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Cardinal Mahony Kept Cleric's Abuse Secret for 16 Years
Scandal: Archbishop failed to inform police and instead reassigned priest. In a letter, he admits mishandling case.
GLENN F. BUNTING, Times Staff WriterMay 16, 2002
On Tuesday, Mahony faxed a two-page letter to about 1,200 priests in the archdiocese, acknowledging that he had mishandled the case.
"As your archbishop, I assume full responsibility for allowing Baker to remain in any type of ministry during the 1990s," Mahony wrote. "I offer my sincere, personal apologies for my failure to take firm and decisive action much earlier."
The letter, addressed to "My Brother Priests," warned of an upcoming media story on Baker. The Times has been preparing an article about the priest. "You need to be aware that such a story could come anytime now, and you need to be aware of the seriousness of this case," Mahony wrote.
D.A. Demands Mahony Turn Over Documents on Abuse
Scandal: Head of the Los Angeles Archdiocese is told to comply or face grand jury action.
May 17, 2002
In a March e-mail to one of his lawyers, Mahony expressed concern about being called in front of a grand jury after a church attorney balked at turning over to police the names of three priests.
"If we don't, today, 'consult' with the [LAPD] about those 3 names, I can guarantee you that I will get hauled into a Grand Jury proceeding and I will be forced to give all the names, etc.," the cardinal wrote.
But some law enforcement sources say the information supplied by the archdiocese has been limited. "They make the tobacco boys look like choirboys," said one officer, who compared the archdiocese's reluctance to hand over files to that of tobacco company executives accused of covering up the dangers of smoking cigarettes.
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