zaterdag, mei 27, 2006
27-5-06 Maciel Marciel Degollado
Brian Mershon
May 25, 2006
[Brian Mershon is a commentator on cultural issues from a classical Catholic perspective. His trade is in media relations, and his vocation is as a husband to his beloved wife Tracey and father to his six living children. He attempts to assist his family and himself in attaining eternal salvation through frequent attendance at the Traditional Latin rite of Mass, homeschooling, and building Catholic culture in the buckle of the Bible Belt of Greenville, South Carolina.]
"And He (Our Lord Jesus Christ) said that whoever receives one such little child in my name, receives me. But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged around his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea.Woe to the world because of scandals. For it is necessary that scandals come: but nevertheless, woe to that man by whom the scandals come." (Mt. 18: 5-7)
On the morning of May 19, the Holy See issued a short statement on the status of Father Macial Marciel, L.C., founder of the Legionaries of Christ."Beginning in 1998, the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) received accusations, already partly made public, against Fr. Marcial Maciel Degollado, founder of the Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ, for crimes that fall under the exclusive competence of the congregation. In 2002, Fr. Maciel published a declaration denying the accusations and expressing his displeasure at the offense done him by certain former Legionaries of Christ.
In 2005, by reason of his advanced age, Fr. Maciel retired from the office of superior general of the Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ."All these elements have been subject to a mature examination by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and — in accordance with the Motu Proprio 'Sacramentorum sanctitatis tutela,' promulgated on April 30, 2001, by Servant of God John Paul II — the then prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, authorized an investigation into the accusations. In the meantime, Pope John II died and Cardinal Ratzinger was elected as the new Pontiff.
"After having attentively studied the results of the investigation, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, under the guidance of the new prefect, Cardinal William Joseph Levada, decided — bearing in mind Fr. Maciel's advanced age and his delicate health — to forgo a canonical hearing and to invite the father to a reserved life of penitence and prayer, relinquishing any form of public ministry. The Holy Father approved these decisions.
"Independently of the person of the Founder, the worthy apostolate of the Legionaries of Christ and of the Association 'Regnum Christi' is gratefully recognized.
"Msgr. Charles Scicluna, the CDF's promoter of justice, reportedly had received signed affidavits and/or conducted in-person, or telephone, interviews with more than 100 ex-seminarians and/or priests of the Legion of Christ, with essentially corroborating stories about alleged violations, including sex abuse, by Father Maciel.
News outlets from National Public Radio, The New York Times and the major network news stations have reported the news. There will be no public ministry for Father Maciel any longer. He has accepted a request by the Holy See to a life of penitence and prayer for the rest of his days. There will be no canonical trial, nor official ruling on his guilt or innocence.
New Accusations Against Other Legionary Priests?
However, one of Father Maciel's original accusers, Paul Lennon, M.A., dropped the following bombshell in what may be yet another nuclear bomb for the Legion of Christ and its Regnum Christi apostolates in this exclusive interview with The Wanderer: Since the May 19 statement on Father Maciel from the Holy See, more alleged victims have come forward claiming sexual abuse, not only by Father Maciel, but from other priests of the Legion of Christ.
He said that due to the stigma attached particularly to male sexual abuse, the new accusers wish to remain anonymous at this time. Lennon was with the first class of Legionary priests ordained from Ireland back in 1969.
What Does It All Mean?
"Among canon lawyers, there is an expression, where there is smoke, there is fire," said Pete Vere, J.C.L. "As more and more allegations come forward, it is very difficult to believe that something may not have happened," he said.
However, Vere added that while he personally believes that based upon the actions of the Holy See with Father Maciel, "many of the allegations have been substantiated," he was quick to caution that that he "did not have access to the evidence."
"Inviting Fr. Maciel to live the remainder of his days as a penitent, without the public exercise of his ministry has a twofold effect: it affirms that the Church takes the charges seriously, considers them to be credible and punishable; secondly, it attempts to affect the ultimate salvation of Fr. Maciel by urging him to repentance," said Timothy Ferguson, J.C.L., a 38-year-old canonist from Clair Shoals, Michigan.
"It is more than a mere slap on the wrists," he said, "as it affects the one thing most people hold very dear, his reputation."
"Since this is referred to as an 'invitation' rather than an 'imposition,' it doesn't fall under canon 1342.2, which forbids the declaration of perpetual penalties without a judicial process," Ferguson said. As an invitation, there would seem to be no means for recourse or appeal against it," he said.
In other words, if Father Maciel had refused the Holy See's invitation to serve the rest of his life suspended from public ministry in penitence and prayer, Ferguson said he believed it "would necessitate the initiation of a penal process."
"I think what we're seeing with Benedict XVI's papacy, he is standing for what is not popular, but what is right," said canonist Vere. "With someone like Fr. Maciel and his stature, it is going to be cleared through the Pope, and this is just another example of him showing he will do the right thing even when it is very painful," he said.
What does the future hold for the Legion of Christ and the Regnum Christi movement whose "charism" is so tied to the person of "Nuestro Padre," Father Marcial Maciel?
Repeated requests for an interview with Father Anthony Bannon, L.C., superior for North America, or Father Owen Kearns, L.C., publisher of National Catholic Register, went unanswered by the Legion of Christ.So in lieu of receiving answers to specific questions, the official media statement by the Legion of Christ (found here ) reaffirmed that Father Maciel continues to deny any allegations brought forward by at least 100 accusers. However, the statement does make the following admonition, perhaps revealing more about the Legion of Christ and Regnum Christi's "spirit of obedience and faith" through their "spiritual" lens than perhaps they intended to reveal.
