dinsdag, februari 05, 2008

Levensgevaarlijke Ierse kardinaal gokt op plekje bij Bernard Law tbv. de Ierse belastingbetalers

Waar Diarmuid Martin, aartbisschop van Dublin, en diens optreden zo belangrijk was in het opschonen van die Ierse mestvaalt die in staatonderzoek is gebleken rond de tehuizen en het diocesaan misbruik door priesters, wat startte met het Fernsonderzoek , een optreden dat ondanks de catastrofale realiteit van de omvang van de criminaliteit die was bedreven toch kon leiden tot hoop op dat er afgerekend kon worden met het verleden,is er nu bij de volgende noodzakelijk stappen kardinal Desmond Connell. Dr. Martin's voorganger, die de kardinale-Mahony truc nog eens uitprobeert.

Een juridisch vechten om nog steeds geen inzicht te hoeven geven in die mestvaalt.
Connell die de toezeggingen van Diarmuid Martin legaal onderuit probeert te halen.

Alsof die legale argumenten er in die stinkende hoop smerigheid eigenlijk nog iets toe doen.
Natuurlijk zijn legale argumenten belangrijk.
Maar een juridische strijd kan ook het perveteren in de eerder al zo bekende diepe minachting van wetgeving beteken.

Die kardinaal, die het nog flikt te proberen dat proces van definitief afrekenen met het misbruikverleden tegen te houden, is inmiddels al levensgevaarlijk gebleken.
Die kardinaal is, gezien de consequenties voor Ierland, staatsgevaarlijk.

Maar zo'n kardinaal is dat zeker niet alleen voor Ierland!

Het wordt nog een spannende week in Ierland.
Ten koste van heel veel mensen.
Slachtoffers van dit soort figuren!
Het nieuws van Connell komt hen bijzonder ongelegen.

Maar wie weet heeft Bernard Law nog wel een plek voor hem, in Rome. Om rond te gaan met de kardinale collectebak ten behoeve van de Ierse belastingbetalers.

Irish prelates clash on release of abuse documents
Dublin, Feb. 1, 2008 (CWNews.com) - In a rare legal clash between Catholic prelates, the former Archbishop of Dublin has gone to court to prevent his successor from releasing documents pertaining to Church treatment of sexual abuse by clergy.

Cardinal Desmond Connell, the retired archbishop, has persuaded the High Court to issue an injunction, halting the release of some 5,000 documents. His successor, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, had indicated that he was willing to hand over the documents to an investigation.

Ieren willen terugtreden kardinaal Dublin
Geplaatst door onze redactie op dinsdag 16 april 2002
BRUSSEL (KerkNet/RadVat) - Een meerderheid van de Ieren wil volgens Radio Vaticaan dat de Ierse kardinaal van Dublin, Desmond O’Connell, terugtreedt......

Iers onderzoek komt ongelegen voor kardinaal Desmond Connell
Geplaatst door onze redactie op vrijdag 25 oktober 2002

BRUSSEL (KerkNet/BBC) – Van de week maakte de Ierse regering bekend dat een onderzoek wordt ingesteld naar eventueel seksueel misbruik door geestelijken in het bisdom Ferns.

Het nieuws komt bijzonder ongelegen.

Vorige maand nog won de controversiële film ‘The Magdalena Sisters’ van de Schot Peter Mullan de Gouden Leeuw van het filmfestival van Venetië.

De prent vertelt het verhaal van vier zusjes, die in de jaren ’60 van de vorige in het Ierse opvoedingsgesticht van het Magadalenaklooster terechtkomen, er misbruikt en slachtoffer van geweld worden.

Eerder al lag ook kardinaal Desmond Connell onder vuur, nadat een televisiedocumentaire vraagtekens plaatste bij de manier waarop de Ierse katholieke Kerk, en in het bijzonder het bisdom Dublin, in het verleden met seksueel misbruik waren omgegaan.

