THE COUNCIL of Priests of Dublin’s Catholic archdiocese will meet today for the first time since publication of the Murphy report on November 26th.
In attendance will be Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, auxiliary bishops Éamonn Walsh and Ray Field, former chancellor of the archdiocese Msgr Alex Stenson and its current chancellor Msgr John Dolan. Bishops Walsh and Field, as well as chancellors Stenson and Dolan, are all mentioned in the report.
Where knowledge of clerical child sex abuse by priests in the archdiocese was concerned, the report found “some priests were aware that particular instances of abuse had occurred.
A few were courageous and brought complaints to the attention of their superiors. The vast majority simply chose to turn a blind eye.”
It continued: “the cases show that several instances of suspicion were never acted upon until inquiries were made.”
Last night Dublin Diocesan Council of Priests chairman Fr Joe Mullan said of that finding, “I have no idea personally what information Judge Murphy had in forming that opinion. We

Michael Mernagh : We are all in denial!
Levensgevaarlijk dom soort nationalisme.
Kun je nog zo sensitive zijn, maar je hoeft geen Ier, geen priester, geen wetenschapper, politicus of religieus- dan wel politiek analist of bedrijfskundige te zijn om dat, beste Joe Mullan, te rangschikken onder Ierse mythen en sprookjes.
Kun je nog zo sensitive zijn, maar je hoeft geen Ier, geen priester, geen wetenschapper, politicus of religieus- dan wel politiek analist of bedrijfskundige te zijn om dat, beste Joe Mullan, te rangschikken onder Ierse mythen en sprookjes.
Mijn eigen ervaringen en wat ik de afgelopen 4/5 jaar te horen kreeg, hier, gevoegd bij mijn eigen hersens laten weten dat je zónder díe opmerkingen het hele Murphy rapport maar beter weg had kunnen gooien!
Ik sluit niet uit dat vrouw zijn nog wel eens zou kunnen helpen.
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