.
Een van de vrouwen, een vroegere bewoonster van eerst Zoeterwoude, later Larenstein (kan ook andersom zijn geweest :-) ) die mee had gedaan aan de internetforum- discussie die onstond na Heilig Vuur werd hiervoor benaderd. In die internetdiscussie had zij haar postieve ervaringen benadrukt, mn. een gecontinueerde relatie met een van "haar zusters"". Zij was daar het meest uitgesproken in. Zij had haar verhaal. Wat moedig en integer was.
In het rooms katholiek kerkelijk propaganda uitzending die Soeterbeeck organiseerde hierrondom mocht zij - op een ronduit schandalige wijze - vertellen.
Integriteit en moed naar believen gebruikt voor propaganda.
Zoals de directeur van het vroegere Zetten mocht vertellen hoe het tegenwoordig zijn organisatie gaat.
De man was - mijn strikt persoonlijke opinie dus -stom genoeg zich hiervoor te lenen, hij demonstreerde zijn ondeskundigheid mbt historische pedagogiek. En die van zijn eigen instelling in de persoon van Finkensieper.
Misschien ook wel een gelovig katholiek, een niet geinformeerde man of gewoon verantwoordelijk voor een zorginstelling nog steeds betaald door Justitie.... ?
Welke dan ook, hij had blijkbaar andere belangen en hielp mee aan de ontkenning en de domme kortzichtige strategie van de katholieke kerk, het isolement van vroegere zorgontvangers, die zoals overal ter wereld inmidels duidelijk is geworden " toch nooit geloofd" werden bevestigend.
Een misselijk makende vertoning van de kerkelijke denial en leugens. Van kerkelijke en maatschappelijke macht ten koste van mensenlevens.
En niet alleen van vroegere zorg-ontvangers.
De ontreddering van de beide zusters in confrontatie met Roos in Heilig Vuur was een integere ontreddering.
De geschoktheid die ik zag de dag erna in een zaal vol religieuzen, was net zo integer als mijn knikkende knieen waren bij mijn eerste confrontatie na jaren met "een kudde non".
Zoals zovelen in die katholieke Kerk inmiddels integere ontredering hebben moeten ervaren de afgelopen jaren. En niet veel anders is als die ook in deze raportage te zien valt.
We zijn nu -wereldwijd - en met heel veel energie en moed van vroegere zorgontvangers en een toenemend aantal verantwoordelijken voor Zorg, 6 jaar verder....er is veel bereikt op heel veel plaatsen. Of dat in Nederland ook zo is....??
Dat het noodzakelijk is dat er een gedegen onderzoek komt daar staan de ontwikkelingen en uikomsten elders ter wereld garant voor. (hier stond "onafhankelijk" onderzoek...onzin, alsof dat over zorg, kerk en samenleving nog zou kunnen. Maar zelfs dan, kan het nog wel gedegen zijn.)
Alleen de idioot die gelooft dat Nederland Verwegistan is én de minachtende cynicus die weigert Mensenrechten serieus te nemen, zal enige twijfel hebben over de noodzaak van zo'n onderzoek. Zo'n onderzoek is niet slechts nodig voor vroegere zorgontvangers.
Genoeg is genoeg, het is wel welletjes geweest is een keuze!
Of dit programma bijdraagt Nederland te integreren in de wereld, daartoe schaamte,schuld en minachting te doorbreken en om te zetten in noodzakelijke verantwoordelijkheid, ongeloof om te zetten in geloof?
We zien wel...

