5 augustus 2012
NAMEN (RKnieuws.net) - Vandaag vonden in
Malonne bij Namen drie protestacties plaats tegen de mogelijke
voorwaardelijke vrijlating van Michelle Martin, de ex-vrouw van Dutroux.
De manifestanten eisten dat de zusters clarissen, die eerder te kennen
gaven Martin op te vangen, afzien van hun plan.
Twee van de drie manifestaties verliepen volkomen rustig, aldus een woordvoerder van de Naamse politie.PREDA

Mee zwaaien?
Dear friends,
The Philippine House of Representatives has passed a law amending
Republic Act 9344 reducing the age of criminal liability to 12 year old.
The children even if only accused can be treated as criminals and be
jailed with adults until they can prove they are minors. Many are
abandoned street kids and cant prove their age. They get abused in the
Preda has begun a petition campaign to the Senators of the
Philippines to reject any amendment to the existing juvenile Justice
Welfare bill RA 9344.
The senate can ignore the matter or vote to leave it as it is and
protect children from the horrors of jail where they suffer serious harm
and are denied their human and children’s rights. At 12 year old they
are in danger of being beaten and abused by other older inmates and even
sexually abused when put in cells with adult criminals.
Please send an email of your own or use the sample below.
Many thanks
Dear Honorable Senators,
This is an appeal to you to please reject any attempt to amend the
Juvenile Justice Welfare Bill RA 9344 which protects children from the
brutality and dehumanizing conditions of jails. The law presently gives
them protection and help by diversion and rehabilitation.
They ought not to be charged with crimes and put on trial at 12-years
old. Children are led astray by adult criminals and parents and
guardians neglecting the children.
The law should bring them to answer for their neglect of the children
and the bad example they give, Each child is a child of God and has
rights and dignity that must be respected .
The present Philippine law RA 9344 which was passed first by you
honorable Senators is progressive and enlightened. Please do not allow
it to be changed. Protect children at all times, especially from going
to jail where they are being abused. They need protection and education.
With respect,
E-mail any or all of the following: senator_enrile@senate.gov.ph,
senjinggoyestrada@senate.gov.ph, jinggoy@senjinggoyestrada.com,
alancayetano@yahoo.com, edgardo_angara@hotmail.com,
office_sen_jokerarroyo@yahoo.com, pia@senatorpiacayetano.com,
miriam@miriam.com.ph, senmds@yahoo.com, mdsmediabureau@yahoo.com,
fmdrilon@yahoo.com, sen.escudero@gmail.com, reachus@chizescudero.com,
mediagroup@chizescudero.com, gringobhonasan@gmail.com, ospml@yahoo.com,
sujo408@yahoo.com, loren_b_legarda@yahoo.com.ph, loren@lorenlegarda.com.ph, inquiry.bbmoffice@gmail.com, serge_osmena@yahoo.com, kilosko2004@yahoo.com, kiko.pangilinan@gmail.com, kikopangilinan@kiko.ph, ralphgrecto@gmail.com, senbongrevilla@senate.gov.ph, senateoffice@trillanes.com.ph, senate.office.trillanes@gmail.com, mb_villar@yahoo.com
sujo408@yahoo.com, loren_b_legarda@yahoo.com.ph, loren@lorenlegarda.com.ph, inquiry.bbmoffice@gmail.com, serge_osmena@yahoo.com, kilosko2004@yahoo.com, kiko.pangilinan@gmail.com, kikopangilinan@kiko.ph, ralphgrecto@gmail.com, senbongrevilla@senate.gov.ph, senateoffice@trillanes.com.ph, senate.office.trillanes@gmail.com, mb_villar@yahoo.com
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