Terwijl New Yorks vroegere burgemeester Giuliani in zijn verkiezingsstrijd steeds meer in de problemen lijkt te komen met zijn vriend en medewerker, een voor sekueel misbruikend veroordeelde priester,
kunnen in Italie ook een stel politici, waaronder Berlusconi himself, hun lol wel op met hun goede priesterlijke maatje.
Valt geen goede sier meer mee te behalen nu steeds duidelijker wordt dat het niet aan linkse joodse lobby lag, of -zoals de man een paar dagen na de eerste beschuldigingen liet weten een internationale samenzwering van vrijmetselaars - dat "een zooitje criminele drugsverslaafden" zoals hij zijn vroegere pupillen -de laagsten van de laagsten - afschilderde, toch voet aan de grond hebben gekregen bij justitie met hun aanklachten wegens seksueel misbruik tegen Pierino Gelmini.
Niet de joodse, vrijmetselaars of laagste van laagsten lobby , maar een al eerder voor fraude veroordeelde priester , waarvan bekend was dat hij een seksuele bedreiging voor andere was, en zijn medewerker, die nu zijn poten niet thuis kon houden bij zorgafhankelijke jongeren.
Wil aan drugs verslaafd zijn zeggen dat je dan seksueel misbruikt mag worden door een aan zijn macht en aanzien verslaafde?
Je zou toch zeggen dat zo'n man, hoofd van zo'n 280 rehab centra wereldwijd, inmiddels zou kunnen weten, dat er in het drugscircuit van die jongens gewoon betaald werd voor rotzooi.
Hoog tijd wordt voor die andere verslaafde en zijn omgeving dat ook eens te gaan doen.
Dat vindt, integenstelling tot het Vaticaan en rechtse politieke kringen, de Italiaanse justitie blijkbaar ook!
Komt dat nu toch even slecht uit (ex) verslaafden die hun mond open doen over zo'n 82 jarige recidivist
Hij schijnt trots te zijn op zijn omgang met zijn jongens die afgelopen 50 jaar.
Nu maar hopen dat het dan "maar"bij die 8 blijft.
Maar of die hoop nu zo heel erg realistisch is?
Het sterftepercentages onder (voormalige) junks is tenminste wel in zijn voordeel, en dat van de figuren die zo graag goede sier maken met dit soort junks.
Dit lijk stinkt, en goed ook.
Als bij elke verslaving: allemaal van elkaar afhankelijk, het is maar net de vraag waar het geld vandaan komt en waar het heen rolt.
En daar beginnen ze zich in Italie en in Europa opvallend druk over te maken.
Dus of de man nu schuldig zal zijn geweest of niet, zal menigeen helemaal niets kunnen schelen.
De goot in!
Net als de rest van zijn jongens, zolang die er niet in slaagden ex-verslaafden te worden en te blijven, maar daarbij heel wat minder mogelijkheden kregen!
Zich daardoor misschien wel hebben moeten laten misbruiken.
Door Pierino Gelmini.
Maar het Verwegistan van het kerkelijk seksueel misbruik is inmiddels ook in Italie, met welhaast iedere maand een nieuwe zaak die naar buiten komt, allang niet meer zo ver weg.
Gelmini maar ook de volgende Italiaanse priester, op heterdaad betrapt , van vorige week, met zijn 12 jarig kerstkind, zal daar zeker aan meewerken, ondanks het enthousiasme waarmee Italiaanse priesters zich in de pers vertonen, al dan niet met brieven aan de Paus.
Spe SalviA squad of carabinieri, after receiving a telephone call, surprised the priest, teacher of religion in a middle school in Villa Literno, in a car parked on one side of a country street at a short distance from the provincial road on the way between Casal di Principe and Castelvolturno, laying down on the car seat with the boy on his side.
When he was aware of the carabinieri presence the priest fled, but he was caught and arrested after a few kilometers. The prosecutor for the preliminary investigations (GIP) of S. Marfia Capua, Raffaelle Piccirillo, confirmed the arrest after his questioning of the priest, who wasn't able to deny the charges, which were very articulate and based on what the child said to a social worker.
The priest's lawyer has announced he'll ask for his client the benefit of the house arrest. The priest was also much esteemed and appreciated for his activity as a volunteer.Goed nieuws dus. Slachtoffers komen uit de kast en dragen een volgend ernstig stinkend lijk over aan burgerlijke justitie.
Priest accused of molesting young addicts
By Peter Popham in Milan
Published: 29 December 2007
Monsignor Pierino Gelmini, 82, is a household name in Italy, a strong supporter of the political centre-right and a frequent guest on television chat shows. Politicians have warmly reciprocated his support, and in 2005, the former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi famously handed over a cheque for 10 billion lire (equivalent to ¿1m) to the priest, known as Don Gelmini, on television for the charitable work of his organisation, Comunità Incontro.
Rarely mentioned during his television appearances is the fact that decades ago he was sent to jail for fraud, issuing dud cheques and other offences. And now another scandal appears to be beckoning.