One particular part of the statement read: "Facing the accusations made against him, he declared his innocence and, following the example of Jesus Christ, decided not to defend himself in any way," read the second point of the Legion's media statement.
One Interpretation: The Church is Sanhedrin; Pope is Pilate; Maciel is Jesus
For those "with eyes to see and ears to hear," it appears the Legion's statement is at the least implying that Father Maciel is living a dry martyrdom, somewhat similar to the real martyrdom as Our Lord Jesus Christ, by not defending himself against made-up and false charges, except that one of the charges against Jesus Christ He was condemned for was true. He claimed to be the Messiah.
This analogy to Jesus Christ Himself is apparent upon reading the simple words of the statement. But who is the judge and who is the jury? Canonically speaking, due to Father Maciel's "advanced age and frail health," there will be no judge and jury. But effectively, based on the media statement from the Legion, who is Pontius Pilate and who is the jury, the Sadducees and the Pharisees in this "spiritualized" scenario?
"New Catholic" at wrote the following commentary on the Legion of Christ's response to the Holy See's ruling on Saturday, May 20.
"Now, the imitation of Christ is a duty of every Christian — but this proclamation of Christ-like qualities surpasses every measure of virtue. For here, the accusers are the victims (or even the supposed victims) of most horrendous crimes. Even if the accusations were false, which does not seem to be the case, is it appropriate to compare a man accused of these most grievous offenses to the Spotless Lamb? The Lord was accused of specific points of law, not of offenses committed against specific victims: and was convicted for the "blasphemy" of declaring that He was, indeed, the Son of God and, thus Divine."
Yet, that is not all: By comparing Maciel Degollado to Christ under trial, the 'official response' makes clear the indirect reference it wishes to make. Maciel is Christ; the competent Church authorities — the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Holy Father himself — are the Sanhedrin and Pontius Pilate (and Herod, the only one before whom Christ was actually completely silent).
"The man was accused of serious misdeeds. The investigations led to 'results' — this means (let no one be fooled by the Vatican's diplomatic words!) actual results, tangible results, which could have led to much harsher measures. Yet, in his exercise of Petrine authority and Christian charity, the Holy Father guided his ministers "to invite the father to a reserved life of penitence and prayer, relinquishing any form of public ministry" and gave his approval to this charitable measure.
"It is certainly fair to call this 'invitation' a 'cross': even fair punishments are crosses we are to bear. Yet, here once again, the 'official response' crosses the boundary of appropriateness: 'He [Father Marcial Maciel] has accepted this communiqué with faith, complete serenity and tranquility of conscience, knowing that it is a new cross that God, the Father of Mercy, has allowed him to suffer and that will obtain many graces for the Legion of Christ and the Regnum Christi Movement.' The troubling messianic aspects of this paragraph are evident."
Instead of remaining silent (which one would expect from a "obedient" son) or of THANKING [emphasis in original] the competent ecclesiastical authorities for the unbound concern they showed for the health and age of the man, and for the future fortunes of the movements he founded, the 'official response' even presents the 'suffering' as a privileged means of grace for the Legion of Christ and Regnum Christi.
This, while the Holy See itself was careful to distinguish the person of the founder from the Legion of Christ and Regnum Christi.
"'Salus animarum suprema lex' (Can.1752): it was wonderful to watch the Holy See apply this overarching principle of law once again. What a misfortune that such a beautiful spirit had to be squandered by sectarian gall. This official response only deepened the links between the Founder and his movements, which the Holy See had been careful to separate; and instead of the spirit of a Saint Joan of Arc, was filled with the spirit of self-righteousness. There may have been Pharisees in this succession of events — but they were not in the Vatican," New Catholic concluded his exegesis.
The influential Lutheran convert Father Richard John Neuhaus has previously strongly backed Father Maciel, the Legion of Christ and the Regnum Christi movement.
"It is reasonable to believe the CDF and the Holy Father that he did something wrong or it is nearly impossible to defend the decision," Neuhaus said.
In fact, Father Neuhaus had previously written that he was morally certain the initial charges against Father Maciel were false.
"Moral certainty is not absolute or metaphysical certainty," he said, while adding that he had been publicly supportive of Fr. Maciel and the Legion of Christ and Regnum Christi.
Father Neuhaus said that he had read the Legion of Christ's official statement regarding the suspension of Father Maciel's public ministry and offered the following interpretation:"Obviously, they view this as a cross that a holy man is bearing in a Christ-like manner, and they solidly affirm solid Catholic teaching that one is purified through suffering," he said. "There are many instances in Church history where actions taken by the Church's leadership turned out to be unjust,
"And seemingly offering Pope Gregory the Great as a possible analogy to the Father Maciel situation, Father Neuhaus, quoting Pope Gregory, said, "I loved righteousness, and I hated iniquity so I die in exile.""That is obviously the spiritual interpretation I expect most members of the Legion or Regnum Christi will have, with which I have no formal connection; that is their interpretation," he said.
When questioned about whether a contrarian perspective might be that this suspension of Father Maciel's public ministries might never have occurred under the pontificate of Pope John Paul II, Father Neuhaus opined that it was "reasonable speculation" to hold.
