Geplaatst door Theo Borgermans op dinsdag 31 maart 2009 om 11:30u (Bron: VRT)
KORTRIJK ( - Een betoging van de extreemrechtse partij Vlaams
Belang tegen de mogelijke erkenning van een moskee in de Kortrijkse wijk
Sint-Jan is bijzonder woelig verlopen. Er waren een 100-tal tegenbetogers.
En waarvoor, denkt men, dat die ’torens’ mettertijd zullen dienen?...
who was killed, along with other Trappist monks at the Atlas Monastery in Algiers in 1995.In case you wish to identify me more closely, ask my neighbor at home. In his eyes, who am I? Cistercian? Never heard of it! Trappist? Less still! Monk?
Even the Arab word for it isn’t part of his vocabulary. He doesn’t even ask
himself who I am. He knows. I am a rumi, a Christian. That’s all. And in this
generic identification there is something healthy and exacting. One more way to
connect monastic profession to Baptism. You will see too, that in his
description he will only be able to translate this reality according to his own
religious points of reference: “He prays, he believes in God, he keeps ‘Lent’
and gives to the poor . . . that’s almost like us!” Thus after being welcomed at
several of our French monasteries, our young friend Mohammed said to me: “You
know, over there in France, I met some true Moslems!”...
Bell and muezzin, whose calls to prayer rise, as you know, from the same enclosure, join together to bid us to come to prayer, further than words can say.
Dom Christian de Cherge

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