donderdag, december 21, 2006
Jail sentence for Salvation Army paedophile
The former Salvation Army Captain found guilty of historical child sex offences has been sentenced to ten years jail. In October, 69-year-old John Gainsford was found guilty on 19 indecency and three rape charges.
They date back to his time as Manager of Temuka's Bramwell Booth Children's Home between 1973 and 75..
The judge said he had to take into account Gainsford's age and failing health, but he also pointed to the vulnerability of his victims and the on-going impact on their lives.
Chaplain on sex abuse charges
23/05/2006 8:24:04
Police say there is a possibility more complainants will come forward, now the name of a former Salvation Army Captain, who is facing sexual violation charges involving children, has been made public.
John Francis Gainsford will stand trial in October on 28 counts of indecencies against young people at the army's Bramwell Booth Home in Temuka in the 70s.
Detective Tracey Miron says the majority of complainants allege the abuse took place when they were under 12. She says the home took children who were a couple of years old, right through to the age of 17.
She says the allegations have been made by seven people.
woensdag, december 13, 2006
reacties: grenzenloze lotgenoten-contacten.

hier komen, op een andere datum, de 80 reacties zoals die gegeven werden op onder deze pic in de side-bar.
De hieronder volgende 80 reacties kan ik niet dmv Google terug vinden, dus niet naar linken. Ze staan en stonden op mijn weblog op
Ik maakte er een copietje van tbv. het contact met de politie wat hiervan een van de gevolgen was. Niet vermoedend dat deze copie ook nog eens nodig zou blijken tgv. de waanzin van

Zoals zovele misbruikende kerkelijke ambtsdragers blijken vroeger zelf slachtoffer te zijn geweest van kinder misbruik!
Over misbruik zwijg je niet! Ook niet wanneer de google-links niet voorhanden zijn.

En vooral:angst!
De angst voor die angst geweld organiseert. Waarmee een spiraal van destructie gecontinueerd kan worden.
Lotgenoten contacten zonder duidelijke grenzen zonder respect voor de vrijheid van de ander is destructie en kan letterlijk levensgevaarlijk blijken te zijn!
(hier moet nog de link naar zowel de Goede Herder als naar de Voorzienigheid komen)!
maandag, december 11, 2006
zondag, december 03, 2006
Burka verbod
(Geert Wilders, Limburger).
De man heeft kennelijk zijn inburgeringscursus nog niet afgerond.

Nee, dit is geen opname van een lepra-patiente in een nederlandse kolonie.
Deze (RKK) religieuze in Den Bosch, jaren zestig, gebruikt een bel om haar mede-zusters te waarschuwen dat er een man aankomt.
5-12: en moet je nu toch eens kijken bij die Popie Jopie en Boddaert fanclub.
Heeft Mgr. Muskes daar even zijn tijd zitten te verdoen met dit soort Calimero's in zijn club.
Gezakt voor je inburgering, Kortrijk! En dan mag je als penitentie voor het niet luisteren naar het Vaticaan nog 3x denken wát er en vooral waaróm met de haren van deze zusters door mannen gebeurde bij hún professie, als maagdelijke bruiden.
Begint er dan al ergens een belletje te klingelen misschien?
Met de groeten uit Staphorst! Daar reed rond 1985 de de laatste strontkar als een meisje vree met een jongetje uit een dorp ernaast. Daar hielden ze toen maar mee op omdat de nederlandse grondwet wijzigde en alle baar moeders Nederlander mochten blijven!
maandag, oktober 23, 2006
Misbruik van volwassen vrouwen
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Nog meer Belgie:

Citaat: Hierin wordt in een vlotte vertelstijl verslag gedaan van haar 20 jaar binnen Het Werk. Zoals het sexueel misbruik, wanneer zij als dienstmeisje in Vaticaanstad (14u tot 18u per dag!!) is 'gelegerd'. En van de vele misstanden, van de absoluete geheimhoudingsplicht en over hoe zij, samen met alle anderen binnen Het Werk, worden gechanteerd. Zij worden aangemoedigd (bijna verplicht) om anderen te verklikken. Dat levert 'bonuspunten' op en maakt het eigen leven draaglijker.
Bottom line: het dienend personeel (en zij is in 20 jaar opgeklommen tot een respectabele positie!) binnen Vaticaanstad wordt uitgebuit, misbruikt en dat alles onder het mom van 'zalving na de dood'. Geheimhouding is normaal, een arbeidersstatuut niet. Zij zijn niet 'in dienst' en blijven onverzekerd. Mochten ze het voor elkaar krijgen onder het juk van Het Werk (of de R.C. kerk) vandaan te komen, dan zijn ze ten eerste helemaal gehersenspoeld en flink wereldvreemd en ten tweede totaal rechteloos op de arbeidsmarkt. Want ze hebben compleet geen enkele staat van dienst opgebouwd.


Met de groeten R. aan de digi-pausen! , bisschoppen, priesters , dominees en ander noodlijdend eigenvolk-eerst deelnemers.
zaterdag, oktober 07, 2006
Onderzoek bisdom Roermond tegen ex-deken Gulpen gekraakt
Geplaatst op 6/10 '06 om 14:53u
Door Theo Borgermans (Bron: Limburgs Dagblad)
SITTARD ( - Het onderzoek door het bisdom Roermond naar de verduistering van kerkgelden uit de armenkas door ex-deken Joep Haffmans van Gulpen is niet onafhankelijk. Door het onderzoek te laten uitvoeren door de oud-econoom die belast was met de controle op het fonds waaruit Haffmans geld zou hebben weggesluisd, wekt het bisdom de indruk iets te willen toedekken.
Dat zeggen kerkhistoricus Peter Nissen (professor kerkgeschiedenis aan de Radboud Universiteit) en de kerkjuristen Ad van der Helm (hoogleraar kerkrecht in Leuven) en Cor Mennen (docent kerkrecht aan het grootseminarie in Den Bosch). Zij noemen de handelwijze van het bisdom onverstandig en de aanpak van het onderzoek amateuristisch. De onderzoeksopdracht is mondeling verstrekt, de wijze van rapporteren niet vastgelegd. Nog niet vaststaat of de uitkomst openbaar wordt.
Interessant genoeg kwam ook deze hele rotzooi naar buiten doordat een vrouw haar mond opendeed. Na een jarenlange relatie met deze kerkelijke functionaris of zich liet misbruiken. Dat oordeel is aan haar. Aan buitenstaanders slechts het oordeel over de houding van dat bisdom ook hierin!
Een bisdom dat iets toe zou willen dekken?
Ondenkbaar toch.
Die Nissen, van der Helm en Cor Mennen zouden ze gewoon moeten ontslaan!
En deze poster? Excommuniceren!
Amateuristisch of niet, het Bisdom heeft toch aangifte gedaan en de zaak is als het goed is nu onder de rechter. Waar maken we ons dan nog druk over?Als Justitie er haar tanden in zet wordt het tot de laatste (euro)cent uitgeplozen.Gepost door .......gisteren om 17:56u
Tja...waar zou je je druk over maken? Zolang je maar vertrouwen hebt in Justitie hoef je dat natuurlijk helemaal niet te hebben in een Bisdom met hoofdletter.
Nog effe, zou ie dan zelfs door kunnen krijgen dat dat nou precies datgene is dat wereldwijd velen al hebben moeten concluderen wanneer het gaat over een heel wat ernstiger misdrijf dan het geld jatten uit de armenkas:
Zich het lijf toe-eigenen van kinderen door kerkelijk fuctionarissen, hun macht legitimerend met God.
Forum: Traditie in debat Geplaatst op 5/10 '06 22:20u. Onderwerp: RK-Priesterschap innig verbonden aan de Katholieke Mis van altijd
.....Je vergeet dat de priester goddelijke macht heeft : namelijk Consacreren en Zonden Vergeven. In die zin participeert de priester aan de hypostatische verening van de God-Mens.Dat hebben noch kunnen zelfs de engelen niet.Daar had ik het over.En we beseffen heel goed dat - het van God komt en - dat wij dat niet waardig zijn, maar we bezitten het WEL, dat is de werkelijkheid. Het zou een valse nederigheid zijn om dat te loochenen. Het zou een leugen zijn en niet met de waarheid overeenstemmen.De Heilige Pastoor van Ars sprak daarover en zei dat hij onmiddellijk van bewondering zou sterven moest hij tenvolle beseffen wat het H Sacrament van het Katholieke Priesterschap is.
Een FSSPX priester.
Het plezierige van een extremistische flapdrol is dat het zo veel duidelijk maakt! Dergelijk waanzin is tenslotte niet pas gisteren uit die hemel komen vallen.
Maar inderdaad, waarom zou je je als gelovige daar druk over maken?
Kan die collecte-schaal weer even door?
Port Barre Priest Arrested, Placed on Leave(KATC) - There is shock and dismay in the Saint Landry Parish town of Port Barre Friday. The priest at Sacred Heart Catholic Church was arrested with 84 counts of theft.
Father Charles Trahan is accused along with church secretary Romana Speyer of stealing more than 63,000 dollars from church coffers over the last two years..........