He also admitted that this news would most likely not be beneficial to the robust and aggressive recruitment efforts and fundraising engaged by the Legion of Christ throughout the world.
Another prominent canon lawyer, who wished to stay on background, explained the real meaning behind the carefully worded Vatican statement. "The mere fact that the CDF assumed jurisdiction over the case is because there was sufficient evidence, approximating probable cause," he said.
Also, he continued, "There was enough evidence of probable cause specifically regarding the crimes against either the sacrament of Holy Penance [the absolution of an accomplice in a mortally sinful action] or the abuse of minors," he said.
So many are still questioning whether the measure taken by the CDF, with direct authorization by the Holy Father, is essentially an act of caution with an undecided verdict. This indeed seems to be the interpretation given by the Legion of Christ's media statement.
"As there is no full exoneration, it is presumed that Maciel is guilty of at least one delict reserved exclusively to the CDF under the instruction Sacramentum Sanctitatis Tutela since he has been 'invited' to fulfill penance as a result of a canonical investigation into heinous crimes for which there exists serious evidence of wrongdoing," the canonist concluded.
What About the Victims?
One key perspective seemingly lost in all of this "spinning" of the facts is that a priest who has been entrusted by thousands of parents with the futures of their sons and daughters quite possibly sexually abused as many as a hundred of them. What about the victims?
Paul Lennon, M.A., one of the original accusers of Maciel, and the founding teacher at the Legion's original School of Faith, said that the original eight victims "are disappointed with the Vatican statement as it seems to leave them hanging."
"They are disgusted with the Legion's attempt to cast Maciel, the perpetrator, as a martyr. Dr. Jose de Jesus Barba said that "by wrapping themselves in the flag of orthodoxy and hiding behind Pope John Paul II's white cassock, in an astute juxtaposition of 'holiness by association,' Maciel and the Legion have been shielded against the legitimate complaints of their victims."
"The victims hope the Vatican statement may reveal the true abusive nature of this pseudo-Catholic Movement and free more victims to come forward, tell the truth, and continue their healing and recovery," Lennon said.
Extreme Secrecy, Psychological and Spiritual Coercion in SeminaryA young home-schooled high school graduate, who asked to remain anonymous, was excited about testing the call of God and his possible vocation when he entered the Legion of Christ's seminar in Cheshire, Connecticut, in the autumn of 1989.
He said he had to work all summer after graduating from high school in order to be able to afford to pay for a cassock prior to entering the order to "test his call" as the Legion literature dubs it.
He had experienced a visit from Father Anthony Bannon, and was impressed by the Legion's orthodoxy and dedication to the Church and Pope John Paul II. But as the young man soon learned, orthodoxy does not necessarily mean solid human or spiritual formation, at least in 1989 based upon his experience.
He was at the seminary for 6 weeks "because they wouldn't let me leave sooner," he said.
"I was told repeatedly that I could not leave from Cheshire," he said.
Now a devout Catholic husband and father, the former Legionary of Christ seminarian said the seminarians were exposed to daily psychological manipulation when he attended. He said the techniques were "powerfully psychologically coercive." He relayed that the Legion priests opened all seminarians' incoming and outgoing mail, as well as listened in on telephone conversations with family members.
"Absolutely," he said. "They read all of my letters; they were listening to telephone calls; I have no doubt," he said.
"I kept asking to leave and they wouldn't let me," he said.
"I told them I didn't feel comfortable taking the cassock, and I met with the novice master more than one occasion and said I didn't understand why they did the things they did"
After six weeks, in desperation one evening, he stayed up late and penned a 14-page letter of questions and presented it to his superior the next day.
"At 10 a.m. the next day, they said I was lying about them and said I need to retract everything I said," he said. After he refused to comply with their demands, he said they finally allowed him to go home the next day.
The elements of extreme secrecy were apparent throughout, he said. Although he said in his six weeks in the Cheshire seminary, he did not witness any sexual abuse, he did watch as one brother was on his way to a total mental breakdown, he said. "They preyed on some guys' insecurities, but I did witness the beginning of the breakdown of one of the brothers," he said."He was an eloquent speaker and a really good guy, but 10 months later after he left, he was a completely different guy," he said.
"Later, I found out he had suffered a total mental breakdown and had left," he said. "The level of psychological pressure was always there."
Advice to Current Regnum Christi Parents: Buyer Beware!
Lennon advises extreme caution should be exercised by parents when contemplating sending their sons to boys activities, camps, "test your call" weekends and/or the Legion's apostolic school. "Catholic Kids Net," summer camps for boys and girls, "Familia" and other such Regnum Christi apostolates are designed as "capturing" grounds for first parents, and then eventually their children, particularly boys for possible early "formation" in the Apostolic School.
Lennon said that if he were a parent with children, "I would demand that the credentials of all Legion of Christ priests working at these activities, including the Apostolic School, be made available to parents. and that they see these documents," he said. According to Lennon, if parents decide to send them, this extra precaution is necessary because "the Legionaries lie through their teeth to a degree that Americans do not even suspect," he said.
Lennon also cautioned against the Legionaries tactic of control at early ages through "spiritual direction," so-called. "I would not allow my children to have 'spiritual direction' with people who are not trained spiritual directors," he said. Especially in light of the fact that most young children, and even teenagers, are just learning how to pray, the actual need for spiritual direction is questionable, both spiritually and psychologically.
