and it ain't over till its over over there
Rollin', rollin', rollin'
keep you're eyeballs growing
Raw hide!!
De paus waarschijnlijk nog niet bijgekomen van zijn reis en boodschappen tegen corruptie, tegen seksuele uitbuiting en geweld, de noodzaak van educatie boven condooms, niet te vergeten tegen ethnocentrisme en particularisme en zeker de noodzaak van gerechtigheid vergeving en verzoening, of de voorzitter van het hoogst kerkelijk rechtscollege herbevestigt zijn (openbare)

Tot blijkt dat hij overeenkomstig de Kerkleer en de urgentie vanuit zijn functie niet zijn licht liet schijnen over bv. Afrika of een klein Braziliaans verkracht meiske dat een levensparende tweelingabortus nodig had, haar analfabete moeder en haar eveneens verkrachte geestelijk gehandicapte zusje. En het geweld wat vervolgens door de Kerk met haar ex-communicatie op hen werd uitgeoefend.
Of over het verslag hiervan in O lado que a imprensa deixou de contar van parochiepriester Edson Rodrigues, Pároco da cidade de Alagoinha, wat meer dan rk ruimhartig verspreid wordt om aandacht hiervoor te vragen waardoor nog meer geweld uitgeoefend wordt, en rechten en noodzakelijke bescherming geschonden worden.

Niks daarvan. Niks geweldig. De man komt melden dat hij, nu in het Vaticaan, alwéér gezakt is voor zijn zoveelste inburgeringscursus voor voormalige vorsten.
Het spijt hem niet wát hij zei, maar het spijt hem dat wat hij zei over zijn VS collega's openbaar is geworden.
Zo'n verhaal vanuit het Vaticaan over zijn geroddel en kwaadsprekerij na de Afrikareis (Australie én de VS ) van de paus en diens uitspraken. de schandalen van de afgelopen paar maanden, hoe passend in zijn eerdere waarschuwingen tegen Zwijnsteins modderbloedjes en sorteerhoeden .
Op de vraag naar ...
...the most pressing issue facing the Catholic Church here, Burke replied, "How to organize our parishes and our Catholic schools."
Some dirty little secrets:
Iedere vrouw in de kerk had hem kunnen vertellen dat met door het stof kruipen bij schoonmaken je het stof slechts doet opwaaien, ramen en deuren open zetten en er een frisse wind door heen laten waaien is de enige methode!
Maar deze canoniek rechterlijk opperhotemetoot, een functie die heel handig dan kennelijk prefect heet, met deze bodschap over zijn intergriteit - en dat zo direct na de reis van de paus - heeft een visie die de verzekeringen na de uitgegeven biljoenen door dat andere wat nooit bekend had mogen worden - het kerkelijk seksueel misbruik - vast met hem eens zijn.
Want hiermee realiseer je je ook dat inderdaad dat verslag van die parochiepriester Rodrigues weer meer waarschijnlijk-werkelijk-waar waarde krijgt. Teveel overeenkomsten in methoden om ze niet te zien.
Iemand nog een dubbeltje?
Dan kunnen we het vervolgens weer over Gods dienst hebben in Gods Schepping: Leven!
Toen een van de beklaagden gisteren in de rechtszaal om vergiffenis
vroeg, gaf de pastoor hem een lesje godsdienst: ’Jij weet niet wat wroeging is.
Daarvoor moet je de feiten erkennen en dat doe je niet. Er kan geen sprake
zijn van vergiffenis, of ik nu pastoor ben of niet.’
Volgende week is er het vonnis.
Bij deze.
Wisconsin judge sentenced a serial predator priest to six months in jail. Sometime between 2003 and 2006, Burke let that cleric, Fr. Bruce MacArthur, move to a church center for pedophile priests in Franklin County , even though MacArthur had been accused of molesting at least seven girls and was indicted in the attempted rape of a disabled, mute 54-year-old patient at a nursing home.
He’s quietly letting an admitted pedophile priest work at/near and live on/near St. Louis University .He’s Fr. Vincent Bryce, who was suspended from two Michigan parishes in 2002 when he admitted molesting a child. (His direct supervisors have acknowledged the admission in writing). Bryce works at the Aquinas Institute, directly across the street from SLU and lives in Jesuit Hall, at the northwest corner of Grand and Lindell.