Accused priests put hundreds of thousands in failed scheme
The Revs. John A. Skehan and Francis B. Guinan were accused last week of diverting $8.7 million from St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Church.Along with financial charges, the police report outlines allegations of heavy drinking, gambling trips, collections of rare coins and romantic affairs for the two men, whose priest duties have been suspended by the Catholic Diocese of Palm Beach.
Their friend and the third partner in SHAG, Michael Hickey, a priest assigned to several parishes in Southwest and Central Florida, had a long history of drunken driving. Hickey racked up five DUI convictions between 1979 and 1999 in Collier, Sarasota and Lee counties, records show. His driver license was revoked permanently in 1999.
In fact, Skehan admitted several times that he misdirected money from the church, but told investigators he saw himself as the CEO of a multimillion-dollar company who wasn't properly compensated, the warrant shows.
"Skehan gave his opinion that he was never properly paid by the diocese, he was running a big business and getting nothing for it," the search warrant says. ". . . He took what he had coming to him, as the diocese was cheap and never paid for his education.".....he was arrested for DUI a few years ago. Guess who was in the car with him at the time? His girlfriend. The church saying they did not know there were issues with him is a lie.
Laurentius Forum: Traditie in debat Geplaatst op 7/10 '06 11:34u. Onderwerp: RK-Priesterschap innig verbonden aan de Katholieke Mis van altijd (posts: 243, views: 6834)
...........Er is geen sprake van zelfvergoddelijking, ik ben een arme zondaar, die weliswaar van de erfzonde is afgeraakt door het H Doopsel, dus door de genade van OHJezus Christus, maar nog een heel leven te vechten heeft tegen de drievoudige begeerlijkheid die nog achtergebleven is na het doopsel. Vervolgens heb ik ontelbare zonden op mijn geweten, die weliswaar door de H Biechten zijn vergeven, dus weer uitsluitend door de genade van OH Jezus Christus, maar waar ik nog niet alle schuld van heb uitgeboet, dus waarvoor mij nog een vagevuur wacht. Ten minste als ik de staat van genade tot het einde van mijn leven weet te laten bewaren met Gods hulp en Maria, waarvoor ik dag en nacht bid, zoniet wacht mij zelfs de hel.Ik hoop dat dit klaar is.
Nochtans zou het Jezus Christus zelf tekort doen, moesten wij zijn geschenken niet naar waarde achten. Het sacrament van het priesterschap verleent goddelijke macht, volgens de Traditie, dus er heeft een vergoddelijking plaats, niet in het zijn, dat gebeurt in het doopsel : daar worden we kinderen van God, dus participeren we aan Zijn goddelijke natuur, maar de participatie vindt plaats in het DOEN, in het KUNNEN, dus in de macht : om te consacreren en zonden vergeven. Dingen die alleen God kan. Hij deelt dus zijn goddelijke macht mee.Dus geen zelf-vergoddelijking, dat is satanisch, maar God zelf vergoddelijkt ons, uit goedheid.
Wat is de hemel anders dan een deelnamen aan zijn godheid ?
"Gij zijt goden" zegt de psalm
(een FSSPX priester)
woensdag, september 13, 2006
Lots genoten

zoutpilaren in de Dode Zee

crispina Geplaatst op 8/9 '04 3:12u
In een andere draad hadden we het vandaag over Ubuntu. stierf Beyers Naudé....... Grote mensen hebben ook maar 1 aards leven. Maar misschien is dat ook wel genoeg? Vandaag huilden vrouwen over hun kinderen in Ossetie en TjetenieVandaag was ik trots op en blij met mijn vrienden die een smerige rascistische oorlog in Afrika beeindigde en democratie in Portugal mogelijk maakten. Vandaag was ik blij met een Portugese vrouwelijke rechter die nee zei tegen een Nederlandse vrouwelijke arts.Ik denk dat Zuid Afrika en de Waarheidscommissie ons allemaal nog zoveel belangrijke ervaringen
te bieden heeft,persoonlijk en politiek. Misschien is er iemand die denken over Ubuntu wil delen? Rudolf vond al, op welke site ook een aantal zaken staan.En hier volgt wat van Desmond Tutu hierover in zijn boek "Geen toekomst zonder verzoening"
Maar eerst iets van de flap van het boek:De oprichting van de ZuidAfrikaanse Waarheidscommissie was een gebeurtenis van groot internationaal belang. Nooit tevoren had een democratie getracht de weg van despotisme naar democratie af te leggen door zich volledig rekenschap te geven van de wreedheden die begaan waren in het verleden en door verzoening te zoeken met de voormalige onderdrukkers. In Geen toekomst zonder verzoening vertrouwd Desmond Tutu de lezer zijn inzichten toe over de diepe wijsheid die hij heeft verwoven door Zuid Afrika door deze pijnlijke ervaring te gidsen. Met grote overtuigingskracht verdedigt hij het werk van de Commissie tegen hen die haar onder vuur hebben genomen en gaat hij in op morele dilemma´s (wordt vervolgd)
crispina Geplaatst op 8/9 '04 4:28u
gaat hij in op morele dilemma´s als: mogen mensen die gruweldaden op hun geweten hebben amnestie krijgen?Hebben de tallozen slachtoffers van de Apartheid geen recht op vergelding?Tutu:Ubuntu is erg moeilijk uit te leggen in een westerse taal. Het draait om het wezen van het mens-zijn. Als we iemand de hoogste lof willen toezwaaien zeggen we "yo,u nobuntu""he,die en die heeft ubuntu." Dat wil zeggen dat je genereus bent, gastvrij, vriendelijk, zorgzaam en meelevend. Je deelt wat je hebt. Het wil zoiets zeggen als : Mijn menselijkheid is verweven, is onlosmakelijk verbonden met die van jou, wij behoren tot hetzelfde pakket. We zeggen "een mens is mens door andere mensen"Het is niet: "Ik denk, dus ik besta" Het is eerder:"Ik ben mens omdat ik erbij hoor. Ik doe mee, ik deel".Een persoon met ubuntu is open en toegankelijk voor anderen, is positief over anderen, voelt zich niet bedreigd doordat anderen kundig en goed zijn, want hij of zij is zeker van zichzelf omdat hij of zij beseft tot een groter geheel te behoren en wordt slechts gekrenkt in deze eigenwaarde wanneer anderen worden vernederd of gekrenkt, wanneer anderen worden gemarteld of onderdrukt, of wanneer ze worden behandeld als minder dan zij zijn. Harmonie, vriendelijkheid en gemeenschapszin zijn een groot goed. Sociale harmonie is voor ons summum bonum- het hoogste goed.(wordt vervolgd
crispina Geplaatst op 8/9 '04 5:31u
Sociale harmonie is voor ons summum bonum- het hoogste goed.Alles wat dit kostbare goed aantast en ondergraaft, moet gemeden worden als de pest.Woede, wrok, wraaklust, maar ook
succes als uitkomst van agressieve concurrentie hollen het uit.Vergeven is niet zomaar altruistisch zijn.Het is de beste vorm van zelfbelang.Dat wat jou ontmenselijkt, zal onontkoombaar ook mij ontmenselijken. Het geeft mensen weerstandsvermogen, het stelt hen in staat te overleven en menselijk te blijven ondanks de pogingen hen te ontmenselijken. (hoofdstuktitel: Neurenberg of collectief geheugenverlies?Een derde weg)
Geplaatst op 8/9 '04 9:14u
In een andere draad hadden we het vandaag over Ubuntu., de link werkte niet omdat http:// dubbel stond (wordt al voorgegeven in het vakje.) Als het goed is werkt die nu wel.Klinkt heel goed:UbuntuZonder die derde weg komen we er echt niet.Vrede en alle Goeds, Harry P.S.Het zal wel met vallen en opstaan zijn. Zie maar naar de geloofwaardigheid(?) van ons waarden en normendebat: Trouw van vandaag
Geplaatst op 8/9 '04 10:09uLieve Crispina, Gewoon: Als wij ons met onszelf verzoenen,hebben wij vanzelf alle mensen lief!...
Geplaatst op 8/9 '04 14:45u
Gewoon: Als wij ons met onszelf verzoenen,Inderdaad C, maar soms valt er heel wat te verzoenen!
Kamer wil paspoort voor ‘latente‘ Nederlanders
DEN HAAG (ANP) - Kinderen die voor 1985 zijn geboren uit een Nederlandse moeder en een

Volgens de fracties is daar destijds echter te weinig bekendheid aan gegeven, waardoor velen er geen gebruik van hebben gemaakt. Deze kinderen voelen zich vaak wel Nederlander en ondervinden problemen als ze familie in Nederland willen bezoeken of hier willen wonen. De partijen willen die rechtsongelijkheid herstellen en vinden dat betrokkenen met terugwerkende kracht een Nederlands paspoort moeten kunnen krijgen.
Verdonk had de Kamer eerder dit jaar laten weten geen aanleiding te zien om de groep alsnog het Nederlanderschap te geven. Volgens de VVD-bewindsvrouw is destijds wel voldoende bekendheid aan de optieregeling gegeven en hebben velen er tijdig gebruik van gemaakt.