"I don't believe children who are so young need spiritual direction," he said. "Isn't confession enough?" Lennon asked.
When asked what advice he would give to current members of Regnum Christi with sons in seminary, the apostolic school or daughters in the Rhode Island girls' school discerning the consecrated life, the now father and husband, anonymous former seminarian said, "Legionaries don't just leave their families, they [are taught] turn their backs on their families."
"It broke down into disparaging comments about their fathers and mothers and their families," he said. "It was shocking."
Finally, the former seminarian said that some of the young men in seminary [often from Mexico] had been shipped off to Legionary school in Spain when they were 6 and 7, and when they came back to the U.S. seminary,
"They hated their parents and their families.""These folks who are very invested in the Legion — they need to investigate how much the Legion is invested in them."
[Editor's note:Both anonymous sources quoted here asked not to be named due to fear of future reprisals from the Legionaries of Christ. Other potential interviewees who said they would like to be interviewed to relay their personal testimonials with the Legion of Christ, and particularly their seminary experiences, refused to be interviewed to avoid suspected possible reprisals from the Legionaries of Christ.]
© Copyright 2006 by Brian Mershon
donderdag, mei 25, 2006
Mary Rafferty en de cristian brothers nav deze week
By Tom Hayes, May 25, 2006
There is an overwhelming sense of groundhog day about what has been happening at the Commission on Child Abuse during the week, writesMary Raftery.
Eight years after the Christian Brothers' own apology to victims of abuse at their institutions, and seven years after the Taoiseach's apology on behalf of the State, we have again been catapulted backwards into the bad old days of blackening the names of victims.
Br David Gibson, one of the leaders of the Christian Brothers, chose to cast the most serious aspersions on the motivation of those making allegations against his order.
His interpretation of the explosion of complaints (from 12 to 449) concerning St Joseph's, Letterfrack, in the wake of the Taoiseach's apology is that it resulted from an expectation of financial compensation on the part of complainants and was facilitated by the dubious conduct of some solicitors and the Garda.
He produced no evidence to the commission to substantiate these remarkable accusations. In fact, what evidence exists appears instead to contradict Br Gibson's testimony.
A large number of survivors' support groups have now stated that they have no knowledge of meetings in public houses at which solicitors, in order to drum up business for themselves, handed out videos of RTÉ programmes and lists of Brothers who worked in the various institutions.
As to whether people have either fabricated evidence or exaggerated complaints in order to maximise compensation through the redress board, there exist simple and straightforward means for testing this.
The redress board has a mechanism which allows a religious order to contest any allegation made against its members. So far, the board has awarded compensation to over 5,000 victims of abuse, a large proportion of whom suffered at the hands of the Christian Brothers.
Given Br Gibson's views this week that many of them may be making things up in order to get money, one would imagine that the Christian Brothers have been actively challenging the evidence presented to the redress board.
Br Michael Reynolds, who also testified to the child abuse commission this week, was asked about this point.
His answer was revealing. In only two cases have the Brothers mounted any challenge concerning allegations made against them at the redress board.
Pressed on the reasons why there have been so few challenges, particularly in the light of Br Gibson's allegations, Br Reynolds became somewhat incoherent: "Why do you want to - the fact that we didn't challenge them doesn't necessarily mean that - there is a difference."
The scatter-gun denigration of victims is just the latest tactic in the arsenal of excuses which the Brothers have deployed to defend their stewardship of thousands of young boys in industrial schools.
Two main arguments underpin this defence, particularly as regards the extensive allegations of sexual abuse of the boys. Firstly, they contend that they did not understand the nature of child sexual abuse, or the recidivist aspect of the problem.
Secondly, they argue that they did not fully appreciate at the time that these were criminal offences. Br Gibson, for example, had already told the commission that they considered child sexual abuse to be in the category of "moral lapses".
Their contention is that their pattern of moving paedophile Brothers from one school to another and their consistent failure to report anything to the Garda was the result of naivety.
However, their arguments were strongly challenged at the commission during the week. Legal teams for the victims raised case after case where evidence existed of Brothers repeatedly offending against children.
In an excellent piece of forensically precise examination, Karen Fergus SC put to Br Gibson a series of internal Christian Brothers documents which clearly indicated an unambiguous understanding that sexually assaulting a child was indeed a criminal offence.
One incident was even reported in writing to the papal nuncio, who was informed by the Brothers that grave public scandal might ensue were the victims to pursue their entitlement to have the offending Brother summoned before the civilian authorities.
In a highly significant piece of testimony, Br Gibson was forced to concede that his congregation was indeed aware that child abuse was a criminal offence and that this awareness dated back to at least the 1920s.
The repetitive refrain of the Brothers that what occurred in industrial schools must be viewed in the context of the times - times when no one knew anything about child abuse - is finally beginning to wear paper thin, even in their own eyes.
What has now emerged is that they were in fact uniquely knowledgeable about child sexual abuse as a result of the prevalence of abusers among their ranks. That they chose to hide these insights from the rest of society remains one of the great tragedies of 20th- century Ireland.
© The Irish Times
zaterdag, mei 20, 2006
Geplaatst op 4/5 '05 om 14:22u
Door Theo Borgermans (Bron: AP, KN)
HILVERSUM ( - Het Kroatische Ministerie van Gezondheid
heeft geen bewijs gevonden voor de beschuldigingen van kindermisbruik in een
door de rooms-katholieke liefdadigheidsorganisatie Caritas gerund weeshuis.