Decennia lang zwegen ze, maar nu komen de toenmalige Heimkinder massaal met de verhalen naar buiten die niemand wilde geloven. Ze waren een jaar of tien toen ze als ‘bastaard’ in een Duits kindertehuis terecht kwamen, waar nonnen ze behandelden als slaven en onderwierpen aan een streng regime. Deze dagen schuiven slachtoffers en vertegenwoordigers van de kerk aan bij een ronde tafel conferentie. Het zijn verhalen over mishandeling, kinderarbeid en misbruik waar de slachtoffers al die jaren over zwegen uit schaamte.
EénVandaag gaat met een Duitse en Nederlandse vrouw terug naar de villa in Scherfede, waar hun jeugd voorgoed verpest werd.
Heeft u zelf ook dit soort ervaringen doorstaan in Nederlandse kindertehuizen, en wilt u daarover vertellen? Mail dan uw verhaal door naar
mark.de.bruijnAPESTAARTJEeenvandaag.nl (apestaartje natuurlijk even weghalen en @ gebruiken! maar die verborgen link werkt hier niet) in de onderwerp regel: reactie kindertehuizen, of gebruik de link via de website van Eén vandaag
-Naar Heimatkinder
-Regerings Ronde tafel commissie Heimerziehung 50/60er Jahren
- site van journalist/schrijver van boek Schläge im Namen des Herrn Peter Wensierski uit uitzending
-Eén van de (knap ingewikkelde! )fora Heimkinder/Kerken/
Vaticaan laat weten niet voor bruine bonen te bidden.
Geplaatst door onze redactie op vrijdag 24 juli 2009 om 00:05u
MUNCHEN (RKnieuws.net) - “De weigering van de Congregatie voor de Geloofsleer om deze petitie in ontvangst te nemen is een minachting van het kerkelijke engagement van meer dan 50.000 katholieken uit de hele wereld”.
Dit schrijven de initiatiefnemers van de ‘Petition Vaticanum II’ donderdag op de website van de kerkelijke volksbeweging ‘Wir sind Kirche’. De Congregatie voor de Geloofsleer weigert, volgens hen, de petitie, waarin door 54.104 katholieken gepleit wordt voor een onvoorwaardelijke erkenning van de besluiten van het Tweede Vaticaans Concilie, in ontvangst te nemen.
Initiatief van katholieke theologen
De ‘Petition Vaticanum II’ was een initiatief van Duitse, Oostenrijkse en Zwitserse katholieke theologen en geestelijken en werd in januari van dit jaar gestart. Kort daarvoor had paus Benedictus de excommunicatie van vier schismatieke Pius X- bisschoppen opgeheven.
donderdag, juli 23, 2009
Niet eerder vertoond: Priests back archbishop over crisis. Vaticaan overweegt tijdelijke opheffing kloonverbod!