13.09.06 21:38 ANP
maandag, september 11, 2006
Verlenging verjaringstermijn sexueel misbruik
By Michael Paulsonand Suzanne SmalleyGLOBE STAFF
The state House of Representatives today passed legislation prompted by the clergy sexual abuse scandal that would remove some restrictions on prosecuting abuse cases and would toughen restrictions on some convicted sex offenders.
The measure, headed to the Senate as early as Monday, goes partway toward addressing concerns raised by victim advocates, who have repeatedly objected to laws in many states, including Massachusetts, that preclude lawsuits and prosecutions stemming from abuse incidents that took place decades ago.
House Speaker Salvatore F. DiMasi said the measure virtually eliminates the statute of limitations for the prosecution of child sexual abuse in Massachusetts.
The measure would change the state’s statute of limitations for child sexual abuse cases, making it possible for prosecutors to bring charges 27 years after the victim first reports the episode, or 27 years after the victim turns 16. And prosecutors could bring charges in cases that occurred longer ago if there is independent evidence that corroborates the victim’s allegations. (The 27 year period was chosen as a compromise, but also is supposed to allow enough time for victims to reach adulthood and recognize that abuse is a prosecutable crime.)
Governor Mitt Romney wants to review all of the provisions of the bill before deciding whether to sign it, but he is generally supportive, said his spokesman, Eric Fehrnstrom.
Posted by the Boston Globe City & Region Desk
En dan een rechtszaak. Maar ondertussen het proberen onderling te regelen dan wel de betreffende jongere onder druk wordt gezet in een bijeenkomst waarbij tegen de afspraken in wel de kerk een advocaat heeft maar de 20 jarige niet........
En dat alles dan ook nog eens uitgerekend in een kandidaatstelling van kandidaten binnen de Grieks-Cypriotische kerk, waar priesters door parochies worden gekozen, welke vervolgens dan weer een aartsbisschop moeten kiezen. Voor welke post de verantwoordelijke bisschop een goede kandidaat was.
Tja, en die kan natuurlijk geen erebaantje in Rome krijgen..........
Bishop’s supporters deny sex scandal cover-up
By Elias Saoulli
Cyprus Mail 2006SUPPORTERS of Limassol bishop Athanassios were yesterday livid at allegations the venerated cleric tried to quash a sex scandal.Nicos Polycarpou, 20, alleges that he and Archimandrite Isaac Macheriotis, maintained relations of a homosexual nature.
The affair is said to have begun three years ago, when Polycarpou was 17 and therefore still underage.The youth has filed a lawsuit, filed in a Limassol court, demanding compensation of up to £250,000 for alleged sexual exploitation of a minor.It was daily Politis that broke the story in July, when it published photos of the archimandrite ostensibly showing him
engaging in untowardly acts with the youngster.The paper insisted the material was authentic, although subsequent digital analysis by British experts – commissioned by the Limassol bishopric – deemed the photos were doctored.To
Limassol bishop Athanassios, who is responsible for Macheriotis, the affair and – and more importantly – its timing smacks of a conspiracy to tarnish his image ahead of the Archbishopric elections this September.Moreover, he believes that circles inside the Church are at the bottom of the affair.According to Athanassios, the scheme involves people of the underworld, who have paid
homosexuals to lie about the archimandrite. He says that in early July he was approached by “gangsters”, who tried to blackmail him by asking money for the photos and the negatives.The bishop refused to play along, reporting the case to the police.In the meantime, to cover all the bases, Athanassios launched an internal inquiry at the bishopric to find whether there was any truth to the allegations.In the meantime the Attorney-general has launched an investigation into the extortion allegations.Neoclis Neocleous, lawyer for the youth, said his client had a limited sexual relationship with archimandrite Macheriotis for three years, but that recently the youth decided to break it off. But when the cleric allegedly insisted on keeping the relationship, Polycarpou resorted to taking pictures as a way of convincing Macheriotis to leave him be, the lawyer claimed.
Until that point, Neocleous said, the matter was kept quiet. But when Politis “somehow” got hold of the controversial photos and published them, the police were forced to investigate.Neocleous denies suggestions that his client later used connections to try and shake down the archimandrite.Politis yesterday came out with more explosive claims.
The paper said that a secret meeting was held last Friday between the youth and bishop Athanassios. The meeting was arranged by two acquaintances of Polycarpou, one being his uncle.The point was to try to resolve the matter quietly, to avoid further embarrassment to both the youth and the priest.The youth was allegedly assured that no lawyers would be
present; however, on arriving at the bishopric, he saw Marios Hardjiotis, the legal counsel for the archimandrite, was also present.During the conversation, Hardjiotis reportedly urged the youth to sign a statement affirming that he lied about the whole affair and that he was deeply sorry for any inconvenience
caused.But Polycarpou hesitated, thinking it wise to call his lawyer Neocleous, who was abroad at the time. Neocleous advised him not to sign the document, because by doing so he would open himself up to perjury charges and could face up to two years’ imprisonment. Returning to the room, Polycarpou said he couldn’t sign anything.At which point, Politis claims, the priest’s lawyer flew off the handle, threatening to destroy the youth’s reputation in court.“Yes, I advised him not to sign any such thing,” Neocleous told the Mail yesterday.“If he does, that’s his own business. But I will have nothing to do with that.”But Neocleous did not rule out the possibility of an out-of-court settlement.He went on to confirm press reports that money was a factor in the relationship between his client and the archimandrite.
“But not in the sense of cash for every congress they had. It was different. The two went way back together. My client is dirt poor. He first met the priest at a charity organisation run by Macheriotis. The priest had always helped him out financially, asking nothing in return. But
gradually, after their affair began, things changed and sexual favours were given in exchange for assistance.”Neocleous also told the Mail that, during Friday’s visit to the bishopric, Polycarpou had a heart-to-heart with bishop Athanassios.“It’s true. The kid gave him a detailed account, even leading Athanassios to the specific chambers where the acts took place.” Apparently Athanassios told the youth that he tended to believe him, but that the matter was out of his hands now that the police was in the picture.
Yesterday the Athanassios Support Group held a news conference about the upcoming elections, but inevitably discussion turned to the scandal.Speaking for the group, Giorgos
Eliades dismissed claims that Athanassios had tried to interfere with the course
of justice or tried to cover up the affair.“These are lies, unfounded and unabashed lies,” Eliades said.“I am ashamed that Politis should stoop so low. It’s character assassination.”
Meanwhile the deadline for submission of candidacies for Electors expired yesterday. Known also as Special Representatives, Electors are clerics aged over 25, voted for by parishes across
the island. A second round of voting is then held, with the Electors nominating the Archbishop.
bekeken x 39
zaterdag, augustus 26, 2006
claims tegen nonnen NZ en VS
Een misschien wel knap ingewikkelde uitspraak in N-Zeeland. De eeuwige achterstand van van het gestichtskind: ze was al kapot voor ze bij ons kennelijk overgenomen door een rechter. Welke tegelijkertijd niet uitsluit dat er een grond van waarheid zit in de beschuldigingen, maar de bewijslast ontbreekt. En arme nonnen.....
Er zit vooralsnog een knap visluchtje in ieder geval aan dit artikel.
Niet onwaarschijnlijk opnieuw andere vrouwen (en mannen) in problemen door de gebruikte argumenten. Hoelang duurt het nog voor dat ook dat deel kan uitmaken van de informatie.
Dan kunnen dergelijke opmerkingen over die arme nonnen met hun stress en hun benodigde therapie tenminste realistisch worden. Want nú, in combinatie met die generous providing homes ...yeah.... Hoewel er een grond van waarheid niet uitgesloten geacht kan worden mist dát ieder geval iedere bewijskracht.
Dergelijke dankbaarheidsheidschantage vanuit een burgerlijke rechtbank is zonder meer schandalig!
Die nonnen deden hun werk en kozen daar vrijwillig voor. Vonden ze kennelijk plezierig en werden hiervoor betaald door de overheid, verantwoordelijk voor deze kinderen.
Hoog tijd om met dit soort chanterende onzin op te houden! Dat heeft in ieder geval meer dan genoeg slachtoffers gemaakt. Die nonnen hebben tenslotte ook geen dank je wel gezegd tegen deze kinderen, die zij net zo hard nodig hadden voor de idealen die zij hadden!
Maar, tadadaadaaaaaaa
in de VS is voor de allereerste keer een claim toegekend voor sexueel misbruik in een justitiele kinderbeschermings tehuis en scholen van de Zusters van Liefde van Nazareth. Zorg-ontvangers, meer dan 20 in deze claim, misbruikt door de inpandige kapelaan van het tehuis.
Anderen door verschillende nonnen en 2 leken.
Hulde aan de moed van deze vrouwen. Heel wat van hen zijn al heel lang bezig. Hopelijk komen hierdoor ook anderen over hun drempels van angst en schaamte om hun mond open te doen over wat hen als kind is aangedaan En inspireert dit resultaat andere vrouwen die net als zij al zo lang bezig zijn tot vólhouden!