In December, a Chicago area newspaper disclosed that Bryce is here, but no St. Louis media have yet mentioned his name.
He’s quietly letting Fr. Robert Osborne work at a Kirkwood parish. Osborne left Vianney high school after being accused of molesting a boy. He later admitted giving liquor to kids and a second alleged sex abuse victim came forward.Osborne was sued and his victim received a substantial settlement. Osborne’s direct supervisors, a religious order called the Marianists, refuse to reassign him to any of their dozens of schools they run across the US .
But Burke lets him work in a parish here.
In 2006, he quietly let a Yakima priest work at St. Joseph’s in Clayton & St. Ambrose on the HiIl. Back in Washington state, that cleric, Fr. Darell Mitchell, had naked photos of boys on his computer and admitted that he had gone to other websites that showed naked boys. He’d also been accused of giving beer and numerous gifts to one minor, holding ‘boys-only’ dinners and game nights at his home, letting young men spend the night at the rectory, taking a minor on a European trip, and letting one boy live at the rectory with the priest for weeks one summer, introducing that minor to others as his “godson.” (When reports of his admissions & the allegations against him surfaced in St. Louis , he abruptly resigned.)
In 2005, he quietly let a Kansas priest live and work at St. Ambrose on the Hill. That cleric, Fr. Nicholas Voelker, had been accused recently of twice sexually assaulted a parishioner who got a protective order and a substantial settlement from church authorities because of the assaults.6. He quietly let eight or nine proven, admitted or credibly accused archdiocesan predator priests live at Regina Cleri (a retirement home with virtually no security) in Shrewsbury .
In 2005, when SNAP publicly disclosed this, Burke told the Post Dispatch the nun overseeing the sex offenders “is very strict - their comings and goings, everything is monitored. She is right on top of things.” However, that same nun told the Post Dispatch that the priests in question serve as the facility’s “volunteer employees” doing everything from driving older priests to the hospital or drugstore to fixing computers. She admitted “she does not monitor the men if they go to a movie or for a walk. ‘I don’t police them like that. I would trust them all. I would.’”Among the pedophile priests at Regina Cleri: Michael Campbell, Hugh Creason, Alfred Fitzgerald, and Robert Johnston.
In 2004, he let a fugitive Canadian cleric, move to a church center for pedophile priests in Franklin County . Br. Gerald Chumik after California parishioners demanded he be moved for the safety of their kids. Media accounts describe him as a fugitive. He’s wanted for felony child molestation in Canada .
In June 2008, he named Fr. Alex Anderson a pastor in DeSoto. Anderson is accused of molesting three boys, none of whom know each other. The archdiocese paid one of his victims $22,500. Anderson sued one of his accusers for slander, and vowed to take his victim to court unless a number of concessions were met (a written retraction of the allegation, the removing Anderson ’s name from the SNAP website, etc.) None of those conditions were met.
In 2005, he “put up a half-million dollars to keep out of jail a priest convicted of sodomizing a teenage boy,” according to the Post Dispatch. More than a year later, that cleric, Fr. Thomas Graham, won a reversal of his conviction on a legal technicality - the statute of limitations. But he would have likely spent a year behind bars (and kids would have been safer) had Burke not spent $500,000 to free him, despite being convicted by an impartial jury that heard all the evidence.
He repeatedly ignored SNAP’s call for a moratorium on importing proven, admitted, and credibly accused serial predator priests at two church-run facilities:- RECON, also known as the Wounded Brothers Project, near Robertsville in Franklin County & - St. John Vianney Renewal Center near Dittmer in Jefferson County.
SNAP estimates that Burke has let literally dozens of sex offender clergy come to these centers, almost always without warning to neighbors, parishioners or the public. (In some instances, they are convicted, so are put on the state child molester’s registry.) Some of them are among the most prolific and notorious pedophile priests in the US (including Fr. James McGreal of Seattle who faced 35 accusers, and Thomas S. Schaefer and Alphonsus Smith, both priests from Washington who were among four priests who were indicted in 1995 on charges of sexually abusing nine boys.)
Bron: een van de vele artikelen ook over (nog-geen prefect) Mgr. Richard Burke in Bishop Accountibility
Sorry it came out? Dát zullen velen met hem zijn.
"Hypocrisie is de grootste morele fout" Richard Sipe
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