The vote of confidence in Archbishop Martin's "clear-thinking" leadership came as priests anxiously await publication either in full or in part of the report which was given on Tuesday to Justice Minister Dermot Ahern.
The council of priests which acts as an advisory body to Archbishop Martin has voiced its appreciation of his victim-centred approach to abuse complaints.
"The priests are delighted to have such a clear-thinking, courageous bishop in charge," said Fr Joe Mullan, the chairman of the council.
Fr Mullan recognised that some "individual priests may have personal issues with the archbishop, but as a body we are firmly behind him".
- John Cooney
God, wat ben ik hier blij mee!
Til je hoofd van tafel, Tutu, já het kan!
Gardai to probe 100 new cases of abuse Wave of calls to hotline in the wake of Ryan report horrors
GARDAI investigating allegations against clerical child abusers are now pursuing almost 100 fresh complaints.
The new lines of inquiry emerged from the telephone "hotline" set up by gardai in the wake of the publication of the Ryan report in May.
The breakthrough in the garda study of the Ryan findings was revealed last night as Justice Minister Dermot Ahern received a copy of the report on child abuse in the Dublin Archdiocese.
That report contains around 450 cases of abuse and will be referred by the minister to Attorney General Paul Gallagher for his advice on publication.
The dedicated Ryan contact line was established for anyone who wanted to provide information arising out of the findings.
So far, the special garda team has received about 140 calls. Some of the callers wanted details of the progress made on complaints that had already been filed.
But senior officers disclosed last night that in almost 100 other cases, they had opened new lines of inquiry and those complaints were now being actively followed up.
An estimated 60pc of the fresh complaints involve sexual abuse of children by members of religious orders while the rest refer to physical assaults.
Gardai will prepare a file on each individual investigation for the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), who will determine if criminal charges should be brought against the alleged abuser. Some of the clerics named in allegations received on the "hotline" are now dead.
Officers said they were conscious of the historic nature of many of the allegations and were anxious to complete their inquiries as quickly as possible. They hope to have sent files to the DPP on a substantial percentage of their inquiries by the late autumn.
The decision to set up the "hotline" was made by Garda Commissioner Fachtna Murphy following discussions with Justice Minister Dermot Ahern.
The phone number is 01 6663612 and is being manned during office hours from Mondays to Fridays. Interested persons can also write to the Offices of the Assistant Commissioner, National Support Services, Harcourt Square, Dublin 2, marking the envelopes, "Ryan report".
Meanwhile, Mr Ahern indicated yesterday evening that the Dublin Archdiocese report was likely to be referred to the High Court. "It will be up to the court to decide whether to refer it to the DPP, the Garda Commissioner, or anyone else. That's laid out in the legislation," the minister said.
He pointed out that if it were possible to publish the entire report without lessening its contents, it would be sent automatically to the gardai.
But under the legislation he had to follow certain procedures as the report might contain material prejudicial to criminal proceedings.
"If there is anything of that nature in it, I would obviously have to discuss it with the Attorney General, and if there is anything prejudicial, we would have to ask the High Court for a direction, pending publication," he added.
It was his desire to publish the report as soon as possible but he did not want to do anything that "would cause people to get off, if they were supposed to be brought before the courts".
One of the most notorious serial priest paedophiles expected to be named in the Dublin Archdiocese report is the late Fr Noel Reynolds, who abused more than 100 children.
He had access to generations of children since 1967 when he was appointed secretary of the Diocesan Commission on Religious Instruction in Vocational Schools, and later as a Diocesan Inspector of Primary Schools.
He was appointed administrator on Inishbofin island, off the Galway coast, in 1984. Serious complaints about his behaviour with children go back to 1995 when he was parish priest in Glendalough, Co Wicklow, but he was not removed from there until two years later when he was appointed chaplain to the National Rehabilitation Hospital in Dun Laoghaire.
After the 'Prime Time' programme, 'The Sins of the Cardinal', Cardinal Desmond Connell, apologised to the hospital for not informing the authorities there of previous complaints.
- Tom Brady, Senan Molony and John Cooney
Number of clerical abuse victims could be 10 times higher than report shows
The true number of victims of clerical sex abuse within the Dublin archdiocese is likely to number in the thousands — not the 450 cited in a new report drawn up by the Irish Government-appointed Commission of Investigation, it was claimed last night.
“We believe there's a large number of people who were abused in the Dublin diocese who haven't come forward,” the executive director of victims’ group One in Four Maeve Lewis said.
One in Four and other support groups for victims of clerical sex abuse are now urging the Dublin government to delay publication of the report to prepare for the anticipated onslaught of victims who will be coming to terms with its explosive findings. The Commission of Investigation into the handling of clerical sex abuse in the diocese was expected to hand over its long-awaited report to the Republic’s Justice Minister Dermot Ahern yesterday.
However, victims' support groups — including One in Four, The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre and Survivors of Child Abuse (SOCA) — are all urging the minister to hold off on making the findings public until the autumn, when they have sufficient resources in place to cope with the flood of calls they expect the report will generate.
Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin has warned that the revelations by some 450 victims will be both “shocking and horrific”.
But independent support groups say they are already inundated with the unprecedented number of victims who came forward since the publication of the Ryan Report into clerical abuse at church-run schools, which was published in May.
Ms Lewis said One in Four has been inundated with 700 new contacts following the Ryan report.
She fears the latest report by Judge Yvonne Murphy will open up the floodgates for victims who have not disclosed their abuse before and will be in need of emergency counselling to cope with the trauma.
Pope strips German paedophile of priesthood; Pädophiler Pfarrer darf im Orden bleiben
Mainz, Germany - Pope Benedict XVI has removed a paedophile German priest from office after the man admitting that he molested boarding-school boys in the 1970s, his order said Wednesday. At least 16 men have come forward to say they were forced into sexual acts as boys at the school, near Bad Neustadt an der Saale
The incidents happened between 1972 and 1976, too long ago to be prosecuted as crimes under German law. The school closed in 1978. The alleged perpetrator applied in December to the pope to leave the priesthood.
The Mainz-based Missionaries of the Holy Family expressed regret to the victims in a statement and said the man, 71, would remain with the order as a simple brother instead of a more highly ranked priest.
Former pupils said the man raped boys in the dormitories as other boys watched.
The order said last year he would be prohibited from any contact with children or young men and be dismissed from the order if he breaks the rule.
"He has owned up to his guilt," the order said, promising to assist former victims to obtain counselling.
The scandal became public last year when a theologian who was educated at the school revealed the acts, leading to the priest being suspended from his tasks as chaplain at an old people's home.
Der betroffene Priester habe den mehrfachen sexuellen Missbrauch von Jungen in den siebziger Jahren in einem kirchlichen Internat in Lebenhan im Kreis Rhön-Grabfeld zugegeben. Zuvor hatte sich am Freitag bei einer von dem Orden eingesetzten Untersuchungskommission ein damaliges Opfer des Priesters gemeldet und mitgeteilt, er und ein anderer Schüler seien von ihm missbraucht worden.
Chigaco:Bishop remained silent about 25 abusive priests
By Abdon Pallasch
Staff reporter Chigaco Suntimes
The former No. 2 official of the Catholic church in Chicago admitted that he knew 25 priests broke the law by sexually abusing children but did not report them, according to depositions made public Tuesday.
Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus Raymond E. Goedert's statements show "the lengths they went to to protect their reputation and the priest at the peril of the child," said attorney Jeff Anderson, who represents men who have sued the archdiocese over alleged childhood molestation.
"I knew the civil law considered it a crime," Goedert said in the deposition. "But I'm not a civil lawyer. I think we just relied on -- a lot on our -- we knew it was wrong, what was done. And we used our common sense and prudence with the help of people -- expert in the field to assist us in resolving these cases."
Goedert, the past president of the national Canon Law (Catholic Church law) Society, said families of the victims were not seeking to get the police involved and have the priests criminally charged -- they simply wanted to prevent any other children from being victimized. So while now the church calls police when it learns of credible allegations of abuse, in those days --the '70s and mid-80s -- it did not.
"I simply would not talk about it to anyone except those who had a right to know because of their position in the diocese," Goedert said.
The archdiocese issued a statement confirming that settlements had been reached with six survivors of abuse by priests totaling $3.9 million and that all of the abuse happened between 1970 and 1986. The priests involved were all removed from ministry by 1991 or earlier, the church noted.
Barbara Dorris, outreach director for the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, said the depositions show the church's policy of moving abusive priests from one parish to another without warning officials at the new parish and without adequately monitoring abusive priests. Goedert's deposition was taken in 2007.
"The deposition and documents show how deeply ingrained secrecy, deceit and recklessness are in this archdiocese," Dorris said. "Only a fool would believe that decades-old, deeply rooted patterns of ingrained secrecy, deceit and recklessness have magically been transformed."
The settlement documents including Goedert's deposition and a list of priests with sustained allegations of abuse are posted at bishop-accountability.org.
dinsdag, juli 21, 2009
't is er. Op naar Cloyne. Ho ho ho