Orphanage abuse claim rejected
12 August 2006
A woman who sued Catholic nuns for $550,000 claiming they were negligent in caring for her and thus caused her physical and emotional abuse has lost her case.
In the High Court at Wellington, Justice Marion Frater has rejected claims that the woman, whose name is suppressed, was sexually abused by a priest while at St Joseph's Orphanage Upper Hutt. She had also claimed a nun slapped the side of her head so hard that her eardrum burst.
Some discipline and control at the orphanage was "borderline – and certainly unacceptable by today's standards", but at the time it was seen as an excellent standard of care, Justice Frater said.
However, she said she did not believe the woman, 46, a mother of two living in Australia, had deliberately made up allegations about her time in Catholic care in the 1960s and 70s.
"I accept most if not all her allegations have a basis in fact."
Justice Frater had no doubt the woman was sexually abused, but could not be sure of the details.
She could not be certain which of the woman's memories were soundly based and which were not.
The woman had been volatile giving evidence, often screaming so much that the court had to adjourn.
The judge rejected a claim from the woman's sister that she had been "exorcised" at the orphanage.
Some of the people accused in the case of having committed various forms of abuse are now having counselling for stress.
Former director of Catholic Social Services John Consedine, a counsellor, said yesterday the stress of being falsely accused had taken its toll on people who had been generous providing homes for young children.
"I think she has had a very unfortunate life and had awful trauma, but what we believe is that it was not our fault and we did not contribute to it."
The nuns' spokeswoman, Sister Clare Vaughan, said the period since 2001, when the woman filed her claim, had been a time of anxiety for all the sisters. They were relieved the case was over.
Justice Frater found the woman's troubled childhood – she and her six siblings were put into care when her parents separated – was a significant contributor to her current mental state. That early fragility probably influenced her later experiences.
But Justice Frater said Catholic Social Services took adequate steps to address her needs, and given the lack of knowledge about the signs of sexual abuse,they could not be criticised for failing to recognise that she may have been abused.,2106,3762930a12855,00.html
Sisters of Charity settle 45 abuse suits for $1.5 million
By Peter Smith
The Courier-Journal
An order of Catholic nuns based in Nelson County has agreed to pay $1.5 million to settle lawsuits by 45 plaintiffs who alleged they were sexually abused at orphanages and schools.
The settlement ends the bulk of two years of litigation involving the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth.
The plaintiffs alleged they were abused as children at orphanages and schools supervised by the nuns between the 1930s and 1970s. More than 20 of the plaintiffs accused a priest who was a longtime orphanage chaplain, and others accused several nuns and two laymen.
Attorneys Jennifer Kincaid Adams, representing the Sisters of Charity, and William McMurry, representing the plaintiffs, confirmed they had agreed to the settlement. But McMurry added that it needs to be completed with delivery of the check from the order, scheduled for Friday.
Under the agreement, the Sisters of Charity did not acknowledge any guilt, but the order did agree not to use the term “alleged victims” but rather “plaintiffs.”
Two other plaintiffs represented by a different lawyer did not participate in the settlement, Adams said. Their cases remain pending.
Adams said the nuns “are relieved and very comforted to have this behind them so that the healing process for their community, the plaintiffs and the church as a whole can begin.”
McMurry said the settlement marks “the first time in United States history any victims of a Catholic orphanage have recovered (a payment due to) childhood sexual abuse.”
He said all other cases have been dismissed on the grounds they were filed too long after the alleged abuse.
reageer bewerk geef kudos verstuur kopieer bekeken x 49
dinsdag, juli 11, 2006
Geheim huis voor immorele clerus in de 40-jaren!
Monday July 10th 2006 Irish Independent
THE Irish Catholic bishops were so appalled 60 years ago by evidence of immoral behaviour among priests, that they secretly authorised the setting up of a 'House for Clergy Under Correction'.
A previously unpublished document reveals that the bishops were so alarmed at the scale of the clerical scandals that they went to the extraordinary step of deliberately concealing from the faithful the true purpose for which inmates were sent to the detention centre in Waterford.
In the confidential document, endorsed by the bishops at their private meeting in Maynooth in 1946, they agreed that the proposed House "be given a name which will not have a defamatory connotation."
A recommendation from an Episcopal Committee appointed at the June Maynooth meeting in 1945 suggested that the House should be called either St Joseph's Home for Priests or St Joseph's Convalescent Home for Priests.
The four archbishops and 22 bishops from all 26 dioceses North and South pledged themselves to contribute €2 for each priest in their diocese who was sent as an inmate to the House.
"While the House is intended primarily for priests who through their own fault have rendered themselves unfit for missionary or other priestly work, the Superior may also admit priests who are incapacitated through non-culpable causes," it states.
Intriguingly, it does not specify the vices indulged in by errant clerics.
But in 1944 the Dublin City Medical Officer reported a sharp increase in venereal disease, a symptom of a marked growth of public 'immorality' in Ireland during World War II.
The confidential document is contained in the papers of the Archbishop of Dublin, Dr John Charles McQuaid, the son of a doctor who at that time was using his enormous influence to persuade the Sisters of Mercy to open the first VD clinic in Ireland.
The immediate post-War years saw a surge in emigration to Britain of unmarried young women, many of them leaving home to conceal illegitimate pregnancies, some of them from illicit sexual relations with or rapes by priests.
At a time when childbirth out of wedlock was deemed a grave social sin, unmarried mothers were being sent to Magdalene Homes to work in laundries, where later testimonies have shown that they were abused sexually by priests.
In an era of high unemployment and pervasive poverty, pressure was mounting on the religious orders to cater for children who were being sent by the courts to industrial schools and reformatories.
In view of this the House of Correction may also have been a location for bishops to send paedophile priests. The bishops were also worried by a general rise in public intemperance had been identified as a curse of the Irish priesthood.
Whatever the exact nature of the peccadilloes of the clergy, the initiative for establishing the House came from the Brothers of Charity, who were based at Belmont in Waterford.
Literally, the Brothers were pushing an open door.
Their proposal was granted by the Hierarchy in June 1945. The sub-committee formed to work out rules governing the House. consisted of the Coadjutor Archbishop of Cashel, Jeremiah Kinane, along with the Bishop of Ossory, Patrick Collier and the Bishop of Waterford, Daniel Cohalan.
They recommended that a chaplain representative of the whole Hierarchy should be appointed.
While the chaplain had faculties to hear the inmates' confessions, provision was made for an external confessor to visit the House at least once a week. for the discharge of his functions.
The rules further provided that there should be disciplinary regulations for the inmates with appropriate sanctions drawn up by the Superior after consultation with the chaplain. Among the disciplinary regulations was one forbidding inmates to leave the precincts without the express permission of the Superior.
This was to be given only for a grave cause and after consultation with the chaplain.
A clause was inserted giving Bishop Cohalan the right to make whatever disciplinary regulations in connection with the House and its inmates he might deem necessary for the preservation of good order and good morals in his diocese.
Admission to the House was open to not only priests attached to the Irish dioceses but also priests attached to dioceses in Britain, and Irish priests generally, whether secular or religious.
No priest whose admission the Superior, after due investigation and consultation with the chaplain considered likely to be a serious danger to the good order or good morals of the House, was to be admitted.
The disciplinary regulations specified dismissal for "conduct calculated to interfere seriously with the good order or good morale of the House.
John Cooney© Irish Independent
vrijdag, juni 16, 2006
Aansprakelijkheid Vaticaan. Oogjes toe en snaveltjes dicht!


Zo nu eerst een Bavaria. Tijd dat mannen weer mannen worden.
Kinderkruis tocht
News reports last week suggested that a U.S. district court in Oregon had
opened the door to legal action against the Holy See in a case related to the
sexual abuse of minors. If that ruling were to hold up, it would mark an
important blow to the immunity the Holy See generally enjoys as a sovereign
entity under international law.
In fact, legal experts stress this was merely a preliminary decision, and that we're a long way away from any American
court actually agreeing to hear a lawsuit seeking damages against the Vatican.
Nonetheless, the Oregon ruling raises anew what some Vatican officials
have long regarded as a nightmare scenario -- the specter of American courts assessing massive financial penalties against the Holy See.
Such concern was behind a request made by Cardinal Angelo Sodano, the most powerful Vatican official after the pope himself, to the U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice in a Feb. 8, 2005, meeting.
Sodano asked Rice for an intervention by the State Department in a sex abuse lawsuit in Kentucky, where the Holy See had been named as a defendant.
What Sodano wanted was for the State Department to assert the Holy See's immunity from liability as a sovereign state, something the State Department has done before when the Holy See has been sued. In the end, the Kentucky court upheld the Holy See's sovereign status, as American courts invariably have up to this point.
Sources told NCR this week that in subsequent meetings with American officials, Sodano has repeatedly expressed consternation over lawsuits against the Holy See in American courts.Until the 20th century, foreign states enjoyed more or less blanket immunity from legal action under American law. As states came to engage in a variety of commercial activities, however, and as the presence of foreign agents
in the United States increased, a theory of "restrictive immunity" began to emerge, which held that states should not enjoy immunity when engaged in non-sovereign activity, meaning the kind of activity that private firms or individuals could also perform.