Het weeshuis kwam vorige maand onder vuur te liggen toen de lokale
media een rapport uit 2002 publiceerden van het ministerie van Arbeid en Sociaal
Welzijn. Daarin staat dat de kinderen in dat tehuis werden geslagen, hardhandig
gestraft en seksueel misbruikt. Jelena Brajsa, het hoofd van het weeshuis, heeft
de beschuldigingen altijd ontkend. (tb)
Ex-medewerker Caritas Kroatië veroordeeld wegens pedofilie 6,5 jaar opsluiting
Geplaatst op 31/5 '06 om 19:49u
Door Theo Borgermans
ZAGREB ( - De rechtbank van Zagreb heeft Mario------------------------------
Barlovic, ex-bediende van de Kroatische tak van de katholieke hulporganisatie
Caritas, veroordeeld tot 6,5 jaar celstraf. De 52-jarige man werd ervan
beschuldigd zich meermaals vergrepen te hebben aan een mentaal gehandicapte
De feiten gebeurden in 1998 en 1999 in een weeshuis in Brezovica
nabij Zagreb. De man werd in juli 2005 gearresteerd. Sindsdien werd een tweede
bediende van het weeshuis aangehouden wegens soortgelijke feiten. In het
weeshuis verblijven 150 kinderen en adolescenten waarvan de meesten mentaal
gehandicapt zijn.
De directrice van het weeshuis werd in augustus vorig
jaar door de Kroatische kardinaal Bozanic uit haar functie ontheven. Zij had er
35 jaren dienst in het rusthuis opzitten. (tb)
Croatia: ex-janitor in Catholic-run orphanage convicted for sexually abusing
31.05.2006 Source: URL:
Mario Barlovic, 52, was convicted by the Zagreb Court for Minors after a
five-month trial for "forcible sexual intercourse with a disabled child in a
particularly humiliating manner" in 1998-1999, the state-run news agency HINA
Barlovic was arrested a year ago, when the state prosecution
reopened the case after local media published for the first time a 2002
government report suggesting abuses in the orphanage run by the Catholic charity
Caritas. It cares for about 150 children in the village of Brezovica, outside
The case had been dropped at the time, but the new investigation
last year revealed more alleged cases of abuse of orphans there. A former
orphanage cook was subsequently also arrested and charged with sexual abuse and
the ex-head of the institution, JelenaBrajsa, is also being tried separately on
charges of covering up the crimes of her employees, the AP reports.
who for decades was hailed in Croatia for her care for orphans insists she knew
nothing about the wrongdoing in the orphanage. The church removed her from the
orphanage following the affair.
The case shocked Croatia, where nearly 90
percent of people are Roman Catholics and where the church, and Caritas, enjoy
wide respect. Many in Croatia believe the case was covered up for years because
authorities hesitated to go up against the influential Catholic church.
The former janitor in Caritas's children centre in Brezovica, Mario Barlovic
appeared today before the County Court in Zagreb. He is accused of sexually
abusing then under-aged inmate of the centre between 1995 and 1999. «The accused
entered his plea at the beginning of the hearing and pleaded not guilty», said
judge Mira Tecilazic Basic. Since the Zagreb County Court accuses Barlovic of
sexual intercourse with a child, the trial will be closed to the public in order
to protect the personal and family life of the injured party. Judge Tecilazic
Basic therefore refused to provide any detailed information on the proceedings.
She just said that two witnesses had been heard today and that the trial would
resume tomorrow by hearing some more witnesses.
bekeken x 77
maandag, mei 08, 2006
Verkoop en Weleens Willen Weten


vrijdag, mei 05, 2006
Gezamelijk boek Thomas Doyle,R. Sipe en Wall en Mental Reservation

By Thomas P. Doyle, A.W.R. Sipe and Patrick J. Wall
"Misschien van grotere waarde ïs de uitleg die het boek geeft hoe het
canoniek recht het geheim te bewaren -dit zelfs vereist, om een schandaal te
Wanneer een bischop vermoedt dat een lid van de clerus bv. seksueel misbruik heeft gepleegd, vereist het canoniek recht dat de bisschop een onderzoek instelt (of een onderzoek laat instellen) en de resultaten hiervan in een geheim archief plaats. Degenen betrokken bij zulk onderzoek zweren geheimhouding en riskeren excommunicatie wanneer die geheimhouding wordt doorbroken, merken de auteurs op.
"mental reservation,” wordt gebruikt, vertellen de auteurs door een persoon die vast zit tussen een verplichting een gehiem te bewaren en de plicht de waarheid te vertellen.
Katholieke moraal theologie staat een persoon in zo'n dilemma toe misleidende woorden te gebruiken om een ander te te misleiden zolang er niet bewust een leugen wordt verteld.
Dit wordt gewoonlijk gebruikt om een grotere schade te voorkomen.
De legitimatie voor mental reservation is ingebouwd in de eed die
kardinalen af leggen "nooit aan iemand, wat dan ook aan mij is toevertrouwnd om geheim te houden en waarvan de openbaring schade zou kunnen veroorzaken aan de Heilige Kerk of haar onteren.
