
Bahman Ghobadi 2004
Iran/Irak Koerdistan
(Osservatore Romano/Pool/Reuters)

The 81-year-old pope, showing signs of fatigue in the humid heat,received a rock-star welcome when he arrived from the youths who filled thestadium. The pontiff remembered landmine victims when he spoke to the crowdsaying he was thinking of the countless tears that have been shed for the lossof victims relatives and friends.
Angola is one of the most densely mined countries in the world. Despitean extensive de-mining program since the end of the civil war there are stillthousands of square kilometres (miles) of uncleared land. As many as 80,000 people have been injured by landmines and the livesof more than 2 million people have been affected.

Turtles can fly
Stap by stap.
(Moorten Travik, Noorwegen)
10 Years in Force of the Mine Ban Treaty: ICBL Campaigners Celebrate in 65 Countries!
In February and March, campaigners from 65 countries and areas around the world are taking action to commemorate 10 years of the Mine Ban Treaty’s entry into force and to push for its further universalization and implementation. At the same time striving to bring the new Convention on Cluster Munitions into force!
Under the slogan "A Mine-Free World: Mission Possible", campaigners from Afghanistan to Zambia are organizing roundtables, press briefings, street actions, photo exhibitions and art installations, film screenings, marches, rallies, workshops, petitions, TV and radio shows, and other events to draw the world’s attention to the scourge of landmines and call for a mine-free world.

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