In 1976, Congress adopted the "Foreign
Sovereign Immunities Act," which codified this restrictive principle. It reflected a distinction between de jure imperii, referring to governmental activities for which immunity remains intact, and de jure gestionis, meaning commercial or private activity for which states can be sued like anybody else.
For example, American courts will now hear cases against foreign
governments under two "commercial activity" exceptions, such as a case in which
a state-operated enterprise has defaulted on a contract, or wrongfully deprived
someone of their property.
There's also a "tort exception," to cover a case in which an agent of a foreign state causes harm to someone in a private capacity, such as running into their car. The mere fact of being a foreign agent, the theory runs, should not get that person off the hook for paying for the damages.
In the wake of the sexual abuse scandals in the United States, attorneys have tried repeatedly to invoke these exceptions to name the Holy See as a defendant. Some have argued that the Vatican is engaged in "commercial activity" in the United States, since some portion of American collections end up in Rome; others have argued that clerics are "agents" of the Vatican, and hence the Vatican is liable for their misconduct under the tort exception.
The Oregon case concerns an Irish priest named Fr. Andrew Ronan of the
Friar Servants of Mary, who died in 1992.The lawsuit alleges that Ronan engaged in sexual abuse in the 1950s while serving in an Irish priory, and was then transferred to St. Philip's High School in Chicago, run by the Friar Servants, where he again abused youths in 1963-64. In 1965, Ronan was moved again to St. Albert's Church in Portland, Oregon, where the suit alleges that he abused the plaintiff, identified only as "John Doe."
The lawsuit names the Portland archdiocese, its archbishop, the archbishop of Chicago, and the Order of the Friar Servants of Mary, along with the Holy See, as defendants.
In effect, the lawsuit argues that Ronan was an "agent or employee" of the Holy See, and hence that the Holy See is responsible for damages arising from the sexual abuse he is alleged to have committed. Judge Michael Mosman of the Oregon court held that while the commercial activity exceptions did not apply in his case, there could be a basis for proceeding under the tort exception. The court did not make any finding as to facts, and left open the question as to the next step.
Berkeley-based attorney Jeffrey Lena, who has represented the Holy See in most such cases, has filed a notice of appeal with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. In various press interviews, Lena also said that other barriers to jurisdiction, such as First Amendment issues, have not even been reached, as well as purely legal questions such as the statute of limitations.
Most legal experts say it's a long shot that the court will eventually take jurisdiction, among other things because it's a stretch to argue that every Catholic priest, brother and sister in the world is an "agent" of the Vatican.
(That would suggest a corps of more than 1.2 million Vatican "agents" in every nook and cranny of the planet).
Normally an "agent" or "employee" is defined as someone whose day-to-day activities are directed by the employer, who is supervised by the employer, and whose paycheck is signed by the employer.It would be difficult, experts say, to show that such was the case with Ronan.
Further, it would have to be shown that the "sovereign," meaning the Holy See, caused the abuse in Oregon to take place, or that it knew of the abuse and failed to stop it.
One would have to prove that someone in the Vatican tracked Ronan's affairs, and hence in theory should have known what he was up to.
Aside from the Oregon and Kentucky cases, there's one other lawsuit currently making its way through American courts that seeks to establish jurisdiction over an agency of the Holy See -- the Institute for the Works of Religion, popularly known as the "Vatican Bank." Alperin v. Vatican Bank deals with the Vatican's alleged role in recycling loot stolen by the pro-Nazi Ustasha regime in Croatia during World War II (the Franciscan Order is also named as a defendant).
To date, the wall of sovereign immunity in American courts has held up where the Vatican is concerned.
As with floods and hurricanes, however, the problem with lawsuits is that it only takes one.
En dát zijn dus verdacht interessante vragen over die RKK en het Vaticaan c.q. die Heilige Vader!
Zeker niet pas op tafel gelegd door slachtoffers van seksueel misbruik.
Daar zo'n 1000 jaar Europeese geschiedenis eens op nakijkend onder het kopje investituurstrijd zou getuigen van een heel wat volwassener omgaan met waar men zegt voor te staan dan al die dociele infantiele ontkenning
waardoor directe slachtoffers opnieuw slachtoffer gemaakt kunnen worden zoals de rest van die kerk dat is.rorate:
Forum: Actuele zaken. Geplaatst op 17/6 '06 6:59u. Onderwerp:
Franse priester met 20.000 pedofiele foto’s aangehouden (posts: 16, views:
Kan het niet zijn dat deze priester juist tegen pedofilie zou zijn, en een
dossier aan het aanleggen was om dit euvel aan de kaak te stellen?
Vaticaan II !
Afgedwongen door misbruikte kinderen........ in plaats van koningen, prinsen en mijters met hun clientela's.
En de vraag: wat geloof jij?
Paus ontvangt Britse premier Blair in privé-audiëntie
Overleg over interreligieuze dialoog
Geplaatst op 3/6 '06 om 13:37u Door Theo Borgermans (Bron: ANSA)

VATICAANSTAD ( - Paus Benedictus XVI heeft zaterdagmorgen de Britse premier Tony Blair in privé-audiëntie ontvangen. Dat heeft het Italiaanse persagentschap ANSA gemeld.
Tony Blair, anglicaan, was vergezeld van Cherie, zijn katholieke vrouw, en zijn kinderen.
Tijdens het onderhoud werd er gesproken over de interreligieuze dialoog en vooral over de dialoog met de gematigde islam, zo liet het Vaticaan weten.
Downing Street had eerder laten weten dat Blair bij de paus ging aandringen op de noodzaak dat de religieuze leiders gezamenlijk strijden tegen het extremisme en het terrorisme.
Na het onderhoud met de paus was er een ontmoeting met de Vaticaanse staatssecretaris kardinaal Sodano voorzien.
Het laatste bezoek van de Britse premier aan het Vaticaan dateert van 22 februari 2003. Blair had er toen een ontmoeting met Johannes Paulus II. (tb)
Paus krijgt van Hans Blix rapport massa-vernietingswapens
’Benedictus XVI kan als morele autoriteit grote rol spelen’
Geplaatst op 14/6 '06 om 15:28u Door Theo Borgermans
VATICAANSTAD ( - Naar aanleiding van de algemene audiëntie van de paus woensdag heeft Hans Blix, oud hoofd van de VN-inspecteurs in Irak, paus Benedictus XVI zijn rapport gegeven over de massa-vernietigingswapens.
Bij zijn aankomst in Rome dinsdag onderstreepte Blix de rol die de leider van de katholieke Kerk kan spelen "als morele autoriteit erkend door gans de wereld" ter vermindering van het aantal massa-vernietigingswapens.
Blix kondigde ook aan dat hij zijn rapport zal bezorgen aan de Wereldraad van Kerken ih Genève.
Het rapport kwam er op verzoek van Zweden. Het betreurt dat de internationale inspanningen voor de nucleaire ontwapening zijn verminderd. Het rapport bevat onder meer 60 concrete aanbevelingen. (tb)

Hier zijn géén massa-vernietigings wapens,

Fijn, dat je met Rexona het beest weer in jezelf los laat......
vrijdag, juni 09, 2006
Kinderbescherming ?
Een van die avonden dat ik blij ben met slachtoffers die de moed hadden en hebben hun mond open te doen!
Professor Vlaardingenbroek vanavond: "vreselijk voor die kinderen, voor die ouders, voor die samenleving eigenlijk."
Netwerk donderdag 8-6: Ondanks toezeggingen van de regering zijn er nog steeds te weinig opvangplekken in de jeugdzorg. Sommige jongeren met gedragsproblemen worden daarom uit nood in jeugdgevangenissen ondergebracht.
De 13-jarige Melissa is een van hen. Zij zit al zeven maanden onterecht in een gevangenis, omdat er elders geen plek voor haar was. Melissa was het slachtoffer van een groepsverkrachting en moest naar een gesloten inrichting voor behandeling en voor haar veiligheid. Omdat in de reguliere opvangplekken geen plaats was, kwam ze terecht tussen jeugddelinquenten die onder meer overvallen op hun kerfstok hebben. Ook kreeg ze niet de behandeling die ze nodig had.
Melissa is geen uitzondering. Jaarlijks komen ongeveer 2000 jongeren in jeugdgevangenissen terecht omdat ze elders niet kunnen worden geplaatst. Voor de kinderen en de ouders is dat vaak een traumatische gebeurtenis.
Eind april trok het kabinet 130 miljoen euro extra uit om de wachttijden in de jeugdzorg en de jeugd-ggz te verkorten. Het doel is dat vanaf 2007 jongeren niet langer dan negen weken op jeugdzorg hoeven te wachten. Ook maakte staatssecretaris Ross van Volksgezondheid afspraken met de jeugdzorg om meer jongeren te helpen.