The shadow of accusations of sexual abuse fell across Don Gelmini in the summer when it emerged that he was under investigation for allegedly exploiting some of the charges in his care. It was reported that one of them, Michele Iacobbe, now 34, had first filed a complaint against Don Gelmini in 2002. No action was taken, but he continued to complain about the priest's misbehaviour, which he said dated back to 1999.
Eight other former wards of the organisation added their voice to his, with great detail. Two of them were minors at the time the alleged abuse happened.
The main Italian newspapers reported yesterday that the preliminary judge in the case was on the verge of committing Don Gelmini for trial on a charge of sexual violence.
When the accusations were first made public, Don Gelmini responded angrily that he was a victim of "the Jewish-radical chic lobby".
The Vatican has advised the priest to give up his role as head of the organisation only if he is sent for trial. But Silvio Berlusconi has again spoken up for him, and Maurizio Gasparri, a member of the right-wing National Alliance party and a minister in Mr Berlusconi's last government, said the priest's accusers were "very few and of scant credibility".
He was jailed Italy in 1971 after being sentenced to four years for fraud. But, according to an article in Il Messaggero at the time, he "often obliged the prison director to put him in solitary confinement to prevent 'promiscuity' with other inmates".
"These accusations will certainly not prevent me from continuing to embrace my boys," Don Gelmini said, "as I have done for the past 50 years."
Sofferto incontro tra don Gelmini e Mons. Paglia: preoccupazione per le presunte molestie sessuali
A painful meeting between Rev. Gelmini and Monsignor Paglia
Translation: TERNI (December 26)
It took place 12 days ago, and it had suffering tones, the meeting between Rev. Pierino Gelmini and the diocesian bishop of Terni, Narni and Amelia, monsignor Vincenzo Paglia, who conveyed to the priest his "concerns and those of the Church for his judiciary vicissitudes related to his alleged sexual violences."
The conversation was confirmed today by the emeritus bishop of the diocese, Monsignor Franco Gualdrini, during the celebrations held in the main center of the Community Incontro, at Molino Silla of Amelia, which were dedicated to those young men who had ended their program for overcoming their drug addiction.
For the first time Rev. Gelmini wasn't there due to his illness.
Monsignor Gualdrini, who was also symbolically nominated by Rev. Gelmini as a "bishop" of his Community, explained the meeting had been very "painful" and that it had taken place in the bishop's office, at Terni, through the initiative of monsignor Paglia.
Beside the bishop and Rev. Gelmini, the same monsignor Gualdrini was present.
It was a moment of fraternity and of ecclesiastical communion, monsignor Gualdrini said, but painful ,too, for they spoke about those issues. Even among brothers, the emeritus bishop of Terni added, sometimes it's necessary to speak about unpleasant things.
No indication, however, emerged in the meeting about a possible request to Rev. Gelmini to leave the Community in connection with the possible negative outcome of his trial.
And the priest has said to his collaborators he is firm in his intention not to abandon the boys and go back to his lay state "maintaining his total communion with the Lord" to face his judiciary vicissitudes without any interference with the ecclesiastical authority.
In the next days there will be the results of the investigations about his alleged sexual violence against some of the former guests of his Community Incontro, for which he always declared his innocence.
The Terni Prosecutor Office notified the priest the investigation is over
A collaborator, a former assistant and the mother of an accuser are suspected of the crime of "favoreggiamento" (helping to hide a crime)
Terrni - Eight are the alleged victims of sexual violence for which the Rev. Pierino Gelmini has been indicted. The Prosecutor in Terni, following the procedure, sent the priest a letter informing him of the end of the investigation. That means the arraignment of the priest is very near. Other three persons will have to respond instead for trying to cover up the crime: one is the priest collaborator at the Community Incontro, Pierluigi Larocca, and another is a former assistant.
Together with the mother of one of the accusers, Patrizia Guarino, who helped the other men to offer money to her son so that he could be convinced to withdraw his accusations, they are charged for trying to impede the investigation.
The sexual violence occurred in the period between 1999 and 2004; two of the victims were then minors. That's what the Procurator has reported; now the papers are going to be examined by the judge who will decide upon the requests made by the prosecutor.
"That infamy doesn't regard me", the 82- years -old priest had said in front of three hundred supporters last August in the main location of his Community Incontro at Amelia, in the Umbria hills.
" They believed Rev. Pierino would give up", the elderly priest thundered from the stage. "They thought they had to deal with a rabbit, they found a biting dog instead.
They wanted to take over the community", ending his speech using his umbrella menacingly. " I'm bearing the cross: I'm innocent and for that I'm absolutely tranquil".
Yet the charges seem to be very detailed.
"He was goosing me, kissing me and in many an occasion he forced me to perform sexual acts", that's what Michele Iacobbe, former drug addict, one of the main accusers, reported, and who spent jail time in Teramo for a series of crimes, extortion and calumny included.
"That man ruined me", said Iacobbe about Rev. Gelmini."He forced me to do things I would never have wanted to do. Once he told me: cut you hair, I like it short, please kiss me".
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