Irish Times
Monday, July 20, 2009
THE STATE would be on “dodgy ground” if it took over the entire health and education system from the church, the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin, Most Rev Diarmuid Martin, has said.
Addressing the opening session of the 29th MacGill Summer School and Arts Week in Glenties, Co Donegal last night, he said: “A State which simply delegated a wide part of its social responsibilities to a church had gotten it wrong. A State which takes over the entire package is on equally dodgy ground.”
The archbishop was speaking on the theme “The Irish Economy – What Went Wrong? How Will We Fix It?”.
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Maar je kunt altijd nog zeggen dat Verwegistan héél ver weg was:
Wir haben es nicht gewusst.
Goed katholieke traditie gebleken.
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Ongelooflijke onzin! En nog in strijd met het Credo ook.
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