In Netwerk aandacht voor de wachtlijsten voor behandeling in jeugdinrichtingen en de gevolgen daarvan. In de uitzending het verhaal van Melissa, die al meer dan een half jaar in een gevangenis zit en wacht op een behandeling.
Rondom 10 donderdag 8-6 Het loopt uit de hand in de Nederlandse jeugdgevangenissen.
De personeelsleden kunnen de, vaak zwaar gestoorde, jonge criminelen niet meer aan.
Geweld, seksuele intimidatie en een voortdurende gezagscrisis bepalen het dagelijks leven in de jeugdgevangenissen. Jongeren die nog baat hebben bij behandeling, krijgen dat niet of nauwelijks meer.
De afgelopen maanden kwam de crisis in de justitiële jeugdinrichtingen Harreveld en Den Engh naar buiten.
Maar in bijna alle jeugdgevangenissen dreigt het helemaal mis te lopen.
Justitie en politiek Den Haag koesteren ondertussen nog steeds de illusie dat de duizenden jongens en meisjes wél te behandelen en te verbeteren zijn.
Is dat een terecht geloof in een humane aanpak van probleemjongeren? Of vragen de extreme problemen van deze gestoorde jongeren om een andere aanpak? En bestaat die andere aanpak wel?
Daarover in Rondom Tien een live debat met ouders, jongeren die in de jeugdgevangenissen hebben gezeten, gevangenis-medewerkers en gevangenis-directeuren.
Church denial of truth over abuse must end
By Tom Hayes, June 06, 2006 06/06/2006
Tijd voor de Katholieke Kerk en degene die haar voortdurend verexcuseren erkennen
van wat er gebeurd is op Daingean en Lusk, schijft Patsy McGarry, Religious Affairs Correspondent
Vandaag komt de Congregatie van de Oblaten van Mary Immaculata voor de Staatscomissie van onderzoek naar het kindermisbruik. De Congregatie welke zich het felst tegen beschuldigingen van misbruik te weer heeft gesteld dreven St Conleth's in Daingean, Offaly en Scoil Mhuire in Lusk, Dublin.
Er zijn 322 misbruik klachten ingediend door vroegere bewoners van beide instellingen.
Bij zijn verhoor voor de Staatcomissie in mei 2005 verwiep Fr. Michael Hughes met grote nadruk iedere beschuldiging van serieus seksueel misbruik of fysiek geweld in Daingean.
Over beschuldigingen van seksueel misbruik door de staf zei hij:
"immoreel, onrein gedrag, wat strikt verboden was, was een probleem tussen de jongens.."
En het fysiek misbruik? " De straffen waren erg, erg streng, maar het zou onjuist zijn naar de mensen uit die tijd om te zeggen dat het misbruik was"
Niets van de door de wet vereiste bestraffingsadministratie heeft het overleefd.
Hij wist niet waarom.
Van de bezorgdheid zoals uitgedrukt door het Kennedy Comitee, na hun inspectie in 1968 van Daingeain
door het mbt de administratie van lijfstraffen op de blote kont van de jongens en het feit dat de toenmalige manager Broeder McGonagle deze beschouwde als " vooral kleinerend" was hij op de hoogte.
Br. McGonagle, zo zei hij, had de toegevoegde waarde van een dergelijke vernedering ontkent (God, mag ik even kotsen), hoewel hij niet ontkende dat de gestrafte jongens inderdaad naakt waren met hun shirts naar boven opgetrokken.
Br. Hughes accepteerde als "een eerlijke verklaring van wat was waargenomen" een rapport uit 1966 waarin werd gezegd dat lijfstraf in Daingean " frequent werden gebruikt. Wanneer deze werden gebruikt waren zij zeer zwaar en in mijn opinie onder geen omstandigheden te rechtvaardigen"
Hij ontkende dat de jongens niet voldoende werden gevoed en was het niet eens met een interne memo van het departement van Onderwijs waarin werd gesteld dat het onderwijs van de jongens schaamteloos verwaarloosd werd en dat zij gebruikt werden als arbeidskrachten
Tijdens de hearing werd ook gesproken over 6 Oblaten aan Daingean, welke tussen 1964 en 1969 geestelijk instortten. Br. Hughes was het ermee eens dat mensen onder zulke stress door het lint konden gaan en misbruik konden plegen , hoewel hij het gevoel had dat "zij (nu) zeer oneerlijk behandeld werden".
Hughes weet het falen van Daingean aan de gebrekkige Staat subsidiering.
Dit hoewel in 1955, na een bezoek, de staatsecretaris van het ministerie van Onderwijs Daingean beschreef als "Dickensiaans" en zei dat de situatie voor de koeien welke er gehouden werden aanzienlijk beter waren dan die van de jongens. Hij voegde hieraan toe: "Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat er flinke winsten gemaakt worden op de boerderij, maar ik kan geen bewijs vinden dat iets van deze winst ten goede komt aan de jongens ."
Je zou kunnen zeggen dat met zo veel gedocumenteerde en duidelijke bewijzen broeder Hughes nog al misleid is. Dat is aan de onderzoekscommissie om te beslissen.
Maar, mocht dat het geval zijn, is Hughes daarin niet uniek.
Bij sommige bischoppen, priesters en velen onder de „blijf van onze kerk af " -brigade heerst diezelfde tendens.
Waar bij bijvoorbeeld graag gebruik gemaakt wordt van statistiek uit het SAVI Rapport (Seksueel Misbruik en Geweld in Ierland) gepubliceerd in 2002 door het Centrum van de Crisis van de Verkrachting van Dublin.
Het bekende "slechts 3 procent van het seksueel misbruik wordt gepleegd door kerkelijk fuctionarissen. Waarom niet meer aandacht op die overige 97 %? "
Nu is die "3 per cent" feitelijk 3.2 per cent. Hetzelfde Savi Report bericht dat 2.5 % van het misbruik wordt gepleegd door vaders.
Dat betekent dat kerkelijke functionarissen als groep ( priesters en broeders ) 1.25 maal waarschijnlijker misbruik plegen dan biologiosche vaders.
Uit datgene wat er bekend is lijkt geen andere sociale groep - leraren of maatschappelijk werkers - bereikt die cijfers met betrekking tot misbruik.
Het, bewust of om andere redenen, ontkennen hiervan kan niet meer getolereerd worden, zeker niet na de welkome beslissing vorige maand van paus Bendictus over broeder Marciel Maciel Degollado na tientallen jaren beschuldigingen van seksueel misbruik.
Een nieuw voorbeeld waar het Rome aangaat.
Toen de beslissing werd bekend gemaakt gaven de legionairs en hun leken beweging Regnum Christi een buitengewone verklaring uit . Waarin wordt gezegd dat Maciel, de pauselijke beslissing volgend, zijn onschuld had verklaard en -het voorbeeld van Jezus Christus volgend, had besloten zichzelf op geen wijze te verdedigen. Een schandalige zogeen blasfemische vergelijking.
Er kan nauwelijks sprake zijn van grotere misleiding, maar in dit geval is die in ieder geval uiteindelijk aangepakt.
Terwijl sommige leidende figuren in de katholieke kerk hierover prijzenswaardig leiderschap hebben laten zien wordt het hoog tijd dat ook anderen , en die voortdurend vergoeilijkers, dat ook doen.
Tijd dat zij het voorbeeld van paus Benedictus volgen in de erkenning van de olifant in die sacristie waarmee afgerekend moet worden.
Na zoveel jaar - een dag later:
Dramatic U-turn for order on abuse in boys' reformatory
Confession marks dramatic U-turn for order on abuse in boys' reformatory-------------------------
Wednesday June 7th 2006
The Oblate Order yesterday confessed that
"excessive" physical abuse occurred in a boys' reformatory.
The order said it unreservedly condemned any sexual abuse perpetrated by some priests and
brothers in Daingean, Co Offaly.
The dramatic U-turn, in the wake of previous denials, took place just before lunchtime when its representative at the commission to Inquire into Child Abuse read out an apology.
Order apologises to former residents
The Irish Times Patsy McGarry07/06/2006
In his evidence to the investigation committee of the
Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse yesterday, Father Michael Hughes, for the Oblate congregation, acknowledged shortcomings in their management at Daingean reformatory and apologised "unreservedly" for suffering caused to former residents there by excessive physical punishment and some sexual abuse.
He said: "It is now clear that there were management failures.
In very many cases those failures were because we did not have sufficient resources at our disposal.
"Perhaps with hindsight we should have faced the fact and withdrawn from participation in the institution."
The congregation "operated a system put together and sponsored financially by the State. They did their best with the meagre resources available to them. The resources were seriously deficient," he said.
"The school buildings were old and unsuitable.
The school lacked elementary facilities such as decent classrooms. It was starved of capital and income. As a consequence, education and training programmes were very limited."
He continued: "Failures at management level did not impact only on the boys. They also seriously affected the Oblates working in the school.
"It is a tragedy that men who gave so much of their lives to this work should in the last decade have been characterised in such a blanket way as abusers."
On complaints of physical and sexual abuse, he said it was for the commission to make its findings but the Oblates "condemn without reservation any such acts. We point out, however, the very serious difficulties in coming to conclusions in this regard."
