Boundary violations are committed when we knowingly or unknowingly cross the emotional, physical or sexual limits of
We are always responsible for maintaining appropriate behaviour
We never initiate sexual behaviour and refuse it when another initiates it
We are prudent in physical touch
We are familiar with the dynamics of transference and counter-
If we are ordained priests we clearly distinguish the Sacrament of Reconciliation from other relationships such as counseling
We always satisfy our needs for affection, intimacy and friendship outside the pastoral relationship
We avoid anything in speech or behaviour that might involve sexual harassment of another
We choose an appropriate physical environment in which to exercise ministry
We are discerning and prudent in showing expressions of regard and in the giving and receiving of gifts
Where the bond of trust is jeopardized by encroachment on the boundaries, we take steps to bring the relationship to a close and arranges referral to another minister.
If we are ordained priests we respect the absolute secrecy of the seal of confession
We keep confidential, information which is disclosed to us while acting as pastoral ministers
we are aware that there are circumstances in which confidential information can or must be revealed
We seek the permission of the discloser before sharing private information with others and have serious reasons for seeking that permission
When the condition and behaviour of a person seeking help indicate clear and imminent danger to self or others, or when abuse is involved, we must take reasonable action to inform potential victims and/or inform proper responsible authorities.
Terugblikkend vindt Cor Schilder dat hij erin is
geslaagd om de samenwerking tussen de bisschop
en de priesters, zusters, lekenmissionarissen
en catechisten soepel te laten verlopen. Hij kijkt met
gepaste trots terug op wat er bereikt is met de
steun van Mill Hill en de aanvullende steun
van de Week Nederlandse Missionaris. De middelen
zijn goed besteed, hoe moeilijk meetbaar dat
soms ook is. Dankzij het cultureel centrum
bijvoorbeeld hebben de Maasai zichzelf en hun cultuur
herontdekt. Ze zijn meer geworden dan een
bezienswaardigheid. Ze zijn weer mens.’
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