In opdracht van de Europese Commissie is onderzoek gedaan naar de mening en kennis van Europese kinderen over hun rechten.
Opvallende uitkomst van het onderzoek is dat kinderen in Nederland vergeleken met kinderen uit andere Europese landen, het minst bekend zijn met hun rechten. Tegelijkertijd zijn de Nederlandse kinderen relatief vaak van mening dat de kinderrechten in hun land goed beschermd worden.
Rest artikeltje: DCI
The Flash Eurobarometer " The Rights of the Child" is part of a trend survey; the results of the previous wave were published in 2008. A comparison, between 2008 and 2009 results, concerning young people's knowledge and opinions about the rights of under 18 years olds, showed very few significant differences:
Knowledge and information about the Rights of the Child
Awareness of the Rights of the Child:
-Almost two-thirds of young people (15-18 years old) from the 27 EU Member States were
aware that people under 18 enjoy specific rights compared to adults.
-The Netherlands, Hungary and Denmark were the only countries where more than half of
interviewees were unaware of the specific rights of under 18 year -olds (61%, 60 % and 53 %, resp.).

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