Accused staff still living deny any wrongdoing while many accused staff were dead and could not defend themselves, Father Hughes said.
"If the commission makes findings that there were instances of sexual abuse, we acknowledge that the consequences for the boys affected are incalculable. Based on the facts presented we do not believe there was evidence of widespread sexual abuse.
"The infliction of excessive corporal punishment would have had serious psychological effects for the boys. We accept and do not contest that the punishment as described by some of the complaints in Phase 2 (the private hearings) was unreasonably severe," Father Hughes said.
"We acknowledge that punishment for activities such as attempting to escape from the reformatory was excessive. Corporal punishment was, however, standard practice in primary and secondary schools for much of the 20th century."
He pointed out that "the State not only sanctioned corporal punishment with straps and birches, but also provided regulations for its use.
"Corporal punishment did not become illegal in Irish schools until 1982, more than a decade after its total abolition by the Oblates in Daingean reformatory."
He said the boys at Daingean stood very low in the State's priorities. The poverty at the reformatory was a choice society made, he added.
En in Texas? Kijk zelf maar
zaterdag, mei 27, 2006
27-5-06 Maciel Marciel Degollado
Brian Mershon
May 25, 2006
[Brian Mershon is a commentator on cultural issues from a classical Catholic perspective. His trade is in media relations, and his vocation is as a husband to his beloved wife Tracey and father to his six living children. He attempts to assist his family and himself in attaining eternal salvation through frequent attendance at the Traditional Latin rite of Mass, homeschooling, and building Catholic culture in the buckle of the Bible Belt of Greenville, South Carolina.]
"And He (Our Lord Jesus Christ) said that whoever receives one such little child in my name, receives me. But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged around his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea.Woe to the world because of scandals. For it is necessary that scandals come: but nevertheless, woe to that man by whom the scandals come." (Mt. 18: 5-7)
On the morning of May 19, the Holy See issued a short statement on the status of Father Macial Marciel, L.C., founder of the Legionaries of Christ."Beginning in 1998, the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) received accusations, already partly made public, against Fr. Marcial Maciel Degollado, founder of the Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ, for crimes that fall under the exclusive competence of the congregation. In 2002, Fr. Maciel published a declaration denying the accusations and expressing his displeasure at the offense done him by certain former Legionaries of Christ.
In 2005, by reason of his advanced age, Fr. Maciel retired from the office of superior general of the Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ."All these elements have been subject to a mature examination by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and — in accordance with the Motu Proprio 'Sacramentorum sanctitatis tutela,' promulgated on April 30, 2001, by Servant of God John Paul II — the then prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, authorized an investigation into the accusations. In the meantime, Pope John II died and Cardinal Ratzinger was elected as the new Pontiff.
"After having attentively studied the results of the investigation, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, under the guidance of the new prefect, Cardinal William Joseph Levada, decided — bearing in mind Fr. Maciel's advanced age and his delicate health — to forgo a canonical hearing and to invite the father to a reserved life of penitence and prayer, relinquishing any form of public ministry. The Holy Father approved these decisions.
"Independently of the person of the Founder, the worthy apostolate of the Legionaries of Christ and of the Association 'Regnum Christi' is gratefully recognized.
"Msgr. Charles Scicluna, the CDF's promoter of justice, reportedly had received signed affidavits and/or conducted in-person, or telephone, interviews with more than 100 ex-seminarians and/or priests of the Legion of Christ, with essentially corroborating stories about alleged violations, including sex abuse, by Father Maciel.
News outlets from National Public Radio, The New York Times and the major network news stations have reported the news. There will be no public ministry for Father Maciel any longer. He has accepted a request by the Holy See to a life of penitence and prayer for the rest of his days. There will be no canonical trial, nor official ruling on his guilt or innocence.
New Accusations Against Other Legionary Priests?
However, one of Father Maciel's original accusers, Paul Lennon, M.A., dropped the following bombshell in what may be yet another nuclear bomb for the Legion of Christ and its Regnum Christi apostolates in this exclusive interview with The Wanderer: Since the May 19 statement on Father Maciel from the Holy See, more alleged victims have come forward claiming sexual abuse, not only by Father Maciel, but from other priests of the Legion of Christ.
He said that due to the stigma attached particularly to male sexual abuse, the new accusers wish to remain anonymous at this time. Lennon was with the first class of Legionary priests ordained from Ireland back in 1969.
What Does It All Mean?
"Among canon lawyers, there is an expression, where there is smoke, there is fire," said Pete Vere, J.C.L. "As more and more allegations come forward, it is very difficult to believe that something may not have happened," he said.
However, Vere added that while he personally believes that based upon the actions of the Holy See with Father Maciel, "many of the allegations have been substantiated," he was quick to caution that that he "did not have access to the evidence."
"Inviting Fr. Maciel to live the remainder of his days as a penitent, without the public exercise of his ministry has a twofold effect: it affirms that the Church takes the charges seriously, considers them to be credible and punishable; secondly, it attempts to affect the ultimate salvation of Fr. Maciel by urging him to repentance," said Timothy Ferguson, J.C.L., a 38-year-old canonist from Clair Shoals, Michigan.
"It is more than a mere slap on the wrists," he said, "as it affects the one thing most people hold very dear, his reputation."
"Since this is referred to as an 'invitation' rather than an 'imposition,' it doesn't fall under canon 1342.2, which forbids the declaration of perpetual penalties without a judicial process," Ferguson said. As an invitation, there would seem to be no means for recourse or appeal against it," he said.
In other words, if Father Maciel had refused the Holy See's invitation to serve the rest of his life suspended from public ministry in penitence and prayer, Ferguson said he believed it "would necessitate the initiation of a penal process."
"I think what we're seeing with Benedict XVI's papacy, he is standing for what is not popular, but what is right," said canonist Vere. "With someone like Fr. Maciel and his stature, it is going to be cleared through the Pope, and this is just another example of him showing he will do the right thing even when it is very painful," he said.
What does the future hold for the Legion of Christ and the Regnum Christi movement whose "charism" is so tied to the person of "Nuestro Padre," Father Marcial Maciel?
Repeated requests for an interview with Father Anthony Bannon, L.C., superior for North America, or Father Owen Kearns, L.C., publisher of National Catholic Register, went unanswered by the Legion of Christ.So in lieu of receiving answers to specific questions, the official media statement by the Legion of Christ (found here ) reaffirmed that Father Maciel continues to deny any allegations brought forward by at least 100 accusers. However, the statement does make the following admonition, perhaps revealing more about the Legion of Christ and Regnum Christi's "spirit of obedience and faith" through their "spiritual" lens than perhaps they intended to reveal.
One particular part of the statement read: "Facing the accusations made against him, he declared his innocence and, following the example of Jesus Christ, decided not to defend himself in any way," read the second point of the Legion's media statement.
One Interpretation: The Church is Sanhedrin; Pope is Pilate; Maciel is Jesus
For those "with eyes to see and ears to hear," it appears the Legion's statement is at the least implying that Father Maciel is living a dry martyrdom, somewhat similar to the real martyrdom as Our Lord Jesus Christ, by not defending himself against made-up and false charges, except that one of the charges against Jesus Christ He was condemned for was true. He claimed to be the Messiah.
This analogy to Jesus Christ Himself is apparent upon reading the simple words of the statement. But who is the judge and who is the jury? Canonically speaking, due to Father Maciel's "advanced age and frail health," there will be no judge and jury. But effectively, based on the media statement from the Legion, who is Pontius Pilate and who is the jury, the Sadducees and the Pharisees in this "spiritualized" scenario?
"New Catholic" at wrote the following commentary on the Legion of Christ's response to the Holy See's ruling on Saturday, May 20.
"Now, the imitation of Christ is a duty of every Christian — but this proclamation of Christ-like qualities surpasses every measure of virtue. For here, the accusers are the victims (or even the supposed victims) of most horrendous crimes. Even if the accusations were false, which does not seem to be the case, is it appropriate to compare a man accused of these most grievous offenses to the Spotless Lamb? The Lord was accused of specific points of law, not of offenses committed against specific victims: and was convicted for the "blasphemy" of declaring that He was, indeed, the Son of God and, thus Divine."
Yet, that is not all: By comparing Maciel Degollado to Christ under trial, the 'official response' makes clear the indirect reference it wishes to make. Maciel is Christ; the competent Church authorities — the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Holy Father himself — are the Sanhedrin and Pontius Pilate (and Herod, the only one before whom Christ was actually completely silent).
"The man was accused of serious misdeeds. The investigations led to 'results' — this means (let no one be fooled by the Vatican's diplomatic words!) actual results, tangible results, which could have led to much harsher measures. Yet, in his exercise of Petrine authority and Christian charity, the Holy Father guided his ministers "to invite the father to a reserved life of penitence and prayer, relinquishing any form of public ministry" and gave his approval to this charitable measure.
