
Bishop Raymond Lahey gave the homily at the weekend’s closing Mass.

He spoke about the friendship of Christ and placing Him above all.
“Let him be the Lord of your life. You will have peace and strength.
“If Jesus Christ is Lord of our lives, if he is above all, if we love Jesus, we will want to live in obedience to his commands,” Bishop Lahey said.
He encouraged the youth to turn to the Holy Spirit in times of need.
Halifax — Globe and Mail Update
Oliver Moore Friday, Oct. 16, 2009
A huge folder on Raymond Lahey’s personal computer contained sexually charged images, including one of a boy who appears as young as nine touching himself while wearing nothing but rosary beads, police say. ...
The documents allege that Lahey used MSN to chat with people he meets online and that the conversations were often sexual in nature, but he thought the people involved were adults.
One document also says the RCMP officer seeking the search warrant interviewed Shane Earle, a Newfoundland man who alleges he saw a catalogue of child pornographic images in Lahey's bedroom when he was a priest in St. John's in the mid-1980s.
In the search warrant, it is alleged Earle told the officer last week that "the images were of boys not older than 13 years old and that in some of the images the boys were sexually aroused."
Earle has said in an interview that he told police in Newfoundland about the incident a few years after it is alleged to have occurred. His claims prompted police there to review their files, but they say they have not found any record of it.
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