July 21, 2009
A shocking new report has identified hundreds of victims of child sex abuse by Irish Catholic priests, officials said Tuesday, two months after a landmark study found "endemic" mistreatment.
A government-appointed commission of investigation headed by a judge has been probing allegations of abuse by priests in the archdiocese of Dublin -- the country's biggest -- since March 2006.

Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin has warned that the report -- presented to Justice Minister Dermot Ahern on Tuesday -- would "shock us all."
It is the first time the state has investigated how the once-powerful Church in mainly Catholic Ireland has run its affairs.

A spokeswoman for the archdiocese said the Church authorities had identified between 400 and 450 people that allege they were abused by one of 152 Dublin priests since 1940.
"I would like to stress that that is a very conservative estimate and is likely to rise," she told AFP.
Ahern said he was anxious to make the findings public "as quickly as possible."
He added: "Equally, I am concerned that nothing should be done which would harm the prospects of the perpetrators of these horrific acts of depravity against children being brought to the justice they deserve."
Ahern is required to apply to the High Court for directions if he considers the report's publication might prejudice any criminal prosecution of clerics.
He is to seek the advice of Attorney General Paul Gallagher.

In May Ireland was rocked by a landmark report that concluded sexual, physical and emotional abuse was "endemic" in Church-run industrial and reformatory schools, orphanages and other childcare institutions dating back to the 1930s.
Prime Minister Brian Cowen said it contained a "shattering litany of abuse of children in care in this country over many decades."