Hierin ligt een belangrijke verklaring waarom de kerkelijke hierarchie liegt , wanneer naar de overtuiging van de schrijvers, eerlijkheid de beste policy is.
Since exposure of clerical sex abuse reached critical mass in 2002, Catholic leaders have sometimes defended their mishandling of the problem by claiming insufficient knowledge. Publicly, some bishops said they didn’t understand that pedophilia is incurable; thus the attempts to “rehabilitate” abusive clerics, then shift them from assignment to assignment.
Fr. Thomas Doyle, A.W. Richard Sipe and Patrick Wall have coauthored a book, Sex, Priests, and Secret Codes: The Catholic Church’s 2,000-Year Paper Trail of Sexual Abuse, that asks, “What did [the Catholic hierarchy] know, and when did they know it?” The answer, the authors emphatically proclaim, is “in a nutshell ... all about it and all along.”
The three authors approach the book as historians but also as advocates of church reform. Fr. Doyle, a canon lawyer, served at the Vatican’s U.S. embassy in the early ’80s. Along with psychiatrist and priest Michael Peterson and church attorney Ray Mouton, he authored a report that predicted the scope of the abuse scandal and recommended methods to meet the challenge. Mr. Wall, a former Benedictine monk and canon lawyer, works for a California law firm that advocates on behalf of alleged victims. Richard Sipe, also a former Benedictine monk, is a practicing therapist who has studied the sexuality of Catholic clergy for many years.
Drawing on their skills as canonists and researchers, the authors construct a compelling forensic account to support their thesis. “From the earliest days, when priests were allowed to marry, we find laws telling them to avoid sex,” they write. “We also find condemnations of homosexuality in the ranks of the clergy, the sexual abuse of minors by members of the clergy, and the solicitations of sex by priests in the confessional. The sexual abuse of children by priests is found condemned over and over again in the unorganized decrees of local churches that were promulgated before the first comprehensive collection of laws and commentaries ... appeared in the middle of the 12th century.”
In fact, from that 12th-century period when church doctrine began to be codified into canon law, the authors find specific references regarding the abuse of young boys, a practice known by the telling Latin term stuprum. (Put stuprum into its verb form and you get the more familiar infinitive “to stup.”)
Perhaps of greater value is the book’s explication of how canon law encourages -- and even requires -- church leaders to engage in secrecy so as to prevent scandal. If a bishop suspects a cleric has committed sexual abuse, for instance, canon law requires the bishop to conduct an investigation (or delegate the investigation) and then place the results into a secret archive. Those privy to such investigations swear secrecy and risk excommunication for violating that secrecy, note the authors.
Then there’s the technique of “mental reservation,” which, say the authors, is “used by a person who is caught between an obligation to keep a secret and a duty to tell the truth.” Furthermore, “Catholic moral theology allows a person caught in such a dilemma to use misleading words to deceive another so long as a deliberate lie is not told. This is commonly employed in order to avoid a greater harm.” Justification for mental reservation is built into the oath cardinals take to “never reveal to anyone whatsoever has been confided in me to keep secret and the revelation of which could cause damage or dishonor to the Holy Church.” This might go a long way toward explaining why church officials lie about scandal when, as the authors contend, honesty is the best policy.
If there’s a downside to Sex, Priests, and Secret Codes, it’s toward the end when the book’s journalistic tone becomes a bit polemical. The authors are angry with the institutional church, but chances are good that anyone curious enough to pick up this book doesn’t need to be reminded there’s cause for anger.
The authors conclude with hope: “The long, sad history of sexual abuse by clergy has been written. Now the church -- priests and people -- have a chance to write a different record -- one of mutual concern and effective protection of the vulnerable, and support for the trustworthiness and integrity of the clergy.”
Bill Frogameni is a freelance writer living in Ann Arbor, Mich.
National Catholic Reporter, May 5, 2006

Cardinal Bernard Law, voormalig aartsbisschop Boston. Met wie de kerkelijke schandalen in 02 in de publiciteit begonnen (Boston Globe). Mede verantwoordelijk voor -naast vele anderen - serie verkrachters als John Geoghan (130+ misbruikten) en James Porter (veroordeelt voor 125 misbruikten ) Waarover hij keihard loog.
Ter voorkoming van de rechtzaken wegen medeplichtigheid -aangespannen door 86 slachtoffers - kreeg Law zijn erebaantje in Rome.
De katholieke moraaltheologie......
Het Vaticaan dacht nog dat het wisselen van de mijter voor Calimero's dophoedje en de beschuldigende vinger naar de media zou helpen.
En liet -oh summum van cynisch katholieke moraaltheologie - deze Law namens de paus de de instructieve inleiding houden over ........
jawel De Biecht en het recht op het de Communie
"Katholieken hebben niet automatisch ‘recht’ om de Eucharistie te ontvangen, zei kardinaal Law op het Internationaal Eucharistisch Congres in het Mexicaanse Guadelajara."
De voormalige aartsbisschop van Boston zei dat bij veel katholieken het verkeerde beeld bestaat dat zij bij deelname aan de Heilige Mis, zelfs als zij niet in ‘staat van genade’ zijn, automatisch het “recht” hebben om de Communie te ontvangen. De kardinaal herinnerde zijn toehoorders dat het onwaardig ontvangen van de communie een zware zonde is."
