Senate Inquiry into commonwealth Contribution to Former Forced Adoption Policies and Practices.

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This is an opportunity that I and others believe will be a great chance to get Commonwealth Government action, and interest in our struggle for recognitionof what has been done to us, and many thousands of others; mothers, fathers,children, siblings, grandparents, aunties, uncles and cousins who were separatedunlawfully, unnecessarily and forever from their families.
Some time ago the 'Australian Apology Alliance' requested Jenny Macklin to raisepast adoption practices with her state counterparts after calls for an apologyor inquiry from women coerced into giving up their babies.
This was followed by an AIFS report generally considered to be utterly inadequate, and encouraged the Alliance to align with several W.A. mothers who approached Labor politician David Templeman for support, who together with Dr. Kim Hames, the Deputy Premier of W.A., brought about the now historical apology.
This West Australian Government Apology has created much interest around the world; the very first government to ever take such an historical and momentousaction to raise public tolerance and understanding of regret for a cruel socialinjustice suffered silently for so long, by so many.
A lot of work, time, tears and frustration have gone into this labour of love for our stolen children, but due to the other states of Australia's apathy,this Senate Inquiry will be our chance to right the wrongs of this blot on Australia's history.
But, we need more mothers and everyone affected by the punitive practices of the past to speak up, tell their stories of the pain and trauma, but if not for themselves, tell for those who are no longer withus; the mothers who could not take the pain any more, and all those children who believed that life was not worth living because their mothers "supposedly gave them away".
Please encourage all your contacts to put some words together, even if only acouple of paragraphs - remain anonymous or reveal as much as you want. Ifeveryone wrote a small submission it would take them years to read there were somany of us, but sadly many won't or can't, but we can encourage, and help those who feel they do no know how to, and make this last chance a resounding successand maybe an 'Australia Wide Apology' might come out of this wonderful opportunity.
Barbara Maison
Apology Alliance
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