...Kardinaal Connell van zijn kant herhaalde dat de Ierse katholieke Kerk alles in het werk zal stellen om bij te dragen tot het onderzoek, en wees er op dat de Ierse Kerk eerder ook al een onderzoek gestart was.

How truth got lost between canon and civil law

By Dearbhail McDonald, Legal Editor

Six years ago, anger at the Catholic Church's handling of clerical sex abuse reached a zenith when a damning documentary, 'Cardinal Secrets', was screened.

'Cardinal Secrets', which followed swiftly on the heels of 'Suing the Pope' -- an expose of sickening abuse in the Diocese of Ferns -- chronicled how priests in the Dublin diocese were granted a virtual licence to abuse children even after Church authorities received complaints from parents.

The scandal that shook the Roman Catholic Church throughout the world to its foundations broke in Dublin with an almighty vengeance.

The public, incensed by the scandal in Ferns [see the Ferns Report], clamoured for the resignation of Archbishop Desmond Connell, whose tenure was devastated by revelations of paedophiles among his clergy.

The scale of the problem in the country's largest diocese, where 450 legal actions had been initiated against clerics, was staggering. .......rest artikel

Monday, 4 February 2008
Cardinal Seán Brady has said the Irish bishops are united and determined to facilitate the establishment of the truth about paedophile priests.
The primate also said Pope Benedict had told them that justice must be ensured for everybody involved.

The intervention is being interpreted as providing comfort for both Cardinal Desmond Connell and his successor Archbishop Diarmuid Martin in their dispute over the Archbishops 'tell-all' policy at the Dublin Child Abuse Commission.

Earlier Dr Martin expressed surprise at Cardinal Desmond Connell's court action against the Dublin Child Abuse Commission.
Dr Martin said nothing had changed from his point of view and he had set out to ensure the church would get the truth out well and that it would protect children.
He also said he had no reason to believe Rome was not supporting him in waiving privilege over diocesan documents that he had given the commission.
Today the High Court postponed the challenge filed by Cardinal Desmond Connell to stop church documents from being examined.
The case will come up for mention again next Monday, but it is not known when a full hearing will take place.
Cardinal Connell claims he is entitled to assert legal privilege over the files. They contain legal advice that he requested while handling child abuse allegations when he was Archbishop between 1988 and 2004.
Shane Murphy, Counsel for the Cardinal's successor Archbishop Diarmund Martin, told the judge he was reserving his right to join the action as a Notice Party.
Counsel for Cardinal Connell, Roderick Horan, said he has no objection to the Archbishop's lawyers reviewing the documents in the case to facilitate their decision-making.

Make no mistake, the repercussions are serious
By John Cooney Religion Correspondent Saturday February 02 2008
Bishop Walsh was an ideal choice to calm the turbulent ecclesiastical storm. A lawyer by training, he was the prelate who piloted the diocese of Ferns through its painful Commission of Inquiry into the horrendous level of clerical child sexual abuse after the resignation in April 2002 of Bishop Comiskey.

But Bishop Walsh warned that even when churchmen go to lawyers, it is a minefield. Rome is silently watching the outcome of this landmark action, which will profoundly affect the reputations of the cardinal and the archbishop -- along with the Irish Church's standing with both the State and a critical-minded public.

Questions And Answers: Q1: Who is correct, the Archbishop or the Cardinal?
One News: Joe Little, Religious & Social Affairs Correspondent, reports that the High Court has adjourned Cardinal Desmond Connell's challenge for one week
News At One: Fr Martin Dolan, Curate, Dublin's Francis Street, criticises Cardinal Connell's court move and Archbishop Diarmuid Martin's muted response

Abuse files at centre of 2003 row
Cardinal Connell involved in legal tussle over same confidential information five years ago

THE CONFIDENTIAL files on child abuse that Cardinal Desmond Connell is attempting to withhold from a government inquiry were at the centre of another legal tussle five years ago.

Many of the 5,000 documents about suspect priests in the Dublin archdiocese were among those sought by the Garda National Bureau of Criminal Investigations which investigated clerical abuse in the archdiocese in 2003.

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