maandag, oktober 22, 2018
erf goed
I have the right to freedom of speech
I have the right to be heard
I have the right to be respected
I have the right to accept and own my own power
I have the right to not disclose unless I am comfortable
I have the right to feel my emotions
I have the right to say no
I have the right to challenge the status quo
I have the right to ask questions
I have the right to challenge the status quo
I have the right to ask questions
I have the right to own my own ideas
I have the right to my values and beliefs
I have the right to laugh
Dr. Alicia A. Dunlop, Toronto
" Het is verbazingwekkend hoe, ondanks alle ideologische manipulatie, er niets verdwijnt uit het geheugen."
Václav Havel
Een geschiedenis en een tel raam : werelderfgoed
vrijdag, oktober 12, 2018
donderdag, oktober 11, 2018
Inburgeringscursus Zendtijd NPO ter beschikking gesteld aan slachtoffers Deetman: Emancipatiehistorie(2018)
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Fidan Ekiz : VROUW op MARS |
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Volgende serie speciaal voor veganisten: Nee, die vier poten in en op op een schaaltje in een plastic verpakking zijn géén kippen (zie Deetman er zit een piep in m'n t.v.)
woensdag, oktober 10, 2018
Abortion information - the law
The Eighth Amendment has been officially repealed today.
Abortion information - the law
On 25 May 2018, there was a constitutional referendum on the proposal to replace Article 40.3.3 of the Constitution with the text “Provision may be made by law for the regulation of termination of pregnancy.” A majority of voters approved this proposal and the Bill to amend the Constitution has been signed into law.
The amendment will allow the Oireachtas to pass laws regulating the termination of pregnancy. The Government has published an outline of the legislation it intends to introduce (pdf).
On 25 May 2018, there was a constitutional referendum on the proposal to replace Article 40.3.3 of the Constitution with the text “Provision may be made by law for the regulation of termination of pregnancy.” A majority of voters approved this proposal and the Bill to amend the Constitution has been signed into law.
The amendment will allow the Oireachtas to pass laws regulating the termination of pregnancy. The Government has published an outline of the legislation it intends to introduce (pdf).
Until new legislation is enacted, there is no change to the current legal situation. Abortion remains illegal in Ireland except where there is a real and substantial risk to the life (as distinct from the health) of the mother. This includes a risk arising from a threat of suicide. The Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act 2013 regulates the limited circumstances in which a pregnancy can be legally terminated. The Department of Health has published guidance for health professionals on the operation of the Act.
Women may not be prevented from travelling abroad to get an abortion. It is not lawful to encourage or advocate an abortion in individual cases. It is lawful to provide information in Ireland about abortions abroad, subject to strict conditions. This document explains the rules about providing such information.
Information about abortion services in other countries may be made available under certain conditions. The law on the subject was passed in 1995 and is usually known as the Abortion Information Act. Its full title is Regulation of Information (Services outside the State for Termination of Pregnancies) Act 1995. The Act sets out how information about legal abortion services outside Ireland may be given to individuals or groups in Ireland.
Information about abortion abroad may be made available by doctors, by specific agencies or by
etc. etc.
dinsdag, oktober 09, 2018
teek out kaas em brood en bakkeljauw: "Dit rapport gaat niet alleen over anderen, het gaat ook over onszelf" Hi=hi, hi-hi en dan samen de pijp uit
“Wij zijn blind geweest of hebben bewust weggekeken, we hebben daardoor fouten gemaakt en de pijn en het verdriet van slachtoffers versterkt. Waar zij terecht in onze kerk gehoor voor hun verhaal hadden verwacht, hebben wij hen teleurgesteld en in de kou laten staan.”
Amersfoort, Bisschoppelijk Bureau, 9 oktober 2018
Amersfoort, Bisschoppelijk Bureau, 9 oktober 2018
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na de schaafkaas |
Wat heb je nodig:
- 350 ml gin
- 50 g suiker
- 200 g sleedoornbessen
- 3 amandelen
- Was de bessen en steek ze 1 of 2 nachten in de diepvries
- Voeg de bessen, suiker en amandelen toe aan de gin
- Schud goed zodat de suiker oplost
- Zet de fles goed afgesloten op een donkere plaats
- Na enkele maanden kan je al eens proeven, maar laat dit gerust een jaartje rusten
- Filter de drank en geniet
ceci c'est pas une pipe
- Mr. G.A.M. Stevens, voorzitter. De heer Stevens vervulde voor zijn pensionering in 2010 diverse functies in de rechterlijke macht, o.a. als president van het Gerechtshof ’s-Hertogenbosch. Vanaf mei 2011 is hij voorzitter van de Klachtencommissie Seksueel Misbruik in de Rooms-Katholieke Kerk (RKK) in Nederland.
- Mr. A.M. Denekamp-Mulder, secretaris. Mevrouw Denekamp is als juriste gespecialiseerd in klachtrecht. Zij is sinds 2008 betrokken bij de klachtenbehandeling seksueel misbruik in de RKK en vanaf 2011 lid van de Klachtencommissie van de RKK.
- Drs. L. Erftemeyer, lid. Mevrouw Erftemeyer is pedagoge met een specialisatie in slachtofferhulp en sinds 2012 lid van de Klachtencommissie Seksueel Misbruik RKK.
- Drs. A.A.M. Oostveen, lid. De heer Oostveen is psychotherapeut en klinisch psycholoog. Hij is vanaf 2011 lid geweest van de Klachtencommissie Seksueel Misbruik RKK.
Het onderzoeksrapport kunt u hier downloaden.
De volledige tekst van de persverklaring vindt u hier.
De volledige tekst van de persverklaring vindt u hier.
maandag, oktober 08, 2018
Dear fellow brother, Carlo Maria Viganò, en 't hagelde galstenen
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I therefore consider it to be aberrant that you should profit by the horrible scandal of the sexual abuse of minors [ in Ierland] to inflict such an unprecedented and unmerited blow on the moral authority of your Superior, the Supreme Pontiff. With due pontifical permission, I offer here my personal testimony, as the Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops,
Responding to your unjust and unjustified attack, dear Viganò, I therefore conclude that the accusation is a political maneuver without any real foundation to be able to incriminate the Pope, and I repeat that it is deeply wounding the Church’s communion. It would please God that this injustice be quickly repaired and that Pope Francis might continue to be recognized for who he is: an eminent pastor, a compassionate and firm father, a prophetic charism for the Church and for the world.
Responding to your unjust and unjustified attack, dear Viganò, I therefore conclude that the accusation is a political maneuver without any real foundation to be able to incriminate the Pope, and I repeat that it is deeply wounding the Church’s communion. It would please God that this injustice be quickly repaired and that Pope Francis might continue to be recognized for who he is: an eminent pastor, a compassionate and firm father, a prophetic charism for the Church and for the world.
Marc Ouellet
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