Het gaat respectievelijk om Mercedes Arrastia Tuason, Henriette Johanna Cornelia Maria van Lynden- Leijten én Miguel Humberto Dias.
Paus Benedictus toonde zich in een gelegenheidstoespraak verheugd over het feit dat de Nederlandse regering het belang van de godsdienst in de samenleving erkent maar toonde zich
"While some of the Dutch population would declare itself agnostic or even atheist", said the Pope in his address to the ambassador from the Netherlands, "more than half professes Christianity, and the growing numbers of immigrants who follow other religious traditions make it more necessary than ever for civil authorities to acknowledge the place of religion in Dutch society". In this context he noted how "faith schools receive State support in your country, and rightly so, since such institutions are called to make a significant contribution to mutual understanding and social cohesion by transmitting the values that are rooted in a transcendent vision of human dignity".
The Holy Father continued his English-language remarks: "Even more basic than schools in this regard are families built on the foundation of a stable and fruitful marriage between a man and a woman. ... The Catholic Church in your country is eager to play its part in supporting and promoting stable family life, as the Dutch Bishops' Conference stated in its recent document on the pastoral care of young people and the family.
"It is my earnest hope that the Catholic contribution to ethical debate will be heard and heeded by all sectors of Dutch society, so that the noble culture that has distinguished your country for centuries may continue to be known for its solidarity with the poor and the vulnerable, its promotion of authentic freedom and its respect for the dignity and inestimable value of every human life", he concluded.
(VISnews 091002 2-10-09)
Nu zijn natuurlijk allerlei complimenten als noble culture prachtig, maar wellicht had ter voorkoming van dergelijke katholieke geschiedvervalsing Mgr. Eijk hem nu toch maar beter even iets in het oor kunnen fluisteren. Dat krijg je ervan als zo'n Vaticaan ceremoniemeester voor hoerenloperij en - gay pride - verzet - "weet je wel wie ik ben?" - tegen zijn arrestatie alweer voor de rechtbank staat.
Hoe moet de Paus dan weten dat in Nederland zo'n klepperman bij het vuilnis en de beerput hoort?
Monseigneur, ce ne sont que des gueux
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