Na hem kwamen de nodige andere kardinalen en de vele bisschoppen , bij wie de boter onder de mijter uitsmelt....., waaronder William Levada, door Benedictus benoemd als zijn opvolger in diens vroegere functie: het hoofd van de de Congregatie voor de Geloofsleer, de nieuwe naam voor de Inquisitie....
“It is fair to say...that society has been on a learning curve with regard
to the sexual abuse of minors. The Church, too, has been on a learning curve. We
have learned, and we will continue to learn. Never was there an effort on my
part to shift a problem from one place to the next. It has always been my
contention that it is better to know a problem and deal with it than to be kept
in ignorance of it... In the final analysis, after we have done all that we
humanly can do to ensure that persons who are a threat to children are isolated
from them, and after we have done all that we can do to bring some measure of
healing psychologically and emotionally to all who have been traumatized by the
sexual abuse of minors, it is only the peace which is the gift of the Risen Lord
that can quiet our minds and hearts.
Couleurs vous etes des larmes

recent comments
Ter informatie
Ik heb geen idee of 1 van hen een melding heeft gedaan, dat is mijn zaak ook niet.
Wat mijn zaak wél is is het hebben van deze mening over wat er met deze 5 meiden in Driehuis is gebeurd en nooit, nooit, nooit had mogen gebeuren.
Het seksueel misbruik dat in het verleden is gepleegd is niet alleen gebeurd in de vorm van pedofilie.
Y.v.d.M., Liesbeth K., Maria M., en Henny S. en Joke R.
Op ieder van jullie is in Driehuis sexuele agressie en geweld toegepast die -ook voor Driehuis - disproportioneel was en niet verzwegen mag worden!
Ongeacht wat welke club dan ook daarover aan definities bedenkt. Het was misdadig!
Ik hoop hartgrondig dat jullie nog in leven zijn, dit ooit zult lezen en hier over na zult willen denken en bedenkt of je hierom hierover kontakt met mij wilt. Zelf of dmv een (juridisch) hulpverlener.
(wat natuurlijk ook voor mogelijke kinderen van deze vroegere meiden geldt. We vinden ondanks alle internetgedonder wel een oplossing over hoe we fatsoenlijk en met respekt kontakt kunnen hebben indien iemand van jullie dat wenst).
Ik zal zowel die Stichting als de Commissie Samson hiervan op de hoogte stellen.
W-Europa 2010/2011
- 30-11-2011 Ierland NBSCCC Derry (aug 2011)
- 30-11-2011 Ierland NBSCCC Raphoe (nov 2010)
- 6-8-2011 Heimerziehung in Berlin 1945-1975 (West) bzw 1989 (Ost)
- Cloyne rapport (dec. 2010) publ. 13-7-2011
- Duitsl 24/5 Abschlussbericht Unabhängige Beauftragte Dr. Christine Bergmann, mei 2011
- België Parlementaire bijzondere onderszoekscie sex. misbruik teksten bisschoppen 22/11 - 22/12
- Ierland 17/12 Chapter 19 on walsh, Murphy Report
- Duitsl.: 17/12 Odenwald rapportage Burgsmüller/Tilmann
- Duitsl.: 13-12 Abschlussbericht Runder Tisch Heimerziehung i.d. 50er und 60er Jahren
- Duitsl.: 9-13/12 RTH
- NL.: 9-12 Cie. Deetman
- Duitsl.: 3/12 2e Runden Tisches Verschweigen,Vertuschen und Verdrängen hat ein Ende, Zwischenbericht deel1
- Duitsl.: 3/12 2e Runden Tisch Verschweigen,Vertuschen und Verdrängen hat ein Ende, Zwischenbericht deel 2
- Duitsl.: dec. dioscees München und Freisig, 1945-2009
- Duitsl nov. Christine Bergmann, Halbjahresbilanz zur telefonischen Anlaufstelle Unabhängigen Beauftragten
- zwitserland Nov. Project Kinderheimen
- België 2-12 parl Cie. Godelieve Halsberge ICSM 1
- Oostenrijk nov 2010: bericht der Unabhängigen Hotline für Betroffene kirchlicher Gewalt
- België 2-12 parl Cie. Godelieve Halsberghe ICSM 2
- België parl. Cie. 05/10/2010 Adriaenssens
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When my mother died I was very young,
And my father sold me while yet my tongue
Could scarcely cry "weep! 'weep! 'weep! 'weep!"
So your chimneys I sweep and in soot I sleep.
There's little Tom Dacre, who cried when his head,
That curl'd like a lamb's back. was shav'd: so I said
"Hush. Tom! never mind it, for when your head's bare
You know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair."
And so he was quiet and that very night,
As Tom was a-sleeping, he had such a sight!
That thousands of sweepers, Dick, Joe, Ned or Jack.
Were all of them lock'd up in coffins of black.
And by came an Angel who had a bright key,
And he open'd the coffins and set them all free;
Then down a green plain leaping, laughing, they run,
And wash in a river, and shine in the Sun.
Then naked and white, all their bags left behind,
They rise upon clouds and sport in the wind;
And the Angel told Tom, if he'd be a good boy,
He'd have God for his father and never want joy.
And so Tom awoke; and we rose in the dark.
And got with our bags and our brushes to work.
Tho' the morning was cold, Tom was happy and warm;
So if all do their duty they need not fear harm.
The Chimney Sweeper,
William Blake
Songs of Innocence. (1789)
A little black thing among the snow:
Crying weep, weep, in notes of woe!