Article from: Agence France-Presse
States of fear RTE documentary nu op youtube
naar deel 2 etc.
Thanks a lot for sharing!
Dear Daughter, RTÉ documentary (produced by Louis Lentin) details abuse suffered by Christine Buckley and others at St Vincent’s Industrial School, Goldenbridge, Dublin.
April/May 1999
States of Fear, an RTÉ documentary series (produced by Mary Raftery) on the abuse suffered by children throughout the entire childcare system during the 20th century (industrial and reformatory schools, residential institutions for children with physical and intellectual disabilities, and modern childcare facilities) is broadcast.
May 1999
Taoiseach Bertie Ahern apologises on behalf of the State to victims of child abuse, and announces a Commission of Inquiry and a national counselling service.
May 1999
Ms Justice Mary Laffoy is appointed to head the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse.
May 2000
Legislation is passed to establish the commission on a statutory basis.
October 2000
The government agrees to compensate victims of institutional child abuse. The Residential Institutions Redress Board is eventually established in December 2002.
July 2001
Deadline for receipt of complaints of abuse to the commission. 3,149 people apply to testify before the Commission. Of these, 1,957 request a full hearing before the Investigation Committee. The remainder (1,192) opt for the non-adversarial Confidential Committee hearings.
December 2003
Justice Mary Laffoy resigns as chairwoman of the commission. Sean Ryan SC is appointed a High Court judge and the new chairman.
June 2004
Justice Sean Ryan announces that the commission no longer intends to name anyone responsible for abuse, other than those already convicted by the courts.
June 2004
The Christian Brothers drops its legal actions against the commission.
July 2004
The Christian Brothers testify at the commission public hearing that files only recently discovered in its Rome-based archive show evidence of 30 canonical trials of brothers on foot of proven incidents of child sexual abuse against boys in their care from the 1930s onwards.
Private hearings continue , together with a number of public hearings of testimony from religious orders.
May 2009
The publication date for the commissions final report
What Went Wrong? How Will We Fix It?”. Archbishop warns against State control of education
Irish Times
Monday, July 20, 2009
THE STATE would be on “dodgy ground” if it took over the entire health and education system from the church, the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin, Most Rev Diarmuid Martin, has said.
Addressing the opening session of the 29th MacGill Summer School and Arts Week in Glenties, Co Donegal last night, he said: “A State which simply delegated a wide part of its social responsibilities to a church had gotten it wrong. A State which takes over the entire package is on equally dodgy ground.”

The archbishop was speaking on the theme “The Irish Economy – What Went Wrong? How Will We Fix It?”.
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Door de onwaarschijnlijke onzin hierin, RK Nieuwsnet onwaardig, spreekt uit dit artikel een dermate minachting dat het bijzonder schokkend is.