"It is certainly fair to call this 'invitation' a 'cross': even fair punishments are crosses we are to bear. Yet, here once again, the 'official response' crosses the boundary of appropriateness: 'He [Father Marcial Maciel] has accepted this communiqué with faith, complete serenity and tranquility of conscience, knowing that it is a new cross that God, the Father of Mercy, has allowed him to suffer and that will obtain many graces for the Legion of Christ and the Regnum Christi Movement.' The troubling messianic aspects of this paragraph are evident."
Instead of remaining silent (which one would expect from a "obedient" son) or of THANKING [emphasis in original] the competent ecclesiastical authorities for the unbound concern they showed for the health and age of the man, and for the future fortunes of the movements he founded, the 'official response' even presents the 'suffering' as a privileged means of grace for the Legion of Christ and Regnum Christi.
This, while the Holy See itself was careful to distinguish the person of the founder from the Legion of Christ and Regnum Christi.
"'Salus animarum suprema lex' (Can.1752): it was wonderful to watch the Holy See apply this overarching principle of law once again. What a misfortune that such a beautiful spirit had to be squandered by sectarian gall. This official response only deepened the links between the Founder and his movements, which the Holy See had been careful to separate; and instead of the spirit of a Saint Joan of Arc, was filled with the spirit of self-righteousness. There may have been Pharisees in this succession of events — but they were not in the Vatican," New Catholic concluded his exegesis.
The influential Lutheran convert Father Richard John Neuhaus has previously strongly backed Father Maciel, the Legion of Christ and the Regnum Christi movement.
"It is reasonable to believe the CDF and the Holy Father that he did something wrong or it is nearly impossible to defend the decision," Neuhaus said.
In fact, Father Neuhaus had previously written that he was morally certain the initial charges against Father Maciel were false.
"Moral certainty is not absolute or metaphysical certainty," he said, while adding that he had been publicly supportive of Fr. Maciel and the Legion of Christ and Regnum Christi.
Father Neuhaus said that he had read the Legion of Christ's official statement regarding the suspension of Father Maciel's public ministry and offered the following interpretation:"Obviously, they view this as a cross that a holy man is bearing in a Christ-like manner, and they solidly affirm solid Catholic teaching that one is purified through suffering," he said. "There are many instances in Church history where actions taken by the Church's leadership turned out to be unjust,
"And seemingly offering Pope Gregory the Great as a possible analogy to the Father Maciel situation, Father Neuhaus, quoting Pope Gregory, said, "I loved righteousness, and I hated iniquity so I die in exile.""That is obviously the spiritual interpretation I expect most members of the Legion or Regnum Christi will have, with which I have no formal connection; that is their interpretation," he said.
When questioned about whether a contrarian perspective might be that this suspension of Father Maciel's public ministries might never have occurred under the pontificate of Pope John Paul II, Father Neuhaus opined that it was "reasonable speculation" to hold.
He also admitted that this news would most likely not be beneficial to the robust and aggressive recruitment efforts and fundraising engaged by the Legion of Christ throughout the world.
Another prominent canon lawyer, who wished to stay on background, explained the real meaning behind the carefully worded Vatican statement. "The mere fact that the CDF assumed jurisdiction over the case is because there was sufficient evidence, approximating probable cause," he said.
Also, he continued, "There was enough evidence of probable cause specifically regarding the crimes against either the sacrament of Holy Penance [the absolution of an accomplice in a mortally sinful action] or the abuse of minors," he said.
So many are still questioning whether the measure taken by the CDF, with direct authorization by the Holy Father, is essentially an act of caution with an undecided verdict. This indeed seems to be the interpretation given by the Legion of Christ's media statement.
"As there is no full exoneration, it is presumed that Maciel is guilty of at least one delict reserved exclusively to the CDF under the instruction Sacramentum Sanctitatis Tutela since he has been 'invited' to fulfill penance as a result of a canonical investigation into heinous crimes for which there exists serious evidence of wrongdoing," the canonist concluded.
What About the Victims?
One key perspective seemingly lost in all of this "spinning" of the facts is that a priest who has been entrusted by thousands of parents with the futures of their sons and daughters quite possibly sexually abused as many as a hundred of them. What about the victims?
Paul Lennon, M.A., one of the original accusers of Maciel, and the founding teacher at the Legion's original School of Faith, said that the original eight victims "are disappointed with the Vatican statement as it seems to leave them hanging."
"They are disgusted with the Legion's attempt to cast Maciel, the perpetrator, as a martyr. Dr. Jose de Jesus Barba said that "by wrapping themselves in the flag of orthodoxy and hiding behind Pope John Paul II's white cassock, in an astute juxtaposition of 'holiness by association,' Maciel and the Legion have been shielded against the legitimate complaints of their victims."
"The victims hope the Vatican statement may reveal the true abusive nature of this pseudo-Catholic Movement and free more victims to come forward, tell the truth, and continue their healing and recovery," Lennon said.
Extreme Secrecy, Psychological and Spiritual Coercion in SeminaryA young home-schooled high school graduate, who asked to remain anonymous, was excited about testing the call of God and his possible vocation when he entered the Legion of Christ's seminar in Cheshire, Connecticut, in the autumn of 1989.
He said he had to work all summer after graduating from high school in order to be able to afford to pay for a cassock prior to entering the order to "test his call" as the Legion literature dubs it.
He had experienced a visit from Father Anthony Bannon, and was impressed by the Legion's orthodoxy and dedication to the Church and Pope John Paul II. But as the young man soon learned, orthodoxy does not necessarily mean solid human or spiritual formation, at least in 1989 based upon his experience.
He was at the seminary for 6 weeks "because they wouldn't let me leave sooner," he said.
"I was told repeatedly that I could not leave from Cheshire," he said.
Now a devout Catholic husband and father, the former Legionary of Christ seminarian said the seminarians were exposed to daily psychological manipulation when he attended. He said the techniques were "powerfully psychologically coercive." He relayed that the Legion priests opened all seminarians' incoming and outgoing mail, as well as listened in on telephone conversations with family members.
"Absolutely," he said. "They read all of my letters; they were listening to telephone calls; I have no doubt," he said.
"I kept asking to leave and they wouldn't let me," he said.
"I told them I didn't feel comfortable taking the cassock, and I met with the novice master more than one occasion and said I didn't understand why they did the things they did"
After six weeks, in desperation one evening, he stayed up late and penned a 14-page letter of questions and presented it to his superior the next day.
"At 10 a.m. the next day, they said I was lying about them and said I need to retract everything I said," he said. After he refused to comply with their demands, he said they finally allowed him to go home the next day.
The elements of extreme secrecy were apparent throughout, he said. Although he said in his six weeks in the Cheshire seminary, he did not witness any sexual abuse, he did watch as one brother was on his way to a total mental breakdown, he said. "They preyed on some guys' insecurities, but I did witness the beginning of the breakdown of one of the brothers," he said."He was an eloquent speaker and a really good guy, but 10 months later after he left, he was a completely different guy," he said.
"Later, I found out he had suffered a total mental breakdown and had left," he said. "The level of psychological pressure was always there."
Advice to Current Regnum Christi Parents: Buyer Beware!
Lennon advises extreme caution should be exercised by parents when contemplating sending their sons to boys activities, camps, "test your call" weekends and/or the Legion's apostolic school. "Catholic Kids Net," summer camps for boys and girls, "Familia" and other such Regnum Christi apostolates are designed as "capturing" grounds for first parents, and then eventually their children, particularly boys for possible early "formation" in the Apostolic School.
Lennon said that if he were a parent with children, "I would demand that the credentials of all Legion of Christ priests working at these activities, including the Apostolic School, be made available to parents. and that they see these documents," he said. According to Lennon, if parents decide to send them, this extra precaution is necessary because "the Legionaries lie through their teeth to a degree that Americans do not even suspect," he said.
Lennon also cautioned against the Legionaries tactic of control at early ages through "spiritual direction," so-called. "I would not allow my children to have 'spiritual direction' with people who are not trained spiritual directors," he said. Especially in light of the fact that most young children, and even teenagers, are just learning how to pray, the actual need for spiritual direction is questionable, both spiritually and psychologically.
"I don't believe children who are so young need spiritual direction," he said. "Isn't confession enough?" Lennon asked.
When asked what advice he would give to current members of Regnum Christi with sons in seminary, the apostolic school or daughters in the Rhode Island girls' school discerning the consecrated life, the now father and husband, anonymous former seminarian said, "Legionaries don't just leave their families, they [are taught] turn their backs on their families."
"It broke down into disparaging comments about their fathers and mothers and their families," he said. "It was shocking."
Finally, the former seminarian said that some of the young men in seminary [often from Mexico] had been shipped off to Legionary school in Spain when they were 6 and 7, and when they came back to the U.S. seminary,
"They hated their parents and their families.""These folks who are very invested in the Legion — they need to investigate how much the Legion is invested in them."
[Editor's note:Both anonymous sources quoted here asked not to be named due to fear of future reprisals from the Legionaries of Christ. Other potential interviewees who said they would like to be interviewed to relay their personal testimonials with the Legion of Christ, and particularly their seminary experiences, refused to be interviewed to avoid suspected possible reprisals from the Legionaries of Christ.]
© Copyright 2006 by Brian Mershon