Where are thy father and mother,say!
They are both gone up to the church to pray.
Because I was happy upon the heath,
And smil'd among the winters snow:
They clothed me in the clothes of death,
And taught me to sing the notes of woe.
And because I am happy, dance and sing,
They think they have done me no injury:
And are gone to praise God, his Priest and King
Who make up a heaven of our misery.
The Chimney Sweeper
William Blake
Songs of Experience (1794)
Zoeken in deze blog
free through the world your spirit goes
"The peaceful night that round me flows,
breaks through your iron prison doors,
free through the world your spirit goes,
forbidden hands are clasping yours.
The wind is our confederate
the night has left the doors ajar;
we meet beyond earth's barred gate,
where all the world's wild rebels are."
Eva Gore-Booth
uit: song for a raggy boy
Misbruik slachtoffers een rechtbank en de RKK

Duitsland en misbruik: Heimkinder
martin buber:
in God
maar dat God
denk tenk


en doe
wat je wilt
But what you really have here is an explicit written policy to cover up cases of child sexual abuse by the clergy to punish those who would call attention to these crimes by the churchmen.
You've got a written policy that says that the Vatican will control these situations and you also have I think clear written evidence of the fact that all they are concerned about is containing and controlling the problem.
Nowhere in any of these documents does it say anything about helping the victims.
The only thing it does is say that they can impose fear on the victims and punish the victims for discussing or disclosing what happened to them.
It's all controlled by the Vatican and at the top of the Vatican is the Pope so Joseph Ratzinger was in the middle of this for most of the years that Crimens was enforced he created the successor to Crimen and now he is the Pope this all says that the policy and systematic approach has not changed.
Cardinal Ratzinger, now as Pope, could tomorrow get up and say: 'Here's the policy: full disclosure to the civil authorities, absolute isolation and dismissal of any accused and proven and convicted clerics, complete openness and transparency, complete openness of all financial situations, stop all barriers to the legal process and completely co-operate with the civil authorities everywhere.'
citaat Father Thomas Doyle, BBC.
mike ritter, arizona tribunbe

and blame the victimes
documentaires en films
lijst met links is naar de filistijnen, in restauratie
- alg. tegen schurftmijt en hooikoorts
- alg: bronnen Documenting the Abuse Crisis
- alg: abuse tracker
- alg: tegen kiespijn
- alg: tegen hoofdpijn
- aug 2013: alg. tegen heul veel hoofdpijn
- alg: clerical whispers! waarschuwing: behalve info ook stront aan de knikker -->check de bron, zie evt mijn waarschuwingsbericht
- waarschuwingsbericht mbt alg: clerical whispers
- Austr: Clan, Careleavers Network
- Austr: aanbevelingen tbv Children in State Care
- Aust. National Archives child migration
- Austr: senate reports into the forgotten Australians
- Austr: Parliament:Forgotten Australians: A report on Australians who experienced institutional or out-of-home care as children
- Austr:Lost innocence, Inquiry into child migration
- Austr:Parliament Bringing them home
- België: Cie. Justitie 5/10/2010
- België: rapport Cie. olv Prof. Dr. Adriaenssens 19/4-24/6 2010
- Canada Justitie Law Commission: Restoring Dignity: Responding to Child Abuse in Canadian Institutions (2009)
- Canada: report Law Commission Institutional abuse
- Canada: Du Plessis Orphans
- Canada: Mount Cashel (boys St Vincent/Lahey)
- Canada: orphanages
- Canada: Out of the shadows blog sexual abuse advocaten
- Canada: Indian residential school survivors society
- Canada: Aboriginal healing foundation
- Canada: where are the children? indian residential schools
- Canada: Truth Reconciliation Commission
- Canada: Lost heritage CBC Archives
- Canada: Sylvestre trials meiden
- Canada: Cornwall, Project Truth (+ recent)
- duitsland december 2010: dioc Munchen und Freisig 1945-2009
- duitsland december 2010: 2e Runder Tisch Zwischenbericht
- Duitsland: Im Heim
- Duitsland: Mishandeling in naam van God
- Duitsland: Runder Tisch Heimerziehung A Volmer
- Duitsland:Verein ehemailige Heimatkinder
- Ierland: History of Neglect tijdlijn gestichten Paddy
- Ierland: Implementatie Ryan Report
- Ierland: Magdalenas
- N Ierland: Survivors NI/ Historical Institutional Abuse
- ierland: The God Squad, Paddy Doyle
- Ierland:One in Four
- Ierland: Andrew Madden
- Mexico: Aguillar vs LA. Mahony en Rivera Mex.
- Mexico:VN kinderrechten schaduwrapportage kerk en misbruik
- nl anonieme incest overlevers
- Oostenrijk november 2010: Bericht der Unabhängigen Hotline für Betroffene
- UK Nolan reports
- UK: Barnardo's
- UK: parliamant Child Migration ('98)
- US: Richard Sipe/Tom Doyle/Patrick Wall click and learn
- US Boston Globe dossier Church Abuse jan. 2002- april 2004
- US Philadelphia Grand Jury Report, 2011
- US Philadelphia Grand Jury Report, 2005
- US: abuse of children RC dioscese Boston, Report by the Authorney General
- US: Doyle/ Mouton report '85
- US: Jeff Anderson
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Over mij

Mike Ritter, arizona tribune