Paradoxically the christians politicians are exploiting a law against pedophilia to ban a satirical game that point the finger to child abuses committed within the clergy.
Luca @ July 2, 2007

't Is maar waar je bezwaar tegen hebt
“The government should act urgently to close the site which allows the download of Operation pedoporiest, a flash game containing simulations of the rape of children by priests, unimpeded by parents who are intimidated and gripped by a mafia-like silence.”
Molleindustria had already made clear the political intention behind the piece and explained where the inspiration emanated from:
“Inspired by the controversial BB documentary “Sex crimes and Vatican”,
Operation Pedopriest is a strategy game which introduces you to the fascinating emergency management procedures constantly put into practice by the church. It is not recommended to minors and lay-people.”
Obviously this clumsy and ill-advised act of censorship will end up having the very opposite effect to that intended: molleindustria will receive huge amounts of publicity and the game will receive an international audience. Volonte is the parliamentary leader of the Christian Democrats which governed Italy for nearly fifty years until its collapse as part of the anti-corruption investigation known as Tangentopoli. His reasoning as to why the game should be supressed is illuminating:
“Law 38/2006 (dealing with exploitation of minors and paedophile pornography,
trans. note) should be applied: even where virtual… the reproduction and showing
of scnes that represent such abominable events are forbidden. Let no-one seek an alibi in the excuse of freedom of expression for socalled artists thereby offending human and religous sensitivieties. It is necessary that the government take such steps as to avoid that similar cases occur in the future, offensive to religious feeling, confessional religion in general and the catholic faith in particular.”Inderdaad! Kerkelijk seksueel misbruik is bijzonder crimineel en een belediging van de religie(use gevoelens) en het katholicisme in het bijzonder.
......uit de verklaring van
In the meantime, we would like to stress that in our opinion Pretofilia has nothing to do with pedopornography and that we deem it a very good satire against children abuses. It could at worst wake up some criticism on how much priest’s abuses are hidden and silenced, but lately satire on the matter has been far from random.
That is why we ask anyone caring for the freedom of speech and satire to mirror the game, knowing that it could imply a fair degree of legal issues and attacks by the Italian government, the Vatican, and their lot. We ask anyone to publish a link to these mirrors in the comments to our blog. de rest van dit artikel staat hier
Informatie over kerkelijk seksueel misbruik o.a. hier en hier en hier natuurlijk ook. En een keuze maken over kinderporno op het internet kun je o.a. hier
En dat er echt niet alleen in Italie geprobeerd om hierover het zwijgen op te leggen, ook via het internet blijkt hier en hier en hier en natuurlijk hier zeker ook! Maar daarover is op dit blog meer dan genoeg te vinden.
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