Maar je kunt altijd nog zeggen dat Verwegistan héél ver weg was:
Wir haben es nicht gewusst.
Goed katholieke traditie gebleken.
Blijkt uit de rapporten. En de berichtgeving.
Maar da's dan wel een traditie die óók de Kerk om zeep brengt.
bron RK Nieuwsnet
Four members of Ryan commission still on payroll
Monday, July 20, 2009
Irish Times
TWO MONTHS following publication of the Ryan commission report on May 20th, four members of that commission remain in situ, in unexplained circumstances.
All four are being paid fortnightly at department assistant secretary levels, between €150,000 and €160,000 annually.
Current estimates indicate that the overall cost of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse, to give the Ryan commission its proper title, could be between €89 million and €99 million. By the end of 2008, that figure was €59.3 million, with further costs being estimated at between €30 million and €40 million.
The commission had six members, together with its chairman Mr Justice Seán Ryan.
Mr Justice Ryan took his seat at the High Court early in June. Commissioner Norah Gibbons formally resigned from her post on May 20th following publication of the report. However, her work with the commission’s confidential committee ended in March 2006 when she returned to Barnardos, the children’s agency, where she is a director. She has not received payment from the commission since then.
Prof Edward Tempany, a retired consultant paediatrician, had been appointed to the commission to help with its vaccine trials inquiry. This was discontinued in November 2003 following an action in the High Court, as was his work at the commission.
The four remaining commissioners are clinical psychologist Fred Lowe, social workers Anne McLoughlin and Mary Fennessy, and solicitor Marian Shanley.
One has served eight years on the commission while the most recent has been a member since 2005.
Asked why, though the remit of the commission had been extended by the Government to the end of May, four commissioners remained, a spokesman for the Department of Education said that “the specified period of the commission relates to the publication of the report and legally the report had to be published during the specified period”.
He continued: “The other functions of the commission, ie settlement of third-party costs, management of discovery documentation etc can statutorily continue after the specified period has elapsed and until such time as the Minister dissolves the commission by order.”
It was pointed out to the department spokesman that the functions he referred to were the work of administrative staff. He was asked, in that context, why the remaining four commissioners were necessary when the chairman himself was not.
The spokesman replied: “Now that the commission has reported, yes the department is actively looking at the issue of the stepping down of the commissioners with due regard to the legislation and their legal entitlements.”
In addition to the four remaining commissioners, there are approximately 10 administrative staff, some on secondment from Government departments, some on short-term contracts.
Meanwhile, it has emerged that the Comptroller and Auditor General has submitted a report on the Ryan commission to the Government in recent weeks.
A final draft report, into the legal and non-legal costs of the commission during its nine years of sitting, went to the Department of Education on June 29th.
zondag, juli 19, 2009
Ryan chairman in row over cost of child abuse inquiry
Zoals ik die vraag ook lees van in internetontmoetingen in Frankrijk, inmiddels zelfs in Belgie. Het meer dan tijd wordt dat die vraag in de betreffende Duitse -25 miljoen - fora gesteld wordt.
Het antwoord was: geld... héél veel geld. En omdat in Nederland de kerk en de Staat dezelfde belangen hebben.
Dat was maar een deel van het antwoord realiseer ik me.
In Ierland heeft de Kerk gewonnen. Nog vóór het Dublinmisbruikrapport van volgende week er ligt.
Daartoe een gigantische donatie gekregen van de belastingbetaler.
Ten koste van?
Cynisch genoeg zouden dat opnieuw wel eens kinderen en jongeren kunnen zijn.
Zoals een van die zusters al zei.
En Ierse belastingbetalers, die betalen mee aan die vraag in de rest van W-Europa van vroegere tehuisbewoners en hun (klein)kinderen.
Ja, Diarmuid Martin, ik hoop dat je inderdaad gelovig bent.
Want Here God, wat stinkt het!
Je was een wijs man, Bram Grandia.
The chairman of the Ryan Commission into institutional abuse has criticised the state’s independent spending watchdog over an unpublished report examining its work.
Mr Justice Sean Ryan took the unusual step of writing to John Buckley, the Comptroller & Auditor General (C&AG), to reject many of the findings of Buckley’s confidential report into the cost and timescale of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse.
The report, submitted to government in recent weeks, said the Ryan Commission had consistently failed to inform the government that ‘‘contingent liability’’ in abuse cases could cost tens of millions of euro.
The C&AG report said the commission failed to establish a financial management system capable of assessing the legal and non-legal costs arising during the nine years it sat.
The abuse inquiry refused to pass on confidential information sought by Buckley’s audit team during its work, citing ‘‘the commercial sensitivity of the inquiry’s negotiations’’ with lawyers.The move led to tensions between the commission and the audit team.
The C&AG report also said the commission’s estimates of its final costs did not receive the attention that they deserved from the seven members of the Ryan Commission, including the chairman.The comptroller submitted a draft report to the Department of Education on June 29, and the department forwarded a copy of the findings to Ryan. The High Court judge did not receive a copy directly from the C&AG.
In his letter, Ryan complained that the C&AG’s auditor s had ‘ ‘ thoroughly misunderstood’’ how the commission worked.
They had no expertise as legal cost accountants and therefore were ill equipped to assess the workings of the inquiry’s cost-assessment system.
In relation to contingent liability, the commission complained that the C&AG had effectively criticised it for failing to say how long a piece of string was.
He also criticised the C&AG for failing to put his claims directly to the commission so it could clarify matters and correct any mistakes.

De burgemeester van Maastricht en jij lijken op elkaar.
Die man vertelde een jaar geleden ofzo, tussen neus en lippen door eens, hoe op het internaat waar hij vroeger zat een broeder aan jongens pobeerde te zitten.
En hoe hij van zijn ouders wist, dat hij zo'n vent een rotschop mocht geven!

Maar ik hoop dat je geen burgemeester wordt.
Het is vast een rotklus, zijn intervieuw ging dan ook ergens anders over.
zaterdag, juli 18, 2009
Om een krat bischopswijn!

A te worden gestenigd
B een volle aflaat te krijgen en heilig te worden verklaard
tegen beide heb ik bezwaar
namens de feestcommissie:
het verhaal rondom de Goede Herder en de Magdalena wasserijen. ..het klopt niet! Het zijn nog steeds nikkertjesverhalen.

woensdag, juli 15, 2009
dinsdag, juli 14, 2009
Om een fles bisschopswijn: de ierse fout

Nieuwe richtlijn vanuit het Vaticaan:
ieder 30 jarig priesterschap voortaan groots vieren, aantoonbaar op het internet.

Met alle respect voor de Heer Ryan:
het domste wat ze hebben kunnen doen in Ierland, was de samenstelling van de commissie.
Kapitalen blunder.
En alweer: wat jammer dat ik vast geen 100 word, wéér een fles wijn aan mijn neus voorbij...
Kanongebulder: Als je in Spanje...
Mannen, allemaal even luisterrrrrrruh
Nog vragen?
Geen vragen.
Dan gaan we door naar het volgende punt
Als je van de Euromast springt...